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Interview Questions Printing and Stationary Department

1)Out of all the departments, why do you choose printing & stationary department?

2) Why should we select you?

3) What Kind Of Strategies And Mindset have you planned for this role?

4) Will you go to a single stationery store for all of your event printing needs? Or will you take
the prints based on when they are needed, and then take them from the nearest store?

5) If one stationery store, on what basis will you decide that one store get all the printing work

6) How do you deal with pressure or stressful situations?

7) Situation - you’re running out of time and the printer is not giving the order on time, what
would you do?

8) Situation - The printer made some mistake from his side and printed the wrong information,
you don’t have enough time to print the actual thing, what would you do?

9) When should we start preparing for the events ?

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