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Reescribe las siguientes oraciones en forma negativa y en pregunta I play the piano She reads the book We will go to the party They worked very hard We are having fun She bought a car She is a good student 1. Elige la opcin ms adecuada para responder a las siguientes preguntas. Principio del formulario

Do you play tennis? Yes, I do. Yes, I am. Does she play tennis? Yes, she do. Yes, she does. Is he a lawyer? No, he isn't. No, he don't.

Are you a teacher? Yes, I do. Yes, I am. Does he go to school? No, he does not. No, he don't. Is Marvin a doctor? Yes, he does. Yes, he is.

Are you a student? Yes, you are. Yes, I am. Does she speak English? Yes, she does. Yes, she do. Do you work? Yes, I am. No, I don't.

No, she is not. Yes, she does.

Final del formulario

1. Responda las siguientes preguntas.(respuestas largas) (30 puntos) Where do you live?__DONDE VIVES I LIVE IN Fusagasuga, COLOMBIA IN

How old are you?__Cuantos aos tienes? I have 31 years of


Where are you from?____De donde eres ?I from Colombia ,la palma cundinamarca_______________________________________

Who is your best friend?_ Quin es tu mejor amigo?__ My best friend is

called Adiela Rivera____________________________________

When is you birthday?___cuando es tu cumpleaos? My birthday is

January 2

Responda las siguientes preguntas basadas en el siguiente texto. Dancers Dating back to ancient times, humans have expressed emotions, stories, and sounds through the movement of their bodies. They use a variety of dance movements that allow for self-expression. Many dances string several movements together. Dancers perform in a variety of productions, such as musicals, folk, ethnic, tap, and pop culture. They also perform in a variety of venues such as theaters, television, movies, music videos, opera, and commercials. For the most part, dancers perform in groups. Top dancers do perform solos as well.

1. About how old is the art of Dance? a. a few decades b. a few centuries c. hundreds of years old d. thousands of years old

2. What is a good quality to have as a dancer? a. a high level of flexibility b. a low level of flexibility

c. a loud voice d. a soft voice 3. If you were a dancer, what television program would you be likely to find work on? a. golf television b. news television c. business television d. music television 4. Most dancers perform in __________. a. department stores c. offices b. solos d. groups

5. Write three words that describe a Dancer: 1. _______________________________ 2. _______________________________ 3. _______________________________

Se remonta a la antigedad, los seres humanos han expresado las emociones, historias y sonidos a travs del movimiento de sus cuerpos. Ellos usan una variedad de movimientos de danza que permitan la libre expresin. Muchos bailes movimientos cadena de varios juntos. Los bailarines realizan en una variedad de producciones, tales como espectculos musicales, folk, tnica, toque y la cultura pop. Ellos

tambin llevan a cabo en una variedad de lugares como teatros, televisin, pelculas, videos musicales, pera, y comerciales. En su mayor parte, los bailarines realizan en grupos. Los mejores bailarines realizan solos tambin. 1Como cuntos aos es el arte de la danza? unas pocas dcadas unos pocos siglos cientos de aos de antigedad miles de aos de antigedad 2Qu es una buena cualidad de tener como bailarina? un alto nivel de flexibilidad

n bajo nivel de flexibilidad

una gran voz

a soft voice

3Si usted era un bailarn, qu programa de televisin seras probabilidades de encontrar trabajo en? golf de la televisin noticias de la televisin negocio de la televisin televisin de la msica

La mayora de bailarines realizan en grandes almacenes solos oficinas groups Escribe tres palabras que describen a Dancer:

Sounds movement bodies

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