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.iErr{ I'rs frq l+ *dE3tu PUNTAB & SINO 8At{X
{8{ra s{$R Sr SClFq) "€?.tuqg (A Government Of tndia Undertaking)
Y.+I. TrfE {iffrua furr{ Errrn
g$fi:ho hrd(.,o5b co rn
tr H,O. Human Oevetopment Deptt.

ennexure-e to Fto circurii iio.l4s-/2021_22 da-ied 30.o3.202

YF FFI 70F PU &sr

RE - 19

ln terms of provisrons of Regulation 17 of the punjab & Sind Bank

Officers, Service
1982 and havin! regard to the guiderines
rnora rrom ttme to ttme, the Board of_Directors
[V in"-a*ernment
"*"i of
of the Bank approved the following policy
promotron of a, officers of the Bank. This policy
effect and supersedes the existing promotion poticy tirr "";""
i;;- ;ff;;i
- --' *ith immediate

1.'lThe number of years of satisfactory service in the scale, as specified paragraph

2 1 and 2.2 mentioned herein betow, will determine the eligibility for jromotion
to the
next higher Scale/Grade.

1.2 Notwithstanding what is stated above:

i. Seniority Channel: Minlmum average of 75% marks in APAR for preceding three
completed financial years for whlch the promotion process is being held would be
Fo|. exampte- for the promotion process 2022_23, an office; under
Channel must secure an average of 75% in APAR
marks for preceding three
completed years i.e. 31.03.2019, 31.03.2020 & 3i.03.2021.

ii. Merit Channel: Minimum average of ZS% marks in APAR for the vears of service
.eqJtreoior eltgibiliry for promot.on woJld be required.

iii. For promotion up to Scale lll an officer employee wjll give an option as to
whether he/she wants to participate in the promotion procesi.

Provided that if an officer employee opts to participate in promotion process but:

a) does not participate in any stage of promotion process, without assigning
any valid reason(s) within 30 days of such non-particjpation, to the
satisfaction oi the competent authority, officer wjll be debarred to participate
in the next promotion process. However, if for any reason promotion process
is not held for the succeeding year, the rigor shall not be applicable for the
next process.
lllustration 1: lf an employee after opting for promotion does not participate
in any of the stage of promotion process 2022-23 without assigning any valid
reason(s) to the satisfaction of the competent authority, he/she shall be
debarred for promotion Wocess 2023-24. However, jf the Bank does not
conduct promotion process for 2023-24 lot any reason in the succeeding
year the rigor shall not be applicable for the promotion process held after
31.03 2024.
1 or 27
^\,-/i. //

b) after being setected, refuses to accept promotion, or fails to join

duty at the
place of posting on promotion as per the direction
of the Bank. on firct
occasion, the officer will be debarred to partjcipate in promotion
process for a
period of three years and if he/ she refuses to accept promotion,
or fajls to
join duty at the place of posting on promotion as per
direction of the Bank, on
Second occasion, he/she will be debarred to participate in promotion process
for a period of five years. The period for debarment in both the cases will
start from the effective date of such promotion.

c) after accepting the promotion, seeks reversion, officer will be debarred to

pa(icipate in promotion process for a period of three years on first occasion.
ln such case, the period for debarment will start from the date of acceptance
of reversion. However, no reversion is allowed on second occasion.

iv. For promotion to Scale-lv and above, no option for participating in promotion
process shall be called.

Provided that if an officer employee is called to participate in promotion process

a) does not participate in any stage of promotion process, without assigning any
valid reason(s) within 30 days of such non-participation, to the satisfaction oJ
the competent authority, offjcer will be debarred to participate in the next
promotion process. However, if for any reason promotion process is not held
for the succeeding year, the rigor shall not be applicable for the next process.

lllustration 2: If an employee after being called for participating in promotion

process, does not participate in any of the stage of promotion process 2022_
23 without assigning any valid reason(s) to the satisfaction of the competent
authority, he/she shall be debarred for promotion process 2 023-24. However,
if the Bank does not conduct promotion process for 2023-24 for any reason in
the succeeding year the rigor shall not be applicable for the promotion
process heid aftet 31.03.2024.

b) after being selected, refuses to accept promotion, or fails to join duty at the
place of posting on promotion as per the direction ol the Bank, on first
occasron, the officer will be debarred to participate in promotion process for a
period of three years and if he/ she refuses to accept promotion, or fails to
join duty at the place of posting on promotion as per direction of the Bank, on
Second occasion, he/she will be debarred to participate in promotion process
for a period of five years. The period for debarment in both the cases will
start from the effective date of such promotion

c) No reversion is allowed in respect of promotion to Scale-lv & above.

Page 2 of 27
APPLICABLE TO CLAUSE 1.2 (iii) & 1.2(iv)

11 9.Ircer .refuses to accept
movement to next higher
promotion when offered shalt stand to forfeit
scale as also stagnation increment proviOea ior at ttre top oi
the.s^cale and consequenlty, they will not be entiued to pep
also in teims of Regutation
5 of PSB - OSR
applicability..of forfeiting- of movement to next higher scate, stagnation
'ncremenl and non-entitlemeni of pep shall have prospectrve effect only and the-refore,
any stagnation incremenu pep which the Officer was drawing prior to refusal of
promotion willcontinue to be paid and his/ her increments/ pep
th;t are faling due after
refusal can only be withheld.
It is, however, clarified that the forfeiture of movement to next higher scale, stagnation
ilgremelrt and PQp by an officer who has refused promotion rv'nen ofereO, s-natt
eligible for the same benefits again in the next scale, ii he accepts promotion
to the next
scale in the subsequent process.

v. An officer employee who refused to go to rural/semi_urban branch posting when

posting was offered, on first occasion, he/she shall not be considered eligible
promotion in Scale ll or Scale lll respectively for a period ofthree years
and iihe/ she
refused to go to rural/semi urban branch posting on second occasion, he/she shall be
debarred to participate in promotion process for a period of five years from the date
of such refusal.

vi. An officer employee in respect of whom any major penalty is awarded Shall not be
considered eligible for promotion for a period of 2 years from the date of punishment.

vii An officer employee in respect of whom any minor penalty is awarded on two
occasions within a period of 3 years shall not be considered eligible for promotion for
a period of 1 year from the date of impositjon of penalty on second occasion.
PROVIDED HOWEVER that this ineligibitity woutd not operate if an emptoyee is
awarded CENSURE'on both such occasions. PROVIDED ALWAYS, that an'officer
employee who is awarded the minor penalty of withholding of promotion in terms of
Regulatron 4 (c) of the Punjab & Sind Bank Officer Employees, (Discipline & Appeal)
Regulations, 1981 shall not be considered for promotion during the operation of the

'1.3Eligibility for promotion in terms of length of service would not confer any right
to an officer employee to participate in promotion process. Number of persons to be
considered for promotion from one scale to another shall be stricfly maintained at 3
limes the number of vacancies on the basis of their seniority determined in terms of
Regulation 18 of Officers Service Regulations, 1982, if otherwise eligible. However, in
case, fresh candidates equal to the number of anticipated vacancies are not available
by keeping zone of consideration at 3 times the antjcipated vacancies, the zone of
consideration may be extended to 4 times the number of anticipated vacancies.
However, all officers promoted on the same date shall be included in the zone of
consideration even jf it goes beyond 3 or 4 times (as the case may be) the number of

ffibelor,r.. rHt
& sr*
For promotion of offjcers in Soectalist Cadre.
same length of servtce & Zone of
Consideration shall be appltcable as tn Generalist Cadre

Fgl.pjolngtlo!. up to Scate-lv this wilt require approvat of MD

& CEO or when the post
of MD & CEO rs vacant. ED (HRD), for promotioiri t"
S"if"'V *J"U'"ve prior approval
of Board shall be required forthe purpose.

1.4 PERFORMANCE & POTENT|AL for shoutdering higher

judged as under:-
responsibjtjties sha be

Performance of an eligible officer will be assessed through the
Annual performance
Appraisal_ Reports. For promotion, the average or tre ac"tuai
maits obtained in the
APARs of the preceding 3 completed years wilibe consiOered.

process 2022_23 which shal be conducted during Mar_Apr

l:1"*?T?l: .!"l,gromotion
lor the preceding three completed years i.e. as on 31.03.i9, 3i.03.20'&
lo-2-2: llAR
31.03.21 will be considered.

However, the performance of an officer for the yea(s) shall be treated as ZERO (i.e.O
marks shall be taken for calculating average of preceding three completed years,
marks) if:

a. An officer employee remains under suspension for more than 6 months in any of the
preceding three completed reporting years.

b. An officer employee remains on Sabbatica, Leave for more than 6 months in any of
the preceding three completed reporting years.

c. Annual Pedormance Appraisal Report of an officer for yea(s) cannot be recorded

due to long sanctloned leave and a No Report Certificate (NRC) has been issued to
officer due to long sanctioned leave in any of preceding three completed years.

ln case, the period of suspension/ Sabbatical Leave/ Sanctioned leave is for 6 months
or less, the performance for the remaining period shall be treated as performance for
the entire year.

lf, an officer has been awarded penalty after declaring the result of promotion from one
scale to next higher scale and the penalty order specifies that the period of suspension
shall not be treated as 'period spent on duty', the period of suspension of concerned
officer shall be excluded from active service of officer to determine his/her eligibility in
terms of length of service for his/her promotion for next promotion process

PROVIDED, that where the annual Appraisal Reports of the preceding 3 completed
years are not available for any reason whatsoever and a No Report Certificate (NRC)
other than due to long sanctioned leave has been issued to officer, the Annual Apprajsal
reports of the immediately preceding previous 3 years, shall be considered for the

Example to illustrate the computation of weightage for performance in case the officer
remains on Sabbatical Leave/ under suspension for more than Six months in any of
preceding three completed years or NRC has been issued due to long sanctioned
leave for yea(s) as indicated above are given below: -

lllustraiionl lllustration-ll
Marks earned by an officer on the basis Marks earned by an officer on the basis
of overall ratings in reports for a period of overall ratings in reports for a period
of 3 years immediately prior to the of 3 years immediately prior to the
promotion exercise. promotion exercise.

ln case the officer remains on ln case the officer remains on

Sabbatical Leave/ under suspension for Sabbatical Leave/ under suspension for
more than Six months in any of more than Six months in any of
preceding completed three years or preceding completed three years or
NRC has been issued due to long NRC has been issued due to long
sanctioned leave sanctioned leave for year(s).

YEAR Marks YEAR Marks

lst 000 1st 090
2nd 095 2nd 000
3rd 091 3rd 000
Total 186 Total 90

Final weightage average Final weightage average

186/3=62.00 90/3=30.00

Further, if for any reason APAR for the year of his joining the Bank as officer
(Po/Promotee) is not available, APAR for the last two completed years will be
consrdered for the purpose of promotion.

For Example;- lf an officer joined the Bank (as Po/Promotee) after 1st January 2019
his APAR for that year (2018-19) will not be considered as he has not worked as officer
for at least 90 days in that financial year and average of APAR for the remaining last
two completed years i.e. as on 31.03.20 & 31.03.21 will only be considered.

Page 5 of27
ii) POTENTIAL:- potential for shoutdering higher responsibilities wilt be assessed
through the process of interview, written test or croup Discussion & interview as
provided in this policy.

1.5 The weightage of written test, interview, group discussion, as the case may be, in
different scales is given below in subsequent paras.



Scale lto Scale-ll 5 years of satisfactory service as officer intluAing a
Seniority Channel minimum mandatory service of 2 years in a rural Branch.

l\4erit Channel 3 years of satisfactory service as officer including a

minimum mandatory service of 2 years in a rural Branch

5 years of satisfactory service jn Scale-ll provided that the

officer has put in a minimum mandatory service of 3 years in
rural/ Semi-urban areas including the rural service in Scale -1.

l\,4er t Channel 3 years of satisfactory service in Scale -ll provided that the
otficer has put in a minjmum mandatory service of 3 years in
rural/ Semi- urban areas including the rural service in Scale -1.
Scale-lll to Scale-lV 3 years satisfactory service in Scale-lll and it will be mandatory
Merit Channel for officers in generalist cadre to have at least 2 years Branch
experience in any prevjous Scale before promotion to Scale lV.
However, those officers who have not completed the mandatory
service requirement shall be reckoned for promotion only in
case they have residual service to fulfill mandatory service
Scale-lv to Scale-V 3 years satisfactory service in Scale-lv provided that the officer
l\4erit Channel has put in total service of 12 years. lt will be mandatory for
officers in generalist cadre to have at least 3 years branch
experience in any prevrous scale out of which 2 years as
Branch Head
However, Scale-lV Officers who are otheMise eligible for
promotion but have not completed mandatory requirement of
working in a Branch for at least 3 years and out of which as
Branch ln-Charge for at least 2 years will be allowed to
participate in the Promotion Process provided they have the
remaining service to complete the mandatory requirement of
Branch experience as per the policy. Further, if they are
promoted they will be posted as Branch ln-charge to complete
the mandatory requirement.

Page 6 aI 27
ln case a- speciatist o@he
m,nrmurn servtce reqdirement would be reckoned from the level
at__which they enter the service. For example, if a
Officer enters at Scale -ll, the minimum 'fength oi'seru,";
for promotion from Scale -lV to V will be 9 yeari inst"aO ot i2
Scale-V to
Scale-Vt 3 years satisfactory@
Merit Channel has put in total services of 1S years.

ln case a Specialist Officer joins at Scate-ll or above, th€

minimum service requirement would be reckoned from the leve

Scale-Vl to Scale-VIt 3 Years satisfactory service in Scale-Vl provEEdinatlfre otficer

l\y'erit Channel has put in total services of 18 years. provided the executive in
Scale-Vl has minimum residual service of two years (as on 1st
April of the relevant vacancy year).

Provided further that for being promoted to Scale -Vll, the

officer should have worked as:
i) Zonal Head for one year or
ii) Head of CBB for two years or
iii) Head of Cen-Marg fortwo years or
iv) Must have worked in Scale -lV to Vl in the Zonal
Office/FGM Office/Head Office for two years

l'rn""" above mentio ned conditions are for officers under

Genera list Cadre

Further, CRO, CFO, CISO, CTO & CCO for being promoted to
Scale-Vll, shall be exempted from the condition of having
worked as Zonal Head for one year / Head of CBB for two years/
Head of Cen-l/arg for two years.
ln case a Specialist Officer joins at Scale-ll or above, the
minimum service requirement would be reckoned from the level
at which they enter the service. For example, iI a Specialist
Officer enters at Scale -ll, the minimum length of service
for promotion from Scale -Vl to Vll will be 15 years instead of
18 vears.


The officers shall be offered Rural/Semi-Urban branch posting in order of seniority
either continuously for full term or in parts in different scales as per the administrative
convenience and availability of vacancies in Rural/Semi-Urban areas. Officers in
Scale -l & ll, who have not already undergone mandatory rural/ semi-urban service, as
mentioned in para 2.1 above but are eligible for promotion to Scale-ll & lll in terms of
PaBe 7 ol 27
length of service, would need to be posted to rural/
semi_urban areas immediately on

The Managing Director & CEO (ED(HRD) in case post of MD&CEO is vacant) may,
however allow in exceptionar circumstances an ofiicer who has never been offered
rural/ semi-urban posting to participate in the promotion process, (provided he/she has
residual service to complete the desired mandatory service), if oiiierwise eligible and
falljng within the zone of consideration on his giving an undertaking that he will be
willing to accept requlsite rural/ semi-urban posting on the same beiig offered by the
Bank & in the event of his refusing the sajd posting on any grounds, whatsoevei, he
would be reverted back to the previous grade/ scale.

The Managing Director & CEO (ED (HRD) in case post of MD&CEO as vacant), if
deemed necessary, in consultation with the Medical Officer attached to the Bank, may
grant exemption from Rural/Semi,Urban posting to a physically handicapped officer
depending upon the merit of each case, keeping in view whether the handicap is of
such a nature that it is not possible for the officer concerned to serve in a Rural/Semi_
Urban Branch


Any officer of the Bank who is active National/lnternational player, may be exempted
from the Rural/Semi-Urban posting so long as he / she remains active in Sports
field/coaching at national / international level. However, he/she will be required to
acquire Rural/Semi-Urban experience as and when he/she ceases to play/comes at the
level indicated, if he/she is working in relevant field. For this purpose active national
player would be a sportsperson who plays in recognized national competition. The
rnternational sportspersons would be those who represent our country jn international

HOWEVER, in special recognition to the outstanding contribution made in the field of

sports & for the laurels & honours brought to the nation all those officers who are
Olympians/ lnternational Players / Arjuna / Khel Rattan Awardees or recipient of any
other Top Sports Award of the country shall stand exempted from undergoing
Rural/Semr-Urban branch posting throughout their service span jn the Bank.



i) For the purpose of eligibility in terms of iength of service, only the completed years
of satisfactory service as an officer in the scale computed from the date of entry into that
scale shall be taken into account

ii) The culoff date for determining eligibility as well as completed years of service will
be as on the lstApril of the financial year (April -March) in which the vacancies arise.

iii)AII vacancies likely to arise in the financial year can be taken into account for the
purpose of promotion exercise. Vacancies due to deputation of officers for a period of

Page 8 of 27

one year and more should be treated as a vacancy during

the year.
11- \4q & CEO or in his absence the Executive Director (HRD) i.e. when the post of the
l\,lD & CEO is vacant sha determine the number ot vaianci6s
occasion by promotion from one scale to the next irigher
io Oe filled in on each
scate-oi officers. Separate
vacancies of speciatist officers wi be identified
Ba nk.
, , ;;bs;;;;; ;quirement of the

Where sufficient number of Officers. is not available for filljng up the

year the..Mlanagement may keep the vacancies untilleO. Tie'MD vacanctes in any
aDsence lhe txecutive Director (HRD) i.e. when the post of the
a CEO or in his
MD & CEO is vacant
may relax the zone of consideration for promotions up to Scale_lv. Further,
promotions to Scale-V and above, the zone of consideration
may be relaxed with prior
approval of the Board. However, a[ officers promoted on the same date
shal be
included in the zone of consideration even if it goes beyond 3 or alimes
1as tire case
may be) the number of vacancies.


The selection for promotion for all Scales/Grades wjll be on All lndia basjs.



The Promotion from JMGS-I to [i]N4GS-Il shall be in the following two-tier system.

i) SENIORITY CHANNEL: 30% of declared vacancies

ii) MERIT CHANNEI: 70% of dectared vacancies

Note: lf sufficient number of eligible candidates is not available, MD & CEO or in his
absence the Executive Director (HRD) can shift such residual vacancies from Seniority
Channel to lvlerit Channel or vice-versa as per requirements of the Bank

Every officer will be eligible to participate in only one channel i.e. those Officers who are
eligible to participate in Seniority Channel and are falling in the zone of consideration for
Seniority channel shall have the option to choose any of the channels of promotion
during a particular promotion process. The said officer shall be considered for promotion
in the channel of his choice only. This choice will be given by the said Officer
beforehand. However, it is clarified that those officers who are eligible under Seniority
Channel but do not fall in the Zone of consideration shall be eligible to participate in the
merit channel only provided otherwise eligible in merit channel, in terms of promotion


ln this channel, all officers eligible for promotion & falling within the zone of
consideration and who have opted to participate in Seniority channel shall be required
to appear in the written test to be conducted by the Bank or any other agency at

PaEe 9 of 27

instance of the Bank. The written.test will

be of 100 marks. A merit list of all Such
candidates who secure 40% marks(35%
mark; f"r. scisi'cjtri""r") in"tne wrjtten test so
conducted shall be drawn on the basis of adding
rntervrew, performance & quatification. Th";"ft;;
,"rf,. oOtjineO in written test,
order of meril so drawn to fill the declared vacancies
;i1;;'*rri[J"iJ*o promotion in

The weightage for written test, potentiar (interview), performance

and quarification shall
be as undel-

Written Test : 24 Marks

lnterview : 30 Marks
Performance : 40 Marks
Qualification ; 6 Marks


ln the Merit Channel, all officers having satisfactory service of 3 years and
above and
who.are eljgible for promotion, would be required to undergo a wiitten test
conducted by_the Bank or by any other agency at the jnstance -of
to be
the Bank. The written
test will be of 100 marks. A merit list of officers, securing minimum 40% marks (35%
marks Jor SC/ST Officers) in the wrjtten test, shall be drawi by clubbing
marks of written
test & lnterview, performance & qualification.

Thereafter, officers will be offered promotion in order of merit so drawn to fill the
declared vacancies.

The weightage for Potential (written test & interview), performance and eualification
shall be as under:-

WrittenTest : 44 Marks
Performance : 30 lvlarks
lnterview : 20 Marks
Qualification : 6lMarks
PROVIDED FURTHER, that in the event sufficient number of offlcers fail to qualify the
written test so conducted, the NID & CEO or in his absence the Executive Director
(HRD) ie when the post of the MD & CEO is vacant may after recording the reasons in
yrltllg l+, the minimum quatifying marks stated herein above up-to Siok l31ok fot
SC/ST Officer) or may abandon the entire test as deemed fit & proper.

Qualifications: (For the purpose of Clause 5.2 and S.3 above)

For awarding marks in respect of Educational and professjonal qualifications the
following procedure will be followed:

S.N Qualifications Marks

3 Any of the Certifications covered under Capacity 2 (max)
Building Policy of the Bank

;ts,r;.\\ - 10 of 27

qualification relevant to the banking operations and
COVered under Cane.ih/ Fl,,il.l;n^

Culoff date for the purpose of computation of qualification will be 28rh February of the
immediately preceding financial year for which the process
is being held



The Promotion from NIL4GS-ll to MNitcS-lll shall be in the following

twotier system.
i) SENIORITY CHANNEL ; 40% of the declared vacancies.

ii} MERIT CHANNEL : 60% of the declared vacancies.

Note: lf sufficient number of eligible candidates is not available, [/D & CEO (ED HRD
when the post of l\,lD & CEO is vacant) can shift such residual vacancies trom Seniority
Channel to Merit Channel or vice-versa as per requirements of the Bank.

Every officer will be e,igible to participate in only one channel i.e. those Officers who are
eligible to padicipate in seniority channer and are falling in the zone of consideration for
Seniority channel shall have the option to choose an, of the channels of promotion
during a particular promotion process. The said officer shall be considered for promotion
rn the channel of his choice only. This choice will be given by the said Officer
beforehand However, it is clarified that those officers who are eligible under Seniority
Channel but do not fall in the Zone of consideration shall be eligible to pa(icipate in th;
merit channel only provided otherwise eligible in merit channel, in terms of promotion


ln this channel, all officers eligible for promotion & falling within the zone of
ccnsideration and have opted to participate in Seniority channel shall be required to
appear in the written test to be conducted by the Bank or any other agency at instance
of the Bank. The written test will be of 100 marks. A merit list of all such candidates who
secure 40% marks(3s% marks for SC/ST Officers) in the written test so conducted shall
be drawn on the basis of adding marks obtained in written test, interview, performance
& qualification. Thereafter, officers will be offered promotion in order of merit to be
arrived at by adding the following marks subject to availability of vacancies:-

Written Test : 24 l\ilarks

lnterview : 30 l\4arks
Performance : 40 Marks
Qualification : 6 Marks

Page 11 of 27


All e,gible officers (other than erioihre in

h written test to be conducted oi tne eank or. anychanner) sha, be required to appear
Bank. The wrrtten rest wil be oi r oo ,".r..
otner-agenli li i# instance or tne
secure minimum 40% marks (35% marks for SC/ST
a ,i,",i;"i:; ;ii J,]Jri ."n0,0",". *no
conducled shall be drawn on the basis ot aOAinl
Otf,""r.) in"'*ritten test so
interview, Qualificatjon and performance. "r_t" "i,,"r"J rn written test,
Thereafter, officers will be offered promotion in order of merit so drawn to fill the
decjared. vacanoes. The weightage for potentiat
and Quahfrcalion shall be as under_
1*iitt.n t""t C-iriuJ"i"1, p".forrrn""

Written Test : 44 l\,4arks

Performa nce : 30 l\,{arks
Qualification : 6lvarks
lnterview : 20 l\.4arks

PROVIDED FURTHER, that in the event sufficient number of officers fail

to qualify the
written test so conducted, IVD & CEO or in his absence the Executive Oirecior
i.e when the post of the MD & CEO is vacant may after recording the reasons in IHRO;
relax the minimum qualifying marks stated herein above up_to- 35yo (aO%
for SC/ST
Off cer r or may abandon the entire test as deemed fit & proper.
Qualifications; (For the purpose of Clause 6 (i) and 6 (ii))

S.N Qualifications

2 CA B

| 5 lAny -a the ce-drE bns co've'ed under Capacity 2 (max)

I Buildjng Policy of the Bank, Or
One lMark for any other certification related to Banking
& Finance or Economics or such other equivalent
qualification relevant to the banking operations and not 1 (max)
covered under Capacity Building

Total 6 (max)
Cui off date for the purpose of computation of qualification will be 28th February of the
immediately precedtng financlal year for which the process is being held.



a) A I Officers shall be required to appear in the written test to be conducted by the Bank

PaBe L2 of 27
or any.other agency at instance of the Bank. The
written test will be of 1OO marks. A
merit list of all such candidates who secure 40% markslZi;t"- iarks for SC/ST
Officers) in the written test so conducted shall be drawn on the basis of
adding marks
obtained in Written test, Performance, Group Discussion & potential (lntervieri).

Further, to assess the communication, conceptual & leadership capabjlities for

promotjon to Scale-lv, it shall be mandatory to have a Group Discussion, undertaken
by a Board consisting outside experts and officers of the Bank. MD & CEO or in his
absence the Executive Director (HRD) i.e. when the post of the MD & CEO is vacant
is authorized to approve the names of outside experts and officers of the Bank for
Group Discussion to be held for promotion.

Only those candidates who qualify written test will be called for Group Discussjon and

The weightage for Wrjtten Test, performance, Group Discussion & potential
(rnterview) for promotion to Sl\4GS-lV shall be as under:

Written 25 Marks
Performance 30 Marks
Group Discussion 10 Marks
Potential (lnterview) 35 Marks
b) lt will be mandatory for officers in generalist cadre to have at least 2 years Branch
experience in any previous Scale before promotion to Scale lV. However, those
officers who have not completed the mandatory service requirement shall be
reckoned for promotion only jn case they have residual service to fulfill mandatory
service requirement.


a) All Officers shall be required to appear in the written test to be conducted by the Bank
or any other agency at instance of the Bank. The written test will be of 100 marks. A
merit list of all such candidates who secure 40% marks(3s% marks for SC/ST
Officers) in the written test so conducted shall be drawn on the basis of adding marks
obtained in Written test, Performance, Group Discussion & Potential(lnterview). Only
those candidates who qualify written test will be called for Group Discussion and

Further to assess the communication, conceptual & leadership capabilities for

promotion to Scale -V, it shall be mandatory to have a Group Discussion, undertaken
by a Board consisting outside experts and officers of the Bank. IVD & CEO or in his
absence the Executive Director (HRD) i.e. when the post of the MD & CEO is vacant
is authorized to approve the names of outside experts and officers of the Bank for
Group Discussion to be held for promotion.

Only those candidates who qualify written test will be called for Group Discussion and

PaBe 13 ol 27
The weightage for Written Test, performance, Group Discussion
(interview) for promotion and potential
to SMGS_V shall be as under:

Written Test : 25 lvlarks

Performance : 30 lvarks
Group Discussion : 10 Marks
Potential (interview) i 35 l\4arks
b) For being eligible for promotion to scare-v, the candidates in generar cadre
have at least 3 years branch experjence in any previous scaleiut of which 2 years
as Branch Head.

However, Scale-lv Officers who are otheMise eligible for promotion but have not
completed mandatory requirement of working in a Bianch forat least 3 years and out
of which as Branch ln-Charge for at least 2 years will be allowed to pariicipate in the
Promotion Process provjded they have the remaining service io complete the
mandatory requirement of branch experience as per the policy. Further, ii they are
promoted they will be posted as Branch ln-charge to complete the manditory


a) The weightage for Peformance & potential for promotion from SMGS-V to
TEG Scale - Vl shall be as under:

Performance 50 lvlarks
Potential (interview) 50 Marks

a) Provided further that for being promoted to Scale -Vll, the officer should have
worked as:

i) Zonal Head for one year or

ii) Head of CBB fortwoyearsor
iii) Head of Cen-l\.4arg for two years or
iv) l\y'ust have worked in Scale -lV to Vl in the Zonal Oflicel FGM Office/Head
office for two years.

These above mentioned conditions are for officers under Generalist Cadre.

Further, CRO, CFO, CISO, CTO & CCO for being promoted to Scale-Vll, shall be
exempted from the condition of having worked as Zonal Head for one yearl Head
of CBB for two years/ Head of Cen-l\4arg for two years.
The weightage for Performance & Potential for promotion to TEGS-VIl shall be as
Performance 50 l\,4arks
Potential 50 l\,4arks

14 al 27
17 O. T'E PUN'AB - S,AD

The Competent Authority shall assess the performance of all

eljgible ofFicers falljng
within the zone of consideratjon for promotion to Scafe _ iv, V, vr,
ii iit on tne oasis of
Reports as provided in the poticy, or any tessei numoer of years
l^"1:.,lll:" lplrlsat
as- avarrabte Ihe Competent Authority shall also pursue the
service record of all such
officers to know all the relevant details about thei; functioning,
Oecision_maXing, feam
building_ abilities etc. The potential of the officers
.on."rnaO"*oriJ ne judged on the
basis of the known facts about teadership abilities & proven ,L"oiJ"Oort
and by holding interview also. The Competent Authority shalt, thereupon, "Orini"tr"fion
appropriate decjsion in regard to overall merit of each of the candidates
and otfer them
promotion in order of merit so drawn subject to availability
of vacancies.

7.5 Two or more officers securing identical marks would be placed in order of seniority
whrle drawing the merit ljst for selection/promotion to any scale/grade.


1) The written test under Merit & Seniority Channel for promotion from JMG Scale_l
to N4MG Scate- , MMG Scale- to M[i]c Scate_ l and under Merit Channel for
promotion from MMG Scale,lll to SMG-Scate lV and SI\IG Scate_tv to
SMG Scale-V for general & specialist officers shall be objective type.
- The test will be of 120 minutes duration and shall carry 100 questions of
2) one
mark each.
3) The broad area of coverage of Written Test for each scale of promotion shall be
General Banking, Fjnancial Awareness includjng economic and monetary
scenario, Govt. Guidelines & policies/ Credit Foreign Exchange policies,
Treasury Operations, Risk Management, Rural Banking includina Financial
lnclusions, ADC, Computer Literacy & Knowledge etc., Knowledge of Bank,s
products, Bank's Circulars, or any other aspects as per current banking scenario.

The level of question to be asked in the written test for each Scale of promotion shall
however be different.


The following is the Board for Group Discussion for promotions from IVN4G Scale
-lll to
SIMG Scale-lv (Sr. Managers to Chief Managers) & from SMG Scale-lV to SMG
Scale-V (Chief Malagers to AGlvls)


SCALE_IV 1 GM & 2 Outside experts

SCALE.V 1 GM & 2 Outside experts

The General lvlanager, nominated as a member of Board for Group Discussion shall not
be a rnember of lnterview Comrnittee for promotions.

PaBe 75 ot 27
coMMtrrEE AND DEpARTMENTaL pnor,/lorroN corvriiiiei'AND |NTERV|EW
i5ecf ,_
a) The Competent Authoritjes for the purpose of approving promotions
to various
scales shall be as follows:-

PROMOTION TO corueereur auruontrV

MNIG Scale -ll GM(HRD)
NIMG Scale -lll Executive Director lHRD;ln-iise the -
posted in the Bank then Managing Director & CEO)
SMG Scale -lV Managing Director & CEO (Eitcutiv;Direcior (HRD)
ln_qaseltr,9 p9!!_SlI4Q t lEQjg yqqq!!) _
St\lc sCare - v- - Managing Director & CEO (Executive Director (HRD)
in case the post of MD & CEO is vacant))
TEG Scale * Vl l\.4anaging Director & CEolExecuttve Drrecior (llRED
in case the post of MD & CEO is vacant)
TEG Scale - Vll Managing Director & CEO & Two Executive
Directors/ ED (in case of one ED)
ln case post |\4D&CEO is vacant then two Executive
Directors/ED (in case of one ED)

b) The following is the constitution of lnterview Committees for conducting the

interviews for various levels of promotions:-


l\4N,4G Scale -ll a) Deputy General Manager
b) Asstt. General Manager
c) Chief Manager
MMG Scale *lll a) General l\4anager
b) Dy. General l\4anager
C Ch ef lvlanaqer
SMG Scale -lV a) Executive Director
b) General lvlanager
c) Deputy General l\,4anager
SIVG Scale - V a) Executive Director (HRD)
b) General l\,lanager
c) Two outside experts with Domain knowledge
TEG Scale * Vl a) l\y'anaging Director & CEO
b) Two Executive Directors/ED (in case of one ED)
c) General Manager,
d) Two outside experts with Domain knowledge
TEG Scale - Vll 1. Managing Director and CEO (senior most Executive
Director in case vacancy in the office of NrlD & CEO)
2. Government nominee Director
!. BP| !ot!l!!9 !1I99!9r

PaBe 16 of 27
oMoTto oLr

Cenlral Service Group,A with experience at the

level of Higher Adminrstrative Grade or above; or
An academician from a premier institute, with at
least 5 years of experience at the level of professor
or equivalent in the field of ftnance, economics or
business management.

lf the lnterview Committee js headed by Executive Director and in case there

are two
EDs, the interview commjttee shalt be headed by Executive
Oirector lihol.
If for.any reason, a vacancy other than temporary absence occurs in the
office of a
I:Iqgr-"I llg committee during the process of lnterview, the [i]anaging Director &
CEO (ED (HRD) in the absence of MD & CEO) shalt have ihe right
t;appoint another
person who fulfils the conditions of eligibility to fill such vacjncy
caused and the
process shall be resumed from the stage at whlch jt was adjourned
due to such
vacancy. Such change/reconstitution shall not, in any manner, afiect the legality
of the
constitution, functioning, and powers of the commjttee.

For prcmotion upto MMGS-I , if no member of the lnterview Committee

belongs to
SC/ST and OBC categories, one each add,tional member representative of
SC/ST and
OBC on Interview Committee (j) be co-opted of one scale above the level for which
promotion is made and should be by rotation, (ii) in case there is no SC/ST
and OBC
Officer of required seniority/cadre available in the bank for nomination on interview
Committee, a SC/ST and OBC officer each from another publjc sector Organization,
preferably from a bank be co-opted on interview Committee. Members so co_opted
may be nominated by the Managing Director & CEOi (Executive Director (HRti) jn
case the post of MD & CEO is vacant in the Bank).

Note:- ln case post of ED is vacant, the lnterview Committee for promotion to

SIMG Scale-V & TEG Scale-Vl would consist of MD & CEO and 2 General lvlanagers
and two outside expe(s with domain knowledge.

Further, in case the post of MD & CEO is vacant, the interview Committee for
promotion to TEG Scale Vl would consist of Two Executive Directors and one General
Manager & two outside experts with domain knowledge. ln case only one ED is
posted, the interview Committee for promotion to TEG Scale Vl would consist of
Executive Director and two General Managers & two outside experts with domain

Page L7 af 27


c) The following is the constitution of Departmental promotion Committees for

the purpose of recommending promotions to various scales to the
Competent Authority:-

I -Eilai,cn to Member of DPC

MMG Scale -ll 1. GM- (Head of DPC)

2. Two DGI\rs
(One candidate preferably from
SC/ST/OBC/ Women
[.4N.4G Scale -lll G[.4- (Head of DPC)
(One candidate preferabiy from
SC/S7OBC/ Women
.r" Scale -lV Executive Director- (Head of DPC)
Two GlVs

SIVIG Scale -V Execulive Director- (Head of DPC)

Two GN4s

TEG Scale - Vl 1. [rD & CEO- (Head of DPC)

2 Executive Directo(HRD)
TEG Scale - Vll L [.4D & CEO- (Head of DPC)
2. Govt. Nominee Director
J RBI Nominee Director

The l\ranaging Director & CEO (Executive Director (HRD) in case the post of MD &
CEO is vacant in the Bank) would nominate the specific executjves, from time to time,
forming the Departmental Promotion Committees. ln case of absence of any committee
member of above DPCS, MD&CEO(ED (HRD) in absence of N,4D&CEO) shall be the
Competent Authority to nominate any other official as member of DpC.

The Managing Director & CEO (Executive Director (HRD) in case the post of MD &
CEO is vacant in the Bank) would nominate the specific executives, from time to time,
forming the interview Committees which shall hold interviews wherever provided, for
promotions up to Scale Vl.

Further the Managing Director & CEO (Executive Director (HRD) in case the post of
MD & CEO is vacant in the Bank) is also authorized to approve the names of outside
experts having domain knowledge forming lnterview Committees for promotions to
Scale-V& Vl.

For Promotion to Scale Vll, Board of Directors shall approve the name of the outside
experts having domain knowledge.

Preparation of Merit List: The merit list shall be drawn, after taking into consideration
the marks scored by officer employees under the various heads/parameters.

PaEe 18 of 27
WHERE HOWEVER, the Comoetent
,Authority considers in its ludgment that
notwithstanding the order of merit of an omcer
emftoyJ", fr"l"f.,"'i"
Competent Authonty may after recording specitic'reisons
promotaote, the
in-*nting reaching such
judgment, exclude the name of the office-r from
tr.,",uitrat. rt'irr" c"oripetent Authority
is not headed by MD&CEO, MD & CEO,S specific approvai ih"ii
Oe Jtaineo in a such

The merit list /result drawn, after taking into consideration the marks secured by officer
employees under the various heads/parameters would be placed before the Minaging
Director & CEO (Executive Director (HRD) in case the post of MD & CEO is vacanti fo-r
final approval.


The Bank has classified the folowing categories of officers as speciarists & their cadres
shall exist up to the level given below: -

rqLecialist Category Proposed cadre uD to

a) Security Officers Scale*lV(CSO upto Scale=Vl)
b) F re Safety Officers Scale-lll
c Economic Analysts/ Economic Research Scale- lV
d) Agriculture Officers Scale-1.
e) Ofiicial Lanouaqe Officer Scale-V
Engrneers (Technical Officers) Scale-lV
s) Law Off cers Scale- Vl
h lR Officers / Personnel Officers Sca e-lV
I it EDP Offlcers Scale-Vll
r) CA./ICWA,/CS Scale-Vll
*As Agriculture Officers
are recruited ln Scale-l and generally posted in field, as such
they will be considered as generalist officers for promotion to higher scales.

Career path: The Specialist Officers, can move upto the maximum Grade/Scale as
given above, for promotion in Speclalist Category.

Specialist officers after reaching the maximum Gradeiscale in respective cadre as per
above Table. may request for change of stream from specialist to mainstream in terms
of guidelines as mentioned in Clause 10 & 11 of this policy. Those specialist Officers
who are already in higher scale than the revised scale will be treated as Generalist
Officers. However, they may opt to revert back to their parent stream i.e. specialist by
submitting request for the same subject to approval of the Competent Authority.
Provided if conversion to specialist stream is approved by the Competent Authority, they
cannot request for conversion to mainstream again.

The Specialist Officers may be transferred/ posted anwvhere in lndia during their
probation or on confirmation. They may be posted at any Branch of the Bank or any
other department at Head Office or at any other place, either existing or to be created in
future as may be considered necessary in exigencies of work at the Bank's discretion.
The Chartered Accountant Specialist Officers may also be posted as Branch lncharge
after 3 years of tneir joining the Bank.

PaEqlg of 27

NOTHING in the promotron
poltcy would preclude the Bank in effecting the promotion
the specrahst officers tn only speciftc areas of specjalization based on need based
requirement of the Bank.

The criteria for minimum length of service, eligibility criteria, number of channels &
percentage of vacancies in djfferent channels & piocedure
for promotion from one
grade to another would be the same as that of generalist officers laid
down in the
promotion poticy.

All specialist officers under Merit & Seniority channel for promotion from JIVIG Scale-l
MMG Scale-ll, [,4MG Scale-ll to MIV]G Scale-lll and under Merit Channel for promotion
Irom MMG Scale-lll to SMG-Scale lV and SMG Scale-lv to SMG Scale_V will have
secure minimum 40% marks (35% marks for SC/ST officers) marks in Wriften Test. The
marks scored shall be computed out of total weightage given to written test for drawing
final merit list.

Written test will be of 100 marks and scheme of examination is as mentioned below:_

25 questions on General Banking, 75 questions on

latest BanldRBl/MoF guideljnes specialized domain
same as Generalist officers

Every officer will be eligible to padicipate in only one channel i.e. those Officers who are
eligible to participate in Seniority Channel and are falling in the zone of consideration for
Seniority channel shall have the option to choose any of the channels of promotion
dunng a particular promotion process. The said officer shall be considered for promotion
in the channel of his choice only. The said officer shall give his option beforehand.

Holvever it is clarified that those officers who are eligible under Seniority Channel but
do not fail in the Zone of consideration shall be eligible to participate in the merit
channel only provided otherwise eligible in merit channel, in terms of promotion policy.

For Promotion to Scale-ll & Ill, if sufficient number of eligible candidates is not available,
Ir,4 D & CEO (ED (HRD) when post of MD& CEO is vacant) can shift such residual

vacancies from Seniority Channel to lvlerit Channel or vice-versa as per requirements of

ihe Bank

The suitability for promotion of such officers would be judged on the basis of their past
pedorrnance as reflected in the Performance Appraisal Reports as per policy applicable
io generallsl officers in this respect and the potential for shouldering higher
responsibi ities in their fleld of specialization which would be judged on the basis of
written test & Oral interview to be conducted by the Competent Authority for promotion.

Page 20 of 27
a) The weightage of marks for each parameter
under seniority channer yyifl bs as
Promotions from
Weightage to Scale
Itoll ll to lll
Written test 24 24
Qualification 06 06
Performance 40 40
Potential(lnterview) 30 30

b) The weightage of marks for each parameter under Merit channer wifl be as
u nder:
Weightage to Promotionilrom Siite
Written Test 44 44 25 NA
Pe rfo rrn a n ce 30 30 30 50
Group Discussion NA NA 10 10 NA
Quallicatton 6 6 NA NA
- NA
Potential (lnterview) 2A 20 35 50

Qualifications: (For the purpose of Clause 9(a)and (b) above)

For awarding marks in respect of Educational and professional qualifications the
iqllprqCproce_q{Ct4lLbe fotlowed :

S.N Qualifications Marks

Any of the Certifications covered under Capacity 2 (max)
Building Policy of the Bank
One Mark for any other certification related to Banking (max)
& Finance or Economics or such other equivalent
qualification relevant to the banking operations and not
covered under CaDacitv Buildino
Total {max) 6

The promotion will be made within the specialized cadre in which tne person nas Oeen
inducted/promoted/ recruited. He shall not be eligible to be considered for promotion in
any other field of specialization even if he holds the requisite qualification/experience
and fulfill other eligibility criteria for the speciatist fietd.

Further, Officers already converted from Specialist cadre to the main stream i.e. in
General cadre or inducted from general cadre to specialist cadre after completion of s
years of service in their respective original cadre, will be allowed to participate in the
Promotion Process in that converted cadre provided they have completed minimum 2
years of servrce tn the converted/ inducted stream and they also fulfill the other eligibility
criteria regarding years of service, APAR etc. as laid down in the Promotion Policy.

27 ol 27

Cadre,.namety Technotogy, HR, etc. sha submit his/her
lorn matn -tp-u"l?,
stream "t
and it shall be the lvlanagement,s prerogative to iccept
request to
hislher iequest
for_conversion subject to availabitity or r;"un"i".,'rriiriil,i;;;;;;;r"r""t or Bank.
Before applying to join the main stream cadre, such oriceri
in the Speciatist cadre for at teast five completed years -
of service
- iecessariry
- remain

The request of officer in Specialist Cadre for conversion to main stream,

if accepted by
the Competent Authority, he/she should gain experience of at least two years jn field
operations for being eligible for promotion io ne:rt scale in main stream
Officers recruited in the Specialist Cadre would be eligible for promotjon in their
respective cadre as per the erigibirity and experience menti6ned in paia 2.1 and
shafl be
allowed to join the main stream in the event of compretion of servrce as mentioned in
para above.

ln case the speciatist officers join at a Scale higher than Scale_|, the minimum seryice
requirement would be reckoned from the level at which they enter the service. For
example, if an officer enters at Scale-ll, the minimum length of service for promotion
from Scale-lv to Scale-V will be nine years instead of twelve years.

Before allowing conversion to a specialist officer to main stream, the Bank would ensure
that before moving the officer to a field position or to main stream cadre, they develop
the capacities of other officers of the Bank in order to ensure proper functioning of that
specialized vertical. No officer shall be moved to the main stream cadre/ field p;sitions
without ensuring this.

Also Otficers recruited/inducted /promoted into the specialist cadre shall be allowed
conversion if they otherwise satisfy the eligibiljty criteria and qualifications for the post.

However, such switch over can be permitted only once in the service career of the
officer. lnduction of General Officers to any of the Specialist Cadre may be allowed by
the Bank through promotion only, as per the requirement and need of the Bank.


All specialist officers will be eligible to join the mainstream of banking on completion of
five completed years of service in their recruited/ inducted/ promoted specialist field
wherever such condition is applicable, if he/she so desjres and may apply for joining the
main stream. The Management will take a decision after interviewing the candidates by
a Committee, appolnted by the Managing Director & CEO (Executive Director (HRD) in
case the post of N4D & CEO is vacant). The decision will be on the basis of merit of the
candidates and no right will be vested in the Specialist Officers for joining the
mainstream. lt must, however, be ensured that suitable replacements are placed in the
vacancies likely to occur in specialist cadres.

On approva the officer shall be posted in the field operations atleast for two years.
Thereafter, the officer may be converted to mainstream.

22 af 27

PROVIDED ALWAYS, that this would not prectude the Bank from utilizing the
of any,such officer keeping in view of his/her qualification in any branch/office of the
banK oesl( whatsoever in the main banking stream or in any specialized
field and to
direct the. officer to perform any duty so asiigned in any sphere ot banking
activity as
deemed fit and proper by the management.

Bank will prepare a separate seniority list for specialist officers.


i) Promotions for filling up vacancies in higher Scale/Grades will be as far as possible,

in one lot, from a common date.

ii) The reservation to SC/ST and other categories of officers will be given as per
Government Guidelines received from time to time.

Further, relaxation of 5% marks shall be given to SC/ ST candidates in Written Test

for promotion from Scale-l to ll and Scale-ll to lll as per Govt. Guideljnes. Also S%
relaxations of marks to SC/ ST candidates in interview for promotions up to Scale_lll
shall be given, where the minimum qualifying marks in interview are prescribed.

lii) The Bank, at its drscretion, can hold written test, wherever applicable, ON-LINE OR
OFF LINE, as per the requirement of Bank.

iv) ln the event sufficient number of officers fail to qualify the written test (wherever
applicable) so conducted, tMD & CEO or in his absence the Executive Director
(HRD) i.e when the post of the IVD & CEO is vacant may after recording the
reasons in writing, relax the minimum qualifying marks stated herein above up-to
35% (30% Ior SC/ST Officer) or may abandon the entire test as deem fit & proper.

v) When the post of MD & CEO is not filled by the Government, the Executive Darector
(HRD) would exercise all the powers vested with the tvlD & CEO in this policy.

vi) A temporary wait list of successful candidates in respective channels for filling of
vacancies falling vacant due to the refusal and/or reversion uplo a limit of 20% of
declared vacancies jn respect of general categories and 25a/o in case of reserve
categories will be created. The wait list \,vill remain valid for one year from the date
of its preparation or till the finalization of next round of the promotion as the case
may be, whichever is earlier and on expiry of this period, the wait list will
automatically expire. The wait list shall be kept strictly confidential in the personal
custody of competent authority.

vii)As permitted by GOI NilOF, DFS vide their communication No. F. No.4/1113/2013-lR
dated 07.01.2016, the Bank may henceforth decide to give relaxations in the
elgibility conditions subject to the approval of the Board of the Bank and be guided
accordingly in the best interest of the Bank.
Further, no officer would be given the benefit of relaxation in the minimum required
experience by the Board at two successive levels of promotions in Scalelll &
Page 23 af 27

above However, this ciause of non-eligibility due to two successive relaxations
be subject to relaxation granted by the Go;ernment of lndia or Board. as tre case
may 0e.

viii) Managing Director & CEO (Executive Director (HRD) in case the post of MD & CEO
is vacant) is authorized to initiate the promotion process in any cadre in advance by
taking prospective lstApril cut-off date. However, the promotions would be effected
on or afler lsrApril. Managing Director & CEO (Executive Director (HRD) in case
the post of NilD & CEO is vacant)) is also authorized to make any procedural change
in Policy at any stage, to meet the operational needs and requirements of the Ba;k.
The promotion process shall commence w.e.f. 1st April and end by 3orh June of
each financial year However, generally postings on promotions shall be done
jmmediately on or atter the declaration of the result of promotion
in a reasonable
time but it may extend beyond 30th June of the relevant year under reference in
case of administrative exigencies.

ix) The officers in all Scales have to obtain minimum 40% marks (35% for SC/ST for
promotion up to Scale-lll) in interview, wherever, interview is prescribed for
becoming eligible for promotions. However, lvlanaging Director & CEO (Executive
Djrector (HRD) in case the post of l\,lD & CEO is vacant) may relax the minimum
qualifying marks to 35 % (30 % for SC/ST for promotion up to Scate- t) after
recording the reasons in writing.

x) Any request seeking reversion shall not be allowed beyond three months from the
date of promotion.

xi) lvlanagement shall have an unfettered right to abandon/ cancel promotjon process
for any cadre/scale due to any administrative exigency. l\4anaging Director & CEO
fExecutive Director (HRD) in case the post of MD & CEO is vacant) js authorized to
take decision in this regard.

xii)ln case of any doubt regarding interpretation of any of the provisions contained in
this policy, the decision of the l,4anaging Director & CEO (Executive Director (HRD)
in case the post of l\4D & CEO is vacant), in the matter shall be final.

xiii)The candidature of promotion in respect of all such candidates who are reported to
have resorted to unfair means in the written test and whose cases have been
identified in the technical analysis of IBPS N4umbai or any other external agency as
"Established beyond all reasonable doubts" shall be cancelled. Further, Bank will
reserve the right to take appropriate disciplinary / administrative action against such
officers as deem fit.

xiv)For the purpose of computing the qualifying years of service in feeder cadre the
foliowing shall be excluded:
i) The suspension period, if any, which is treated as one not spent on duty.
ii) The period of Sabbatical leave, if any.
iii) Leave with loss of pay

PaEe 24 ot 27


Promotion of officers who have been charge sheeted in disciplinary/criminal

proceedings and/or under suspension sha be considered in
accordance with the
qroTdulg laid down by the Bank from time to time in conformity with the prevalent
Go.vl and as approved by the Managing Director & CEO (Executive
(HRD).guidelines Director
in case the post of MD & CEO is vacantf. T-ne present procejure
is given as per


An officer on promotion from one Scare/Grade to another shafl be fitted in the next
higher Scale/Grade as per the fitment formula prevalent in the Bank from
time to time
based on Govt./lBA guidelines.


Any officer in JN4GS-|, rvr[/]cs-I or MtvrGS-Ir who feers that his/her case for promotion
has not been properly dealt with wjll have a right to appeal direc y to the lrilanaging
Direcior & CEO (Executive Director (HRD) in case the'post of MD & CEO is vacint)
within a period of 30 days from the date on which the result of promotion was declared.

The^Managing Director & CEO (Executive Director (HRD) in case the post of MD &
CEO is vacant) may constitute a Committee consisting of three Officers not below the
rank of Scale Vl to process the appeal and submit to him their recommendations. The
recommendations of the Committee shall be placed before the l\,4anaging Director &
CEO (Executive Director (HRD) in case the post of MD & CEO is vacantjwithin 60 days
from the last date of submission of appeals. The decision of the Managing Director &
CEO (Executive Director (HRD) in case the post of l\,4D & CEO is vacanl) in respect of
appeals shall be taken as final.

ln case of officers seeking promotions from Grade Scale-lv onwards, there shall be no
appeal against the decision of lnterview Committee. However, an officer aggrieved by
the decision of lnterview Committee may make a representation to the lnterview
Committee (internal members without outside experts) within a period oi 30 days from
the date on which the result of promotion was declared. The Committee as soon as it
may be and in any case not later than three months from the date of receipt of the
representation will consider and review or modjfy its earlier decision if considered
necessary. The decision of the Committee shall be recorded jn writing and in case there
is any change in the original decision of lnterview Committee, the committee's decision
will be placed before the Board of Directors for ratiiication before being implemented.




Where the disciplinary/court proceedings are not concluded before finalization of

promotion results, it shall be withheld and kept in a sealed cover under advice to the
officer concerned. On conclusion of the disciplinary/court proceedings the promotion will
be considered as provided below:


Promotion will be given effect to from the date it was otheMjse due, but for the pending
disciplinary/court proceedings; no arrears of pay shall be payable for the period of
notional promotion preceding the date of actual promotion i.e. for the period promotjon
result has been kept in sealed cover and not given effect. Ljkewise, no consequential
benefits of any nature whatsoever shall be given to an officer employee for the
intervening period.


a) Complete exoneration' means that the employee is not found blame worthy i.e., not
even censured as per Reguiation 4(a) of the Punjab & Sind Bank Officers Employees
(D & A) Regulation 198'1; where in a court case the employee is acquitted on
technical grounds or on the basis of benefit of doubt and/or if it is proposed to either
go in appeal to a higher court or hold a departmental enquiry after the court
proceedings, the employee will not be deemed to have been completely exonerated.

b) Officer who have been found suitable for promotion but whose promotion has been
withheld and kept in sealed cover pending conclusion of the departmental/Court
proceedings need not participate in the promotion process of the following yea(s) if
they so desire.


The promotion would not be given effect to in the event the officer employee is awarded
any penalty on conclusion of disciplinary proceedings or convicted after court


Where the disciplinary/court proceedings are not concluded even after the expiry of 2nd
year from the date when the promotion was due and result kept in sealed cover, the
Appointing Authority in terms of Officers Service Regulation, 1982 may review such
cases provided the officer concerned is not under suspension.

For this purpose, the Appointing Authority shall take into account the seriousness of the
charges, the nature of evidence available, the stage at which the disciplinary/court

PaEe 26 af 27


proceedings have reached, the reason for delay in the finalization of the proceedings,
the probable nature of punishment that may be imposed if the charges are established,
the likelihood of misuse of official position whjch he/she may occupy after giving effect
to his/her promotion, the service record for the period for which the promotion is
withheld, the effect of promotion on public interest, the views of outside lnvestigating
Authority where the departmental/court proceedings have arisen out of their

The Appointing Authority, after satisfying himself in the matter, shall advise the
Competent Authority to consider the suitability or otherwise of the concerned employee
for adhoc promotion. The Competent Authority shall make its assessment regarding
suitability for adhoc promotion on the basis of the totality of the officer's record of
service without taking into consideration the fact that the disciplinary/court case(s) is/are
pendlng against the officer.

The Committee shall submit in writing its finding to the Appointing Authorily.

Where a decision is taken to promote the officer concerned, the promotion would be on
adhoc basis from the date of such decision. The order of promotion will make it clear that
the adhoc promotion will not confer any right for regular promotion, that it shall be'until
further orders' and that the Appointing Authority reserves the right to cancel the adhoc
promotion and revert the officer to the post from which he/she was promoted at any time
in future. Where the Officer is completely exonerated in the departmental proceedings or
honorably acquitted on merits in the court proceedings, the adhoc promotion will be
confirmed and treated as a regular one from the date of such adhoc promotion with all
the attendant benefits. Where any penalty is imposed or officer employee is not acquitted
honorably on rnerits in the court proceedings but purely on technical grounds or on
benefit of doubt and/or if it is proposed to either after the court proceedings to go in for
an appeal to a higher court or hold a departmental inquiry the adhoc promotion shall be
brought to an end by issue of a further ordef and the officer reverted to the post from
which he/she was promoted on adhoc basis.


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