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4 Research Questions

- To identify the level of knowledge regarding arterial blood gases analysis among ICU

1.5 Research Hypothesis

Null Hypothesis (HO)

- There is no significant relationship between level of knowledge and level of education

Alternative Hypothesis (HI)

- There is a significant relationship between level of knowledge and level of education


Arterial blood gases sampling is one of the most common laboratory tests in ICUs. It is
made daily for all patients at ICU that allows the objectives evaluation of a patient’s
oxygenation, Ventilation and acid – base balance; the results from ABG will indicate how well
a patient’s respiratory system is working. However, ABG can offer more than just knowledge
about respiratory system they also indicate how well a patient kidney and other human body
organs are functioning. Therefore, nurses are often the first members of the health care team to
see ABG results and play an important role to eliminate problems that interfere with the
accuracy of test results and may lead to life threating medical decisions. The significant of this
study is to determine nurses’s level of knowledge and education regarding arterial blood gases
analysis for critically ill patients (Rehab, 2022)

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