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Solubility:- Soluble inwater. BART A-CHEMICAL TEST FOR IDENTIFICATION OF ACID RADICAL ‘Test for Group-1 —Dil.Sulphuric acid test d EXPERIMENT OBSERVATION INFERENCE ] Take the saltin a test tube and _ | a)Colourless,odourless gas with brisk ‘add 2-3ml of dilsulphuric acid. | effervescence is evolved. 4 alCarbonate might be present. | b)Colourless gas with rotten eggs smell produced. evolved. ¢)Colourless gas with smell of burning sulphur | ¢)Sulphite might be present. | ‘b)Sulphide might be present d)Light brown colour gas's evolved. ‘a)Nirite might be present. /No gas is evolved/The salt does not react with dilsulphuric acid, Carbonate, Sulphide Sulphite Nitrite Is absent. | o) Take the salina test tube and add 45m of dlsulphurie acid Gonfirmatary.testi- EXPERIMENT “OBSERVATION INFERENCE | FOR CARBONATE: a)Colourless, odourless gas with brisk effervescence Is evolved which turns lime water milky. cs ‘OR b)Add magnesium sulphate solution to the salt. , b)White precipitate is formed. Carbonate (CO3"is confirmed. Take the sat solution ina test tube and add few drops of acetic acid and imi of lead | acetate solution, | | HOB SULPHITE:: Take the salt in a test tube and add potassium dichromate solution and 2.3drops of dilute sulphurle acid. Black precipitate Is formed. Green colouration Is obtained. Sulphide(S*) is confirmed. Sulphite(S0,*) is confirmed. ‘FOR NUTBITE:: Take the salt ina test tube and add dil.sulphuric acid and ferrous sulphate solution ‘Mote:-((if no reaction is. noted. then rerform.the test for Group-2-Cone, Sulphuric.acid test)) Ablack colouration Is formed. Nitrite(NO;) Is confiemes. ‘Test for Group-2 ~Cone.Sulphuric acid test EXPERIMENT ‘OBSERVATION ieee Take the salt in a test tube and add | a)Yellowish-green colour gas Is evolved, Chioride might be present. 2-3ml of cone.sulphuri b)Brown colour gas| evolved. Cue Tazangy Nitrate might be presen c)Reddish-brown colour gasis evolved. Bromide might be present. ‘Violet colour gas is evolved. lodide might be present. Le}Colourless gas having smell of vinegar. ‘Atetate might be present. a)Colourless, odourless gas with brisk effervescence is evolved which turns lime water _| mitky. 'No gas is evoived/The salt does not react with conc.sulphuric acid Oxalate might be present. ‘The above mentioned ions are absent. | Take the salt and add 2-3. mi of|| Light brown fumes are formed which are onfitmatory testi: EXPERIMENT OBSERVATION TNFERENCE, FOR CHLORIDE:: Take the salt and add dilute nitric acid and | Curdy white precipitate Is formed which bol off carbondloxide gas cool it and add | dissolves in ammonium hydroxide | Chlride(C)is confirmed. few drops of silver nitrate solution. solution. EORBROMIDE:: Bromide(6r) is confirmed. Take the salt and ada dilute nitric acd and | Light yellow precipitate is formed which add few drops of siver nitrate solution. | partially dissolves in ammonium hydroxide solution. FORIODIDE: Take the salt and add dilute nitric acid | Yellow precipitate is formed which does | lodide(I’) is confirmed. and add 2-3ml of sver nitrate solution, | not dissolve in ammonium hydroxide solution, | FORNITRATE:: Nitrate(NOs) is confirmed. | Take a pinch of the salt with few drops of | A pleasant fruity smell is obtained. conc.sulphurie acid and about 0.Sml of ethyl alcohol . ccone.sulphuric acid and then add copper | intensified to dark brown fumes when turnings and heat the test-tube. copper turnings are added. | ‘FOR ACETATE: Acetate(CH,COO) is confirmed. Take the salt in a test tube and add water | A white precipitate Is obtained which to dissolve the salt.Now add acetic acid | does not dissolve In ammonium oxalate and calcium chloride solution . solution but dissolves in oxalie acid { | solutioy =a a= ee| ‘Note::((ifne reaction js noted then perform the test for Sulphate and Phosahate)) aE; EXPERIT ae ‘OBSERVATION _ INFERENCE OR SULPHATE: ] Take the aqueous solution ofthe salt and | Ws add few drops of acetic acid and lead | acetate. LOR PHOSPHATE:: | Take 1 gm of the salt na test tube and ada | Canary yellow colouration yellow 455. drops of cone acid and. heat | predipltatef obtained, obtained. precipitat it.Now add 2-3ml of ammonium molybdate -reagant and heat it again and then cool it. Sulphate (50,") is confirmed, Phosphate(P0,*) is confirmed. 6 PART. 101 ICAL Ee EXPERIMENT. OBSERVATION INFERENCE Take a litte quantity of salt ina test tube |,eRBelate brown precifate is | Armmonium(NH«)is confirmed. and add NaOH solution and Nessler’s | formed. reagent. No precipitation Group zero cation NH, Ts absent. Test for First Group Cation{Pb" );- EXPERIMENT. ‘OBSERVATION INFERENCE ae ‘Take 1gm of the salt in a test tube and add | White precipitate is obtained, ‘Pb™ might be present. 435m! of water to it shake the test tube and add ict, Boll the white precipitate with distilled | Yellow precipitate is obtained. Pb’ is confirmed. water and add few drops of KI solution to ‘the test tube, No precipitation Group | cation Pb™ is absent. [est for Second Group Cations{cu" As") EXPERIMENT, ‘BSERVATION TNFERENCE ‘Take 1gm of the salt In a test tube and add | Black precipitate Is obtained. Cu" might be present. | 3-Sml of waterto it.Shake the test tube and add dil,HCl and then pass the solution ‘through H,S gas in excess. Yellow precipitate is formed. ‘As might be present. ca To the black precipitate in a test tube | White precipitate s obtained, | Cu'is confirmed. dissolve 50% nitric acid and then add dil | sulphuric acid To t add KI solutio | CONEIRWATORY TEST EOR As” ' | Filter the ppt . and dissolve in conc.ntrie | Canary yellow precipitate Is | As'*is confirmed. acid .Add solid erystals of ammonium | obtained. molybdate andbollit, No precipitation Group il cation Cu™, As™ is Note:-((itne reaction is noted. then perform the test for. Thicd Group Cations, but donot throw, the,solution)) @ ‘est for-Thitd Group Cationé(Fe", AI” H,S gas.Then add 2-3 drops of cone.nitric acid and boil the salt solution .Now add little quantity of solid ammonium chloride obtained. ors EXPERIMENT OBSERVATION —TNFERENCE Boil the previous solution first to boil off | Reddish-brown precipitate is | Fe"’might be present. solution to and excess of ammonium hydroxide | Gelatinous —white _ precipitate ‘AI might be present. | solution. obtained. oes ‘CONFIRMATORY TEST FOR Fe" | Dissolve the reddish-brown precipitate in | Prussian-blue colouration _is | Fes confirmed. GILHC| and add potassium ferrocyanide | obtained. CONFIRMATORY TEST FOR AI” | To the gelatinous white precipitate add GiLHCl and then add 2-3 drops of blue litmus solution and then add ammonium hydroxide solution til the blue colour develops. Blue precipitate floats in colourless solution. Al"is confirmed, No precipitation Group Il cation Fo, AI is absent. Test for Fourth Group Cations{NI", Co™ Zn" Nin") [ EXPERIMENT ‘OBSERVATION ___TWFERENCE [WF no precipitation is obtained in the | Black precipitate is obtained. NF? might be present. | previous group then to that. salutfon(1" part) pass HS gas. Black precipitate is obtained, Co™ might be present. Dirty-white precipitate is obtained. Zn*¥ might be present. Buff_precipitate Is obtained. ‘Min™ might be present. Take the original solution and make alkaline by adding ammonium hydroxide and then add a few drops of dimethylglyoxime. Bright red precipitate ls obtained. Ni"is confirmed. Take the original solution and neutralize the acid by adding ammonium hydroxide.Add a pinch of potassium nitrite and acidify with dil.acetic acid Yellow precipitate is obtained. ‘SONEIBMATORYTESTEOR Zn Dissolve the dlrty-white precipitate In diLHCl and then add_—_potasshum ferrocyanide solution | CONFIRMATORY TEST.EOR Mn Dissolve buff precipitate in dic! ,boil off HS, add NaOH and bromine water. ‘White precipitate turning grey is obtained. Co's confirmed. 2n'7is confirmed. mn is confirmed. ‘No precipitation Group IV cation Ni™, Co™, Zn", Mn‘? is absent, 2 gp? ‘Test for Fifth Group Cations(8a", Ca’ EXPERIMENT ‘OBSERVATION INFERENCE If no precipitation is obtained then to the Solution of the third group(2” part) add ammonium hydroxide solution and ammonium carbonate solution in excess. White precipitate is obtained. Ba" might he present. ‘White precipitate is obtained. Ca? might be present. White precipitate is obtained. SF might be present. FLAME TEST: Take a platinum wire and heat ittMake a circular loop at its and by winding it around a glass rod.Clean platinum wire by dipping it in concHCl taken in a watch glass 2-3 times.Heat the loop of platinum wirein the on-luminous flame till it does not impart any colour.Take a clean watch glass and | make a paste of salt in Cone.HCI by adding | few drops of Conc:HCl-Take a small amount of paste on the loop of wire and heat it.On heating salt will impart a characteristic colour to the flame. ‘Apple green flame is seen, Ba’*is confirmed. Abrick-red flame is seen, Ca"*is confirmed. Crimson red flame Is seen. Sris confirmed. ‘No precipitation Group V cation Ba, Ca™, Sr?is absent, EXPERIMENT ‘OBSERVATION INFERENCE if no precipitation Is obtained then to the solution of the third group(3™ part) add diammonium hydrogen phosphate solution. White precipitate is obtained. Me"? is confirmed.

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