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2021 29th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED)

June 22-25, 2021. Bari, Puglia, Italy

Adaptive Control of Nonlinear Systems: Parametric and

Non-Parametric Approach
2021 29th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED) | 978-1-6654-2258-1/20/$31.00 ©2021 IEEE | DOI: 10.1109/MED51440.2021.9480230

J. Hozefa, S. Shadab, G. Revati, S. R. Wagh, and N. M. Singh

CDRC, EED, VJTI Mumbai, India

Abstract— Adaptive control of nonlinear systems is a well- Learning (CL) developed by [7] utilizes the data memory
established domain due to its ability to accommodate dy- and regressor extension to achieve convergence of parameters
namic variations and uncertainty. However, one of the primary under IE conditions rather than PE. CL builds a dynamic data
challenges in adaptive control of linearizable structures is
identifying the feedback control law’s coefficients. Therefore, stack to store discrete data online and uses the recorded data
a complete framework to determine the linearizing control is with instantaneous data for exponential parameter conver-
proposed without any assumptions or prior knowledge of the gence. However, the derivative of all the system states must
system parameters using the Dynamic Regression Extension calculate prediction errors that may not always be feasible
and Mixing (DREM). Parameters are estimated and updated as proved in [8].
online to ensure the exact cancellation of nonlinear terms
required by the linearization process. The proposed method Composite learning derived by [9] is another way to esti-
exhibits the global convergence of coefficients and improved mate parameters based on data storage. Unlike CL, a second-
transient response. Moreover, a comparison study between order filter is used to alleviate the system state derivative
parametric and non-parametric approaches is also presented in problem in composite learning. One of the parameters is the
this paper. Different white-box and black-box methods, namely integration window length, and it is not always calculable in
Artificial Neural Network (ANN), Gaussian Process (GP),
Concurrent Learning (CL), and DREM, are applied to estimate advance.
the parameter for linearizing control under uncertainties, and The Finite Time Estimator (FTC), i.e., Dynamic Regressor
their results are compared. The effectiveness of the proposed Extension and Mixing (DREM) derived in [10], [6] exhibits
methodology has been validated on an inverted pendulum using the following two distinct characteristics over the classical
MATLAB and Simulink.
parameter estimators:
Index Terms— Adaptive control, Gaussian Processes, Neural
Network, Nonlinear system, Parameter identification. • It ensures that each parameter error is monotonic, which
is stronger than the vector norm monotonicity shown in
I. INTRODUCTION [11], [12].
• It promises asymptotic convergence of parameters by
Adaptive control is an extensively researched area for
imposing a non-square integrability condition on the
controlling nonlinear plants with dynamical variations and
determinant of an extended regression matrix rather than
model uncertainties using an online parameter identification
PE. [13]
method for unknown coefficients as shown in [1], [2].
The Model Reference Adaptive Control (MRAC) techniques An alternate formulation proposed by [14] in which the
guarantee the stability of the closed-loop systems (CLS) and non-parametric, i.e., Gaussian Process (GP) for adapting
asymptotic convergence of the output tracking error to zero to the model-based and time-varying uncertainty, is imple-
under a suitable control law. Derived in [3], convergence mented. The Bayesian nature of the GP model leads to incor-
of the parameter estimation error to zero is only assured poration of the model as well as measurement uncertainty,
when a particular sufficient richness condition termed as derived by [15]. The contributions of the paper are listed as
Persistent Excitation (PE) holds for regressor signals. In follows:
many CLS, the PE condition on the information vector is • A comprehensive framework for learning the linearizing
difficult to satisfy. In [4] it is proved that satisfaction of control law of a plant is developed without any assump-
the PE condition depends on the regressor vector’s future tions or prior information of the system parameters.
behavior and demands that the signal has adequate energy for • The parameter estimation method derived in [6] ap-
the entire period. Moreover, parameter convergence requires plied to each equation of system state guarantees the
PE condition on CLS state variables, which depends on the convergence of estimation error within finite time with
parameter convergence, as shown in [5]. Furthermore, it leads improved transient response.
to a circular argument. • Due to online identification, any variation in system
An alternative milder condition of Initial Excitation (IE), parameters is also considered. The estimated coefficients
proposed in [6] is online-verifiable and only needs excitation are updated in the transformed system and control law
of information vector for a finite time interval. Concurrent to ensure tracking error convergence.
• A comparative analysis of the aforementioned methods
J. Hozefa et. al are with Control and Decision Research Centre (CDRC), is presented with simulation results.
EED, Veermata Jijabai Technological Institute, Mumbai 400019, India
hzjesawada In this paper, the section II describes the mathematical

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framework of adaptive control and their issues with uncer- linearly parameterized uncertainty is unknown, the adaptive
tainty. The parametric approach to overcome the excitation element is chosen as uad p (ζ ) = W T (t)η where η denotes the
condition and the finite-time convergence problem is pro- estimate θ .
posed in Section III. In Section IV non-parametric data- Gradient descent is a well-known algorithm used in most
driven system approximation techniques are elaborated and adaptive control systems to design adaptive laws to minimize
extended into the feed-back linearizing control framework. tracking errors. [1] However, it fails to ensure the parameter
The numerical simulations are performed with different convergence when the regressor signal is not PE. Any system
techniques on an inverted pendulum, and the experimental of equations can be made the problem of online estimation
results are presented in V, followed by conclusions in VI, of unknown constant parameters appearing linearly with
highlighting the fundamental results and contributions. regressor vector as:
For control synthesis, the following definitions [1] are used.
Consider a dynamical system with time-varying uncer- Defination 1: A known bounded vector W (ζ (t)) is interval
tainty. . exciting over [t, t +T ], if there exist T > 0, t ≥ t0 and σ ∈ R+
ζ = Aζ ζ + Bζ (u(t) + ∆(ζ (t), ϑ (t)) (1) such that
Z t+T
where, ζ ∈ ℜn is state vector, u ∈ ℜ is control input, ϑ ∈ Dϑ W (ζ (τ))W T (ζ (τ))dτ ≥ σ I (11)
is a signal denoted to capture the timevariation of system, t
λ = (ζ , u), Aζ ∈ ℜn×n , B = 0, 0, ...., 1 , and ∆ ∈ ℜ(ζ ) is Lemma 1: The Linear Regression Equation (LRE) (10) is
time varying uncertainty. identifiable at some η if and only if W (t) satisfies the PE
To characterize the desired outcome, the reference model condition for an interval [0,t].
can be built as Proof : Suppose, η ∈ Rq is an online identifier of ideal
ζ˙r = Ar ζr (t) + Br r(t) (2) coefficients θ ; then the mapping s : Rq → R represents the
where, r(t) is bounded reference, and Ar ∈ ℜn×n is Hurwitz estimates of g and given by
matrix. A tracking control law can be proposed as s(t) = W T (t)η (12)
u = u f rm + u f pd − uad p (3) The difference between (10) and (12) results in an error
where, equation.
u f pd = k f pd (ζr (t) − ζ (t)) (4) µ(t) = W T (t)m (13)

is a linear feedback part, and where, m = θ − η. if η and θ are identical, then it follows:

u f rm = k f rm [ζrT , r(t)]T (5) µ(t) = W T (τ)(θ − η) = 0 f or all τ ≥ 0 (14)

is a linear feedforward part, and uad p (ζ ) is an adaptive part and it is equivalent to

of the control law. (θ − η)T W (τ)W T (τ)(θ − η) = 0 (15)
The tracking error e is defined as e(t) = ζr (t) − ζ (t); with
the proper choice of ucrm such that Integrating (15) over [0,t]
Z t
Bucrm = (Ar − Aζ )ζr + Bζr r(t) (6) (θ − η)T W (τ)W T (τ)dτ (θ − η) = 0 (16)
the tracking error dynamics are found as to get η = θ , W (t) should be sufficiently rich over [0,t].
ė = Am e + B(uad p (ζ ) − ∆(ζ , ϑ )) (7) The richness of W (t) is dependent upon following two
where the full feedback controller u f pd = k f pd ζ is designed • There exist a q × q non-singular matrix W (t)W T (t) =
such that Am = Aζ − BK is a Hurwitz matrix. Hence there [W (t1 ),W (t2 ), .....,W (tq )]
exists a positive definite solution P ∈ ℜn×n to the Lyapunov • There exist the generated information vector W (t) which
equation for any positive definite matrix Q ∈ ℜn×n spans the whole Rq
ATm P + PAm + Q = 0 (8) A. Problem Formulation
This study is based on the assumption that the uncertainty The uncertainty ∆(ζ ) can be identified using different
∆(ζ ) is linearly parameterizable such that methods such as ANN, polynomial regression, and estimat-
ing the parameters using gradient estimator with output and
∆(ζ ) = W T (t)θ (9)
regressor data.
where, ∆(ζ ) = g : Rq → R represents the output form of an The gradient estimator generally faces the PE and finite-
unknown model, W (t) = W (ζ (t)) ∈ Rq is known regressor time convergence (FTC) issues. Moreover, the simplest form
vector as a function of system states ζ (t) and θ ∈ Rq are of polynomial regression fails to account for the uncertainties
actual coefficients appearing linearly. In the case where the in the measurements and parameters. One way is to employ


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the Bayesian polynomial regression as shown in [1] ; how- property results in q-scalar linear regression equations
ever, it suffers from difficulties such as (21) and impose the non-square integrability condition
i) The model selection is crucial for function approximation. on the determinant We that differs from the PE.
Improper model selection leads to poor fitting and often 5. The parameter identification (ηi ) of θi can be easily
contributes to over-fitting, carried out using gradient estimator as follow:
ii) The least-squares approach is used to find the coefficient
which is sensitive to outliers. η̇i = γi |We | (Gi − |We | ηi ) (22)
An alternative can be ANN for prediction, but ANNs
are computationally expensive and typically require more The error dynamics admits the differential equation:
data than traditional machine learning algorithms. Inade-
quate learning rate, noisy data, unsuitable structure, and ṁi = −γi |We |2 mi , i∈q (23)
an inappropriate number of hidden neurons influence the
development of ANN applications. Solving the equation (23), it is inferred that.
The DREM in adaptive control is proposed as a com-
plete framework to overcome the gradient estimator’s issues. |We | ∈
/ L2 , lim mi (t) = 0
Furthermore, Gaussian Process Regression (GPR) is imple-
mented to approximate the uncertainty, which corresponds The implementation of DREM-based estimation over the
to a class of Bayesian inference-based methods. gradient estimator and least square method is motivated due
to its improved transient response and global convergence.
The gradient estimator’s significant drawbacks are the
convergence of the estimated parameters dependent on the re- IV. THE NON-PARAMETRIC APPROACH
strictive condition of the data richness, i.e., the persistence of
The parametric approach has the disadvantage that it is
excitation and its transient response is highly unpredictable
dependent on the accurate estimation of the system param-
[6]. A new parameter estimation algorithm called DREM
eters, under fixed system structures and assumptions. While
is presented to overcome the classical gradient method’s
the non-parametric methods don’t rely on system parameter
values and a fixed basis function. It makes more sense
The step-by-step process for applying the DREM algo-
to employ a non-parametric data-driven method for system
rithm [6] is defined as
approximation. This paper briefly discusses two such class
1. Obtain the equation in linear regression form. of methods: Deterministic and Probabilistic methods
g = W T (t)θ (17)
where, g, W and θ are defined in (10) A. Artificial Neural Network
2. In order to tackle the restriction of PE condition, q − 1 One example of the deterministic data-driven method is
stable linear filters (.) f i = s+β i
(.) are applied to (17) ANN. The ANN modeling uses feed-forward Networks (FN)
to obtain filtered equations represented as: due to the involvement of dynamic behavior and function
g f i = W fTi (t)θ , i = 1....q − 1 (18) approximation [16]. The FN with a hidden layer performs
well for continuous function approximation [17]. raining of
3. Merging the (17) and (18) in matrix form to get a new ANN is primarily based on optimization and the goal is to
extended regression system map the input-output pairs {(Wi , gi )}ni=1 with proper weight

 
W T (t)
 adjustment so that error r(θ ) is minimized.
 g f 1   W fT1 (t) 
 ...  = 
θ (19) 1 n
∑ (ηi (W, θ ) − gi )2
  
...  R(θ ) = (24)
g f (q−1) W T (t) 2 i=1
| {z } | f (q−1) {z }
Ge We For weight adaptation, various algorithms, i.e., recursive least
square, LM method, are proposed in the literature. In the
The equation (19) with Ge ∈ Rq×1
and matrix We ∈
case where the training data points are much larger than the
Rq×q can be written in compact form as
hidden nodes (HN), the error is largely due to the small
Ge = We θ (20) number of weights. The reduction of error, which closely
represents the data, is obtained by increasing the HN. After
4. With the help of matrix inverse property, the (20) is
an optimal number of HN, testing error starts increasing
represented as
due to overfitting. Therefore, an appropriate number of HN
Gi = |We | θi (21)
should be chosen to approximate the input-output relation
where, Gi = ad j(We ).Ge and |We | is determinant of We . of a system. ANN fails to account for any uncertainty in
Remark 4: In the DREM algorithm derived in [10], the input/output, and values will underestimate the predictive
use of stable dynamic operator and matrix inverse distribution variance.


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B. Bayesian Regression and Gaussian Process Let σ (t) ∈ N be a switching index advancing whenever
The probabilistic Bayesian approach calls for the use of there is addition or removal of any data point from the basis
prior knowledge to form a posterior distribution, i.e., it vector set. The mean function in (28) is evaluated for σ th
predicts the probability distribution for an unobserved data active system using active basis vector set, and is denoted as
point. A distribution over possible values is returned instead M̂ σ . Given the sparsified set of all available data, a model
of a fixed point as a prediction. This approach provides a of a stochastic process ∆(ζ¯ ) is formulated as
valuable way to quantify model uncertainty and to exploit v̄ad (ζ¯ ) ∼ GP(M̂ σ (ζ¯ ), k(ζ¯ , ζ¯0 )) (31)
the knowledge of this uncertainty to make more robust
predictions on new test points, as proved in [18]. The Bayes’ The adaptive signal v̄ad (ζ¯ ) is equated to estimate of the mean
rule is used to calculate the posterior probability distributions M̂ σ (ζ¯ ):
for the given prior and maximum likelihood function. ūad p (ζ¯ ) = M̂ σ (ζ¯ ) (32)
P(A|B) = (25) Computing the inverse in (27) becomes intractable as Λ̄t and
P(B) gt grows in size. This is less problematic for traditional GP
The GP is the extension of Bayesian regression and multi- regression applications, which utilize finite learning samples
variate Gaussian into infinite-sized variable space. In par- for regression problems; however, the learning samples’ mul-
ticular, Gaussian processes are distributions over random tiplicity needs not be bound in an online setting. Therefore,
functions. Let m(λ , ϑ ) and k(.; .) be the mean function and an online method is required to limit the number of data
a positive definite covariance kernel respectively, then GP is points stored for inference to extend the GP regression to
represented as the MRAC.
The number of updates to Λ̄t is restricted by checking
∆(ζ , θ (t)) ∼ GP(M(ζ (t), θ (t)), k((ζ (t), θ (t)), (ζ (t 0 ), θ (t 0 ))))
the contribution of the point to FΛ̄t via the Kullback-Liebler
divergence. The point is not added to Λ̄t , if the divergence is
where ∆(λ , ϑ ) ∈ R.
below a threshold γ. However, if the new point is to be added,
then one of the existing points in Λ̄t needs to be deleted to
Λ̄ = ζ¯1 , · · · , ζ¯t and gt (ζ¯i ) = ∆(ζ¯i ) + εi

prevent the budget from exceeding. The oldest Point strategy,
the oldest point added previously to Λ̄t is deleted.
Be a set of state measurements and corresponding out-
The GPR performs well for the interpolation of data but
puts respectively where εi ∼ N (0, ω 2 ) is a Gaussian white
fails to produce meaningful results while extrapolating. GPR
measurement noise.
As per GP defined in (26), the data estimates become less accurate with high variance for unseen
∆(λ¯1 ), · · · , ∆(λ̄t ) has prior distribution N (0, K(Λ̄t , Λ̄t ))

data out of the range of the training set. Because of this
where K(Λ̄t , Λ̄t ) is the Gram matrix of the elements in Λ̄t .
drawback GP models are needed to be re-trained iteratively
Given a new input ζ¯t+1 , the joint distribution of the data
for unseen data, which adds a computational overhead to this
available up to t and ζ¯t under a Gaussian prior distribution
is given by
" #!
K(Λ̄t , Λ̄t ) + ω 2 I kλ̄t+1
∼ N 0, ∗ (27)
gt+1 kλ̄T kt+1 For the implementation of proposed DREM-based adap-
tive control and GP-based non-parametric method [14], a

where kλ̄t+1 = K(λ̄t+1 , Λ̄t ) and kt+1 = k(λ̄t+1 , λ̄t+1 ). By two-dimensional dynamical model of inverted pendulum [7]
conditioning the joint Gaussian prior distribution over the is considered, which is already in normal (transformed) form.
observation λ̄t+1 the posterior (or the predictive) distribution Consider the dynamics of an inverted pendulum. [7]
is obtained as .
ζ1 = ζ2
p(gt+1 | Λ̄t , gt , ζ¯t+1 ) ∼ N (M̂t+1 , Σ̄t+1 ) (28) . (33)
ζ2 = sin(ζ1 ) − |ζ2 | ζ2 + 0.5eζ1 ζ2 + u
M̂t+1 = αt+1 kζ¯t+1 (29) The scalar uncertainty of  model (33)  is represented
in LRE wT θ with θ = 1 −1 0.5 and w(t) =
∗ T
− kλ̄T Ckλ̄t+1
Σ̄t+1 = kt+1 (30) sin(ζ1 ) |ζ2 | ζ2 eζ1 ζ2 . The reference model is given as
are the estimated mean and covariance respectively, and C = .
(k(Λ̄t , Λ̄t ) + ω 2 I)−1 and αt+1 = Cyt . Positive definite kernels ζr1 = ζr2
generate mapping φ : R → H where H is a reproducing kernel . (34)
ζr2 = −1ζr1 − 2ζr2 + r
Hilbert space and k(ζ , g) = hφ (ζ ), φ (g)iH and any set Λ̄t is
mapped with a set of elements φ (Λ)t in H. This can be The Model Reference Adaptive Control (MRAC) law [1]
perceived as a subspace of functions FΛ̄t in H. In fact, each is designed to meet the requirements of the reference model
coefficient in the vector M̂t+1 realizes one particular function employing an adaptive parameter estimation uad p , a feedback
from this subspace as an estimate of the mean. part u f pd and a feed-forward part u f rm


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u = −kTf pd e + kTfrm ζre − (wT (t)η) (35)
| {z } | {z } | {z }
u f pd u f rm uad p
where, ζre = ζrT , r , k f pd = 1.5, 1.3
and, k f rm =
−1, −2, 1 are the control gains. For simulation, ζ (0) =
ζr0 = 1, 1 , r(t) = 1 for t ∈ [20, 32.5), and r(t) = 0 for
t ∈ [0, 20) ∩ [32.5, ∞) are defined to distinguish the tracking
performance of estimated states
Fig. 2. Evolution of adaptive parameters and their errors m = θ − η of
A. Parametric Approach inverted pendulum when using DREM and adaptive controller

The model uncertainty term W T (t)η in which the pa-

rameters are estimated using finite-time parameter estimator
(DREM) procedure By applying (18)-(21) and updated in
The key goal is to design MRAC’s proper parametric up-
date rule such that both e = ζ (t) − ζr (t) and parametric error
converge asymptotically to zero under the condition of non-
square integrability on the determinant of extended regressor
matrix of (21), rather than imposing PE on regressor.
The system states following the reference in a convergent
manner are shown in Fig. 1, and corresponding error trajec- Fig. 3. Tracking performance of estimated states ζ (solid) with their
references ζr (dashed) for ε = 0.01 using adaptive controller, Gaussian
tories converge to zero. process method.
The coefficients are converging to their actual values at
t = 0.4 sec approximately, and parameter errors are decaying
to zero. The transient performance of the parameter errors,
error convergence, and estimated values of the coefficients
tracking to actual values for the estimator is given in Fig. 2.

Fig. 4. Tracking performance of estimated states ζ (solid) with their

references ζr (dashed) for ε = 0.01 using adaptive controller, and GP method
in presence of measurement noise.

Fig. 1. Tracking performance of estimated states ζ (solid) with their

references ζr (dashed) for ε = 0.01 using adaptive controller, DREM and
High Gain Observer.

Remark 5: The proposed structure provides better tran-

sient performance in comparison with MRAC, Model Ref-
erence Composite Adaptive Control (MRCAC), and Model
Reference Composite Learning Control (MRCLC) shown Fig. 5. Tracking performance of uncertainty ∆ with their references ζr
in [9] due to its finite-time convergence and scalar mono- using GP method
tonicity. The first and second-order optimization schemes get
trapped due to unreliable computation and numerical insta-
bility in gradient and hessian. This significant disadvantage to their actual values when a non-parametric approach is
can be overcome using a non-parametric approach. implemented. The uncertainty is considered in Fig. 4 , which
was previously ignored for parameter estimation. The non-
B. Non-Parametric Approach parametric GP-MRAC approach provides the key benefit
Comparing Fig. 1 and Fig. 3, it is observed that the GP- of learning and locally predicting the uncertainty based on
MRAC strategy has a much smoother control response. The creating and updating the budgeted dictionary of bases and
states converge immediately right from zero (start/origin) associated parameters. It is evident from Fig. 5 that GP-


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MRAC can perform well in terms of the tracking error, and neural network architecture which alleviates the drawbacks
the target to model the uncertainty as accurately as possible of classical ANN with probabilistic weights and maintains
is achieved. good extrapolation properties.
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Future work concerns to mitigate the drawbacks of GPR.
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burden due to re-training of the GP model in an online
setting needs to be addressed. A new framework of feedback
linearizing control by exploring other data-driven methods
can be developed. One such data-driven method can be Prob-
abilistic Bayesian Neural Networks (PBNN). The PBNN has


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