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Curriculum Vitae (CV) for Experts

at the
Foundation for International Business Administration Accreditation

This CV will be exclusively used to serve the information needs of FIBAA and its committees. For reasons of
data protection it must not be forwarded either in its entirety or in parts to a third party.
Please fill in this pdf-document on a computer. Hand-written CVs can unfortunately not be further processed.

The blank boxes are not dynamic. Hence we advise you to sign the form electronically. In case this is not
possible, please mind that all text is visible when printing out the form.
Surname(s), given name(s), title(s) (academic/professional): Date of birth:

Please provide the postal and email addresses to which we may send documents, information and
Institutional address: Phone number:

Mobile phone number:


Website/online profile:

Private address Phone number:

Mobile phone number:


FIBAA, Berliner Freiheit 20-24, 53111 Bonn, Germany | Phone: +49 228 280356 0 | FAX: +49 228 280356-20 | eMail:
Profession/Position/Chair and Institutional Affiliation:

FIBAA, Berliner Freiheit 20-24, 53111 Bonn, Germany | Phone: +49 228 280356 0 | FAX: +49 228 280356-20 | eMail:
Sector Affiliation (please select one sector only)
Public/state Private Public/state Private University of Other Business Student
University University University of Applied Applied Tertiary/Quartary Practice/Industry
Sciences/University Sciences/University Academic Training
College College Institution

If applicable, please select

[Expertise is being defined in terms of active design and provision of such learning formats and programmes, not merely in terms of
participation therein.]
Distance Learning Expert Expert in Cooperative State Universities [according to the German model]

Please fill in the following sections:

Relevant Experience in Accreditation/Certification
[e.g. expert services for agencies, drafting/compiling accreditation/certification documents for your own or other institutions, any other
involvement in accreditation/certification procedures]:

Relevant Experience in Quality Assurance

[e.g. quality assurance/enhancement projects in academic learning, teaching, administration or business; membership in relevant
decision-making bodies]:

FIBAA, Berliner Freiheit 20-24, 53111 Bonn, Germany | Phone: +49 228 280356 0 | FAX: +49 228 280356-20 | eMail:
Please also fill in the following sections, if applicable
Relevant Teaching Experience in Postgraduate and Continuing Education and Training
[e.g. professional qualification programmes, MBA courses]:

For University Teachers, in particular

Scientific Competence in the following fields:

FIBAA, Berliner Freiheit 20-24, 53111 Bonn, Germany | Phone: +49 228 280356 0 | FAX: +49 228 280356-20 | eMail:
Experience in Digitalisation [e.g. e-Learning, Digital Business]:

Relevant Experience in the field of Higher Education Management

[e.g. executive and steering functions in the higher education sector]/Internal Quality Management of a Higher Education
Institution/Degree Programme Design:

For Business Practitioners, in particular

FIBAA, Berliner Freiheit 20-24, 53111 Bonn, Germany | Phone: +49 228 280356 0 | FAX: +49 228 280356-20 | eMail:
Management experience in business
[e.g. experience in corporate management and operational functions, personnel responsibility for more than five staff members,
budgeting responsibility, relevant experience in staff recruitment]:

For Students, in particular

Study track and memberships
Degree programme(s)
(currently enrolled)

Degree type (currently


Current semester

Degree programme(s)

Degree type(s)

FIBAA, Berliner Freiheit 20-24, 53111 Bonn, Germany | Phone: +49 228 280356 0 | FAX: +49 228 280356-20 | eMail:
Fields of interest

Experience in relevant
student associations
and decision-making


FIBAA, Berliner Freiheit 20-24, 53111 Bonn, Germany | Phone: +49 228 280356 0 | FAX: +49 228 280356-20 | eMail:
Language skills (in accordance with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages:
Native or first

Proficient User (C1-


Independent User (B1-


Basic User (A1-A2)

English proficiency
[e.g. English-language degrees, publications, talks, teaching activities, professional projects, certificates]:

FIBAA, Berliner Freiheit 20-24, 53111 Bonn, Germany | Phone: +49 228 280356 0 | FAX: +49 228 280356-20 | eMail:
International experience
[e.g. degree or student mobility,
exchange semester,
internships, teaching
appointments, visiting
professorships, project

expertise [e.g. long-term
sojourn in given country, incl.
command of local language(s)
and familiarity with higher
education system]:

Please send us your completed Curriculum Vitae for Experts and your signed Appendix preferably electronically (in
Microsoft Word, OpenOffice or pdf) or by letter mail.
Berliner Freiheit 20-24
53111 Bonn, Germany
Fax: +49 228 280356-20

Thank you for your interest in acting as a FIBAA expert!

FIBAA, Berliner Freiheit 20-24, 53111 Bonn, Germany | Phone: +49 228 280356 0 | FAX: +49 228 280356-20 | eMail:

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