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R10 Sampling and Estimation

1. A simple random sample refers to each individual of the

population has:

the different probability of being chosen compared to the

other member in the sample.

the same probability of being chosen compared to the other

member in the sample..

a 1% chance of being chosen .

2. Sampling error is:

An error that occurs in the procedure of collecting, recording,

and tabulating data.

An error comes from the scare number of the sample which is

less than 20.

The difference between a sample statistic used to estimate a

population parameter and the actual but unknown value of

the parameter.

3. Mean height of high school students in B city is 172cm. A

random sample of 1000 high school students' mean height is

172.5cm. How to explain the difference ?

Population error.

Random error.

Sampling error.

4. Which of the following formula is correct to calculate the

standard error of the sample mean with large sample size n

and finite variance σ2?

Sx¯=sample standard deviation × squared root of n

Sx¯=sample standard deviation × n

Sx¯=sample standard deviation / squared root of n

5. Suppose the population distribution with a mean of μ and a

standard deviation of σ , the formula for the standard error is:

standard error =σ/n

standard error =σ×n

standard error =σ/the squared root of n

6. Central limit theorem application for sampling distribution

requires the sample size N is greater than:



7. The mean of a population is 15 and its standard deviation is

2.5.The size of the population is 64. The standard error of this

population should be:




8. A population has a mean of 25 but its standard deviation is

unknown. we select 100 members from the population to form

a sample with a mean of 22.5 and a variance of 16. Calculate

the standard error of the sample mean :



9. A random sample is 100 CFA candidate's exam scoring. The

mean of the scoring is 64. The standard deviation of the

population scoring is 15. The distribution is sopposed to be

normal. The 95% confidence interval for the population mean

should be:

61.06 to 66.94.

61.06 to 69.94.

65.06 to 66.94.

10. Deli Bur is a high school. A recent survey of 25 student of

the high school indicates that the mean time they spend going

to school is 40 minutes . This sample's standard deviation is 8

minutes. The distribution of the population is supposed to be

normal. The 99% confidence interval for the mean time that all

Deli Bur students spend going to the school is:

30.72 to 34.55

38.52 to 54.48

35.52 to 44.48

11. Which of the following statements about the sampling

distribution of a sample mean is correct?

The sampling distribution is the probability distribution

including all datas that population including.

The sampling distribution is the probability distribution

including all possible sample means calculated from samples

whose size is different.

The sampling distribution is the probability distribution

including all possible sample means calculated from samples

whose size is the same.

12. Which of the following most correctly describes the sample

of equity ratios of 50 U.K. banks at fiscal year 2017?

Interval estimate.

Cross-sectional data.

Time-series data.

13. Which of the following properties is most likely desirable

for an estimate?




14. The variance of sample mean is smallest of all unbiased

estimators, which of the following can describe this properity ?

The estimator is efficient.

The estimator is consistent.

The estimator is accuracy.

15. Which of the following is most likely to be true for t-


As the sanmple size gets larger, the t-distribution approaches

the normal distribution. 

The degrees of freedom is equal to n.

The distribution is symmetry but more peaked than a standard

normal distribution.

16. If an analyst uses a sample of historical data for analysis.

But at the time being analyzed, the data was not open.Wha

kind of this bias is?

look-ahead bias.

sample selection bias.

time-period bias.
17. Which of the following statements refers

to survivorship bias?

Use datas of stratified equity sampling.

Use point estimation method instead of interval estimation


Use historical datas of hedgel fund performance.

18. Assume standard deviation of population is 9%. How large

of the sample size should be drawn can let the standard error

of sample means is equal to1.255%?




19. Assume there is an increase in degree of freedom, t-

distribution will have:


fatter tails and be more peaked.

fatter tails and be less peaked.

thinner tails and be more peaked.

20. Tim, an analyst of an investment company, says "If we

increase the sample size only, both the standard error and the

confidence interval width will reduce. " Tim's statement is:


incorrect about confidence interval.

incorrect about the standard error.

21. If analyst collect a random sample of 100 students in

school with 1000 students, and we found the sample mean

heights under 1.7 centimeters, but the population mean

heights is 1.8 centimeters. A friend has asked you to explain

the differences between sample mean and population mean.

Which of the following will you most likely include in your


because of sampling error

because of sampling distribution

because of systematic sampling

22. Which of the following is most likely to described as to

separate the population into smaller groups based on one or

more distinguishing characteristics:

simple random sampling

sample statistic

stratified random sampling

23. For simple random samples of size n from a population

with a mean and a variance but without knowing distribution,

the sampling distribution of the sample mean approaches

normal distribution if the sample size is :




24. Based on the following information the standard error of

the sample mean is closest to:



25. If the variance of the sampling distribution is smaller than

that for other estimators of the parameter, the estimator is :




26. The standard deviation of the parameter estimate

decreases as the :

sample size increase

sample size decrease

standard error is increase

27. Which of the following statement about two-sided

confidence interval is most correct if the confidence interval

become narrower?

the degree of confidence is smaller.

the degree of confidence is larger.

sampling size is smaller.

28. As the degrees of freedom gets larger, the shape of T-

distribution most likely:

approaches a standard normal distribution

becomes fatter tails

becomes less peaked

29. When sampling size is 50 with mean is 78, and population

variance is unknown, which of the following distribution is

taken if sampling forms a normal distribution?

z-statistic only

both t or z statistic

t-statistic only

30. Which of the following statements is most correct if

population variance is unknown?

if population variance is unknown, use the T-statistic

if population variance is unknown, use the Z-statistic

if population variance is unknown, use the F-statistic

31. If analyst want to decrease the width of the confidence

interval, which of the following statement should be selected.

increase sample variance

increase number of observations

increase confidence level

32. A friend has asked you to explain the sample selection

bias. Which of the following will you most likely include in

your explanation?

occurs when a study tests a relationship using sample data

that was not a available on the test date.

some data is systematically excluded from the analysis, usually

because of the lack of availability.

Time period over which the data is gathered is either too short

or too long

33. If fund manager chooses short time-series, which of the

following bias is most likely exist.

survivorship bias

time-period bias

look-ahead bias
34. If analyst used the current company list of manufacturing

industry, which bias is most likely exist?

Survivorship bias

Data-mining bias

Time-period bias

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