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making a survey

1. Developing practical objectives

Before you start designing your survey, it is very important to know the reasons for your
survey. What kind of information do you require? What will help you decide the survey? Are
you taking action based on the survey? Its objectives should be simple and clearly defined.

2. Prepare an introduction

The purpose, goal, and possible results of your company’s survey should be clear. You can
start by writing a useful title and a short introductory paragraph.

3. Keep your survey questions short

This time, no one has time to stop and chat any longer. Your customers certainly don’t have
time to waste up to 45 minutes answering questions in your survey.

4. Always ask one question at a time

Avoid asking multiple questions that require the customer to provide an answer based on
more than one element.

5. Avoid open questions

In traditional market research, open questions can provide useful data on behaviors and

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