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Don’t Close Your Eyes

Production Booklet

Location Recce
Prop List
Sound List


A silver car pulls up on the side of the road. Everything is quiet,
except for some dogs barking in the distance. The back door of the
car opens. Ben steps out of the car and slams the door. He waves
goodbye and walks up to His house. He reaches the front door and
opens it.


Ben drops His keys on the counter and takes off His shoes. He places
his bag down by the wall and walks toward his kitchen.


He wanders over to the fridge and opens the door. He grabs some food
and walks to the counter to prepare the food. He grabs a plate and
sits down at the table and starts eating. Whilst eating he gets out
his phone and begins watching TikTok. Whilst watching he comes
across a short film of someone getting attacked in a parking garage.
He quickly turns his phone off and finishes eating.


Ben is lying down in his bedroom. The TV lights the room as he

slowly closes his eyes. As his eyes close a bang can be heard
outside of his room. Ben sits up quickly and gets out of bed. He
walks out of the room and into the hallway to investigate.


Ben gets back to his room and gets back into bed. He goes on his
phone for a bit and then falls back to sleep. His phone still on,
lights up the room. The camera pans to the phone and back to Ben.
Ben's eyes are fluttering as he is having a bad dream. He starts to
toss and turn in his bed as the dream progressively gets worse.


He walks into the car park and walks to the elevator. He presses the
button and waits for the elevator to come. The doors slide open, and
he walks inside.


Ben presses the button to go to his floor and turns and faces the
window. The doors close and the elevator starts to rise. Ben is
leaning against the wall looking into the mirror. The lights flicker
and Ben looks up at the light and notices a camera in the corner. It
cuts to the security camera's point of view, and back to Ben in the
mirror. The lights turn off again and a figure can be seen behind.
They quickly turn it back on again and no one is there. The doors
for the elevator slide open again and Ben runs out.


Ben runs up the remaining stairs and through the doors to where his
car is parked. He runs through the car park. The figure can be seen
standing at the back of the car park.

Ben opens the car door quickly and gets inside, slamming it behind
him. He fumbles to get his keys out and puts the keys in the
ignition and turns the car on. He accelerates forward out of the
parking lot.


Ben accelerates out onto the road. He turns the corner and blinks,
as he opens his eyes the figure is in the middle of the road. He
slams on the brakes.


Ben leaps awake.
Location Recce
Please produce a location recce for EVERY location used

Insert photo of location (do not Type of room/area:

Location Address:
2AF, Wellington Rd,

Sat Nav details (Post code):

RG40 2

Nearest Train Station:

Wokingham Station

Nearest Bus stop:

Elms Road

Site contact name and contact Availability

draw) N/A 24/7


No permission needed

Suitability / shots for production (scene numbers)

This is suitable as when I am filming it will be late at night, therefore there will not be many cars
and if I go to the top floor then there will not be anyone parked at all. There is a lot of space in the
car park so I can get different shots.
Lighting Information: Solutions:

There is motion censored lights which will give If the lights, go off then all you need to do is
me a gloomy scary effect that I need for my move, which my characters will be doing
production. anyway. So they should not go off.

Sound Information: Solutions:

As it is a parking garage the sound might echo. My short film will not have any dialogue so
talking will not be an issue with the echo. The
sound of footsteps echoing, I could record foley
sounds if the audio sounds too bad.

Power Information Solutions:

There are not any plug sockets in the parking I will need to bring spare batteries, and
garage. portable chargers.

Hazards Solutions:

It is a public car park so there will be cars Watch and listen for cars and move stuff out
driving and parking. the way.
Location Recce
Please produce a location recce for EVERY location used

Insert photo of location (do not draw) Type of room/area: Bedroom

Location Address:

263a Nine Mile Ride

Sat Nav details (Post code):

RG40 3NS

Nearest Train Station:

Nearest Bus stop:

Kiln Ride

Site contact name and contact Availability

N/A 24/7
N/A 24/7



Suitability / shots for production (scene numbers)

My production is based on people that have a fear of sleep. Therefore, a bedroom very suitable
for my production. The room has a lot of space for equipment to be placed down, like lights and a
Lighting Information: Solutions:

Shot at night so won’t be any natural lighting. Use Soft box lights or panel lights to light up my

Sound Information: Solutions:

There shouldn’t be any sounds as it will be an I could use a camera mounted microphone,
indoor environment. However, there might be that will only pick up sound that has been
some noise from animals or cars on the road directed at it.
outside. These sounds will be muffled but not

Power Information Solutions:

There is a lot of plug sockets around the Use an extension cable from a plug socket in
location. So, finding one shouldn’t be a another room, or make sure that everything is
problem. However, in rooms such as the fully charged.
bathroom there isn’t any.

Hazards Solutions:

Cables from my camera mounted lights. Or Make sure that the surrounding area is clear so
tripod legs could both be tripping hazards as that there is plenty of space to walk around.
well as other household items
Location Recce
Please produce a location recce for EVERY location used

Insert photo of location (do not draw) Type of room/area: Kitchen

Location Address:

263a Nine Mile Ride

Sat Nav details (Post code):

RG40 3NS

Nearest Train Station:

Nearest Bus stop:

Kiln Ride

Site contact name and contact Availability

N/A 24/7



Suitability / shots for production (scene numbers)

Lots of open space, with lots of room to move around if needed. Therefore, lots of space for
lighting and camera equipment.
Lighting Information: Solutions:

Shot at night so won’t be any natural lighting. Use Soft box lights or panel lights to light up my

Sound Information: Solutions:

There shouldn’t be any sounds as it will be an I could use a camera mounted microphone,
indoor environment. However, there might be that will only pick up sound that has been
some noise from animals or cars on the road directed at it.
outside. These sounds will be muffled but not

Power Information Solutions:

There is only a few plug sockets in the room Use an extension cable from a plug socket on
and they a on opposite sides of the kitchen. the other side of the room. Or make sure that
everything is fully charged.

Hazards Solutions:

Cables from my camera mounted lights. Or Make sure that the surrounding area is clear so
tripod legs could both be tripping hazards as that there is plenty of space to walk around.
well as other household items
Props List

Item Item Description Who uses it When it is used

Phone A mobile phone Main When he gets

character home

Car A car Main He will arrive

character home in the
(Ben) car and drive it
in his
Bowl Used to put food in Main When he gets
character home

Cereal box Holds cereal Main When he gets

Character home
Sound List

Song/Sound Link When it is used

Song To build tension at the
m/watch?v=Sn9yhhZgly start.
Sound At the beginning
m/watch?v=WPzPcjfAfTc when car pulls
Sound Putting phone on table
Sound Opening door.
Sound Elevator sound
Sound Elevator ding when it arrives

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