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Business organizations need to have one committee to manage and

prevent risk in the workplace. List five (5) tasks of committee members of risk

Five tasks of committee members of risk prevention are design a security booklet
for all employees. Secondly, develop orientation and training programs on crime
prevention in coordination with the training department. Thirdly, analyze and
resolve recurring security issues and investigate any security-related incidents.
Next, conduct spot security checks and inspections of the property. Lastly, liaise
with the local police department.

2. Identify five (5) sanitation practices that can be applied by food and
beverage staff at their workplace.

Five sanitation practices can be applied by F&B staff are employee should wash
their hands thoroughly and frequently. Secondly, employee must wear aprons and
change them when dirty. Thirdly, employee must wear hair nets or hats. Next,
employee must keep their fingernails short. Lastly, employee must not handle food
while sick.

3. Hotels and restaurants are reducing environmental impacts by promoting

recycling programs and embracing sustainable energy. Explain five (5)
examples of environmentally sustainable practices in the hospitality industry
in Malaysia.

Five examples of environmentally sustainable practices in hospitality

industry in Malaysia are include 3R which mean reduce, reuse and recycle. Reduce
means the reduction amount of waste or the use of resources. Reuse here means
the used item like towel being used again after only used once. Meanwhile recycle
meaning that the item used are being recycle for a new product or better purposes.

Secondly, the use of biodegradable products. Biodegradable products are

environmentally friendly where it can be decomposed. For example, instead of
using plastic straw, the usage of rice straw is now available at some coffee shop
like Zus Coffee.

Thirdly, the usage of geothermal energy. It is a renewable resource that can

be used directly for heat, or their steam can be used to generate electricity. For
example, in Bentong, Pahang (Kolam Air Panas Bentong), there is a hot spring that
use geotherma energy to develop a tourist destination.

Next, the use of rain water harvesting as substitute on using cured water.
Malaysia is one of the countries that will face heavy rainfall each year. The gaining
and storing of rainfall are simple and very effective as it is a natural resource and
easily to get in Malaysia. Rainfall water might not be suitable for drinking but it is
better to use as water for laundry, watering plants, washing equipment and other

Lastly, the usage of bicycles or electric scooter. This is a good step on

reducing the carbon footprint and saving the environment. The step is also a good
thing where guest or tourist will get to enjoy more and get to explore more on what
the place had to offer.
You are the owner of a small, fast-casual restaurant in a jurisdiction that still
permits indoor dining during the pandemic. Customers are hesitant to dine in
because they fear contracting the virus. The local government authorities have
signalled that you can have 50% dining capacity with tables separated by 2
meters. You do not have outdoor dining/patio seating or curbside pick-up

1. How would you plan to reopen, given the seating capacity restrictions?

I will open a restaurant that has big capacity for my customers to dine in at my
restaurant. However, I will ensure that the capacity for my restaurant will gain more
places to dine it yet they must follow the flow of the SOP Covid and sanitize always
and be aware with others to make sure they will wear a face mask in the restaurant.
Nevertheless, I also will make sure that the tables will separately 2 meters away from
others people so that they wont easier to get Covid and stay safe as always. To get a
satisfaction from the customers, they really need to be careful with the environment
and stay separated from others so that they won’t interact with other people.

2. What steps would you take to promote and reassure local customers that the
restaurant is clean and sanitized?

Before going out from the restaurant, the customer needs to clean their table by
using a tissue sanitize and throw the food away to the rubbish. Next, when customers
came to my restaurant, I will ensure them to scan their temperature of their body,
scanning a QR code from MySejahtera to make sure they have been check-in and
check-out from my restaurant to keep it safe and separated. However, they must
follow the rules of my restaurant to make sure they wear their face mask, if they
didn’t have, they wouldn’t allowed to enter the restaurant because it may have a big
risk to get Covid-19 easily. If they didn’t manage to follow the rules, the customers
will get a sue from KKM to pay it RM10,000 for the causes that they did wrong. I also
will make a limited place yet limited pax for my customers to avoid from Covid-19.
When they can finally dine in at my restaurant, I will make a poster as an advice for
them to be clean and sanitized always so that they will remember to be clean always
yet get a limited time for them to enjoy the food. However, cleaning products, soaps,
and sanitizers have been in short supply since the start of COVID-19. They are hard
for the average customer to locate. It has been even more difficult for restaurants to
find what they need. Lastly, I will ensure that my customer will get fully vaccination
when they want to dine in at my restaurant.
3. What changes would you make to the menu and/or hours of operation?

I will change the menu from all menu to a package set, so that my employees
especially the Kitchen crews will not be exhausted with the ordering and cooking
time to make a new food for the customers. If the customers still ordering the same
menu as what they taught always, it will be wasted time for others people to wait it.
For example, a customer orders the food that they always love to eat and it really
takes time it to wait, it will be useless and wasted at the same time and a restaurant
will get a lower rate just because of the timing.

While for operation hours, I will open my restaurant at 11:00 am to 7:00 pm, so that
my customer will come my restaurant in that limited time for them to dine in. The
reason why I choose reschedule my operation hours for my restaurant is because I
want from the crisis happen to my restaurant that may take a big risk to my health
and the Covid-19.

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