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1. New born with birth weight 2.4kg after delivery,what’s your action?
A.Skin to skin with mother and breastfed as soon as u can unless condition doesn’t allow.

B. Put the baby in a resustaire to keep warm and assess after 30 minutes
2. What should you check for an hour after a normal delivery of a baby?
A. Oxygen saturation
B. Respiration
C. Head circumference
D. Length of baby

3. When doing ARM on polyhydramnios woman, a midwife should be conscious of

A. Cord prolapse and cord presentation

4. Signs of hyperbilinaemia
A. Nausea and vomiting
c. Hypertension

5. Where is creatinine produced?

A. Liver
B. stomach

6. When VE the saggital suture is lying on the oblique of the pelvis and the anterior fontanel
is palpable, the head is
A. Deflected
B. Partially flexed
C. Flexed

7. A woman is prescribed 5mg per kg drug and she weighs 60kg, how much are going to you


B. 30mg

8. Who will you refer for glucose intolerance test to?

A. Woman with previous childbirth of baby weighing 3.6kg
B. woman with previous c/ section
c. woman with BMI >30
9. A woman informs you that she is abused by her partner, what will you do?
A. Report to police
B. Refer to agencies where she can get help
C. Go to her house and talk to both
10. Which hormone is produced in the posterior pituitary?
A. Prolactin
B. Oxytocin
C. Follicle stimulating hormone

11. What do you call the area between the anterior fontanele and glabela?

A. Vault

B. Sysinput

12. A woman informs you that she has itching on her feet and hands, what will you?

A. Send her for creatinine and bile acid test

B. Send her for a scan

13. What is risk management aimed at?

14. At what gestational age should you commence symphisfundal monitoring?

A. 230weeks

B. 20weeks

C. 30weeks

15. What happens after fertilization of an egg?

A. Implantation of an embryo in the uterus

B. Formation of sexual identity

C. Formation of the facial parts

16. Who will you send to obstetric lead care?

A. woman that has had previous normal vaginal birth

B. woman with BMI >30

17. What is cephal haematoma?

A. Collection of blood above peritoneum

B. Collection of blood under peritoneum

C. Collection of fluid which does not cross the suture lines

18. A woman with threatening abortion

A. Severe abdominal pain,os open with mild bleeding

B. Severe abdominal pain, os closed and no bleeding

19. What position is best for shoulder dystocia?

A. Lithotomy position
B. McRoberts position

20. When can you administer progestin only pills?

After 21 days with no effect on lactation

After 21 days with effect on lactation

After 7 days

21. a young woman tells you that when will like to have an abortion, what will you do?

Refer her to GP

Refer her to safeguarding midwife

Complete her booking history anyway

22. Which position is a woman with cardiac disease allowed to deliver?

A. Trendelenburg

B. Supine

C. Lithotomy

22. According to NICE what is revalidation for?

23. Who is mostly at risk of thalassemia

A. African


C. Asian

24. How long does it take to cut the cord?

A. Less than 5minutes

B. 10 minutes

25. Poor nutrition in a pregnant woman predispose to?

A. Thalassemia

B. Preterm labour

26. When dose secondary PPH occur?

A. 12 hours

B. 4weeks to 6weeks

C. 24 hours to 6weeks

27. What causes SIDS in most babies?

A. Single parent

B. Teenage parent

C. Married parents

28. How does the ductus arteriosus close?

A. Negative pressure

28. Who is most likely to have amniotic fluid embolism

A. woman with prolong labour

B. woman with IOL

C. A woman with hypertension

29. How will a midwife administer a medication she is not competent with?

A.Acknowledge that she doesn’t know,ask a senior midwife to help and ask for assistance with
training if appropriate

B. Ask the pharmacist to give it

30. How will you diagnose ectopic pregnancy?

A. HCG level returns to pregnancy state

B. Normal HCG will be detected in her urine but the foetus will be seen by USS in the fallopian tube

C. It can be detected in blood test

31. What does SBAR stand for?

A. Situation, background, assessment and recommendation

32. The woman is prescribed 750mls of fluids to be given 25mls in 1 hour,how many hours will it
take to complete all?

A. 30hours

B. 300 hours

33a Heart shaped pelvis?


B. Gynaecoid

C. Anthropoid
34. Which drug is a controlled drug?

A. Pethidine

35. If a woman is epileptic,which advice is given and which drug is given pregnancy?

A. Review her epileptic drugs and give 5mg folic acid

B. Review her epileptic drugs and give her 0.5mg folic acid

36. Why is vitamin D given in all pregnant women?

A. Recent reports of rickets in the population


37. GBS in pregnancy, which one is correct?

A. Is a the major cause of sepsis in new-born

B. Is a huge public health concern

C. Is routinely screened in UK

38. What causes retained placenta?

A. Placenta acreata

B. Hypertension

39. Who will you listen to during a delivery of a surrogate woman?

A. Surrogate mother

B. Surrogate parents

40. What is the aim of care quality control (CQC)?

41. Position of shoulder dystocia?

A. Mcroberts

42. What is the use of magnesium sulphate in labour?

A. To prevent seizures

B. To prevent hypertension

43. Signs of thromboembolism

45 How would you advice a woman after surgery?

A. Administer pain killers and assist her to a chair while putting on anti embolic stockens

46 how will you address two women of one being pregnant in a non-judgemental way

Birth partners

Husband and wife

47. What do you call the long axis of the mother compared to the long axis of the baby?

A. Lie

B. Presentation

48. In an emergency situation,when should you record?

A. Debrief other staff,record the care appropriately without using jargon and abbreviations.

49. What is usually the cause of PPH?

A. Uterine atony

B. Retained products of conception

50. In which condition is vaginal examination not indicated?

A. Placenta previa

B. Rupture of membranes

51. In a woman who had oligohydramnios, what will give you a red flag?

A. Fetal asphyxia

B. Fetal tulips

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