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J Nat Med (2007) 61:91–101

DOI 10.1007/s11418-006-0126-3


The Dioscorea genus: a review of bioactive steroid saponins

Marc Sautour Æ Anne-Claire Mitaine-Offer Æ
Marie-Aleth Lacaille-Dubois

Received: 23 October 2006 / Accepted: 10 November 2006 / Published online: 18 January 2007
 The Japanese Society of Pharmacognosy and Springer 2007

Abstract This review will summarize some of the Introduction

important reports on the chemistry and the biological
activities of Dioscorea steroid saponins from the liter- The roots of several species of the genus Dioscorea
ature data of recent years (2000–2006) and from the (family of Dioscoreaceae), known as yam, contribute
authors’ studies. These discoveries became possible as to the basis of the feeding in the population of Africa,
a result of the scientific development of isolation, Asia, and Tropical America. Most species contain
structure elucidation, and the development of in vitro steroid saponins (sometimes with a yield >2%) and
bioassays. Over 50 steroid saponins of furostane-, also sapogenins, such as diosgenin, which is the starting
spirostane-, and pregnane-type skeleton have been material of industrial interest in the synthesis of many
discovered and characterized from 13 Dioscorea spe- steroids which are on the market as anti-inflammatory,
cies, namely, D. bulbifera L., D. cayenensis Lam.-Holl, androgenic, estrogenic, and contraceptive drugs. Fur-
D. colletii Hook. F. var. hypoglauca (Palib.) Pei et thermore, this class of compounds are reported to
Ting, D. deltoidea Wall var. orbiculata, D. futschau- possess cytotoxic, antitumor, antifungal, immunoregu-
ensis R. Kunth, D. nipponica Mak., D. panthaica Prain latory, hypoglycemic, and cardiovascular properties
et Burkill, D. parviflora Ting, D. polygonoides Humb. [1, 2].
et Bonpl., D. pseudojaponica Yamamoto, D. spongiosa From a therapeutic point of view, some species of
Xi, Mizuno et Zhao, D. villosa L., D. zingiberensis Dioscorea are used in Traditional Chinese Medicine as
Wright. The main biological and pharmacological anticancer agents (D. colletii var. hypoglauca), cardio-,
properties of Dioscorea saponins concern cytotoxic and cerebrovascular-, gastropathy-protective, and curative
antifungal activity, which are highlighted. agents (D. panthaica), and anti-rheumatism agents
(D. nipponica, D. futschauensis) [3, 4].
Keywords Dioscorea  Steroid saponins  Consequently, this review will focus, after a botan-
Cytotoxic activity  Antifungal activity ical presentation of the genus, on the significant
achievements of recent years (2000–2006) on the
chemistry and biological properties of steroid saponins
from the Dioscorea species, with particular attention to
their cytotoxic and antifungal effects. The discussion
will also focus on the understanding of their mecha-
nism of action and structure/activity relationships.
M. Sautour  A.-C. Mitaine-Offer 
M.-A. Lacaille-Dubois (&)
Laboratoire de Pharmacognosie,
Unité de Molécules d’Intérêt Biologique, Botanical study
UMIB UPRES EA 3660, Faculté de Pharmacie,
Université de Bourgogne, 7, Blvd. Jeanne d’Arc,
BP 87900, 21079 Dijon Cedex, France Dioscorea is a genus in the monocotyledonous family
e-mail: Dioscoreaceae. This genus includes more than 600

92 J Nat Med (2007) 61:91–101

species widely distributed in the tropical and temperate ogracillin (22) and Me protoneogracillin (23), from D.
regions of Asia, Africa, and America [3]. futschauensis. The methyl derivative may be described
Dioscorea sp. are creeping and climbing vines, typ- as an artifact [14]. In the same way, furostanol glyco-
ically herbaceous, that may reach up to 5 m in height, sides and their spirostanol analogs are sometimes iso-
given support from trees and shrubs. The vines twine lated from the same plant as protodioscin (7) and
from left to right. Rootstock are rhizomatous or dioscin (32) from D. futschauensis, D. panthaica, and
tuberous and variable in color [3]. Stems are branched D. villosa, asperoside (1) and parrisaponin (33) from D.
or not, smooth or winged, glabrous or sometimes cayenensis, protogracillin (3) and gracillin (34) from D.
bearing prickles. Leaves are alternate or opposite and futschauensis and D. spongiosa, parvifloside (9) and 37,
heart-shaped with long pointed tips. Major veins orig- and deltoside (11) and deltonin (38) from D. parviflora.
inate from the base of the leaf and curve nearly par- Among the furostanol saponins group, 2 compounds
allel, following the leaf shape. Finer veins form a 15 and 26 possessed the same name Dioscoreside E
network between the major ones. The margins, peti- according to references [15] and [22], respectively, but
oles, and stems are purplish to red in color. Flowers are showed two different structures (see Fig. 1).
small, white to greenish-yellow, and may have a cin- For the spirostanol saponins (32–46), all of their
namon flagrance. They are unisexual (dioecious plants) structures are derivated from diosgenin (31) with
and arise from the leaf axils in spike or paniculate. additional hydroxylations at the 12, 14, 17, 23, 24, and
Fruits are three-angled capsules (loculicidal dehis- 27 positions. The pregnane group is more heteroge-
cence) and contain winged seeds. Yams make up neous, presenting many variations between the differ-
the genus Dioscorea. The water yam is classified as ent aglycons (47–58).
D. alata, the Chinese yam as D. batatas, the air potato For all of the molecules isolated from the Dioscorea
as D. bulbifera, and the wild yam as D. villosa. species described in this review, the oligosaccharidic
group linked in C-3 of the aglycon is composed by a
glucopyranosyl moiety, which is substituted at posi-
Chemical study tions 2, 3, and 4 only by glucopyranosyl and rhamno-
pyranosyl moieties.
From 2000 to 2006, steroid saponins were found in the The extraction and isolation procedures described in
literature from several species of Dioscorea genus: D. the literature for the steroid saponins of the Dio-
bulbifera var. sativa [5], D. cayenensis [6, 7], D. collettii scoreaceae family are classical methods. The structural
var. hypoglauca [8–13], D. deltoidea var. orbiculata diversity of steroid saponins was ascertained by the use
[14], D. futschauensis [15–20], D. nipponica [21], D. of spectroscopic techniques, including fast atom bom-
panthaica [22–24], D. parviflora [25], D. polygonoides bardment mass spectrometry (FABMS) and extensive
[26, 27], D. pseudojaponica [28], D. spongiosa [29], D. 2D nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) experiments
villosa [30], and D. zingiberensis [31] (Table 1). The (COSY, TOCSY, NOESY, HSQC, HMBC). The
structures of the aglycons of the isolated saponins be- assignment of the 25(R)/25(S) configuration of the 27-
longed to three skeleton types: furostane, a pentacyclic methyl group in the case of furostane- and spirostane-
ABCDE-ring system with a sixth open F ring (1–30); type steroidal saponins was supported via 1H NMR
spirostane, a hexacyclic ABCDEF-ring system (31–46); chemical shifts of H2-26 geminal protons [32, 33]. More
and pregnane, a tetracyclic ABCD-ring system (47–58) recently, it has been demonstrated that ESI-QqTOF-
(Figs. 1, 2, 3). MS/MS with APCI-MS is a fast, effective, and practical
Most of the aglycons possess a furostane-type skel- tool to characterize the structures of underivatized
eton and differ by the configurations of the substituents, steroid saponins in crude extracts from medicinal herbs
sometimes not determined (19–21), and by the nature and to further study the structure of isomers. Such
of the E ring. These saponins presented mainly a 25(R) methods were successfully used to analyze the struc-
position (1–18, 20, 21, 26–30), or a 25(S) (22–25). About tures of 13 steroid saponins in D. panthaica [34].
the E ring, a satured one can be found (1–12), or with
insaturations in the positions 20(22) (13–18) or 22(23)
on the open F ring (26). A seco-furostane skeleton is Biological study
equally described (27–30). Moreover, in the same plant,
pairs of furostanol saponins can be found constituted by Several pharmacological in vitro and in vivo assays
the native molecule and its methyl derivative, like allowed researchers to characterize various pharma-
protoneodioscin (24) and Me protoneodioscin (25), cologically active steroid saponins in Dioscorea species
protogracillin (3) and Me protogracillin (4), protone- having cytotoxic, immunomodulating [3], antimicrobial

J Nat Med (2007) 61:91–101 93

Table 1 Saponins from Dioscorea species (2000–2006)

Species No. Saponins Ref.

D. bulbifera var. sativa 39 Pennogenin-3-O-a-L-Rha-(1 fi 2)-[a-L-Rha-(1 fi 3)]-b-D-Glc (spiroconazole A) [5]

D. cayenensis 2 26-O-b-D-Glc-22-methoxy-3b,26-dihydroxy-25(R)-furost-5-en-3-O-a-L-Rha-(1 fi 4)- [6]
a-L-Rha-(1 fi 4)-[a-L-Rha-(1 fi 2)]-b-D-Glc (Me asperoside)
32 Dioscin [6]
33 Diosgenin-3-O-a-L-Rha-(1 fi 4)-a-L-Rha-(1 fi 4)-[a-L-Rha-(1 fi 2)]-b-D-Glc [6]
27 26-O-b-D-Glc-3b,26-dihydroxy-20,22-seco-25(R)-furost-5-en-20,22-dione-3-O-a-L- [7]
Rha-(1 fi 4)-a-L-Rha-(1 fi 4)-[a-L-Rha-(1 fi 2)]-b-D-Glc
8 Me protodioscin [7]
1 Asperoside [7]
36 Prosapogenin A of dioscin (progenin III) [7]
D. collettii var. hypoglauca 23 Me protoneogracillin [8]
34 Gracillin [8]
4 Me protogracillin [9]
7 Protodioscin [10]
24 Protoneodioscin [11]
8 Me protodioscin [12]
25 Me protoneodioscin [13]
D. deltoidea var. orbiculata 44 Isonarthogenin-3-O-a-L-Rha-(1 fi 2)-[a-L-Rha-(1 fi 4)]-b-D-Glc (orbiculatoside B) [14]
5 Protobioside [14]
6 Me protobioside [14]
D. futschauensis 15 26-O-b-D-Glc-23(S)-methoxy-3b,26-dihydroxy-25(R)-furost-5,20(22)-dien-3-O-a-L- [15]
Rha-(1 fi 2)-[b-D-Glc-(1 fi 3)]-b-D-Glc (dioscoreside E)
16 26-O-b-D-Glc-3b,26-dihydroxy-25(R)-furost-5,20(22)-dien-3-O-a-L-Rha-(1 fi 2)- [15]
[b-D-Glc-(1 fi 3)]-b-D-Glc(pseudoprotogracillin)
17 26-O-b-D-Glc-3b,26-dihydroxy-25(R)-furost-5,20(22)-dien-3-O-a-L-Rha- [15]
(1 fi 2)-b-D-Glc
13 Pseudoprotodioscin [15]
14 26-O-b-D-Glc-23(S)-methoxy-3b,26-dihydroxy-25(R)-furost-5,20(22)-dien-3-O-a-L- [15]
Rha-(1 fi 2)-[a-L-Rha-(1 fi 4)]-b-D-Glc (dioscoreside C)
7 Protodioscin [15]
8 Me protodioscin [15]
24 Protoneodioscin [15]
25 Me protoneodioscin [15]
3 Protogracillin [15]
4 Me protogracillin [15]
22 Protoneogracillin [15]
23 Me protoneogracillin [15]
56 16a-methoxy-3b-hydroxy-pregn-5-en-20-one-3-O-a-L-Rha-(1 fi 2)-[a-L-Rha- [16]
(1 fi 4)]-b-D-Glc
52 21-methoxy-3b-hydroxy-pregn-5,16-en-20-one-3-O-a-L-Rha-(1 fi 2)-[a-L-Rha- [16]
(1 fi 4)]-b-D-Glc
47 3b-hydroxy-pregn-5,16-en-20-one-3-O-a-L-Rha-(1 fi 2)-[a-L-Rha-(1 fi 4)]-b-D-Glc [16]
48 3b-hydroxy-pregn-5,16-en-20-one-3-O-a-L-Rha-(1 fi 2)-[b-D-Glc-(1 fi 3)]-b-D-Glc [16]
45 3b,27-dihydroxy-25(S)-spirost-5-en-3-O-a-L-Rha-(1 fi 2)-[b-D-Glc-(1 fi 3)]-b-D-Glc [17, 18]
36 Prosapogenin A of dioscin [17, 18]
32 Dioscin [17, 18]
34 Gracillin [17, 18]
18 26-O-b-D-Glc-23(S)-methoxy-3b,26-dihydroxy-25(R)-furost-5,20(22)-dien-3-O-a-L- [19]
Rha-(1 fi 2)-[b-D-Glc-(1 fi 3)]-b-D-Glc
7 Protodioscin [19]
3 Protogracillin [19]
14 Dioscoreside C [19]
35 Diosgenin-3-O-a-L-Rha-(1 fi 4)-b-D-Glc (progenin II) [20]
D. nipponica 19 26-O-b-D-Glc-3b,26-dihydroxy-furost-5,20(22)-diene [21]

94 J Nat Med (2007) 61:91–101

Table 1 Continued
Species No. Saponins Ref.

D. panthaica 26 20(R)-methoxy-3b,26-dihydroxy-25(R)-furost-5,22(23)-dien-3-O-a-L-Rha-(1 fi 2)- [22]

[a-L-Rha-(1 fi 4)]-b-D-Glc (dioscoreside E)
7 protodioscin [22]
28 26-O-b-D-Glc-3b,26-dihydroxy-20,22-seco-25(R)-furost-5-en-20,22-dione-3-O-b-D- [23]
Glc-(1 fi 3)-[a-L-Rha-(1 fi 2)]-b-D-Glc (dioscoreside A)
29 26-O-b-D-Glc-3b,23(S),26-trihydroxy-20,22-seco-25(R)-furosta-5-en-20,22-dione- [23]
3-O-a-L-Rha-(1 fi 4)-[a-L-Rha-(1 fi 2)]-b-D-Glc (dioscoreside B)
35 Progenin II (prosapogenin B of dioscin) [23]
36 Progenin III [23]
34 Gracillin [23]
32 Dioscin [23]
13 Pseudoprotodioscin [23]
14 26-O-b-D-Glc-23(S)-methoxy-3b,26-dihydroxy-25(R)-furost-5,20(22)-dien-3-O-a-L- [24]
Rha-(1 fi 2)-[a-L-Rha-(1 fi 4)]-b-D-Glc (dioscoreside C)
30 26-O-b-D-Glc-3b,26-dihydroxy-20,22-seco-25(R)-furost-5-en-20,22-dione-3-O-a-L- [24]
Rha-(1 fi 2)-[a-L-Rha-(1 fi 4)]-b-D-Glc (dioscoreside D)
48 Pregnadienolone-3-O-b-D-gracillimatriose [24]
47 Pregnadienolone-3-O-b-D-chacotrioside [24]
13 Pseudoprotodioscin [24]
D. parviflora 46 Isonarthogenin-3-O-a-L-Rha-(1 fi 2)-b-D-Glc [25]
36 Prosapogenin A of dioscin [25]
32 Dioscin [25]
38 Deltonin [25]
11 Deltoside [25]
12 Me deltoside [25]
37 Diosgenin-3-O-b-D-Glc-(1 fi 3)-b-D-Glc-(1 fi 4)-[a-L-Rha-(1 fi 2]-b-D-Glc [25]
9 Parvifloside [25]
10 Me parvifloside [25]
31 Diosgenin [25]
D. polygonoides 40 Diospolysaponin A [26]
36 Progenin III [26]
41 3b,23,24-trihydroxy-23(S),24(R),25(R)-spirost-5-en-3-O-a-L-Rha-(1 fi 2)-b-D-Glc [27]
42 3b,12a,17a,23-tetrahydroxy-23(S),25(R)-spirost-5-en-3-O-a-L-Rha-(1 fi 2)-b-D-Glc [27]
43 3b,14a,17a,23-tetrahydroxy-23(S),25(R)-spirost-5-en-3-O-a-L-Rha-(1 fi 2)-b-D-Glc [27]
D. pseudojaponica 2 26-O-b-D-Glc-22a-methoxy-3b,26-dihydroxy-25(R)-furost-5-en-3-O-a-L-Rha- [28]
(1 fi 4)-a-L-Rha-(1 fi 4)-[a-L-Rha-(1 fi 2)]-b-D-Glc
33 3b-hydroxy-25(R)-spirost-5-en-3-O-a-L-Rha-(1 fi 4)-a-L-Rha-(1 fi 4)-[a-L-Rha- [28]
(1 fi 2)]-b-D-Glc (=parrisaponin)
8 Me protodioscin [28]
32 Dioscin [28]
4 Me protogracillin [28]
34 Gracillin [28]
D. spongiosa 49 Spongipregnoloside A [29]
50 Spongipregnoloside B [29]
51 Spongipregnolosides C [29]
55 Spongipregnolosides D [29]
53 Spongioside A [29]
54 Spongioside B [29]
57 Hypoglaucin G [29]
8 Me protodioscin [29]
48 Pregnadienolone-3-O-b-gracillimatriose [29]
47 Pregnadienolone-3-O-b-chacotrioside [29]
32 Dioscin [29]
36 Prosapogenin A of dioscin [29]
44 Isonarthogenin-3-O-a-L-Rha-(1 fi 2)-[a-L-Rha-(1 fi 4)]-b-D-Glc [29]
(= orbiculatoside B)
34 Gracillin [29]
3 Protogracillin [29]
20 Trigofoenoside D-1 [29]
5 Glycoside D (= protobioside) [29]
58 Dumoside [29]

J Nat Med (2007) 61:91–101 95

Table 1 Continued
Species No. Saponins Ref.

D. villosa 7 Protodioscin [30]

8 Me protodioscin [30]
33 Parrisaponin [30]
32 Dioscin [30]
36 Prosapogenin A of dioscin (= progenin III) [30]
35 Progenin II [30]
D. zingiberensis 37 3b-spirost-5-en-3-O-b-D-Glc-(1 fi 3)-b-D-Glc-(1 fi 4)-[a-L-Rha-(1 fi 2]-b-D-Glc [31]
32 Dioscin [31]
b-D-Glc=-b-D-Glucopyranosyl, a-L-Rha=a-L-Rhamnopyranosyl

GlcO 26 GlcO O O
21 R2 O 2 3 21 23 25 F CH2 OH
20 25 27 20 27 27
22 22
17 E O
24 E O O
C D 16 16
19 C D

B GlcO
A 2 26 A B
6 21 RO 23
R 1O 3 5 HO 3 5 25 27
1 4 4 6 22 RO 3 5 RO 3 5
R = Rha Rha Glc 20 24 6 6
1 2 2 17 O
R = H Rha 16
4 4
31 R= H
1 3 4
2 R = Rha Rha Glc2 20 R = Glc Glc
1 4
R = CH3 Rha 2 32 R = Rha Glc 44 R = Rha G lc
2 2
R = CH3 Rha 2
3 R1 O 3 5
6 2 Rha Rha
1 1
3 R = Glc Glc 21 R = Rha Glc 4 4
2 3
R = H Rha
R = H 33 R = Rha Rha Glc
Glc Glc
2 45 R= 2
3 27 Rha
4 R 1= Glc Glc
2 GlcO Rha
26 3
R 2= CH3 Rha 21 R 2O 23
1 2 25 34 R = Glc Glc2 46 R= Rha Glc
R = Rha Glc 22
5 20 24
2 17 O Rha
R= H
2 16 4
6 R 1= Rha Glc 35 R = Rha Glc
2 3
R = CH3 22 R 1= Glc Glc 2
1 4 R1 O 3 5 2 Rha 36 R = Rha Glc
7 R = Rha Glc2 6 R= H
2 Rha 3 4
R = H 1 3
23 R = Glc Glc2 37 R = Glc Glc Glc
1 4 2
8 R = Rha Glc2 R = CH3 Rha Rha
R 2= CH3 Rha
4 38 R = Glc Glc 2
1 3 4 24 R = Rha Glc
9 R = Glc Glc Glc 2
2 2
R= H Rha Rha
R 2= H Rha
3 4
10 R 1= Glc Glc Glc2 25 R 1= Rha Glc O
R 2= CH3 Rha R 2= CH3 Rha
4 17
11 R 1= Glc Glc2 GlcO O
2 26
R = Rha H 21 OCH3 23 OH
4 25 27
12 R = Glc Glc2 20 22 24
17 O
R 2= CH 3 Rha
16 4
GlcO 26 R = Rha Glc RO 3 5
26 2 6
21 23 25 Rha
20 22 27
24 5
R2 RO 3
6 GlcO 39 R = Rha Glc
17 O
25 2
16 O O 27 Rha
20 22
R2 24
6 16 O
R 1O 3 5 4 R
R = Rha Glc 2 R1 23
OH 24
R 2= H Rha 17
4 R1 O 3 5
6 1 4 4 12
R = Rha Glc2 27 R= Rha Rha Glc R3
2 14
R 2= OCH3 Rha R 2= H Rha
3 2
1 R
15 R = Glc Glc
2 28 R1= Glc 3Glc
2 RO 3 5
R 2= OCH3 Rha 2
R = H Rha 6
1 3
16 R = Glc Glc2 1
29 R = Rha Glc2
2 Rha
R =H
2 R 2= OH
Rha R R1 R2 R3 R4
17 R = Rha Glc 2
1 4 40 Rha Glc OH OH OH H
R 2= H 30 R = Rha Glc
3 2
18 1
R = Glc Glc R = H Rha 2
2 41 Rha Glc H H H OH
R 2= OCH3 Rha 2
42 Rha Glc OH H OH H
Fig. 1 Furostane-type saponins from Dioscoreaceae 43 Rha Glc H OH OH H

Fig. 2 Spirostane-type saponins from Dioscoreaceae

[3], anabolizing [3], hormonal [3], anti-osteoporotic
[29], anti-inflammatory [35], and anti-allergic activities
[36]. In the last few years, the most relevant biological Cytotoxic activity
studies on the steroid saponins of Dioscorea species
described in the literature are related to cytotoxic/ It was reported that Dioscorea membranacea was used
antitumor and antifungal properties that will be in drug formulas to treat cancer in Thailand [37]. Some
summarized in the following sections. water extracts were found to be specifically active on

96 J Nat Med (2007) 61:91–101

O 21
urinary bladder, and renal tumors for centuries. Sev-
eral steroid saponins isolated from this plant were
C D 16
tested by the National Cancer Institute’s (NCI) anti-
A B cancer drug discovery screen [9]. This is an in-vitro-
RO 5 5
3 RO
6 3
6 disease-oriented screening system with a panel of 60
47 R=
Rha Glc 55 R= Rha
Glc human cancer cell lines, including the subpanels of
2 2
Rha Rha leukemia, non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), colon,
48 R= Glc Glc
2 21
central nervous system (CNS), prostate, melanoma,
Rha O
ovary, renal, and breast cancers, most of them being
49 R= Rha Glc
16 from solid tumors, and a few from leukemia. As shown
50 R= Rha Glc in Table 2, methyl protogracillin (4) exhibited cyto-
RO 3 5
toxicity against all of the test cell lines from leukemia
51 R= Glc Glc
3 2
4 and solid tumors with GI50<100 lM by using a colori-
Rha 56 R= Rha Glc
metric assay [9]. It showed particular selectivity against

O one colon cancer line (KM 12), one CNS cancer line (U
O 251), two melanoma lines (MALME-3M and M-14),
O OGlc two renal cancer lines (786-0 and UO-31), and one
5 RO 3 5
breast cancer line (MDA-MB-31) with GI50£2 lM [9].
RO 3
6 6

4 4
The selectivity between these seven most sensitive
52 R= Rha Glc 57 R= Rha Glc
lines and least sensitive line (CCRF-CEM, belonging
to leukemia subpanel) ranged from 26- to 56-fold. In
2 O
the same cancer subpanel, the authors observed a
16 selectivity of more than 15-fold between MDA-MB-
231 and MCF-7, NCI-ADR-RES, BT-549 in breast
R1O 3 5
6 RO 3 5
6 cancer. Me protoneogracillin (23) was cytotoxic against
4 4
all of the test cell lines with GI50<100 lM, particularly
53 R = Rha Glc 58 R= Rha Glc
2 2 selectively against two leukemia lines (CCRF-CEM
R = 2
H2 Rha Rha
and RPMT-8226), one colon cancer line (KM12), two
R 3= Glc

54 1
R = Rha Glc
4 CNS cancer lines (SF-539 and U 251), one melanoma
R =
O Rha line (M14), one renal cancer line (786-0), one prostate
3 6
R = Glc Ac cancer line (DU-145), and one breast cancer line
(MDA-MB-435) with GI50£2 lM [8]. Leukemia, CNS
Fig. 3 Pregnane-type saponins from Dioscoreaceae
cancer, and prostate cancer were the most sensitive
subpanels, while ovarian cancer was the least sensitive
breast cancer cells (IC50 7.7 lg/ml), with little activity panel. Gracillin (34) was cytotoxic against most cell
on normal cells (IC50 78.4 lg/ml). No data relative to lines with GI50 at micromolar levels, except EKVX
the cytotoxic components has been reported, but the (NSCLC), HT 29 (colon cancer), OVCAR-5 (ovarian
prosapogenin A of dioscin (36) was reported later as the cancer), and SN12C (renal cancer). On the basis of
active principle for no inhibitory activity of Dioscorea structure/activity relationships, the C-25 (R)/(S) con-
membranacea [35]. On the contrary, other species of figuration was critical for leukemia selectivity between
Dioscorea were reported as sources of cytotoxic steroid methyl protoneogracillin (23) and methylprotogracillin
saponins in many cancer cell lines, as listed in Tables 2 (4). The F ring was critical to the selectivity between
and 3. The following species were principally studied: furostanol-(23, 4) and spirostanol- (34) saponins [8].
D. collettii var. hypoglauca, which was used in China for Protodioscin (7) was cytotoxic against most cell lines
the treatment of solid tumors, D. panthaica, D. futs- from leukemia and solid tumors, especially selectively
chauensis, and, to a lesser extent, D. polygonoides. against one leukemia line (MOLT-4), one NSCLC line
(A-549/ATCC), two colon cancer lines (HCT-116 and
D. collettii var. hypoglauca SW-620), one CNS cancer line (SNB-75), one mela-
noma line (LOX IMV), and one renal cancer line
This species, belonging to some versions of the Phar- (786-0) with GI50£2 lM. Leukemia, colon, and pros-
macopeia of the People’s Republic of China, have tate cancers are the most sensitive subpanels, while
been used as a Traditional Chinese Medicine for the ovarian cancer is the least sensitive subpanel [10].
treatment of cervical carcinoma, carcinoma of the Methyl protodioscin (8) showed strong cytotoxicity

J Nat Med (2007) 61:91–101 97

Table 2 Cytotoxicity of saponins from Dioscorea colettii var. hypoglauca (GI50 lM)
Compound Panel/cell
Leukemiaa NSCLCb Colon CNS Prostate Melanomaf Ovarian Renal Breast Ref.
cancerc cancerd cancere cancerg cancerh canceri

Me protogracillin (4) 4.25–25.6 2.68–15.6 1.74–9.24 1.50–12.4 3.70–7.28 1. 68–15.7 4.02–16.2 1.90–16.5 0.89–17.9 [8]
Protodioscin(7) 2.02–3.77 1.64–19.1 1.72–4.02 1.69–5.73 2.70–3.63 2. 03–10.5 2.64–18.6 1.94–<100 4.05–33.1 [10]
Me protodioscin(8) 16.7–27.4 2.88–19.0 1.93–19.7 2.11–3.41 2.39–3.88 2. 70–9.73 8.19–16.1 2.10–12.6 1.69–7.79 [12]
Me protoneo-gracillin 1.57–4.59 2.61–19.4 1.73–12.9 1.91–16.9 1.99–5.96 1. 73–16.7 10.3–19.9 1.94–22 1.43–19.2 [8]
Protoneodioscin (24) 0.49–4.16 2.35–22.3 1.92–>100 1.93–4.51 1.74–5.32 1. 77–15.4 2.87–29.4 1.62–>100 1.50–12.3 [11]
Me protoneo-dioscin 2.82–5.52 1.99–3.11 1.80–13.4 1.69–4.45 1.77–3.77 1. 75–8.95 2.82–6.17 1.48–23.5 1.65–13.3 [13]
Gracillin (34) 1.68–2.20 1.56–65.2 1.40–78.0 1.53–2.13 1.61–1.86 1. 64–2.18 0.58–81.3 1.43–44.2 1.68–2.44 [8]
Leukemia: CCRF-CEM, K-562, MOLT-4, RPMT-8226, SR
Non small cancer lung cell (NSCLC): A-549/ATCC, EKVX, HOP-62, HOP-92, NCI-H226, NCI-H23, NCI-H322M, NCI-H460, NCI-
Colon cancer: COLO 205, HCC-2998, HCT-116, HCT-15, HT-29, KM 12, SW-620
Central nervous system (CNS) cancer: SF-268, SF-295, SF-539, SNB-19, SNB-75, U 251
Prostate cancer: PC-3, DU-145
Melanoma: LOX IMVI, MALME-3M, M14, SK-MEL-2, SK-MEL-28, SK-MEL-5, UACC-257, UACC-62
Ovarian cancer: OVCAR-3, OVCAR-4, OVCAR-5, OVCAR-8, SK-OV-3
Renal cancer: 786-0, A498, ACHN, CAKI-1, RXF 393, SN12C, TK-10, UO-31
Breast cancer: MCF-7, NCI/ADR-RES, MDA-MB-231, HS 578T, MDA-MB-435, MDA-N, BT-549, T-47

Table 3 Cytotoxicity of
Compound Panel/cell
saponins from Dioscorea
panthaica (GI50 lM) A 375-S2 L-929 HeLa Ref.

Protodioscin (7) 4.79 5.89 4.23 [22]

Pseudoprotodioscin (13) 5.73/5.73 5.50/5.09 6.2/3.32 [23, 24]
Dioscoreside C (14) 6.37 6.20 4.61 [24]
Dioscoreside E (26) 11.79 10.09 8.30 [22]
Dioscoreside A (28) 8.4 8.6 7.9 [23]
Dioscoreside B (29) 7.1 6.7 6.9 [23]
Dioscoreside D (30) 8.23 10.22 5.47 [24]
Dioscin (32) 2.2 1.8 2.1 [23]
Gracillin (34) 3.4 3.3 2.8 [23]
Progenin II (35) 2.6 4.5 4.2 [23]
Progenin III (36) 2.7 3.1 2.7 [23]
Pregnadienolone-3-O-b-D-chacotriose (47) 21.55 12.24 12.30 [24]
Pregnadienolone-3-O-b-D-gracillimatriose (48) 17.92 17.33 15.56 [24]

against most cell lines from solid tumors with cancer was the most sensitive subpanel to methyl
GI50£10 lM, selectively against one colon cancer line protoneodioscin (25), whereas renal cancer was the
(HCT-15) and one breast cancer line (MDA-MB-435) least sensitive subpanel. The selectivity between the
with GI50£2 lM, but moderate cytotoxicity against nine most sensitive lines and the least sensitive line
leukemia cell lines with GI50 10–30 lM [12]. These (TK-10) was from 22- to 30-fold [13].
data are consistent with the fact that the rhizome of
Dioscorea collettii var. hypoglauca has been employed Dioscorea panthaica
for the treatment of solid tumors rather than leukemia
in China for centuries. The cytotoxicity spectrum of The cytotoxicity of dioscoreside A (28) and B (29)
protoneodioscin (24) showed that the more sensitive and five known saponins, progenin II (35), Progenin
subpanels were leukemia, CNS cancer, and prostate III (36), dioscin (32), gracillin (34), and pseudopro-
cancer, whereas melanoma, ovarian, and renal cancers todioscin (13), was evaluated against human mela-
are less sensitive [11]. Another study showed that CNS noma A375-S2, murine pneumoepithelial carcinoma

98 J Nat Med (2007) 61:91–101

L929, and human cervicoma Hela cell lines by using found by morphological observation, DNA ladder
the MTT test [23]. All of the compounds showed a detection, and flow cytometric analysis, that com-
good activity, as shown in Table 3 (IC50 1.8–8.6 lg/ pound 35 exerts its anticancer activity through the
ml), dioscin (32) being the most active against three induction of apoptosis on HCT-15 cells [20]. Further
cell lines with IC50 of 2.2, 1.8, and 2.1 lg/ml and experiments demonstrated that this saponin induced
dioscoreside A (28) the least active lines with IC50 of apoptosis on HCT-15 cells via a mitochondria-con-
8.4, 8.6, and 7.9 lg/ml, respectively [23]. In another trolled apoptotic pathway involving the reduction of
experiments, the cytotoxicity was evaluated on the mitochondrial membrane potential, the release
three cancer cell lines A 375-S2, L 929, HeLa and of cytochrome c into the cytosol, and the down-regu-
compared with the positive control anticancer drug lation of the ratio of Bcl-2/Bax expression level, which
cyclophosphamide (IC50 1.28–2.57 lM) [24]. Dio- should be at the origin of the cytochrome release to
scoreside C (14) (IC50 4.61–6.37 lM) and pseudo- induce apoptosis [20].
protodioscin (13) (IC50 3.32–5.73 lM) showed
stronger cytotoxicity than that of Dioscoreside D (30) Dioscorea polygonoides
(IC50 5.47–10.22 lM), whereas the pregnadienolone
3-O-b-D-chacotriose (47) and pregnadienolone-3-O-b- Diospolysaponin A (40) did not show any apparent
D-gracillimatriose (48) inhibited all of the cell lines cytotoxicity against HSC-2 human oral squamous car-
moderately (IC50 10–20 lM) [24]. Furthermore, cinoma cells, even at the sample concentration of
comparison of the data obtained from three cancer 100 lg/ml, whereas the prosapogenin A of dioscin (36)
cells lines A 375-S2, L 929, HeLa and a normal hu- was shown to be cytotoxic to HSC-2 cells (IC50 3.4 lg/
man liver cell line HL-7702 showed that Dioscoreside ml) and as potent as doxorubicin (IC50 2.5 lg/ml) used
E (26) (IC50 8.30–11.79 lM) and protodioscin (7) as a positive control.
(IC50 4.23–5.89 lM) exhibited selective cytotoxic The polyhydroxylated spirostanol saponins (41–43)
activities against tumor cells and were inactive on did not exhibit cytotoxic activities against HSC-2 and
normal cells (IC50>50 lM) [22]. HL-60 human promyelocytic leukemia cells (IC50>
200 lM), respectively [27].

Dioscorea futschauensis Antitumor activity

A bioguided fractionation of the n-BuOH soluble frac- The in vivo antitumor studies have been made only
tion of the ethanol extract of D. futschauensis yielded on the steroid saponins from D. collettii var. hypo-
four saponins: prosapogenin A of dioscin (36), dioscin glauca. After the determination of the non-toxicity
(32), gracillin (34), and 3b,27-dihydroxy-25(S)-spirost- with minimum tolerated dose >600 mg/kg, methyl
5-en-3-O-a-L-rhamnopyranosyl-(1 fi 2)-[b-D-glucopyr- protogracillin (4) and methyl protoneogracillin (23)
anosyl-(1 fi 3)]-b-D-glucopyranoside (45) [17]. They are in the list for NCI’s in vivo hollow fiber assay in
were evaluated for cytotoxicity against a mouse ts- nude mice [9, 8], whereas gracillin (34) was not
FT210 cell line, which is a temperature-sensitive p34 pursued due to the lack of selectivity. The methyl
cdc2 mutant isolated from the mouse mammary carci- protodioscin (8), having passed the in vivo hollow
noma cell line FM3A. In the bioassay carried out by fiber assay in nude mice, is under evaluation in a
morphological observation with the aid of flow cytom- subcutaneous human tumor xenograft assay [12]. The
etry, the four saponins showed cytotoxic activity with preliminary animal studies showed that the maximum
MIC ranging from 3.46 to 4.32 lM, the most active tolerated dose of protoneodioscin (24) and methyl
being compound 45. protoneodioscin (25) was more than 600 mg/kg in
Prosapogenin B of dioscin (35) was shown to be mice. As a result of their non-toxicity, these mole-
more cytotoxic than the positive control cisplatin. It cules have also been on the list for the in vivo hollow
inhibited the proliferation of human cancer cells, fiber assay in nude mice [11, 13].
A431 (human epidermoid carcinoma), A2780 (human
ovarian adenocarcinoma), A549 (human lung adeno- Antifungal activity
carcinoma), K562 (human erythroleukemia), and
HCT-15 (human colon carcinoma) with IC50 ranging The continuous search for antimycotic drugs is a
from 5.86 lM (HCT-15) to 18.7 lM (A2780). In consequence of the broad use of immunosuppressive
addition, the HCT-15 cells were more sensitive to this drugs and antibiotics, the high number of AIDS pa-
compound than the other cells tested. It was then tients, and widespread dermatophyte infection. Each

J Nat Med (2007) 61:91–101 99

drug class, such as polyenes, allylamines, azole from D. futschauensis [15, 17] and D. deltoidea var.
derivatives, and echinocandins, suffers from dose- orbiculata [14]. The minimum morphologic deforma-
limiting toxicities, rapid development of resistance, or tion concentrations (MMDC) was between 28.4 and
the lack of effectiveness [4]. This has highlighted the 265 lM (Table 4). The strongest activity was observed
need to discover new antifungal agents [4]. Steroid for spirostanol saponins (compounds 32, 34, 35, 36, 38,
saponins are an important source of antifungal com- 44, and 45, MMDC 2–12 lM), whereas pregnane gly-
pounds [1, 2] and numerous patents on the thera- cosides exhibited weak activity (52, 56, MMDC 250–
peutic potentials of steroid saponins against fungal 265 lM).
infections have been released [4]. In Table 4, we Another test was performed using the broth dilution
summarize new findings on the steroid saponins of test [38]. For this bioassay, three human pathogenic
Dioscoreaceae as potent antifungal agents. yeasts (Candida albicans, C. glabrata, and C. tropicalis)
A new screening bioassay detecting deformation of were used to assess the minimum inhibitory concen-
mycelia germinated from the conidia of Pyricularia tration (MIC) of some saponins isolated from D. cay-
oryzae was recently developed for application to enensis [6, 7] (MICs 12.5–200 lg/ml) and D. villosa
screen antifungal agents [14, 15, 17]. This bioassay is [30]. Compounds producing no inhibition at concen-
quick, easy to perform, and has been used in recent tration >200 lg/ml were considered to be inactive.
years for the screening of antifungal saponins isolated Regarding the oligosaccharidic chain, it was observed

Table 4 Antifungal activities of steroid saponins from Dioscorea ssp.

Compound Source Fungus Concentration Ref.

Asperoside (1) D. cayenensis Candida albicans MIC>200 lg/ml [7]

Candida tropicalis MIC>200 lg/ml
Candida glabrata MIC>200 lg/ml
Me asperoside (2) D. cayenensis Candida albicans MIC>200 lg/ml [6]
Candida tropicalis MIC>200 lg/ml
Candida glabrata MIC>200 lg/ml
Protobioside (5) D. deltoida Wall var. orbiculata Pyricularia oryzae MMDC 15.3 lM [14]
Me protobioside (6) D. deltoida Wall var. orbiculata Pyricularia oryzae MMDC 12.1 lM [14]
Protodioscin (7) D. villosa Candida albicans MIC>200 lg/ml [30]
Candida tropicalis MIC>200 lg/ml
Candida glabrata MIC>200 lg/ml
Me protodioscin (8) D. villosa Candida albicans MIC>200 lg/ml [7, 30]
D. cayenensis Candida tropicalis MIC>200 lg/ml
Candida glabrata MIC>200 lg/ml
(27) D. cayenensis Candida albicans MIC>200 lg/ml [7]
Candida tropicalis MIC>200 lg/ml
Candida glabrata MIC>200 lg/ml
Dioscin (32) D. villosa Candida albicans MIC 12.5 lg/ml [7, 17, 30]
D. cayenensis Candida glabrata MIC 12.5 lg/ml
Candida tropicalis MIC 25 lg/ml
Pyricularia oryzae MMDC 2 lM
Parrisaponin (33) D. futschauensis Candida albicans MIC 100 lg/ml [6, 30]
D. villosa Candida tropicalis MIC 200 lg/ml
D. cayenensis Candida glabrata MIC>200 lg/ml
Gracillin (34) D. futschauensis Pyricularia oryzae MMDC 10 lM [17]
Prosapogenin B of dioscin (35) D. villosa Candida albicans MIC 12.5 lg/ml [30]
Candida tropicalis MIC 12.5 lg/ml
Candida glabrata MIC 25 lg/ml
Prosapogenin A of dioscin (36) D. villosa Candida albicans MIC 20.8 lg/ml [7, 17, 30]
D. cayenensis Candida tropicalis MIC 25 lg/ml
Candida glabrata MIC 25 lg/ml
Pyricularia oryzae MMDC 6 lM
Deltonin (38) D. futschauensis Candida albicans MIC 10 lg/ml [4]
D. parviflora Candida glabrata MIC 5.0 lg/ml
Orbiculatoside (44) D. deltoida Wall var. orbiculata Pyricularia oryzae MMDC 28.4 lM [14]
(45) D. futschauensis Pyricularia oryzae MMDC 12 lM [17]
(52) D. futschauensis Pyricularia oryzae MMDC 265 lM [16]
(56) D. futschauensis Pyricularia oryzae MMDC 250 lM [16]

100 J Nat Med (2007) 61:91–101

that an increasing sugar number decreases the anti- (Table 4), whereas the furostane-type derivatives were
fungal properties [6]. For example, compound 33, the inactive (MIC>200 lg/ml).
analog of 32 with a longer oligosaccharidic chain, These observations indicate that the antifungal
showed weaker inhibition capacity and a narrower activity of dioscin (32), progenin II (35), and progenin
spectrum of activity. Regarding the aglycone structure, III (36) might be correlated with their cytotoxicity to
only antifungal activity with spirostanol saponins was- mamalian cells and led to the assumption of a similar
observed (compounds 32, 33, 35, and 36), whereas none mechanism of action, such as the well known mem-
was observed with furostanol saponins (compounds 1, brane effect of saponins. These three compounds might
2, 7, 8, and 27). These results were in good agreement be considered as lead compounds for further preclini-
with those found by Takechi and Tanaka [39] in a cal studies in cancerology and microbiology.
comparative study between the activities of diosgenyl
and cholesteryl monoglycosides, where it was clearly
shown that the E and F rings of diosgenin play a key
role in the antifungal properties.
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