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Article · April 2017


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Sudarshana Laha
Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems


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Sudarshana Laha Supervisor:Dr. Gautam Sengupta
151169 Dept. of Physics

Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur

April 17, 2017

The proposed project involves the study of black holes as thermodynamic systems. This envisages
studying the thermodynamics of asymptotically Anti deSitter ( AdS) black holes due to their stability.
Specifically the objective is to study the phase transition and critical phenomena of Schwarzschild-AdS and
Reissner-Nordstrom ( R-N)- AdS. To this end it is required to study the Laws of Black Hole Thermodynamics
and continue this to understand the computation of the Hawking Temperature for such AdS black holes from
a Euclidean path integral approach and obtain the saddle point approximation for the partition function.
This may then be used to compute the Free Energy. The Free Energy thus obtained may then be used
to characterize the phase transitions and the critical phenomena for the AdS black holes considered as
thermodynamic systems.
negative specific heat and is thus thermodynamically
unstable. After an initial attempt to resolve this
problem by putting the black hole in a finite box, a
1 Introduction more appropriate setting was found in the context of
the anti-de Sitter (AdS) space. A Schwarzschild black
Black hole thermodynamics has been engaging re- hole in an asymptotically AdS spacetime has positive
searchers over the last 30 years since Hawking dis- specific heat at high temperature and is thermody-
covered thermal radiation from black holes which namically stable. In 1983, Hawking and Page discov-
provides a profound connection between gravity and ered using path integral methods that Schwarzschild-
quantum mechanics. The relation between the ge- AdS black holes have negative free energy relative
ometrical properties of the event horizon and the to AdS spacetime at high temperature and exhibit a
thermodynamic quantities provides a clear indica- first-order phase transition.
tion that there is a relation between properties of
the spacetime geometry and some kind of quantum
physics. As the study of the statistical mechanics of
black body radiation led to the advent of the theory 2 Laws of Black Hole Thermody-
of quantum mechanics, the effort to understand the namics
statistical mechanics of black holes has had a deep
impact upon the understanding of quantum gravity. Bekenstein was first to propose that black holes are
A black hole has a temperature associated with its thermodynamic objects and that its entropy is a mea-
surface gravity and the entropy associated with its sure of the all the information about collapse lost in-
area that is increasing. In addition, quantum fluctua- side the horizon. Based on the equivalency between
tions allow the black holes to radiate energy and evap- the laws of thermodynamics and the laws of black
orate eventually. It was noted that a Schwarzschild hole mechanics,it was conjectured that the entropy
black hole in an asymptotically flat spacetime has of the black hole is proportional to the area of the

horizon in units of the Planck length squared while ∆Sbh ≥ 0. However, quantum effects may violate
the temperature of black holes is proportional to the this statement in situations where the Hawking
surface gravity at the horizon. However, Bekensteins radiation causes an evaporation of black holes
proposal could only be considered as a formal anal- leading to a decrease in the area.At the same
ogy, since in a classical description the black holes time, since the Hawking radiation is thermal, it
do not radiate and hence could not be maintained in will lead to an increase in the entropy of the sur-
a thermal equilibrium with a heat bath at any finite rounding medium. This fact can be summarized
temperature. However, shortly after Bekensteins pro- in the statement of the generalized second law
posal, Hawking was able to establish through a semi- (GSL) of black hole thermodynamics first pro-
classical analysis of the evolution of quantum fields posed by Bekenstein,
in a fixed black hole background that the black holes The entropy in the black hole exterior plus
do radiate energy. Moreover, the Hawking radiation the black hole entropy never decreases, ∆Sbh +
emitted by the black hole was thermal, i.e, it had ∆Sout ≥ 0.
a black body spectrum with a temperature propor-
tional to the surface gravity at the horizon, • Third Law:It is impossible to reduce the tem-
perature of the black hole to zero by a finite se-
1 κ~ quence of operations.Black hole thermodynamics
T = (1)
2π kB c is not compatible with the Nernst formulation
of the third law of thermodynamics, according
where kB is Boltzmann’s constant,c is the speed of
to which, the entropy of a system goes to zero
light and ~ is Planck’s constant.The exact constant
or a constant value as its temperature goes to
of proportionality that relates the entropy to the hori-
zero. For example, the rotating charged black
zon surface area
kB A holes show extremality , namely, at zero temper-
S= (2) ature these black holes possess a finite entropy
4 lp2
which is given as a function of the angular mo-
where lp is the Planck length.In units where ~ = c = mentum and the electric charge. However, it is
kB = 1,the temperature is given by, T = κ/2π while now known that the Nernst law is not a universal
the entropy is given by S = A/4. law of thermodynamics and is violated by many
The four laws of black hole thermodynamics might condensed matter systems as well.
now be stated as follows:
• Zeroth Law:For a black hole in equilibrium,its
temperature is constant everywhere on the event 2.1 Hawking Temperature
horizon.The stationarity condition necessary for Bekenstein had asked a question that if nothing can
the constancy of the surface gravity in the first come out of a black hole, then a black hole will vio-
law of black hole mechanics is rephrased as the late the second law of thermodynamics. If one throws
equilibrium condition for temperature. a bucket of hot water into a black hole then the net
• First Law:For a rotating, charged black hole the entropy of the world outside would seem to decrease.
difference of energy between two nearby equilib- Does that mean one has to give up the second law of
rium states is given by thermodynamics in the presence of black holes?
It can be noted that the loss of the bucket to the
dM = T dS + ΦdQ + ΩdJ (3) outside world does not violate the first law since the
black hole carries mass which increases to conserve
where M represents the mass or internal energy energy in the process.This implies if the second law
of the black hole while the first term on the right of thermodynamics holds good then the black hole
represents heat exchanged by the black hole with ought to have an entropy.
its surroundings. In the last two work terms, the This way of saving the second law is however in con-
electric potential, Φ, and angular velocity,Ω, are tradiction with the classical properties of a black hole
the chemical potentials conjugate to the charge, because if a black hole has energy E and entropy S,
Q, and the angular momentum, J,respectively. then it must also have temperature T given by
• Second Law:In any classical black hole process, 1 ∂S
the black hole entropy is non- decreasing, i.e, = (4)
T ∂T

For a Schwarzschild black hole,the area and entropy the correct periodicity 0 < θ < 2π. If the period-
scales as S ≈ M 2 which would lead one to expect icity is different, then the geometry would have a
that the inverse of temperature scales as M conical singularity at ρ = 0.This implies that Eu-
clidean time tE has periodicity τ = 2π/κ.It can be
1 ∂S ∂M 2
= ≈ ≈M (5) noted that far away from the black hole at asymp-
T ∂M ∂M totic infinity the Euclidean metric is flat and goes as
2 2 2
For a classical black hole it is impossible to radi- ds = dτE + dr . With periodically identified Eu-
ate so Hawking included that quantum effects are clidean time, tE ≈ tE + τ , it looks like a cylinder.
in progress.In a quantum theory, particle-antiparticle Near the horizon at ρ = 0 it is nonsingular and looks
are constantly being created and annihilated even in like flat space in polar coordinates for this correct
vacuum. Near the horizon, an antiparticle can fall in periodicity. The full Euclidean geometry thus looks
once in a while and the particle can escapes to infin- like a cigar. The tip of the cigar is at ρ = 0 and the
ity.Hawking’s calculation using quantum effects gave geometry is asymptotically cylindrical far away from
the result as already stated in eq.(1). the tip.
Using the relation between Euclidean periodicity and
2.2 Euclidean Derivation of Hawking Tem- temperature, it can be concluded that Hawking tem-
perature of the black hole is

The Hawking temperature can be derived in a some- T = (10)

what heuristic way using a Euclidean continuation of
the near horizon geometry.In quantum mechanics, for
a system with Hamiltonian H, the thermal partition 3 AdS Black Holes stability
function is
Black hole thermodynamics differs from usual ther-
Z = T re−βH (6)
modyamics in respect of non-extensivity of en-
where β is the inverse temperature.This is related to tropy.However,the thermodynamic charges M,J and
the time evolution operator e−itH/~ by a Euclidean Q are extensive and add up when two black holes
analytic continuation t = −iτ if τ = β~ is identified.If merge,i.e,
a single scalar degree of freedom Φ is considered,then
the trace can be written as S(λM, λQ, λJ) 6= λS(M, Q, J) (11)
T re−τ Ĥ/~ = dφ < φ|e−τE H/~ |φ > (7) Besides, the entropy of black holes can also be-
come non-concave in certain regions of the thermo-
and use the path integral representation of the prop- dynamic parameter space. Failure to remain concave
agator to find is caused by one or more eigenvalues of the Hessian

Z Z matrix,[ ∂X∂i ∂X
],becoming positive. In particular, in
T re−τ Ĥ/~ = dφ DΦe−SE [φ] (8) regions where
∂2S 1
where SE [Φ] is the Euclidean action over periodic ( )Q,J = − 2 >0 (12)
∂M 2 T CQ,J
field configurations that satisfy the boundary condi-
tion Φ(β~) = Φ(0) = φ.This gives the relation be- the heat capacity at fixed charges, CQ,J , will become
tween the periodicity in Euclidean time and the in- negative, which means that the black hole cannot be
verse tem- perature, held in a stable thermal equilibrium with an arbitrar-
ily large heat bath at any fixed temperature. There-
β~ = τ => T = (9) fore, the canonical ensemble is rendered unstable.
τ In the case of the black hole ,it can’t be divided
Now the Euclidean Schwarzschild metric by substi- into subsystems in equilibrium with each other, even
tuting t = −itE , near the horizon the line element though it is an extended system in an intrinsic equi-
looks like ds2 = ρ2 κ2 dt2E + dρ2 librium, as suggested by the constancy of the temper-
If we now write κtE = θ, then this metric is just the ature and other chemical potentials across the hori-
flat two-dimensional Euclidean metric written in po- zon. Therefore, the heat capacity (and not specific
lar coordinates provided the angular variable θ has heat) and other susceptibilities apply to the black

hole system as a whole, and not, as it were, to parts on considering such a black hole in equilibrium with
of it. For this reason, a black hole can be in equi- an infinite heat reservoir. A small positive fluctu-
librium and yet afford a negative heat capacity, ation in temperature makes the black hole radiate
as opposed to extensive systems. All these consid- some mass away,and the temperature increases, low-
erations lead to a description of black hole and its ering the mass further until the black hole becomes
surrounding, having energy E1 and E2 respectively, extremely hot and evaporates. A small negative fluc-
as loosely coupled thermodynamic subsystems of a tuation in temperature makes the black hole absorb
large system of total fixed energy, E1 + E2 = E.The more radiation than it radiates, increasing its mass.
total entropy is now additive, and is given as the sum The black hole cools off, absorbs mass at a faster rate
of the subsystem entropies, and grows indefinitely.
To restore stability, Hawking considered the unphys-
S(E|E1 ) = S1 (E1 ) + S2(E2 ) (13) ical case of putting the black hole in a box of fi-
nite volume and finite heat capacity. He found that
In this microcanonical description of the overall sys- the black hole can be in stable thermodynamic equi-
tem, the state of equilibrium is then a maximum of librium against radiation given that the radiation
the total entropy, S, with respect to the variations energy of the box satisfies Erad < 14 M .Putting a
of the energy of its subsystems, i.e, given the total Schwarzschild black hole in a box, albeit completely
entropy its extremization with respect to variations unphysical, does give a thermodynamically stable so-
in E1 gives the condition for equilibrium, while the lution. Now we shall see a much more natural con-
maximization with respect to E1 variations gives the struction, where the black hole is placed in a space-
condition for a stable equilibrium, time that is no longer asymptotically flat. The anti-
de Sitter (AdS) space can be thought to have a po-
∂ 2 S(E|E1 ) ∂ 2 S1 (E1 ) ∂ 2 S2 (E2 )
= + ≤0 (14) tential wall as one approaches the asymptotic infinity.
∂E12 ∂E12 ∂E22 The AdS-Schwarzschild metric looks like[Ref 5]
Using eq.(12), the above equality can be shown as
equal to ds2 = −V (r)dt2 + dr2 + r2 dΩ2 (16)
1 1 V (r)
+ ≥0 (15)
C1 C2 2
where V (r) = (1 − 2M r
r + b2 ) and the AdS curvature
where C1 and C2 are heat capacities of the black hole
length is b and related to the cosmological constant
and its surroundings respectively.It can be seen that
like, 2Λ = − (d−1)(d−2)
b2 .The black hole has an event
in the limit of an infinite surrounding, i.e, in a canon-
horizon at r = r+ ,largest root of V (r).The temper-
ical ensemble, the heat capacity of the black hole, C1 ,
ature can be found by performing a Wick rotation
must be positive. For a finite total energy, if the heat
τ = it and looking at the metric near the horizon.Let
capacity of the black hole is negative the inequality
r = r+ + ρ2 , ρ << 1. To leading order in ρ,
in eq.(15) will be valid only when the heat capacity
of the surrounding, C2 , is positive and smaller than
b2 ρ2 + 3r+2 2
ρ + 3r+ ρ4 + ρ6 b2 + 3r+2
the magnitude of C1 . This would in turn imply the V (r) = ≈ ρ2
inequality C1 + C2 ≤ 0, so that the stable system b2 (r+ + ρ2 ) b2 r+
of black hole and its surroundings, when brought in (17)
contact with a thermal reservoir, becomes unstable. The metric in eq.(16) now looks like
Thus, two ensembles of the same system produce dif-
ferent conditions for stability, which is quite unlike 4b2 r+ b2 + 3r+
ds2 = 2 [( )2 ρ2 dτ 2 + dρ2 ] + r+
ordinary thermodynamical systems. b2+ 3r+ 2
2b r+
The term in square brackets resemble the polar coor-
dinates: ds2 = r2 dθ2 + dr2 .If θ has period 2π, then
4 Thermodynamics of AdS it is the metric of the flat plane, whereas any other
value will result in a conical singularity at r = r+ .
Schwarzschild Black Hole To avoid a conical singularity in eq.(18),τ needs to be

A Schwarzschild black hole is thermodynamically un- periodic with period β0 = b4πb r+

2 +3r 2 and using the fact
stable because its specific heat, δT /δM ,is negative, that the temperature of the black hole is the inverse

of its period, i.e., value r = K. For the AdS metric,
β1 K
b2 + 3r+
2 Z Z Z
TBH = β0−1 = 2
(19) I1 = dt r2 dr dΩ = β1 K 3 (20)
4πb r+ 8π 0 0 S2 6

For the Schwarzschild-AdS metric,

Z β0 Z K Z
I0 = dt r2 drβ0 (K 3 − r+
dΩ =
8π 0 r+ S2 6
While β0 is given by eq.(19), β1 can in principle be
given any value since the AdS metric need not be
periodic in time. It is required that the two metrics
match at the r = K hypersurface. At r = K, the
AdS and the Schwarzschild-AdS metrics read
The plot of temperature against the mass of the
black hole (figures 1 and 2)[Ref.5], where we see that K2 2
ds2 = −(1 + )dt + K 2 dΩ2 (22)
unlike the asymptotically flat case, the Schwarzschild- b2
AdS black hole temperature no longer decreases 2M K2

with its√mass. It attains a minimum at ds2 = −(1 − + 2 )dt2 + K 2 dΩ2 (23)
K b
r0 = 3 , TH ≡ T0 = 23 πb
b 1
. For T < T0 , black holes
respectively. The requirement that the two metrics
cannot exist and the space is filled with pure radia-
match implies, in particular, that the time coordi-
tion.At any T > T0 , there are two black hole solutions
nates have the same period. This gives a condition
at equilibrium. The smaller black hole,represented by
for β1 :
the branch with r < r0 , has negative specific heat
and is thermodynamically unstable. The larger black r r
K2 2M K2
hole, represented by the branch with r > r0 , has pos- β1 1 + 2 = β0 1 − + 2 (24)
b K b
itive specific heat and is thermodynamically stable.
4.1 The Hawking-Page phase transition Λ β1
I = I0 − I1 =β0 ((K 3 − r+
)− )
Hawking and Page found that although black holes 6 β0
r (25)
β0 2M b 2
can be in stable thermal equilibrium with radiation,
= − 2 (K 3 − r+
− 1− 2 K 3)
they are not the preferred state below a certain criti- 2b b K + K3
cal temperature. They discovered that once this tem-
perature is reached, a first-order phase transition oc- For large K,
curs and black holes become the preferred state. The β0 M b2
3 3
idea is to compare the free energy, or equivalently, the I≈− [K − r+ − (1 − )K 3 ]
2b2 b2 K + K 3
actions of the Schwarzschild-AdS metric and the AdS (26)
β0 3 πr2 (b2 − r+2
metric. We will find that it is a function of temper- ≈ 2 (r+ − M b2 ) = +2 2
ature. The phase transition happens when the two 2b b + 3r+
actions become equal,and the free energy of one be-
The expected energy and entropy can be calculated
comes lower than another.
Solutions of Rij = Λgij satisfy R = 4Λ.Hence
the R Einstein-Hilbert action of the form I = I
1 √ =M< E >=
16π d4 x −g(R − 2Λ) reduces to a volume integral β0 (27)
Λ √
d4 x −g.It turns out that one need not con-
I = 8π 2
S = β0 < E > −I = πr+ = SBH
sider the boundary term because it will cancel out
when we take the action difference at asymptotic in- as is expected for a black hole of mass M and radius
finity. The integral is actually infinite if it is integrate r+ .
over all space.The integral needs to be regularized by It can be noted that I = 0 at r+ = b, TH ≡ T1 = πb ,
integrating the radial variable only up to some cutoff I > 0 for r+ < b, and I < 0 for r+ > b. Thus

for T < T1 , thermal radiation will dominate the where m is related to the ADM mass of the black hole
partition fn., whereas for T > T1 , black holes will and the parameter q yields the charge
dominate the partition function. A thermal phase
transition occurs at T = T1 in which the preferred
p wn−1
Q = 2(n − 1)(n − 2) q (31)
state switches to large black holes instead of radia- 8πG
tion. This is called the Hawking-Page phase transi-
of the pure electric Gauge potential given by,
tion. There is another critical temperature T2 > T1
for which all radiation will inevitably collapse to form s
a black hole. The phase diagram is given in figure 3 n−1 q
A = (− n−2
+ Φ)dt (32)
[Ref.5]. For T < T0 , black holes cannot exist and 2(n − 2) r

and Φ is a constant that can be fixed.If r+ is the

largest real positive root of V (r), then in order for
this RNadS metric to describe a charged black hole
with a nonsingular horizon at r = r+ , the latter must
n 2n−2 2n−4
the space is dominated by thermal radiation. For ( )r+ + l2 r+ ≥ q 2 l2 (33)
T0 < T < T1 , black holes can exist in stable equi- n − 2
librium with thermal radiation, but is less favored Finally it is chosen
than pure radiation. A black hole can reduce its free
energy by evaporating into pure radiation with a tun- s
neling probability Γ ∝ e where B0 is the action dif- n−1 q
Φ= n−2 (34)
ference between the large and the small black hole. 2(n − 2) r+
For T1 < T2 , black hole is favored over pure radia-
tion. Pure radiation can now reduce its free energy by which then fixes At (r+ ) = 0, as is required by (Eu-
turning into a black hole with a tunneling probability clidean) regularity of the oneform potential (32) at
Γ ∝ eB1 where B1 is the action difference between the the fixed point set of the Killing vector ∂t . The
small black hole and pure AdS. For T > T2 , all radi- physical significance of the quantity Φ, which plays
ation must collapse and the universe is dominated by an important role later, is that it is the electrostatic
black holes. potential difference between the horizon and infinity.
If the inequality in eqn. (33) is saturated, the hori-
zon is degenerate and we get an extremal black hole.
5 Thermodynamics of RN-AdS This inequality imposes a bound on the black hole
mass parameter of the form m ≥ me (q, l).
Black Hole In passing to the thermodynamic discussion, we de-
For spacetime dimension n + 1,the Einstein-Maxwell fine the Euclidean section (t → iτ ) of the solution,
anti de-Sitter action is written as and identify the period, β, of the imaginary time with
the inverse temperature. Using the usual formula for
√ −
1 n(n 1) the period, β = 4π/V (r+ ), which arises from the
I=− dn+1 x −g[R − F 2 + ] (28)
16πG M l2 requirement of regularity of the solution,we obtain:

with Λ = − n(n−1)
2l2 being the cosmological constant 4πl2 r+
β= 2n−2 2n−4 (35)
associated with the characteristic length scale,l.The nr+ + (n − 2)l2 r+ − (n − 2)q 2 l2
metric of RN-AdS solution can be written as
1 For simplicity, we specialize to n = 3, and after
ds2 = −V (r)dt2 + dr2 + r2 dΩ2n−1 (29) some rescalings to introduce a system of dimension-
V (r)
less quantities in which everything is measured in
and the function V (r) is of the form units of the AdS scale l. This scaling is chosen so that
the thermodynamic formulae still all have their stan-
m q2 r2 dard form, i.e., dE = T dS + ΦdQ ,dF = SdT + ΦdQ
V (r) = 1 − + + (30) and dW = −SdT − QdΦ
rn−2 r2n−4 l2

5.1 The Equation of State Below shown are the plots of W [Φ, T ] vs T for
(i)Φ = 0,(ii)Φ = 0.7 and (iii)Φ = 1.0.The plots
The Euclidean regularity at the horizon discussed at
have been reproduced from the ones given in refer-
eq.(35) is equivalent to the condition that the black
ence(3).The crossover from the cusp (Φ < 1/c) to
hole is in thermodynamical equilibrium. The result-
the single branch (Φ > 1/c) behaviour. The (i)
ing eq.(35) may therefore be written as an equation
plot is the free energy curve for the uncharged (or
of state T = T (Φ, Q) (analogous to T = T (P, V ) for,
Φ = 0) ensemble, showing the physics familiar from
say, a gas at pressure P and volume V ).For n = 3,
the Schwarzschild case: visible are the two branches
2 2
Φ (1 − Φ ) + Q 2 consisting of smaller (unstable) and large (stable)
T = (36) black holes. The entire unstable branch has positive
free energy while the stable branchs free energy goes
or solving for Q, (rapidly, on this scale) negative for all T > Tc .
Q = TΦ ± Φ T 2 + Φ2 − 1 (37)

From this equation of state we see that for fixed Φ

we get two branches, one for each sign, when the
discriminant under the square root is positive. For
fixed Q, T (Φ) has three branches for Q < Qcrit and
one for Q > Qcrit , where the critical charge is de-
termined solving for the point of inflection where
(∂Q/∂Φ)T = (∂ 2 Q/∂Φ2 )T = 0. In the dimension-√
less units√used here, one finds
√ Qcrit =√1/(2 3),
Tcrit = 2 2/3,
√ Φcrit = 1/ 6, Ecrit = 2/3, and
r+(crit) = 1/ 2.
As T goes to zero, we approach the extremal black
holes. Their equation of state is
1 p
Φ2e = (1 + 1 + 4Q2 ) (38)
for arbitrary T.
For some later computations, it is often convenient
to use as an additional, nonindependent parameter,
the blackhole radius r+ , in terms of which
Q = r+ r+ 2 − 2r T + 1,

1 Q2
2T = r+ + − 3 , (39)
r+ r+
Φ= = 2 − 2r T + 1
r+ +

5.2 The Grand Canonical Ensemble

The system is coupled to energy and charge reser-
voirs at fixed temperature T and potential Φ
(an intensive variable). The associated thermody-
namic potential is the Gibbs free energy, W [T, Φ] =
E − T S − ΦQ, is given by

1 Q Q
W [Φ, T ] = [3 (1 − Φ2 ) − ( )3 ] (40)
12 Φ Φ

5.3 The Canonical Ensemble the (ii) and (iii) plots the situations for Q < Qcrit
and Q ≥ Qcrit , respectively, are plotted where
In the canonical (fixed charge) ensemble, we wish
Qcrit = 0.298.
to compute the Helmholtz potential F [Q, T ] (a.k.a,
Starting to the extreme left of the plot (ii), (low tem-
the free energy).The expression is as given
perature) we see that there is a single branch of free
1 Q Q energy, corresponding to the branch 1 solutions.At
F [Q, T ] = [3 − ( )3 + 9QΦ] (41) T1 , branches 2 and 3 appear on the graph and sep-
12 Φ Φ
arate from each other at higher temperatures. At
Below shown are the plots of F [Q, T ] vs T for (i)Q = T2 , branches 1 and 2 coalesce and disappear, while
0,(ii)Q = 0.15 and (iii)Q = 0.299.The plots have branch 3 persists for all higher temperatures, contin-
been reproduced from the ones given in reference(3). uing to the left.So from zero temperature the negative
For charge Q = 0,i.e, (i) it is the Schwarzschild free energy of branch 1 means that those nonextreme
black holes dominate the thermodynamic ensemble.
At temperature Tc , (Tc = 0.943 in the plot) the free
energy of branch 3 is actually more negative than
that of branch 1, and so that branch of nonextremal
black holes takes over the physics and continue to do
so for all higher temperatures.The situation at Tc is
a genuine finite temperature phase transition, of first
As we approach the critical value, Qcrit , of the charge
representing the crossover into the large charge
regime, the kink in the free energy and therefore the
transition vanishes, as branches 1 and 3 merge (and
branch 2 disappears).The difference in horizon radii
(3) (1)
between the two branches, ρ+ = r+ − r+ , may be
thought of as an order parameter for the transition,
as it vanishes above Qcrit , where the transition goes
away and at Tcrit = 0.943 in the last plot the bend is
in the neighbourhood of critical point of second order.

6 Conclusion
The following things have been studied this semester:
• The structure of anti de-Sitter space and AdS
black holes.
• Qualitative overview of black hole thermody-
• Euclidean derivation of Hawking temperature.
• Qualitative analysis of AdS-Schwarzschild and
AdS-RN black hole thermodynamics and phase
transitions associated with it.
One can further study the thermodynamic geome-
try of the black holes and show the scalar curvature
Figure 1: Plots of F [Q, T ] vs T also shows phase transition and this study can be
extended to different black holes in extended phase
case and shows first order H-P phase transition.But space too.

7 Acknowledgement
I acknowledge the discussion sessions with my super-
visor, Dr.Gautam Sengupta who suggested me the
topic of the project in the first place.I am very grate-
ful for the motivation I received from my supervisor
to work out the problems that I encountered while
doing the project.

8 Reference

• 1 Hawking Radiation and Black Hole Thermo-

dynamics,Don N. Page[arXiv:hep-th/0409024]
• 2 Charged AdS Black Holes and Catastrophic
Holography,Andrew Chamblin, Roberto Em-
paran, Clifford V. Johnson and Robert C.
• 3 Holography, Thermodynamics and Fluctu-
ations of Charged AdS Black Holes,Andrew
Chamblin, Roberto Emparan, Clifford V. John-
son and Robert C. Myers [hep-th/9904197]
• 4 Thermodynamic geometry, phase transi-
tions and critical phenomena in AdS black
• 5 Black hole thermodynamics ,Simon F.
• 6 Black Holes in Anti-de Sitter Spacetime,Peng

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