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COVID 19 On Common Man

The effect of corona is worldwide. This was declared as

A pandemic by (WHO) , the first case of corona in India
Was reported on 30-1-2020 and from that day all the
Common man of India are in threat and worried about
The upcoming situation. To tackle all problems arise due
As a way to fight against corona but due to this effect of
corona the livehood of common man has affected the most
In the threat of spreading of virus the government
Started setting up different hospital with sufficient medical
Staff only for corona infected patients and due to which
Common people suffering from another disease and infection
are avoided due to inadequance of medical staff, some of
them have also lost their lives.
The restriction on social gathering also affected the
routine and income of common man . As our India is very
cultural country it is diffcult to follow such restriction, and
It has also bust the buissness of many common man like
Person with road site stats , man working in
Construction site, are now not allowed to do such practices
And which has taken their life to critical condition, for them
The situation are as worst that they need to depend on
Government for their very basic need
Their farm .All the common people having their family
And friends away from them have a big question mark that
Is government ready to take migrants back to their place?
The students are also facing many problems as an effect of
Corona virus as hole education system got stagnant which
Is indirectly effecting employment issue for common man.
Inspite of all this challenges ,our real heroes our common
Man related to essential services are working for country
Specially our Doctors one among common people are
Treating patients without any fear from getting infected
Also other hero’s like police ,soldier, bank officer , essential need
BuissnessMan , and many more are also facing challenges
of transportation, food, etc. But still providing their services
To all the citizens

But as they fight this pandamic with great resilience we all

Common man can together defeat this coronavirus and will get
Our country and hole world out of trouble.

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