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Pedro and Jaime

Class 5th December


Buscar 7 palabras que no conozcan y escribir una frase con cada una.

+ usar tiempos verbales:

-Pasado perfecto

-Pasado perfecto continuó


-Presente continuo


-Futuro continuo

-Preguntas al menos dos de ellas con respuesta.


Buscar 7 palabras que no conozcan y escribir una frase con cada una. + usar tiempos
Couples, hangover, tend, parades, wee hours.
Reventar (burst); Arrastrarse (Creep); Prohibir (Forbid); Encogerse (Shrink); Enrollar
-Pasado perfecto
If I hadn’t drank beer at the party, the hangover would be mild.
-Pasado perfecto continuó
I had been in a few relationships before meeting my wife.
I think I tend to full- ll each of my dreams. to tend-> tender a a trend -> una tendecia
-Presente continuo.
Our new puppy is crawling on the carpet trying to scare us.
-Futuro perfecto
This summer, Catalina, Renata, and their grandmother will be forbidden to get sick before
they trip.
-Futuro continuo
Today we have a birthday, we will be celebrating until wee hours on Saturday.
-Preguntas al menos dos de ellas con respuesta.
So, you travel to Iquique, will you go to the next parade?
No, we won’t go. We already prepared a trip for that day.
-Did you see that movie where the characters shrink?
Yes, I saw some of it, I really liked “Dear, I shrunk the kids”.

Pasado perfecto P P continuo

-he had xed the car yesterday at midnight. he had been xing

P P continuo

I had been studying some English before breakfast.


I get a hangover after having a drink.

Presente continuo

we are playing in the dkc soccer tournament.


-To be -> question + answer -> past

-To send -> future continuous

-To take -> present perfect

Jaime: Where was he / it / she

-Where did you go to celebrate during the weekend? I celebrated in the Hollywood

-Friday, I will be sending the letter to santa. I will be / I will have been

-I have taken an excellent english class.


-why did we travel south last week? because of a family trip.

-We will be sending the photos

-I have drank to much water


During the 1936 Olympic Games in Berlin, Germany, Chancellor Adolf Hitler vowed
to use the games to showcase Aryan superiority to the rest of the world. Hitler was
convinced that the white, Aryan male was part of the superior race, and promised his
games would prove this superiority on the Olympic stage. American track and eld
athlete, James "Jesse" Owens, had a di erent idea.

Owens was an excellent athlete at Ohio State University during the early 1930s.
During one track meet in 1935, Owens set three world records, and tied another, in what
has been called "the greatest 45 minutes ever in sports." Although Owens found great
success in his athletic career, he grew up during a time in America when black people
were still highly discriminated against. Segregation laws were still in e ect in many parts
of the country, and Owens felt this prejudice directly. He was not able to stay in the same
hotel rooms as his white teammates, nor was he allowed to eat at the same restaurants.
Ironically, Owens was treated better during his time at the 36th Olympics in Germany.

During the games, Hitler became annoyed that Owens was winning so many gold
medals. Owens was proving Hitler's racist claims and rhetoric as untrue. Hitler didn't like
it. Owens ended up winning four gold medals at these games. Hitler refused to shake his
hand. One of the de ning moments of the games is when Owens was befriended by
German athlete Luz Long. Owens cherished his friendship with Long, especially because
he knew that Long could fall out of favor with Hitler's brutal regime.

Many German fans shook Owen's hands, even though Hitler did not, but when
Owens returned to the United States, he found not much had changed in there.

Become -> became


Buscar 7 palabras que no conozcan y escribir una frase con cada una.

+ usar tiempos verbales:

-Pasado perfecto

-Pasado perfecto continuó


-Presente continuo


-Futuro continuo

-Preguntas al menos dos de ellas con respuesta.

Aided conversation:

-I like sports. But I don’t practice so much. What kind of sports do you like?

-I love sports. I like running and every type of sport. And I practice running two to
three times per week.


-tiempos verbales.

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