PFSense LDAP Authentication On Active Directory

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2resen20 fechExpert Caner ff Home = Bi tutorials @ Books ——@ Youtube Channels BBEnglish vy = Q PFSense LDAP Authentication on Active PFSense LDAP Authentication on Ac} Directory Would you like to leam how to configure PFsense LDAP authentication on Active directory? In this tutorial, we are going to show you how to authenticate PFSense users using the Active directory database from Microsoft Windows and the LDAP protocol + Pfsense 2.44-p3 PFsense Related Tutorial: On this page, we offer quick access to a list of tutorials related to pfSense, List of Tutorials | PFSenso Installation @_PFSense SNMP Configuration a PFSense SNMPv3 Configuration PFSense Net-SNMP Installation oo PFSense Email Notification Setup o PFSonse Authentication on Freeradius PFSonse Authentication on Active Directory using Radius PFSense Language Configuration PFSense Backupand Restore PFSonse Password Recovery PFSense - SSH Configuration oooooea PFSense - Traffic Shaper o PFSense Multiple WAN Failover ‘This website uses cookies and third party services, 0K hips itechopertpsipleonsallsonse-idap-auhertcation-achve-drectory ‘Tuorial - PFSerse LDAP Authentication on Active Directory [Ste by tp] ch About COTY Home /piSonse / PFSanse LOAP Authentiaton on Act Srsetory wr 2eszn20 ‘Tuorial - PFSerse LDAP Authentication on Active Directory [Ste by tp] @_PFSense Captive Portal Configuration PFSense - Vian Configuration PFSense -NTP Server ooo PFSense Link-Aggregation PFSonse Remote Syslog PFSenso NtopNG Installation PFSense Snort installation PFSense Squid Installation PFSonse - Outbound Proxy Configuration PFSense - Reset to Factory Default omaoooao PFSense -Zabbix Agent Installation. o Zabbix - Monitoring Pfsense using Agent | Zabbix--Monitoring Pfsense using SNMP Tutorial - Windows Domain Controller Firewall First, we need to create a Firewall rule on the Windows domain controller, This firewall rule will allow the Pfsense server to query the Active directory database, (On the domain controller, open the application named Windows Firewall with Advanced Security Create a new Inbound firewall rule, @ Windows Firenell with Advanced Secuiity on Local Computer (Ep Inbound Rules Hh Owtscuns tal] NewRule. id : = fat Fitaky Probie Fitertystite > FivbyGm > View , Tetesh oot ist, Hele Select the PORT option ‘This website uses cookies and third party services, hips itechopertpsipleonsallsonse-idap-auhertcation-achve-drectory 0K 2rasen20 ‘Tuorial - PFSerse LDAP Authentication on Active Directory [Ste by tp] Rule Type ng rat > Pane Select the TCP option. Select the Specific local ports option. Enter the TCP port 389, Protocol ond Pots Siete ch dt asbepen soe fe e168 * wr cl pats © Suatetoetpate: Select the Allow the connection option. ‘This website uses cookies and third party services. ok hips itechoperpsiplsonsallsonse-idap-auhertcation-actve-drectery an 2rasen20 ‘ation Srtne scons te ain scinaae nna conte ete le ew tid see tert mtn ede? © sat conmctn Trane comnasnsnr tensa ang Pee, Cnet Picts Re tearm eeertorsin an Check the DOMAIN option. Check the PRIVATE option, Check the PUBLIC option. Protie Siete tric aspen oman sntrpoesscmueconmotine pee meotho aore wnate Enter a description to the firewall rule, ‘This website uses cookies and third party services. hips itechopertpsiplconsallsonse-idap-auhertcation-actve-drectory ‘Tuorial - PFSerse LDAP Authentication on Active Directory [Ste by tp] an 2rasen20 ‘Tuorial - PFSerse LDAP Authentication on Active Directory [Ste by tp] Nome Congratulations, you have created the required firewall rule. This rule will allow Pfsense to query the Active directory database, Tutorial - Windows Domain Account Creation Next, we need to create at least 2 accounts on the Active directory database, ‘The ADMIN account will be used to login on the Pfsense web interface. ‘The BIND account will be used to query the Active Directory database. On the domain controller, open the application named: Active Directory Users and Computers Create a new account inside the Users container, ‘This website uses cookies and third party services. ok hips:Rechespert psipeensalpleense-Idap-auhertcator-achve-sractary si7 2resen20 ‘Tuorial - PFSerse LDAP Authentication an Active Directory [Ste by tp] Ty Active Directory Users and Computers [TECHDCUT TECHLOCAL] Saved Queries 4 Hi TECHLOCAL 15 Buln > 2 Computers > Domain Controle > ForeignSecurtyPrincipals > 2 Managed Sevice Accounts (Users) Delegate Contiol, Find New Computer Al Tasks Vien Refresh Expert List Properties Help Coatact Group InetngPercon maDS-RerourcePropenylist selmaging-PSP2 Ista Queue Ali Printer Shared Folder Create a new account namect admin Password configured to the ADMIN user: 123qwe.. This account will be used to authenticate as admin on the Pfsense web interface, ‘This website uses cookies and third party services, 0K hips itechopertpsipleonsallsonse-idap-auhertcation-actve-crectory ei 2rasen20 ‘Tuorial - PFSerse LDAP Authentication on Active Directory [Ste by Step] Esirane Lotrane Fulrane: Userlog nae: [zd @TECHLOCAL User nn news 200) Frei |e Boe: rcntccns Basar (ortim paren (Css must cree beso ant gon (7 Uae canna charge passerd le Posonerdneverexes (lactis raid Create anew account named: bind Password configured to the BIND user: 123qwe, This account will be used to query the passwords stored on the Active Directory database. ‘This website uses cookies and third party services, ok hips:Rechespert psipeensalpleense-Idap-auhertcator-achve-sractary mr 2rasen20 ‘Tuorial - PFSerse LDAP Authentication on Active Directory [Ste by Step] Eran Latrane Fulrane: Userlog nae: bina @TECHLLOCAL User nn nae wns 200) ea ic Boe: rcntccns Basar (ortim paren (Css must cares beso at gon (7 Uae canna charge pasoerd [e Posonerdneverexies [lacus eal Congratulations, you have created the required Active Directory accounts, Tutorial - Windows Domain Group Creation Next, we need to create at least 1 group on the Active directory database, ‘On the domain controller, open the application named: Active Directory Users and Computers Create a new group inside the Users container. ‘This website uses cookies and third party services, ok hips:Recherpert ipsipeersalpeonse-Idap-adhertcation-achve-sractary an 212612020 ‘Tutorial - PFSense LDAP Authentication on Active Directory [Step by Step), 7 TRHLOCAL > A Buin + Il Computes >» (@) Domain Controllers > Frege > Manages sence Accounts ft Delegate Contr Fin New Comparer AL Taste > contact View > [Soup Tae IhetOrqPerson Penis m2DS ResourcePropertyist Sante malmaging PSPs MSMO Queue Ais Fe Printer User Shaved Folder Create a new group named: pfsense-admin Members of this group will have the Admin permission on the PFsense web interface, GR, costein: evocation Siounnare: iense-adin Sioup nae [pe-Wivdos 209°: Psense-adrin Group scope Group type (© bonsin ocl (© secuty Important! Add the admin user as a member of the pfsense-admin group, ‘This website uses cookies and third party services. ok hips:Rechespert ipsipeensalpeense-dap-adhertcaton-achve-sractary an 2eszn2a ‘Tuorial - PFSerse LDAP Authentication on Active Directory [Ste by tp] enwal) Menbess [Hanh Sf] Manaced ib ‘Ave iesiog Donan Serves Fee aE Congratulations, you have cteated the required Active Directory group. PFSense - PFSense LDAP Authentication on Active Directory Open a browser software, enter the IP address of your Pfsense firewall and access web interface. In our example, the following URL was entered in the Browser: https://192.168.1541 ‘The Plsense web interface should be presented. SIGN IN (On the prompt screen, enter the Pfsense Default Password login information. + Username: admin Password: pfsense After a successful login, you will be sent to the Pfsense Dashboard. ‘This website uses cookies and third party services, 0K hips itechopertpsiplconsallsonse-idap-auhertcation-actve-drectory son 2resen20 ‘Tuorial - PFSerse LDAP Authentication an Active Directory [Stn by Step] ‘Access the Pfsense System menu and select the User manager option. advanced Cert. Manager High Avail. Sync Logout (admin) Package Menage Routing Setup Wizard Update ee (On the User manager screen, access the Authentications servers tab and click on the Add button. System / User Manager/ Authentication Servers Users Groupe Settings” Authentication Servers (On the Server settings area, perform the following configuration: + Description name: ACTIVE DIRECTORY “Type: LDAP Descriptvoname | AGTIVEDIREDTORY Bee ae : (On the LDAP Server settings area, perform the following configuration’ + Hostname or IP address - 192168.15.10 + Port value - 389, + Transport - TCP - Standard, ‘This website uses cookies and third party services. hips itechopertpsipleonsallsonse-idap-auhertcation-achve-drectory 0K sw 2resen20 ‘Tutorial - PFSerse LDAP Authentication on Active Directory [Step by tp] Base DN - de-techde-local + Authentication containers - CN-Users DC:tech,DC-local + Extended query - Disabled + Bind anonymous - Disabled + Bind credentials - CN-bind CN-UsersD\ + Bind credentials Password - Password of the BIND user account + Initial Template - Microsoft AD + User naming attribute - samAccountName + Group naming attribute - cn = Group member attribute - memberOf + RFC 2307 Groups - Disabled + Group Object Class - posixGroup - UTF8 Encode - Disabled + Username Alterations - Disabled ‘You need to change the IP address to your domain controller IP. You need to change the domain information to reflect your Network. environment, You need to change the bind credentials to reflect your Network environment. ‘This website uses cookies and third party services, 0K hips:Rechespert ipsipeersalpeonse-Idap-adhertcaton-achve-sractary sone 2raeen20 ‘Tuorial - PFSerse LDAP Authentication on Active Directory [Ste by tp] Pee 192,168.15 389 Transport | TCP - Standard . Peor Certificate Authority No Certificate Authortios defined. Create one under System > Cert. Manager Protocol version | 3 7 ServerTimeout 25 Timeout for LDAP operations (seconds) Search scope Level Entire Subtee = Baco DN DC=techDC=local Authentication containers | CN=Usere,00-tech,DC mended query) Enable extended query GeDemprmn: thee srcngprnin bi oremeh aig {N-bindENUsereO-tech local ind credent User naming attribute Group naming stitute [ coup member atte, | meme? RF02207 Groups _C) LOAP Garvarusee RFC2R07 syle group membership Group Objet Clase posisGious UTP8 Encode) UTF8 ence LDAP parameters beove sending them Usemame Alterations ©) Dono stip away part of te ueemams ater Click on the Save button to finish the configuration, In our example, we configured the Ldap server authentication on the PFSense firewal. ‘This website uses cookies and third party services, hips:Rechespert psipeensalpleense-Idap-auhertcator-achve-sractary 0K snr 2raeen20 ‘Tuorial - PFSerse LDAP Authentication an Active Directory [Step by Step] ARP Table Backup & Restore Select the Active directory authentication Enter the Admin username, its password and click on the Test button, ver, Authentication Server [ACT Passiord If your test succeeds. you should see the following message. User admin authenticated successfully, This user Is a member of groupe: Congratulations! Your PFsense LDAP server authentication on Active Directory was sucessfully configured. PFSense - Active Directory Group Permission Access the Pisense System menu and select the User manager option. advanced Cert. Manager Ge Setup High Avail. Sync Logout (admin) Package Menage Routing Setup Wizard Update (On the User manager screen, access the Groups tab and click on the Add button. System / User Manager/ Groups Groups Settings Authentication Servers ‘This website uses cookies and third party services, hips itechopertpsiplconsallsonse-idap-auhertcation-actve-drectory 0K sanr 2resen20 ‘Tuorial - PFSerse LDAP Authentication on Active Directory [Ste by tp] + Description - Active Directory group Click on the Save button, you will be sent back to the Group configuration screen. Now. you need to edit the permissions of the pfsense-admin group. (On the pfsense-admin group properties, locate the Assigned Privileges area and click on the Add button. On the Group privilege area, perform the following configuration + Assigned privileges - WebCfg - All pages Gan Group pfsense-dmin ‘Assigned pivleges ‘AJAX Get Queue Sate (edCrg- crash reporter bfg- Dashboard (al) Diagnostic: Backup & Restore Webcig-Disgnstes: Co \WebCig- Diagnostics: CPU Utiieation vbCig- Dragnotin: ONS Lookup estrie sce Faston defaults CeOM Mos ignostes Halt ystem fe Trac Diaaiostics-Limtrlnfa Click on the Save button to finish the configuration, PFSense - Enable the Active Directory Authentication ‘Access the Pfsense System menu and select the User manager option. ‘This website uses cookies and third party services, 0K hips:Rechespert ipsipeersalpeonse-Idap-adhertcaton-achve-sractary str 2resen20 advanced Cert. Manager Gen Setup igh Avall Sync Logout (admin) Package Msnager Routing Setup Wizard Update (On the User manager screen, access the Settings tab, System / User Manager / Settings Jsers Groups Settings Authentication Servers On the Settings screen, select the Active directory authentication server. Click on the Save and test button, Session timeout ieation Sen ‘at Refresh Time After finishing your configuration, you should log off the Pfsense web interface, Try to login using the admin user and the password from the Active Directory database, (On the login screen, use the admin user and the password from the Active Directory database, * Username: Admin + Password: Enter the Active directory password, ‘This website uses cookies and third party services, hips itechopertpsipleonsallsonse-idap-auhertcation-achve-drectory ‘Tuorial - PFSerse LDAP Authentication an Active Directory [Step by Step] 0K ser 2eszn20 ‘Tuorial - PFSerse LDAP Authentication on Active Directory [Ste by tp] Congratulations! You have configured the PFSense authentication to use the Active Directory database. 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