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(Keep this in the HANDOUTS section of your notebook)


Your notebook counts 10% of your 9-weeks grade. I will take up your notebook twice at the end of each 9-weeks. Your notebook MUST be a 3-ring binder (no exceptions). You can share your notebook with another class as long as I know where my part begins and ends. You must have a divider for each section/ chapter of your notebook. You can use a piece of paper as a divider as long as it is noticeable. EVERYTHING we do goes in your notebook. Bring your notebook to class every day. Keep this sheet as a guide on how to organize your notebook. I will not tell you how to organize it again >:(

ORGANIZATION Maintaining your notebook is easy if you do it from DAY 1. Do not wait until the end of the 9-weeks (ie the day before I take it up) to buy one or organize it. Organize your notebook the following way: HANDOUTS (1st Section) The first section in your notebook is HANDOUTS. Put a divider in your notebook and label it HANDOUTS. You should have anything not directly related to a chapter in this section. Your Rules, Classwork, Outline, Enduring Understandings/ Essential Questions & this handout goes in the HANDOUTS section. There will be others. Your handouts will be used almost every day, so bring your notebook to class every day. HANDOUTS is the only section that I require you to keep for the entire semester. You can throw away the rest. Next comes the CHAPTERS Have a separate section with a labeled divider for each chapter. Starting with the first chapter, they should be in order of how we do them in class For example: Chapter 1, Chapter 2 , Chapter 3, etc) Within a CHAPTER, you should organize things in the order we do them in class. This means vocabulary should be first and the test should be last.

NOTES I do not require you to take notes so there is no NOTES section in your notebook. If you take notes, put them in the appropriate chapter. GRADING Again, your notebook counts 10% of your 9-weeks grade. And again, I will take it up at the end of each 9-weeks. I will grade it based on content. I will look for 20 random items that should be in your notebook. For each item you do not have, 5 points will be deducted from your overall notebook grade. For example, if you are missing 3 items, your grade will be an 85. DISORGANIZED & MESSY NOTEBOOKS You will lose points or receive a 0 if your notebook is too disorganized or too messy. AN ITEM WILL NOT COUNT IN THE NOTEBOOK CHECK IF it is in the cover pockets. it is not in the 3-rings of the binder. it is not in the right section/chapter. Items should be in the appropriate section/chapter. For example, if I am looking for Chapter 2 - Test and it is in Chapter 8s section, it will not count. it is unlabeled. If an item is not labeled, I do not know what it is even if it is in a certain section. Items should be labeled according to the CLASSWORK handout. Unlabeled items will not be counted. it is incomplete. it is not your own. it is typed. STICK TO THE NOTEBOOK HANDOUT Do not come up with your own creative way to organize your notebook. For example, do not put vocabulary in one section, quizzes in one section, tests in one section, etc. Do not put the last chapter we do in class, first in your notebook. Follow the NOTEBOOK HANDOUT. LATE NOTEBOOKS/ ABSENT Late notebooks lose 50 points per day. If you are absent on the day I take up notebooks, your notebook is due on the day you get back (NOT 5 DAYS LATER!!!)

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