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B. Langguth, G. Hajak, T. Kleinjung, A. Cacace & A.R. Møller (Eds.

Progress in Brain Research, Vol. 166
ISSN 0079-6123
Copyright r 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved


Tinnitus retraining therapy

P.J. Jastreboff

Department of Otolaryngology, Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta, GA 30322, USA

Abstract: Tinnitus retraining therapy (TRT) is a specific clinical method based on the neurophysiological
model of tinnitus described by Jastreboff (Jastreboff, P.J. (1990). Neurosci. Res., 8: 221–254). The method
is aimed at habituation of reactions evoked by tinnitus, and subsequently habituation of the tinnitus
perception. Several other methods have been suggested for habituation of tinnitus, but in TRT two com-
ponents that strictly follow the principles of the neurophysiological model of tinnitus are implemented
and necessary: (1) counseling, aimed at reclassification of tinnitus to a category of a neutral signals
and (2) sound therapy, aimed at weakening tinnitus-related neuronal activity as suggested by Jastreboff and
Hazell (Jastreboff, P.J. and Hazell, J.W.P. (2004). Cambridge University Press, Cambridge). This chapter
outlines the theoretical basis of TRT as well as comments on the clinical outcome of the use of TRT for
different kinds of tinnitus.

Keywords: tinnitus retraining therapy; learning; conditioned reflexes; conscious and subconscious paths; the
limbic and autonomic nervous systems

Introduction accepted by a majority of investigators and clini-

cians (Muhlnickel et al., 1998; Møller, 2003, 2006;
The neurophysiological model of tinnitus Eggermont and Roberts, 2004; Muhlau et al.,
2006; Bartels et al., 2007; Weisz et al., 2007) and
The main postulate of the neurophysiological has many significant consequences. It points out
model (Jastreboff, 1990) of tinnitus is that other that tinnitus perception results from the detection
systems in the brain, in addition to the auditory and perception of neuronal activity within the au-
system, have to be involved in the clinically sig- ditory pathways — similarly to perception of ac-
nificant tinnitus, i.e., tinnitus which bothers people tivity evoked by a sound, but in the case of tinnitus
to such an extent that it interferes with their eve- without being linked to any mechanical, vibratory
ryday life. Moreover, these systems, specifically the activity present within the cochlea. This is in con-
limbic and sympathetic part of the autonomic trast to what has been labeled as ‘‘objective tin-
nervous systems, are actually responsible for neg- nitus’’ where the perception is caused by physical
ative, bothersome reactions to tinnitus (Jastreboff sounds that are generated in the body. ‘‘Objective
and Hazell, 2004). tinnitus’’ is currently labeled a ‘‘somatosound’’
The second postulate, that tinnitus is a phantom (Jastreboff and Jastreboff, 2003). The recognition
auditory perception (Jastreboff, 1990), is currently that in case of tinnitus there is no vibratory activ-
ity within cochlea solved a number of tinnitus
Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 404-778-3398; puzzles. For example, suppression of tinnitus
Fax: +1 404-778-3382; E-mail: perception reflects neuronal suppression and not

DOI: 10.1016/S0079-6123(07)66040-3 415


auditory masking; therefore, there is no clear specific mechanism was proposed together with the
frequency relation between tinnitus pitch match model, called discordant damage (dysfunction) of
and frequency of external sound and there is no outer and inner hair cell systems (Jastreboff, 1990).
critical band phenomenon (Feldmann, 1971). The This hypothesis has been described previously in
phantom nature of the tinnitus perception explains detail (Jastreboff and Hazell, 2004) and only an
why on many occasions it is impossible to suppress outline is presented here.
tinnitus perception even by very high levels of the
sound, and why sound levels needed for suppres-
sion are higher than predicted from tinnitus loud- Discordant damage of outer and inner hair cells
ness match. All these observations have significant
implication on all treatments, which utilize sound Inner hair cells (IHC) are the auditory receptor
to interfere with abnormal neural activity that cells that transduce the sound-evoked mechanical
causes the tinnitus, including masking or sound vibration in the cochlea into a neural code in
therapy of TRT. auditory nerve fibers and thus subsequently make
Third postulate of the model differentiate be- it possible to perceive sounds. Outer hair cells
tween mechanisms involved in tinnitus perception (OHC) on the other hand are mechanical ampli-
and in tinnitus-induced suffering (e.g., annoyance, fiers providing 50–60 dB of amplification. OHCs
anxiety, problems with sleep and concentration). are helpful, but not necessary for hearing and have
The mechanisms responsible for generation of little effect on sounds louder than 60 dB HL.
tinnitus-related neuronal activity, perceived as OHCs are typically damaged first by ototraumatic
tinnitus, are common for people who just experi- events, but even with up to 30% damage to OHCs,
ence tinnitus (80% of all individuals with tin- the impact on the hearing threshold is minimal
nitus) and those who suffer because of it. This is (Chen and Fechter, 2003).
supported by a lack of differences in psychoacous- The discordant dysfunction theory postulates
tical characterization of tinnitus (i.e., its pitch and that each area on the cochlear basilar membrane
loudness match and minimal suppression ‘‘mask- on which OHC are totally or partially dysfunc-
ing’’ level) between these two groups of individuals tional and IHC are in better functional shape than
with tinnitus (Jastreboff et al., 1994). Specific OHC causes an imbalance of activity in the dorsal
mechanisms, which are responsible for spreading cochlear nucleus, specifically, disinhibition caused
tinnitus-related neural activity to other structures by decreased inhibitory input from OHC (Jastreb-
in the brain, are present only in people who suffer off and Hazell, 2004). This in turn may increase
from their tinnitus and are separate from mecha- spontaneous activity (Kaltenbach, 2006) and result
nism involved in generation of the perception of in emergence of bursting, epileptic-like activity,
abnormal neural activity that causes the tinnitus. which is further processed within the auditory
Therefore, these two groups of mechanisms are pathways (Chen and Jastreboff, 1995; Jastreboff,
discussed separately in this chapter. 2004). Currently, the available data support the
Many mechanisms have been proposed as being ‘‘discordant dysfunction’’ theory, including its pre-
responsible for the generation of abnormal neural diction that increase of the damage to the IHC
activity that causes tinnitus (Kiang et al., 1970; system with constant level of damage of OHC
Salvi and Ahroon, 1983; Møller, 1984, 1999; could actually decrease tinnitus (Kaltenbach et al.,
Tonndorf, 1987; Pujol, 1992; Jastreboff, 1995; 2002; Jastreboff and Hazell, 2004).
Eggermont and Roberts, 2004; Eggermont, The discordant dysfunction theory can explain
2005, 2006; Heinz et al., 2005; Weisz et al., 2005; many observations, which are difficult to explain
Ma et al., 2006; Zenner et al., 2006; Mazurek et al., otherwise. For example, the presence of tinnitus
2006b; Sanchez et al., 2007). While the neurophys- in patients with normal hearing can be due to the
iological model of tinnitus does not depend on presence of patches of dysfunctional OHC, the
mechanism responsible for generating the neural effect of which cannot be detected by standard
activity that causes the perception of tinnitus, a audiometric tests (pure tone threshold) but can be

identified by otoacoustic emission testing. This can damaged, the cilia return to normal state after few
explain the association of distortion product hours — days.
otoacoustic emission (DPOAE) and tinnitus Salicylate (aspirin), quinine, and cisplatin are
(Ozimek et al., 2006; Hall, personal communica- the most powerful drugs to induce tinnitus.
tion). Indeed, high frequency resolution DPOAE Administration of salicylate in high doses always
performed on our patients since 1992 indicate induce tinnitus (Mongan et al., 1973). These drugs,
higher extent of irregularity than in the DPOAE of while working through different biochemical
individuals without tinnitus. On the other hand, mechanisms (see Chapter 12), all mostly affect
the absence of tinnitus in 27% of people with total OHC with little or no effect on the function
deafness (Hazell et al., 1995) can be explained of IHC.
noticing that the neural activity that causes the There are many other potential mechanisms of
tinnitus depends on the difference between func- inducing abnormal neural activity that causes the
tionality of OHC and IHC. If both systems are tinnitus, including central tinnitus; however, it
totally destroyed then the abnormal neural activity seems that discordant dysfunction theory is appli-
that causes tinnitus would be less pronounced cable to majority of individuals with tinnitus and
than what it would when only OHC are dysfunc- it is useful in patient counseling. Note, that the
tional as there would be a smaller difference in validity of the neurophysiological model of
activity coming from OHC and IHC systems. tinnitus, and consequently TRT, do not depend
Consequently, this signal can easily undergo on the proposed mechanisms generating the
spontaneous habituation. In the majority of abnormal neural activity that causes the tinnitus.
individuals with tinnitus, the pitch of the tinnitus
tends to be in the frequency range of the greatest
hearing loss. The biggest difference between OHC Physiologic aspects of suffering from tinnitus
and IHC functionality is expected to occur in the
region of the basilar membrane that is tuned to The hypothesis proposed in the neurophysiological
these frequencies. Typically, cochlear damage model of tinnitus that the mechanisms of tinnitus-
along the basilar membrane process through induced problems (e.g., annoyance, anxiety, panic,
stages of: gradually increase of damage to OHC sleep, and concentration disturbances) involve
with little damage to IHC, and damage the IHC other than auditory system emerged from analy-
only occurs when all OHC are destroyed (Chen sis of clinical information. There is a difference
and Fechter, 2003). Thus, the frequency range of between experiencing tinnitus and suffering from
the greatest hearing loss, particularly the bottom tinnitus. Tinnitus is bothersome for only 20% of
of the slope of audiogram, corresponds to the area people experiencing tinnitus (Coles, 1996; Davis
of the basilar membrane where the difference and El Refaie, 2000; Hoffman and Reed, 2004).
between damage of OHC and IHC systems is There are no known differences in its pitch, match-
largest. Hearing loss from exposure to loud noise ing of its loudness and the ability to mask the tin-
is an important factor associated with tinnitus nitus with sounds of tinnitus that does not cause
(Hoffman and Reed, 2004). Noise exposure causes suffering and tinnitus that cause suffering. If au-
damage/dysfunction of OHC first and only at very ditory system was crucial in determining the extent
high sound levels does the damage extend to IHC of tinnitus-induced problems, the psychoacoustic
(Chen and Fechter, 2003). Therefore, according of tinnitus should play a dominant role. It has also
to discordant damage theory, noise causes the been observed that the severity of tinnitus and
optimal situation to induce tinnitus. Furthermore, treatment outcome do not depend on the psycho-
‘‘disco tinnitus,’’ i.e., temporal tinnitus associated acoustical characteristic of the tinnitus (Jastreboff
with exposure to loud music can be explained as et al., 1994). This observation argues against the
loud sound causing disorganization of cilia of auditory system being the anatomical location
OHC. Under such situations, these cells are tem- where aspects of tinnitus that leads to suffering are
porarily disabled and if they are not irreversible processed and interpreted. If the auditory nervous

system was the location where such aspects of tin- sustained activation of brain regions that are
nitus were processed it could be predicted that not specifically auditory such as the limbic and
louder tinnitus would be more bothersome and autonomic nervous systems.
more difficult to treat than softer tinnitus. These steps are illustrated in Figs. 1A–D.
Finally, audiologic data show that average hear- Initially, the abnormal neural activity that causes
ing is the same for the tinnitus and nontinnitus tinnitus is typically generated at the periphery of
population (Jastreboff and Hazell, 2004). A com- the auditory system (Fig. 1A), perhaps in the dor-
parison of the hearing thresholds of a population sal cochlear nucleus (Jastreboff and Hazell, 2004;
of people attending a tinnitus clinic, and who had Kaltenbach, 2006). This signal may then be de-
bothersome tinnitus, with those from a gender and tected and further processed in the subconscious
age matched group of individuals without tinnitus part of the brain (Chen and Jastreboff, 1995;
revealed that their hearing loss are essentially Jastreboff, 2004) (Fig. 1B). Finally, it reaches the
identical (Hazell and McKinney, 1996). While the high cortical levels of the auditory system where it
prevalence of tinnitus perception increases with is perceived. Note, that in this idealistic situation
hearing loss, nevertheless occurrence of bother- other systems in the brain are not activated.
some tinnitus does not seems to follow such Abnormal neural activity that causes the tinnitus
simplistic rules (Hoffman and Reed, 2004). is then treated as any other background sound and
The lack of relationship between psychoacoustic it is not evoking any reaction. However, under
description of tinnitus and its severity and treat- real-life conditions, when tinnitus is perceived as a
ment outcome indicate that the auditory system new signal, it is evaluated, compared with infor-
does not play a primary role in tinnitus that cause mation stored in memory, and attracts attention.
suffering (clinically relevant tinnitus) but that non- Two potential scenarios are then possible. If the
auditory systems in the brain have a dominating abnormal activity that causes tinnitus is classified
role in creation of such qualities of tinnitus. The by the conscious and the subconscious brain as a
model postulated that tinnitus-induced problems neutral stimulus, then it is subsequently blocked
(suffering) involved the limbic and autonomic from reaching conscious perception (habituation
nervous systems (Jastreboff, 1990, 1995). In par- of perception) and it is not spreading to other
ticular, activation of the sympathetic part of the systems in the brain, as there is no need for any
autonomic nervous systems is important in deter- action in response to its presence. Specifically, the
mining the severity of tinnitus. The limbic system limbic and autonomic nervous systems are not
controls emotional expression, memory storage activated by such neural activity (Fig. 1C). This
and recall, motivation and mood, and it directly scenario happens spontaneously in the majority of
influences neuroendocrine and autonomic func- persons with tinnitus.
tions. The autonomic nervous system controls the If however the abnormal neural activity that
action of glands, respiratory, circulatory, digestive, causes the tinnitus gets some negative connotation
hormonal, and urogenital system (Møller 2003, it is classified in the category of potentially
2006; Brodal 2004). unpleasant or even dangerous stimuli and conse-
quently activates the limbic and autonomic nerv-
ous systems to assure readiness to reaction in
Development of tinnitus response to its presence and attracts attention
forcing its further evaluation (Fig. 1D) and a cas-
Three stages in the development of tinnitus can be cade of events occurs. If a person does not posses
identified: (1) generation of the abnormal neural sufficient knowledge about the benign nature of
activity that causes the tinnitus; (2) interpretation tinnitus then, as with all unknown stimuli, the au-
of the abnormal neural activity; and (3) its per- tomatic assumption is that it might be something
ception and evaluation in high regions of the CNS. troublesome, attract attention and the process of
For clinically significant tinnitus (tinnitus that conscious thinking about it and further analysis
causes suffering) there is an additional stage (4) starts.

Auditory Cortical Areas


Auditory Periphery Auditory Periphery

Source Source

Auditory & Other Cortical Areas Auditory & Other Cortical Areas
Perception & Evaluation (Consciousness, Memory, Attention)
Perception & Evaluation (Consciousness, Memory, Attention)

Limbic System Auditory Limbic System
Subconscious Reactions
Detection/Processing Emotions Subconscious Emotions

Auditory Periphery Autonomic Nervous System Auditory Periphery Autonomic Nervous System
Source Source

Fig. 1. Development of connections yielding tinnitus-induced negative reactions. (A) First stage, with tinnitus source being typically
located in the periphery of the auditory system. (B) The abnormal neural activity that causes tinnitus is detected and processed at
subconscious pathways of the auditory system and perceived at auditory cortex. (C) Evaluation of abnormal neural activity that causes
the tinnitus as neutral stimulus prevents activation of the limbic and autonomic systems; this is situation in majority of tinnitus cases
when spontaneous habituation of tinnitus occurs. (D) Classification of tinnitus as an important, negative stimulus yields development
of self-enhancing loops governed by principles of the conditioned reflexes. Note, two loops — high, cortical involving consciousness,
and subconscious loop.

Negative reactions induced by tinnitus depend (reward or punishment). The causal relation be-
on activation of limbic and the autonomic nervous tween stimulus and reinforcement is not necessary
system, and may be enhanced by prolonged acti- to create a reflex but temporal coincidence is suffi-
vation of these systems. The fact that the func- cient. For example, perception of tinnitus while a
tional connections between auditory system and person is under strong negative emotions would
limbic and autonomic structures are partly gov- be sufficient to initiate a conditioned reflex. At
erned by the principles of conditioned reflexes the initial stage of tinnitus development, cognitive
(Chapters 1 and 4) a fact that has profound processes may play a dominant role including the
implications for the theoretical aspects of the fear of not being able to improve tinnitus and the
proposed model as for clinical methods used for potential medical problems linked to it.
treatment of the kinds of tinnitus that cause Once the reflex is established then the sensory
suffering. A conditioned reflex that can evoke a stimulus without the need for reinforcement is suffi-
reaction is created when there is a temporal coin- cient to evoke a negative reaction. Clinically sig-
cidence of a sensory stimulus and reinforcement nificant tinnitus (suffering) is typically continuous





Fig. 2. The mechanisms of TRT action as compared with other approaches. Note, that TRT is neither aimed at modifying abnormal
neural activity that causes the tinnitus nor at direct modification of tinnitus-evoked reactions but at blocking functional connections
between sensory (auditory) and parts involved in generating reactions (the limbic and autonomic nervous systems).

and the reactions induced by the activation of It has been recognized that processing of infor-
the autonomic nervous system act as negative mation at a subconscious level plays a significant
reinforcement. Tinnitus-related neuronal activity role in learning, as well as in many other aspects of
acts as a stimulus and the reaction evoked by life. Reflex reactions and learning can occur with-
activation of the sympathetic part of the auto- out the conscious perception of a stimulus
nomic nervous system act as reinforcement. (Ohman, 1988; Esteves et al., 1994; Morris et al.,
Consequently, once the initial association between 1998). Once the conscious and subconscious loops
tinnitus perception and some negative event are created, the subconscious path could become
happening at the same time develops, the reflex dominant and therefore attenuating the conscious
loop is rapidly enhanced, as both stimulus and path alone might not be sufficient to alleviate the
reinforcement are continuously present. Further- suffering from tinnitus. Results from Emory Tin-
more, the likelihood of spontaneous improvement nitus & Hyperacusis Center support this hypoth-
of tinnitus, which would reflect the extinction of esis by showing that a percentage of time during
this reflex is low. which the patients were aware of tinnitus and their
Most treatments proposed for tinnitus aim at subjective perception of its loudness did not have
reducing the tinnitus-related neuronal activity significant impact on the severity of the tinnitus as
(e.g., by medications, electrical or magnetic stim- evaluated by the Tinnitus Handicap Inventory.
ulation and masking, see Chapters 34–39) or at
decreasing tinnitus-induced reactions (e.g., psy-
chological treatments aimed at improving coping, Physiological basis for TRT
attention distraction, psychotropic medications
acting at the limbic system). TRT differs from The neurophysiological model of tinnitus de-
these approaches as it is aimed at changing specific scribed earlier (Jastreboff, 1990; Jastreboff and
functional connection between the auditory and Hazell, 2004) has made it possible to develop a
the limbic and autonomic nervous systems without method of treatment for tinnitus. Currently, there
the attempt to change the abnormal neural activity is no reliable method for attenuating the tinnitus
that causes the tinnitus or directly attenuate source and achieving a cure. It has been hypoth-
tinnitus-evoked reactions (Fig. 2). esized that tinnitus as a problem arises because an

abnormal conditioned reflex arc is created. How- by tinnitus and its perception). The primary goal is
ever, any kind of conditioned reflex can be to habituate reactions. Once this is achieved and
reversed and retrained by proper techniques. The abnormal neural activity that causes the tinnitus
brain exhibits a high level of plasticity making become more abnormal, the habituation of per-
it possible to habituate to any sensory signal, if ception will follow automatically. Therefore, TRT
this signal does not have negative implications utilizes the natural feature of the brain aiming at
(Chapter 2). Therefore, by interfering with the its utilization at abnormal neural activity that
tinnitus-related neuronal activity that occurs causes the tinnitus. There are two main compo-
above the tinnitus source, it should be possible to nents of TRT, both strictly based at the neuro-
block the spreading tinnitus-related neuronal ac- physiological model of tinnitus: (1) counseling and
tivity to the limbic and autonomic nervous systems (2) sound therapy. The goal of counseling is to
(habituation of reactions) and prevent activation reclassify tinnitus into category of neutral stimuli.
of high cortical areas where it would be perceived As long as tinnitus is judged as important or
(habituation of perception) (Fig. 3). potentially threatening, its habituation is difficult.
Habituation is a normal and essential feature of The role of sound therapy is to decrease the
the brain and occurs automatically in response to strength of abnormal neural activity that causes
any neutral or low importance stimuli. Necessity the tinnitus in systematic manner over the period
of habituation results from the fact that we can of the treatment. Sound therapy is used as well to
perform only one task at a time that requires full treat hyperacusis, which accompanies tinnitus in
attention. The problem is how to manage the 30% of cases (Jastreboff and Jastreboff, 2002).
enormous amounts of sensory input that is re- As the treatment is aimed to work above the
ceived all the time. The solution to this problem is source of tinnitus, the etiology of tinnitus is irrel-
to select important stimuli and block unimportant evant and TRT can be successfully used for any
stimuli at the subconscious level so that it does not type of tinnitus as well as for somatosounds
reach higher levels of the CNS and reaching our (it should not be ignored that a somatosound may
awareness inducing perception and inducing reac- indicate severe but treatable disorders of the vas-
tions, thus habituation occurs to unimportant cular system). The final clinical goal of TRT is to
stimuli. The important question is then what stim- reach a stage when tinnitus does not interfere with
uli are regarded as unimportant. the patient’s life. Specifically, tinnitus, when pre-
TRT is aimed at inducing and facilitating sent, should not cause annoyance and the
habituation of tinnitus (both reactions induced patient’s awareness of the tinnitus should be so
low that it does not influence normal life. The
Auditory & Other Cortical Areas
results of treatment of 303 consecutive patients
Perception & Evaluation (Consciousness, Memory, Attention) at Emory who had initial THI score at least 36
showed that significant improvement was achieved
HP after 1 month of the treatment with THI score de-
Auditory ceasing from 65 to 46, followed by further consist-
Limbic System H Reactions
Subconscious Emotions ER ent improvement when followed up to 18 months
Detection / Processing
hyperacusis was dramatically improved after 12
HAR months, and in majority of cases a cure was noted.
Both mean the change of THI score and the aver-
Auditory Periphery Autonomic Nervous System
Source age change for all these patients reached level of
statistical significance after 3 months. After 12
Fig. 3. Specific functional connections at which habituation of months, 82% of patients showed statistically a sig-
tinnitus occurs. HER: habituation of emotional reactions; HAR:
nificant decrease of 20 points from the initial score.
habituation of reactions evoked by the autonomic nervous sys-
tem; HP: habituation of tinnitus perception. Primary goal of Results of open studies reported from other cen-
TRT is to achieve habituation of reactions and then habituation ters also consistently showed significant improve-
of perception will follow automatically. ment in over 80% of the patients who were treated

by TRT (Bartnik et al., 1999; Heitzmann et al., hyperacusis using the habituation method. In: Hazell, J.W.P.
1999; McKinney et al., 1999; Sheldrake et al., 1999; (Ed.), Proceedings of the Sixth International Tinnitus Seminar,
1999, Cambridge, UK. THC, London, UK, pp. 415–417.
Herraiz et al., 2005; Mazurek et al., 2006a). The
Brodal, A. (2004) The Central Nervous System (3rd ed.).
results of 5 years of follow up showed that the Oxford University Press, New York.
improvement is long lasting (Lux-Wellenhof and Chen, G.D. and Fechter, L.D. (2003) The relationship between
Hellweg, 2002). A systematic randomized study noise-induced hearing loss and hair cell loss in rats. Hear.
showed TRT to be highly effective, with highly Res., 177: 81–90.
statistically significant decline of THI and of per- Chen, G.D. and Jastreboff, P.J. (1995) Salicylate-induced
abnormal activity in the inferior colliculus of rats. Hear.
centage of time when tinnitus was annoying. Res., 82: 158–178.
Specifically, over period of 18 months in group Coles, R.R.A. (1996) Epidemiology, aetiology and classifica-
with severe tinnitus THI decreased from 72 to 26.4; tion. In: Vernon, J.A. and Reich, G. (Eds.), Proceedings of
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OR, U.S.A. American Tinnitus Association, Portland, OR,
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