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QUESTIONS (Answer: Fear of childbirth)
(Answer:T ocolytics, eg
1. Phyneton falls under which group of medications? (Answer:Anticonvulsants)
2. What condition in neonates has the intestines protruding through the abdominal wall
without a covering? (Answer: Gastrochisis)
3. What is the validity of HbA1c test? (Answer:Three(3)months)
4. If a baby is receiving 38 mls of feed 4 hourly for 24 hours,what will the total daily feed
be? (Answer:228 mls {24 divided by 4 gives you 6 and 24 hours make a
day. meaning the baby will be fed 6 times a day so 38mls will be multiplied by 6 which
will be 228 mls})
5. What is tokophobia?
6. What drugs are used to stop contraction?
7. What are the constituents of Entonox? (Answer:50Oxygen and 50
Nitrous oxide.{Entonox 50:50 is an inhaled pain medication used in labour})
8. What is the position for delivery of shoulder dystocia? (Answer:McRoberts position)
9. Who gives a consent for a 16 year old to undergo a cesarian section?
(Answer: Herself)
10. What is SBAR?
(Answer:Situation,Background,Assessment,Recommendation.This process is used in
emergency situation to communicate and also during handing over.)
11. At how many weeks is a fetus termed to be viable in the UK?(Answer:24 weeks)
12. Termination of a fetus following malformations is covered by which law?
(Answer:Abortion Law)
13. What are the indications of successful breastfeeding?(Answer:
14. Which blood group is termed as universal blood donors? (Answer:O Negative)
15. What are the predispositions for Sudden Infant Death Syndrome(SIDS)?
(Answer:Alcohol abuse and smoking before,during and after childbirth. sleeping on the
same bed with the baby etc)
'16. What is the best position for baby to sleep to avoid SIDS? (Answer:On their back)
16. What dosage of vitamin D does pregnant women need daily? (Answer: 1 0 micrograms)
17. How many weeks gestation is membrane sweeping done? (Answer:41 weeks)
18. A baby is born with heartbeat 34 beats per minute.What will be your action?
( the role of the Quality Care Commission?(Answer:To register health and adult
A social care service providers in England and to inspect whether or not standards are
n being met.)
s 23. Puritis in pregnancy attributes to which test? (Answer:Liver Function Test)
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19. Wh

20. Wh

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21. H
tion be
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22. W
hat is
24. Why is magnesium sulphate used in preeclampsia? (Answer:To prevent seizures)
25. When should ultrasound scan for structural anomalies be done?(Answer: 18+0 to 20+ 6)
26. Which antibiotic is contraindicated in pregnancy(Answer:Tetracyciine)
27. According to UKOSS which period do eclamptic fit mostly occur?(Answer:Antenatal
28. What is the relationship of the foetal spine to the long axis of the maternal
uterus?(Answer: Lie)
29. Position of the foetal head for normal physiologic birth is?(Answer: Occipito Anterior)
30. Which hormone is used to diagnose pregnancy? (Answer:Human Chorionic
Gonadotrophic Hormone{HCG})
31. What are the indications of a good attachment?(Answer:mouth wide open,less areola
visible underneath the chin and above the nipple, chin touching the breast, lower lip rolled
down and nose free,no pain)
32. What is the treatment for neonatal jaundice?(Answer: Phototherapy)
33. What are the requirements in labelling a blood sample? (Answer:Label blood sample at
the bedside by hand,with the patient's full name,date of birth,CHNITN
number,gender,patient location,date and time sample was taken,the signature of the
person taking the sample and ensure that details on both the blood tube and request
form are identical)
34. What causes Group B streptococcus? (Answer:Bacteria)
35. What are the risk factors for Group B streptococcus?(Answer:previous baby with
GBS,spontaneous onset of labour at less or equal to 37 weeks, rupture of membranes
more than 12 hours, maternal fever of 38.0 degree celcious and above,)
36. In which type of twin gestation does Twin to Twin Transfusion Syndrome (TTTS)
occur?(Answer:Monochorionic twin gestation)
37. What are the presumptive signs of second stage of labour? (Answer: Uncontrollable
urge to bear down,bulging perineum,vaginal gaping, increase in frequency and duration
of contractions)
38. What are the signs of shock?(Answer:Cold clammy skin,dizziness or fainting,pale
skin,rapid breathing,tarchycadia,enlarged pupils,weakness or
fatig ue, ag itation, anxiousness.)
39. What is the dosage of folic acid in normal pregnancy?(Answer:400
40. What is primary PPH? (Answer: Bleeeding of about 1500 mls from the genital tract within
24 hours of delivery)
41. What diseases does baby blood spot test screen
for?(Answer: Phenylketonuria, hypothyroidism, marple syrup disease, cystic fibrosis, sickle
cell diseases,MCAAD)
42. What are the contraindications for epidural?(Answer:Coagulation defects,uncorrected
hypovolaemia or schock, lack of ressucitation facilities, lack of consent from patient,)
43. What are the complications of epidural?(Answer:
44. A woman at the ANC disclosed to you that she ia a victim of domestic abuse,What will
be your action?(Answer:Document this on a different papper and reffer her to agencies
that deal with such cases)

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45. What are the predisposing factors of GDM?(Answer:
46. What are the indicators of sucessful breasfeeding in the baby?(Answer:Audible and
visible swallowing,sustained rhythmic suck,relaxed arms and hands,moist
mouth,regular,soaked nappies)
47. What are the two most common mental health problems in
pregnancy?(Answer:Depression and Anxiety)
48. A woman called your facility complaining of headaches and blood pressure of 160/100
mmHg what will be your action?(Answer:Report to the hospital immediately)
49. Trophoblastic non invasive growth in pregnancy is known as?(Answer:Hydatidiform
50. A nullipara with breech presentation insists on home delivery,what will be your
action?(Answer:Explain the consequences to her and support her decision)
51. What is APH?
52. What is cephalhaematoma?
53. What is caput suceedanum?
54. What is secondary PPH?
55. What is nuchal translucency test conducted for?(Answer:To detect for possible downs
syndrome in baby)
56. what will be your action if a colleague gives wrong medication during your shift?
57. What is the role of a consultant midwife?
58. You were told to monitor patients CVP,you lack skills for it,what will be your
action?(Answer:be honest about your lack of knowledge and seek guidance)
59. What should be the total feed for an 8 day old baby? \ J fJ \'"
60. What will be your action if you need to communicate with a client whose first language is
not English?(Answer:Get a proffesional interpreter)
61. What is NMC expectation in safegaurding?(Answer:To protect the people in your care
from harm and abuse)
62. What advice will you give to a primigravida will pre labour ruptured
membranes?(Answer:Let her know that labour will begin spontaneously within 24 hours)
63. What is the correct position for resucitating a baby?
64. What is the correct position for resucitating a mother?
65. What are the symptoms of Acute Fatty Liver disease in
pregnancy? (Answer:Anorexia, malaise, nausea, vom itting, headache,
66. What is the most used antihypertensive in pregnancy?(Answer: Labetalol)
67. What are predisposing factors to foetal macrosomia?(Answer:Maternal obesitY,GDM)
68. How long will it take for contractions to start after giving oxytocin
intramuscularly?(Answer:3 to 5 minutes)
69. What is the NICE approved drug for actively managing the 3rd stage of
70. What are the indications for anomaly scan?(Answer:congenital heart defect,renal
agenesis,spina bifida)
71. What is the phase following menstruation in the menstrual cycle
called?(Answer:Ovulation) ~{v ~~"' .: J.

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72. How do you address a lesbian and her partner at antenatal when giving a geberal
education b~1/..-1 L ,..~ c;-~~ ~Y-J
73. Why is episiotomy done in shoulder dystocia?(Answer:To enlarge the vagina to aid
instrumental or ventous delivery)
74. What will be your sequence of action when you discover shoulder dystocia?
75. What are the complications of polyhydraminous?(Answer:cord prolapse,Preterm delivery
76. A woman admitted for induction of labour says she doesn't want it anymore,what will be
your action?(
77. What is Trisomy 13?
78. How will you communicate a still birth to the parents?
79. What is bulimia disorder?
80. What are the common blood tests at 10 weeks gestation?
81. What is the folic acid dose for an epileptic pregnant woman?
82. What are the dimensions of the pelvic brim?
83. Is the pinnard stethoscope still used in midwifery?(Answer:Yes)
84. How will recording be done in an emergency situation?
86~ What are the uses of an MRI?
87. What is BNF?(Answer:British National Formulary)
~8~ What are the signs of toxoplasmosis?
?Jf. What is the ratio of senior midwives to midwives?
85. What is the assessment criteria in APGAR score?
86. What is the role of the lead midwife for education?
87. How is methyldopa used to control high blood pressure in pregnancy?
88. What is the colour of entonox cylinder used in the community?
89. How should entonox cylinder be stored at home before use
• I"
})B. What drug is used as an antinflamation agent? f'r'/,//1 C" -
90. A client being transfused complains of hotness and rashes begin to appear on the
abdomen what will be your action?(Answer:Stop transfusion,call a doctor,recheck patient
and component compatibility.check temperature,pulse,blood pressure,oxygen
saturation,start appropriate treatment,document)
91. Who are you likely to inform when you administer a wrong drug?(Answer:line or ward
92. What will you do after you take up and realize the pethidine stock is not balanced?
93. What time is cord clamping done during active management of the 3rd stage of
labour?(Answer: 1to 5 minutes)
94. What is the process for physiologic management of 3rd stage of labour?
95. What is the process for active management of 3rd stage of labour?
96. What is the dosage of vitamin K?(Answer: 1 mg intramuscularly,
97. What is the indication for CTG?(Answer:Epidu al anaesthesia,
1-ezr.- What weight is very low birth weight? lJA ~ {. G r; \"! ( (J
.:j-~ What are the side effects of antibiotics?
106. What is the procedure sequence for antenatal physical
examinations. ?(Answer: Inspection, Palpation ,Auscultation

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98. List some postnatal discomforts.
99. When is the active first stage of labour?(Answer: From 4cm to 10cm)
100. What are the reasons for foetal moulding in pregnancy?
101. What are the contraindications for vaginal examination?(Answer:Placenta
111. What is the process for vaginal examination?
~~ What is the major prognosis of alpha thalasaemia?
:t+S.' What are the causes of alpha thalassaemia?
114. What group of people are prone to vitamin D
deficiency?(Answer:Africans,African-Carribean or South Asian family origin,women with
limited exposure to sunlight,such as household women or confined indoors for long
periods,or who cover their skin for cultural reasons)
115. What group of people are at risk of sickle cell anaemia?(Answer:African-
Caribbean,African,Chinese,Spanish,ltalian,Maltese and Portugese )
-.: /6. What is the procedure for measuring blood pressure?
.... 1J/17. How many centimeters does the diaphragm displace in pregnancy?~
.:1.-1-8-:" Where is the cuff placed during blood pressure measurement?
102. What is the most common STI in pregnancy?(Answer:Chlamydia)
103. What advice will you give to a woman who iis Herpes positive.(Answer:Avoid sex
during an attack,avoid oral sex if you have cold sores or active genital herpes)
121. A junior midwife asks you what the dosage and route for anti eclamptic drug
is.What will be your response?
122. What are the effects of rubella infection on the baby in early
pregnancy?(Answer:blindness,deafness,brain and heart defects)
104. What are the contraindications of a hypertensive pregnant woman?
105. At ANC her blood pressure was 142/95 but at booking it was 110/80,what will be
your action?
125. A client of 32 weeks calls from home complaining of significant bleeding and
pain,what will be your advice?(Answer:Ask her to report to the hospital immediately)
106. What are signs of concealed APH?(Pain,shock,
107. What is HELLP syndrome?
108. What screenings are done routinely at antenatal?
109. What is screened for during the second trimester?(Answer:structural anomalies)
110. During the completion of a report,you were called out,what will be your action?
13 t-:" What is the effect of the body on the drug termed? '- pht\ \ me' J»'(\QH'...J
J-3Q~ What is chorioamnionitis? "
111. What is the correct sequence for initiating first aid resucitation in public?
112. What are the symptoms of fatty liver disease? :...
113. You deliver an apneoc,atonic baby with heart rate of 80,what will be your action2..~
114. Which position is used in women with cardiac problem? -
115. What pain relieve is used in women with cardiac problem? g
116. Which nerve gets affected in Erbs palsy? ~ S tG. ~~ -L; ~ ~ ., ~ :r.
c I'\~~
117. What is the ideal room temperature for bab~s?(Ansvfer:18 deree ~~fj'ous) '7
118. What are the names of trisomy 21 ?-?c;) r: .•...• ,; 1>-yI;(1Y~.

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119. What drug is
contraindicated in hypertensive women?AC ~ ,,,. ' ~-:-;~7Y -t-(
120. What is Low Weight Molecular Heparin (LWMH)?(Answer:Medication used in the
treatment of thrombop
121. What is Systemic Inflammatory Response?
122. What are the effects of Varicella Zooster in pregnanc ?
123. What is the causative
organism of bacteriuria? Es c . ¢.'(\'11 • c> ~,

124. What is clinical governance?

125. How will you manage an eclamptic fit in the community?
126. What are the recommendations for waterbirth?
127. How many hours are required for a midwifery revalidation? (Answer:450 hours
every 3 years)
128. What are the complications of polyhydramnios? (Answer: Cord prolapse,
129. What are the constituents of the urine of a pregnant woman?
130. What will be the best action for pethidine prescribed for home birth that wasn't
used? (Answer: It should be returned to the stock)
153. What is the contraindication of epidural in caesarean section? (Answer:
Established hypotension)
154. A 28 weeks gestation woman complaining of significant hands and feet itching.
what will be your action?
155. What are the actions that foster early breastfeeding? (Answer: Skin to skin
contact within the first hour)
131. Where should a client's report of domestic abuse be documented?
132. What does the ectoderm develop into? (Answer: The dermis)
133. What drug is used to treat thrombophilia in pregnancy? (Answer: Low weight
Molecular Heparin)
159. When is amniotic fluid embolism likely to occur? (Answer: During induction of
134. What is the composition of normal urine?
135. Puerperal septic conditions
1-62... If the presenting part is in the iliac fossa what is the presentation?
1'63:-- Between presenting part and iliac spine
136. What is important
for foetal pulmonary development? - t, t 1
137. At what week does the midwife do sweeping of membranes? (
138. What is obstetric cholestasis? (Answer: This is a multifactorial condition
characterized by pruritus in the absence of a skin rash with abnormal Liver function
tests,neither which have an alternative cause and both of which resolve after birth)

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139. NICE Antenatal care.pdf
140. NICE Intrapartum care.pdf
141. NICE Postpartum care.pdf
142. NICE Smoking stopping in pregnancy and after childbirth.pdf
143. NICE Antenatal and postnatal mental health.pdf
144. NICE Ectopic pregnancy and Miscarriage.pdf
145. NICE Caesarean section.pdf
146. NICE Multiple pregnancy.pdf
147. NICE Pregnancy and complex social factors.pdf
148. NICE Hypertension in pregnancy.pdf
149. NICE Weight management before and following childbirth
150. NICE Diabetes in pregnancy.pdf
151. NICE Maternal and child nutrition.pdf
152. NICE Violence.pdf
153. NICE Eating disorders.pdf
154. NMC-UK The Code.pdf
155. NMC-UK Raising concerns.pdf
156. NMC-UK How to revalidate.pdf
157. NMC-UK Enabling Professionalism.pdf
158. NMC-UK Standards for nurses, midwives and nurse associates.pdf
159. NMC-UK Standards for pre-registration Midwifery.
160. NHS Nicotine replacement therapy.pdf
161. NHS-The Pregnancy Book St Georges Hospital.pdf
162. The Abortion Law (UK).pdf

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