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FORUM 1: What is the Difference Between Globalization and Globalism?

Most of us refer to globalization and globalism as the same thing. But it turns out that it
has its own value and reason for the changes and development of our economy. We've been
familiar on how technologies help the evolution of the world but we generally don't know how the
two terms contributed to it. The contribution caused by the two terms helps to further develop the
economies and societies of each country. Both terms have different effects and benefit or loss on
particular country depends upon the relative position it holds on the developmental scale-positive.
According to Shahzad (2006), globalization broadly refers to the expansion of international
relations, the organization of social life on a global scale and the growth of a global
consciousness, thus the integration of world society. Globalization can be defined as the
expansion of economic activities across the political boundaries of countries. It is a process of
economic integration and economic interdependence among countries in the global economy. It
is associated not only with an increase in the cross-border movement of goods, services, capital,
technology, information and people but also with an organization of economic activities that
transcend national borders. Globalization can also mean a mass movement in the direction of
private expertise and a market-oriented system with a major reduction in the role of government in
economic affairs. It also means dismantling the planning system.
Globalization is the work done to implement a plan to further develop our economy, culture
and people who lived. This will be the way to have more adequate and proper products and
services, business knowledge, and information that needs to be learned. Just an example of this
is the spread of technology in the world that has become part of people's lives, it is a good
contribution and has had a big factor in the economic interdependence that is happening in our
world. Globalization is an invention that continues to spread and is made to facilitate economic
growth. Through this, globalization will continue to affect the growth and development of
economies in different countries.
In contrary, the study of Nagan (2008) sites globalism as the unceasing preservation of
human preoccupation on a continental scale. It is an illusion that masks a reality of regressive
change and a rapid destruction of human values. This view is just as sad and difficult. The
challenging part of this simplistic view is that simply maintaining an unhappy status is not enough.
Globalism is used loosely in the media and in ordinary conversation and often carries meanings
that are both obvious and ambiguous. The term is widely used in academic discourse, perhaps
most frequently by intellectual leaders in economics. However, the term is also used with
precision and careful attention to detail in fields such as world politics, international relations,
international comparative sociology, international law, and other discrete disciplines.
Unlike globalization, globalism is the plan of action for development of country's culture,
society and economy. It is a political ideology or policies done by as an idea to implement
globalization with a certain norms, beliefs and values. The transition which develops the social,
cultural, technological and economic matrix of a country. Tries to understand all the connections
of the modern world—and to highlight the patterns that underlie them. The notion of globalism is
also used to identify the ideologies from the processes of globalization. Globalism gives scope to
globalization if it is appropriate and helpful not only to the economy but also to society. Globalism
is the reference of the global implementation of inventions such as technology and products that
are constantly available to the majority.
Globalization simply means the free motion and of goods, capital, people, ideas around the
world and in innovation. However, globalism is based on the belief that people and information
should cross national developments without restriction. Globalism refers to any description and
explanation of a world which is characterized by networks and technologies of connections that
cover the world, while globalization refers to the increase or decrease in the level of globalism.
Globalization allows many goods to become more affordable and available in more parts of the
world. It helps in improving productivity, reducing discrimination, giving more opportunities to
women and improving working conditions, wages of workers and quality of management,
especially in developing countries.
In contrast, both terms are a big part of world development. Because of this, the things that
are needed on a daily basis such as communicating, working and doing business have become
easier. With the growth of technology, every trade sector in the world has expanded even more
and it has made it easier for each country's economy to grow. It becomes easy to exchange
products and understand the culture of each country. There was more understanding and
understanding about trade and industry that would help not only the economy but also society.
The contribution given by the two terms is a big part of the world why it continues to carry out
innovative inventions that will help future generations.


Shahzad, A. (2006). What is Globalization - Historical Background. Retrieved from
Nagan, W. P. (2008). Globalism from an African Perspective: The Training of Lawyers for a New
and Challenging Reality. University of Florida Levin College of Law. Retrieved from

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