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Petitioner: Valeria Lopez Rivera Case Number:

Respondent: Patricia Gonzalez Marcano P20222761

July 14, 2022

This timeshare and overnight computation is for the period of time from 7/1/22 to 6/30/26. Parents are Valeria and Patricia.

Time per parent

50.1% VALERIA 17,184h 17,143h

17,184 hours
50.1% 49.9%

17,143 hours
Valeria Patricia

Overnights per parent

50.0% VALERIA 716 715

716 nights
50.0% 50.0%

715 nights
Valeria Patricia

* Third party overnights are excluded from the totals.

Time by month Overnights by month

100% 20

80% 16

60% 12

40% 8

20% 4

0% 0
Jul Nov Mar Jul Nov Mar Jul Nov Mar Jul Nov Mar Jul Nov Mar Jul Nov Mar Jul Nov Mar Jul Nov Mar
2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026
Valeria Patricia Valeria Patricia

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Petitioner: Valeria Lopez Rivera Case Number:
Respondent: Patricia Gonzalez Marcano P20222761


Jul 2022 Aug 2022 Sep 2022

1 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

17 18 19 20 21 22 23 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

24 25 26 27 28 29 30 28 29 30 31 25 26 27 28 29 30

Valeria 377 Valeria 15 Valeria 367 Valeria 16
Patricia 367 Patricia 16 Patricia 353 Patricia 14
Valeria 7 Valeria 1
Patricia 0 Patricia 0

Oct 2022 Nov 2022 Dec 2022

1 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

9 10 11 12 13 14 15 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

16 17 18 19 20 21 22 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

23 24 25 26 27 28 29 27 28 29 30 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

30 31
Valeria 367 Valeria 16 Valeria 353 Valeria 14
Patricia 353 Patricia 14 Patricia 391 Patricia 17
Valeria 377 Valeria 15
Patricia 367 Patricia 16

Jan 2023 Feb 2023 Mar 2023

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

8 9 10 11 12 13 14 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

15 16 17 18 19 20 21 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

22 23 24 25 26 27 28 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

29 30 31 26 27 28 26 27 28 29 30 31

Valeria 384 Valeria 16 Valeria 336 Valeria 14 Valeria 367 Valeria 16

Patricia 360 Patricia 15 Patricia 336 Patricia 14 Patricia 377 Patricia 15

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PARENTING TIME REPORT For More Information, Please Visit
Petitioner: Valeria Lopez Rivera Case Number:
Respondent: Patricia Gonzalez Marcano P20222761

Apr 2023 May 2023 Jun 2023

1 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

9 10 11 12 13 14 15 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

16 17 18 19 20 21 22 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

23 24 25 26 27 28 29 28 29 30 31 25 26 27 28 29 30

Valeria 367 Valeria 16 Valeria 353 Valeria 14
Patricia 377 Patricia 15 Patricia 367 Patricia 16
Valeria 377 Valeria 15
Patricia 343 Patricia 15

Jul 2023 Aug 2023 Sep 2023

1 1 2 3 4 5 1 2

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

9 10 11 12 13 14 15 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

16 17 18 19 20 21 22 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

23 24 25 26 27 28 29 27 28 29 30 31 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

30 31
Valeria 360 Valeria 15 Valeria 384 Valeria 16
Patricia 384 Patricia 16 Patricia 336 Patricia 14
Valeria 367 Valeria 16
Patricia 377 Patricia 15

Oct 2023 Nov 2023 Dec 2023

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 1 2

8 9 10 11 12 13 14 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

15 16 17 18 19 20 21 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

22 23 24 25 26 27 28 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

29 30 31 26 27 28 29 30 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

Valeria 360 Valeria 15 Valeria 377 Valeria 15
Patricia 384 Patricia 16 Patricia 343 Patricia 15
Valeria 343 Valeria 15
Patricia 401 Patricia 16

Page 3 of 24
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Petitioner: Valeria Lopez Rivera Case Number:
Respondent: Patricia Gonzalez Marcano P20222761

Jan 2024 Feb 2024 Mar 2024

1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 1 2

7 8 9 10 11 12 13 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

21 22 23 24 25 26 27 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

28 29 30 31 25 26 27 28 29 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

Valeria 377 Valeria 15 Valeria 343 Valeria 15
Patricia 367 Patricia 16 Patricia 353 Patricia 14
Valeria 401 Valeria 16
Patricia 343 Patricia 15

Apr 2024 May 2024 Jun 2024

1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 1

7 8 9 10 11 12 13 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

21 22 23 24 25 26 27 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 16 17 18 19 20 21 22

28 29 30 26 27 28 29 30 31 23 24 25 26 27 28 29

Valeria 343 Valeria 15 Valeria 377 Valeria 15
Patricia 377 Patricia 15 Patricia 367 Patricia 16
Valeria 343 Valeria 15
Patricia 377 Patricia 15

Jul 2024 Aug 2024 Sep 2024

1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

7 8 9 10 11 12 13 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

21 22 23 24 25 26 27 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

28 29 30 31 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 29 30

Valeria 377 Valeria 15 Valeria 391 Valeria 17 Valeria 353 Valeria 14

Patricia 367 Patricia 16 Patricia 353 Patricia 14 Patricia 367 Patricia 16

Page 4 of 24
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Petitioner: Valeria Lopez Rivera Case Number:
Respondent: Patricia Gonzalez Marcano P20222761

Oct 2024 Nov 2024 Dec 2024

1 2 3 4 5 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

6 7 8 9 10 11 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

13 14 15 16 17 18 19 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

20 21 22 23 24 25 26 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

27 28 29 30 31 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 29 30 31

Valeria 384 Valeria 16 Valeria 336 Valeria 14 Valeria 384 Valeria 16

Patricia 360 Patricia 15 Patricia 384 Patricia 16 Patricia 360 Patricia 15

Jan 2025 Feb 2025 Mar 2025

1 2 3 4 1 1

5 6 7 8 9 10 11 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

12 13 14 15 16 17 18 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

19 20 21 22 23 24 25 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 16 17 18 19 20 21 22

26 27 28 29 30 31 23 24 25 26 27 28 23 24 25 26 27 28 29

30 31
Valeria 367 Valeria 16 Valeria 336 Valeria 14
Patricia 377 Patricia 15 Patricia 336 Patricia 14
Valeria 377 Valeria 15
Patricia 367 Patricia 16

Apr 2025 May 2025 Jun 2025

1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

6 7 8 9 10 11 12 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

13 14 15 16 17 18 19 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

20 21 22 23 24 25 26 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

27 28 29 30 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 29 30

Valeria 367 Valeria 16 Valeria 353 Valeria 14 Valeria 367 Valeria 16

Patricia 353 Patricia 14 Patricia 391 Patricia 17 Patricia 353 Patricia 14

Page 5 of 24
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Petitioner: Valeria Lopez Rivera Case Number:
Respondent: Patricia Gonzalez Marcano P20222761

Jul 2025 Aug 2025 Sep 2025

1 2 3 4 5 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 6

6 7 8 9 10 11 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

13 14 15 16 17 18 19 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

20 21 22 23 24 25 26 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 21 22 23 24 25 26 27

27 28 29 30 31 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 28 29 30

Valeria 360 Valeria 15 Valeria 343 Valeria 15
Patricia 384 Patricia 16 Patricia 377 Patricia 15
Valeria 401 Valeria 16
Patricia 343 Patricia 15

Oct 2025 Nov 2025 Dec 2025

1 2 3 4 1 1 2 3 4 5 6

5 6 7 8 9 10 11 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

12 13 14 15 16 17 18 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

19 20 21 22 23 24 25 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 21 22 23 24 25 26 27

26 27 28 29 30 31 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 28 29 30 31

Valeria 377 Valeria 15 Valeria 377 Valeria 15
Patricia 367 Patricia 16 Patricia 367 Patricia 16
Valeria 343 Valeria 15
Patricia 377 Patricia 15

Jan 2026 Feb 2026 Mar 2026

1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

18 19 20 21 22 23 24 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

25 26 27 28 29 30 31 29 30 31
Valeria 336 Valeria 14
Patricia 336 Patricia 14
Valeria 391 Valeria 17 Valeria 360 Valeria 15
Patricia 353 Patricia 14 Patricia 384 Patricia 16

Page 6 of 24
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Petitioner: Valeria Lopez Rivera Case Number:
Respondent: Patricia Gonzalez Marcano P20222761

Apr 2026 May 2026 Jun 2026

1 2 3 4 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 6

5 6 7 8 9 10 11 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

12 13 14 15 16 17 18 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

19 20 21 22 23 24 25 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 21 22 23 24 25 26 27

26 27 28 29 30 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 28 29 30

Valeria 377 Valeria 15 Valeria 377 Valeria 15
Patricia 343 Patricia 15 Patricia 343 Patricia 15
Valeria 343 Valeria 15
Patricia 401 Patricia 16

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Petitioner: Valeria Lopez Rivera Case Number:
Respondent: Patricia Gonzalez Marcano P20222761


July 2022
Valeria: 7 hours, 1 Overnights
Patricia: 0 hours, 0 Overnights
Date Parent Hours Nights
Sun 31 Valeria 7 1

August 2022
Valeria: 377 hours, 15 Overnights
Patricia: 367 hours, 16 Overnights
Date Parent Hours Nights Date Parent Hours Nights
Mon 1 - Tue 2 Valeria 41 1 Tue 16 - Thu 18 Patricia 48 2
Tue 2 - Thu 4 Patricia 48 2 Thu 18 - Sun 21 Valeria 72 3
Thu 4 - Sun 7 Valeria 72 3 Sun 21 - Tue 23 Patricia 48 2
Sun 7 - Tue 9 Patricia 48 2 Tue 23 - Thu 25 Valeria 48 2
Tue 9 - Thu 11 Valeria 48 2 Thu 25 - Sun 28 Patricia 72 3
Thu 11 - Sun 14 Patricia 72 3 Sun 28 - Tue 30 Valeria 48 2
Sun 14 - Tue 16 Valeria 48 2 Tue 30 - Wed 31 Patricia 31 2

September 2022
Valeria: 367 hours, 16 Overnights
Patricia: 353 hours, 14 Overnights
Date Parent Hours Nights Date Parent Hours Nights
Thu 1 Patricia 17 - Thu 15 - Sun 18 Valeria 72 3
Thu 1 - Sun 4 Valeria 72 3 Sun 18 - Tue 20 Patricia 48 2
Sun 4 - Tue 6 Patricia 48 2 Tue 20 - Thu 22 Valeria 48 2
Tue 6 - Thu 8 Valeria 48 2 Thu 22 - Sun 25 Patricia 72 3
Thu 8 - Sun 11 Patricia 72 3 Sun 25 - Tue 27 Valeria 48 2
Sun 11 - Tue 13 Valeria 48 2 Tue 27 - Thu 29 Patricia 48 2
Tue 13 - Thu 15 Patricia 48 2 Thu 29 - Fri 30 Valeria 31 2

October 2022
Valeria: 377 hours, 15 Overnights
Patricia: 367 hours, 16 Overnights
Date Parent Hours Nights Date Parent Hours Nights
Sat 1 - Sun 2 Valeria 41 1 Sun 2 - Tue 4 Patricia 48 2

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Petitioner: Valeria Lopez Rivera Case Number:
Respondent: Patricia Gonzalez Marcano P20222761

October 2022 (continued)

Date Parent Hours Nights Date Parent Hours Nights
Tue 4 - Thu 6 Valeria 48 2 Tue 18 - Thu 20 Valeria 48 2
Thu 6 - Sun 9 Patricia 72 3 Thu 20 - Sun 23 Patricia 72 3
Sun 9 - Tue 11 Valeria 48 2 Sun 23 - Tue 25 Valeria 48 2
Tue 11 - Thu 13 Patricia 48 2 Tue 25 - Thu 27 Patricia 48 2
Thu 13 - Sun 16 Valeria 72 3 Thu 27 - Sun 30 Valeria 72 3
Sun 16 - Tue 18 Patricia 48 2 Sun 30 - Mon 31 Patricia 31 2

November 2022
Valeria: 367 hours, 16 Overnights
Patricia: 353 hours, 14 Overnights
Date Parent Hours Nights Date Parent Hours Nights
Tue 1 Patricia 17 - Tue 15 - Thu 17 Valeria 48 2
Tue 1 - Thu 3 Valeria 48 2 Thu 17 - Sun 20 Patricia 72 3
Thu 3 - Sun 6 Patricia 72 3 Sun 20 - Tue 22 Valeria 48 2
Sun 6 - Tue 8 Valeria 48 2 Tue 22 - Thu 24 Patricia 48 2
Tue 8 - Thu 10 Patricia 48 2 Thu 24 - Sun 27 Valeria 72 3
Thu 10 - Sun 13 Valeria 72 3 Sun 27 - Tue 29 Patricia 48 2
Sun 13 - Tue 15 Patricia 48 2 Tue 29 - Wed 30 Valeria 31 2

December 2022
Valeria: 353 hours, 14 Overnights
Patricia: 391 hours, 17 Overnights
Date Parent Hours Nights Date Parent Hours Nights
Thu 1 Valeria 17 - Thu 15 - Sun 18 Patricia 72 3
Thu 1 - Sun 4 Patricia 72 3 Sun 18 - Tue 20 Valeria 48 2
Sun 4 - Tue 6 Valeria 48 2 Tue 20 - Thu 22 Patricia 48 2
Tue 6 - Thu 8 Patricia 48 2 Thu 22 - Sun 25 Valeria 72 3
Thu 8 - Sun 11 Valeria 72 3 Sun 25 - Tue 27 Patricia 48 2
Sun 11 - Tue 13 Patricia 48 2 Tue 27 - Thu 29 Valeria 48 2
Tue 13 - Thu 15 Valeria 48 2 Thu 29 - Sat 31 Patricia 55 3

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Petitioner: Valeria Lopez Rivera Case Number:
Respondent: Patricia Gonzalez Marcano P20222761

January 2023
Valeria: 384 hours, 16 Overnights
Patricia: 360 hours, 15 Overnights
Date Parent Hours Nights Date Parent Hours Nights
Sun 1 Patricia 17 - Tue 17 - Thu 19 Patricia 48 2
Sun 1 - Tue 3 Valeria 48 2 Thu 19 - Sun 22 Valeria 72 3
Tue 3 - Thu 5 Patricia 48 2 Sun 22 - Tue 24 Patricia 48 2
Thu 5 - Sun 8 Valeria 72 3 Tue 24 - Thu 26 Valeria 48 2
Sun 8 - Tue 10 Patricia 48 2 Thu 26 - Sun 29 Patricia 72 3
Tue 10 - Thu 12 Valeria 48 2 Sun 29 - Tue 31 Valeria 48 2
Thu 12 - Sun 15 Patricia 72 3 Tue 31 Patricia 7 1
Sun 15 - Tue 17 Valeria 48 2

February 2023
Valeria: 336 hours, 14 Overnights
Patricia: 336 hours, 14 Overnights
Date Parent Hours Nights Date Parent Hours Nights
Wed 1 - Thu 2 Patricia 41 1 Thu 16 - Sun 19 Valeria 72 3
Thu 2 - Sun 5 Valeria 72 3 Sun 19 - Tue 21 Patricia 48 2
Sun 5 - Tue 7 Patricia 48 2 Tue 21 - Thu 23 Valeria 48 2
Tue 7 - Thu 9 Valeria 48 2 Thu 23 - Sun 26 Patricia 72 3
Thu 9 - Sun 12 Patricia 72 3 Sun 26 - Tue 28 Valeria 48 2
Sun 12 - Tue 14 Valeria 48 2 Tue 28 Patricia 7 1
Tue 14 - Thu 16 Patricia 48 2

March 2023
Valeria: 367 hours, 16 Overnights
Patricia: 377 hours, 15 Overnights
Date Parent Hours Nights Date Parent Hours Nights
Wed 1 - Thu 2 Patricia 41 1 Thu 16 - Sun 19 Valeria 72 3
Thu 2 - Sun 5 Valeria 72 3 Sun 19 - Tue 21 Patricia 48 2
Sun 5 - Tue 7 Patricia 48 2 Tue 21 - Thu 23 Valeria 48 2
Tue 7 - Thu 9 Valeria 48 2 Thu 23 - Sun 26 Patricia 72 3
Thu 9 - Sun 12 Patricia 72 3 Sun 26 - Tue 28 Valeria 48 2
Sun 12 - Tue 14 Valeria 48 2 Tue 28 - Thu 30 Patricia 48 2
Tue 14 - Thu 16 Patricia 48 2 Thu 30 - Fri 31 Valeria 31 2

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Petitioner: Valeria Lopez Rivera Case Number:
Respondent: Patricia Gonzalez Marcano P20222761

April 2023
Valeria: 377 hours, 15 Overnights
Patricia: 343 hours, 15 Overnights
Date Parent Hours Nights Date Parent Hours Nights
Sat 1 - Sun 2 Valeria 41 1 Sun 16 - Tue 18 Patricia 48 2
Sun 2 - Tue 4 Patricia 48 2 Tue 18 - Thu 20 Valeria 48 2
Tue 4 - Thu 6 Valeria 48 2 Thu 20 - Sun 23 Patricia 72 3
Thu 6 - Sun 9 Patricia 72 3 Sun 23 - Tue 25 Valeria 48 2
Sun 9 - Tue 11 Valeria 48 2 Tue 25 - Thu 27 Patricia 48 2
Tue 11 - Thu 13 Patricia 48 2 Thu 27 - Sun 30 Valeria 72 3
Thu 13 - Sun 16 Valeria 72 3 Sun 30 Patricia 7 1

May 2023
Valeria: 367 hours, 16 Overnights
Patricia: 377 hours, 15 Overnights
Date Parent Hours Nights Date Parent Hours Nights
Mon 1 - Tue 2 Patricia 41 1 Tue 16 - Thu 18 Valeria 48 2
Tue 2 - Thu 4 Valeria 48 2 Thu 18 - Sun 21 Patricia 72 3
Thu 4 - Sun 7 Patricia 72 3 Sun 21 - Tue 23 Valeria 48 2
Sun 7 - Tue 9 Valeria 48 2 Tue 23 - Thu 25 Patricia 48 2
Tue 9 - Thu 11 Patricia 48 2 Thu 25 - Sun 28 Valeria 72 3
Thu 11 - Sun 14 Valeria 72 3 Sun 28 - Tue 30 Patricia 48 2
Sun 14 - Tue 16 Patricia 48 2 Tue 30 - Wed 31 Valeria 31 2

June 2023
Valeria: 353 hours, 14 Overnights
Patricia: 367 hours, 16 Overnights
Date Parent Hours Nights Date Parent Hours Nights
Thu 1 Valeria 17 - Thu 15 - Sun 18 Patricia 72 3
Thu 1 - Sun 4 Patricia 72 3 Sun 18 - Tue 20 Valeria 48 2
Sun 4 - Tue 6 Valeria 48 2 Tue 20 - Thu 22 Patricia 48 2
Tue 6 - Thu 8 Patricia 48 2 Thu 22 - Sun 25 Valeria 72 3
Thu 8 - Sun 11 Valeria 72 3 Sun 25 - Tue 27 Patricia 48 2
Sun 11 - Tue 13 Patricia 48 2 Tue 27 - Thu 29 Valeria 48 2
Tue 13 - Thu 15 Valeria 48 2 Thu 29 - Fri 30 Patricia 31 2

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Petitioner: Valeria Lopez Rivera Case Number:
Respondent: Patricia Gonzalez Marcano P20222761

July 2023
Valeria: 367 hours, 16 Overnights
Patricia: 377 hours, 15 Overnights
Date Parent Hours Nights Date Parent Hours Nights
Sat 1 - Sun 2 Patricia 41 1 Sun 16 - Tue 18 Valeria 48 2
Sun 2 - Tue 4 Valeria 48 2 Tue 18 - Thu 20 Patricia 48 2
Tue 4 - Thu 6 Patricia 48 2 Thu 20 - Sun 23 Valeria 72 3
Thu 6 - Sun 9 Valeria 72 3 Sun 23 - Tue 25 Patricia 48 2
Sun 9 - Tue 11 Patricia 48 2 Tue 25 - Thu 27 Valeria 48 2
Tue 11 - Thu 13 Valeria 48 2 Thu 27 - Sun 30 Patricia 72 3
Thu 13 - Sun 16 Patricia 72 3 Sun 30 - Mon 31 Valeria 31 2

August 2023
Valeria: 360 hours, 15 Overnights
Patricia: 384 hours, 16 Overnights
Date Parent Hours Nights Date Parent Hours Nights
Tue 1 Valeria 17 - Thu 17 - Sun 20 Valeria 72 3
Tue 1 - Thu 3 Patricia 48 2 Sun 20 - Tue 22 Patricia 48 2
Thu 3 - Sun 6 Valeria 72 3 Tue 22 - Thu 24 Valeria 48 2
Sun 6 - Tue 8 Patricia 48 2 Thu 24 - Sun 27 Patricia 72 3
Tue 8 - Thu 10 Valeria 48 2 Sun 27 - Tue 29 Valeria 48 2
Thu 10 - Sun 13 Patricia 72 3 Tue 29 - Thu 31 Patricia 48 2
Sun 13 - Tue 15 Valeria 48 2 Thu 31 Valeria 7 1
Tue 15 - Thu 17 Patricia 48 2

September 2023
Valeria: 384 hours, 16 Overnights
Patricia: 336 hours, 14 Overnights
Date Parent Hours Nights Date Parent Hours Nights
Fri 1 - Sun 3 Valeria 65 2 Sun 17 - Tue 19 Patricia 48 2
Sun 3 - Tue 5 Patricia 48 2 Tue 19 - Thu 21 Valeria 48 2
Tue 5 - Thu 7 Valeria 48 2 Thu 21 - Sun 24 Patricia 72 3
Thu 7 - Sun 10 Patricia 72 3 Sun 24 - Tue 26 Valeria 48 2
Sun 10 - Tue 12 Valeria 48 2 Tue 26 - Thu 28 Patricia 48 2
Tue 12 - Thu 14 Patricia 48 2 Thu 28 - Sat 30 Valeria 55 3
Thu 14 - Sun 17 Valeria 72 3

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Petitioner: Valeria Lopez Rivera Case Number:
Respondent: Patricia Gonzalez Marcano P20222761

October 2023
Valeria: 360 hours, 15 Overnights
Patricia: 384 hours, 16 Overnights
Date Parent Hours Nights Date Parent Hours Nights
Sun 1 Valeria 17 - Tue 17 - Thu 19 Valeria 48 2
Sun 1 - Tue 3 Patricia 48 2 Thu 19 - Sun 22 Patricia 72 3
Tue 3 - Thu 5 Valeria 48 2 Sun 22 - Tue 24 Valeria 48 2
Thu 5 - Sun 8 Patricia 72 3 Tue 24 - Thu 26 Patricia 48 2
Sun 8 - Tue 10 Valeria 48 2 Thu 26 - Sun 29 Valeria 72 3
Tue 10 - Thu 12 Patricia 48 2 Sun 29 - Tue 31 Patricia 48 2
Thu 12 - Sun 15 Valeria 72 3 Tue 31 Valeria 7 1
Sun 15 - Tue 17 Patricia 48 2

November 2023
Valeria: 377 hours, 15 Overnights
Patricia: 343 hours, 15 Overnights
Date Parent Hours Nights Date Parent Hours Nights
Wed 1 - Thu 2 Valeria 41 1 Thu 16 - Sun 19 Patricia 72 3
Thu 2 - Sun 5 Patricia 72 3 Sun 19 - Tue 21 Valeria 48 2
Sun 5 - Tue 7 Valeria 48 2 Tue 21 - Thu 23 Patricia 48 2
Tue 7 - Thu 9 Patricia 48 2 Thu 23 - Sun 26 Valeria 72 3
Thu 9 - Sun 12 Valeria 72 3 Sun 26 - Tue 28 Patricia 48 2
Sun 12 - Tue 14 Patricia 48 2 Tue 28 - Thu 30 Valeria 48 2
Tue 14 - Thu 16 Valeria 48 2 Thu 30 Patricia 7 1

December 2023
Valeria: 343 hours, 15 Overnights
Patricia: 401 hours, 16 Overnights
Date Parent Hours Nights Date Parent Hours Nights
Fri 1 - Sun 3 Patricia 65 2 Sun 17 - Tue 19 Valeria 48 2
Sun 3 - Tue 5 Valeria 48 2 Tue 19 - Thu 21 Patricia 48 2
Tue 5 - Thu 7 Patricia 48 2 Thu 21 - Sun 24 Valeria 72 3
Thu 7 - Sun 10 Valeria 72 3 Sun 24 - Tue 26 Patricia 48 2
Sun 10 - Tue 12 Patricia 48 2 Tue 26 - Thu 28 Valeria 48 2
Tue 12 - Thu 14 Valeria 48 2 Thu 28 - Sun 31 Patricia 72 3
Thu 14 - Sun 17 Patricia 72 3 Sun 31 Valeria 7 1

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Petitioner: Valeria Lopez Rivera Case Number:
Respondent: Patricia Gonzalez Marcano P20222761

January 2024
Valeria: 377 hours, 15 Overnights
Patricia: 367 hours, 16 Overnights
Date Parent Hours Nights Date Parent Hours Nights
Mon 1 - Tue 2 Valeria 41 1 Tue 16 - Thu 18 Patricia 48 2
Tue 2 - Thu 4 Patricia 48 2 Thu 18 - Sun 21 Valeria 72 3
Thu 4 - Sun 7 Valeria 72 3 Sun 21 - Tue 23 Patricia 48 2
Sun 7 - Tue 9 Patricia 48 2 Tue 23 - Thu 25 Valeria 48 2
Tue 9 - Thu 11 Valeria 48 2 Thu 25 - Sun 28 Patricia 72 3
Thu 11 - Sun 14 Patricia 72 3 Sun 28 - Tue 30 Valeria 48 2
Sun 14 - Tue 16 Valeria 48 2 Tue 30 - Wed 31 Patricia 31 2

February 2024
Valeria: 343 hours, 15 Overnights
Patricia: 353 hours, 14 Overnights
Date Parent Hours Nights Date Parent Hours Nights
Thu 1 Patricia 17 - Thu 15 - Sun 18 Valeria 72 3
Thu 1 - Sun 4 Valeria 72 3 Sun 18 - Tue 20 Patricia 48 2
Sun 4 - Tue 6 Patricia 48 2 Tue 20 - Thu 22 Valeria 48 2
Tue 6 - Thu 8 Valeria 48 2 Thu 22 - Sun 25 Patricia 72 3
Thu 8 - Sun 11 Patricia 72 3 Sun 25 - Tue 27 Valeria 48 2
Sun 11 - Tue 13 Valeria 48 2 Tue 27 - Thu 29 Patricia 48 2
Tue 13 - Thu 15 Patricia 48 2 Thu 29 Valeria 7 1

March 2024
Valeria: 401 hours, 16 Overnights
Patricia: 343 hours, 15 Overnights
Date Parent Hours Nights Date Parent Hours Nights
Fri 1 - Sun 3 Valeria 65 2 Sun 17 - Tue 19 Patricia 48 2
Sun 3 - Tue 5 Patricia 48 2 Tue 19 - Thu 21 Valeria 48 2
Tue 5 - Thu 7 Valeria 48 2 Thu 21 - Sun 24 Patricia 72 3
Thu 7 - Sun 10 Patricia 72 3 Sun 24 - Tue 26 Valeria 48 2
Sun 10 - Tue 12 Valeria 48 2 Tue 26 - Thu 28 Patricia 48 2
Tue 12 - Thu 14 Patricia 48 2 Thu 28 - Sun 31 Valeria 72 3
Thu 14 - Sun 17 Valeria 72 3 Sun 31 Patricia 7 1

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Petitioner: Valeria Lopez Rivera Case Number:
Respondent: Patricia Gonzalez Marcano P20222761

April 2024
Valeria: 343 hours, 15 Overnights
Patricia: 377 hours, 15 Overnights
Date Parent Hours Nights Date Parent Hours Nights
Mon 1 - Tue 2 Patricia 41 1 Tue 16 - Thu 18 Valeria 48 2
Tue 2 - Thu 4 Valeria 48 2 Thu 18 - Sun 21 Patricia 72 3
Thu 4 - Sun 7 Patricia 72 3 Sun 21 - Tue 23 Valeria 48 2
Sun 7 - Tue 9 Valeria 48 2 Tue 23 - Thu 25 Patricia 48 2
Tue 9 - Thu 11 Patricia 48 2 Thu 25 - Sun 28 Valeria 72 3
Thu 11 - Sun 14 Valeria 72 3 Sun 28 - Tue 30 Patricia 48 2
Sun 14 - Tue 16 Patricia 48 2 Tue 30 Valeria 7 1

May 2024
Valeria: 377 hours, 15 Overnights
Patricia: 367 hours, 16 Overnights
Date Parent Hours Nights Date Parent Hours Nights
Wed 1 - Thu 2 Valeria 41 1 Thu 16 - Sun 19 Patricia 72 3
Thu 2 - Sun 5 Patricia 72 3 Sun 19 - Tue 21 Valeria 48 2
Sun 5 - Tue 7 Valeria 48 2 Tue 21 - Thu 23 Patricia 48 2
Tue 7 - Thu 9 Patricia 48 2 Thu 23 - Sun 26 Valeria 72 3
Thu 9 - Sun 12 Valeria 72 3 Sun 26 - Tue 28 Patricia 48 2
Sun 12 - Tue 14 Patricia 48 2 Tue 28 - Thu 30 Valeria 48 2
Tue 14 - Thu 16 Valeria 48 2 Thu 30 - Fri 31 Patricia 31 2

June 2024
Valeria: 343 hours, 15 Overnights
Patricia: 377 hours, 15 Overnights
Date Parent Hours Nights Date Parent Hours Nights
Sat 1 - Sun 2 Patricia 41 1 Sun 16 - Tue 18 Valeria 48 2
Sun 2 - Tue 4 Valeria 48 2 Tue 18 - Thu 20 Patricia 48 2
Tue 4 - Thu 6 Patricia 48 2 Thu 20 - Sun 23 Valeria 72 3
Thu 6 - Sun 9 Valeria 72 3 Sun 23 - Tue 25 Patricia 48 2
Sun 9 - Tue 11 Patricia 48 2 Tue 25 - Thu 27 Valeria 48 2
Tue 11 - Thu 13 Valeria 48 2 Thu 27 - Sun 30 Patricia 72 3
Thu 13 - Sun 16 Patricia 72 3 Sun 30 Valeria 7 1

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Petitioner: Valeria Lopez Rivera Case Number:
Respondent: Patricia Gonzalez Marcano P20222761

July 2024
Valeria: 377 hours, 15 Overnights
Patricia: 367 hours, 16 Overnights
Date Parent Hours Nights Date Parent Hours Nights
Mon 1 - Tue 2 Valeria 41 1 Tue 16 - Thu 18 Patricia 48 2
Tue 2 - Thu 4 Patricia 48 2 Thu 18 - Sun 21 Valeria 72 3
Thu 4 - Sun 7 Valeria 72 3 Sun 21 - Tue 23 Patricia 48 2
Sun 7 - Tue 9 Patricia 48 2 Tue 23 - Thu 25 Valeria 48 2
Tue 9 - Thu 11 Valeria 48 2 Thu 25 - Sun 28 Patricia 72 3
Thu 11 - Sun 14 Patricia 72 3 Sun 28 - Tue 30 Valeria 48 2
Sun 14 - Tue 16 Valeria 48 2 Tue 30 - Wed 31 Patricia 31 2

August 2024
Valeria: 391 hours, 17 Overnights
Patricia: 353 hours, 14 Overnights
Date Parent Hours Nights Date Parent Hours Nights
Thu 1 Patricia 17 - Thu 15 - Sun 18 Valeria 72 3
Thu 1 - Sun 4 Valeria 72 3 Sun 18 - Tue 20 Patricia 48 2
Sun 4 - Tue 6 Patricia 48 2 Tue 20 - Thu 22 Valeria 48 2
Tue 6 - Thu 8 Valeria 48 2 Thu 22 - Sun 25 Patricia 72 3
Thu 8 - Sun 11 Patricia 72 3 Sun 25 - Tue 27 Valeria 48 2
Sun 11 - Tue 13 Valeria 48 2 Tue 27 - Thu 29 Patricia 48 2
Tue 13 - Thu 15 Patricia 48 2 Thu 29 - Sat 31 Valeria 55 3

September 2024
Valeria: 353 hours, 14 Overnights
Patricia: 367 hours, 16 Overnights
Date Parent Hours Nights Date Parent Hours Nights
Sun 1 Valeria 17 - Sun 15 - Tue 17 Patricia 48 2
Sun 1 - Tue 3 Patricia 48 2 Tue 17 - Thu 19 Valeria 48 2
Tue 3 - Thu 5 Valeria 48 2 Thu 19 - Sun 22 Patricia 72 3
Thu 5 - Sun 8 Patricia 72 3 Sun 22 - Tue 24 Valeria 48 2
Sun 8 - Tue 10 Valeria 48 2 Tue 24 - Thu 26 Patricia 48 2
Tue 10 - Thu 12 Patricia 48 2 Thu 26 - Sun 29 Valeria 72 3
Thu 12 - Sun 15 Valeria 72 3 Sun 29 - Mon 30 Patricia 31 2

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Petitioner: Valeria Lopez Rivera Case Number:
Respondent: Patricia Gonzalez Marcano P20222761

October 2024
Valeria: 384 hours, 16 Overnights
Patricia: 360 hours, 15 Overnights
Date Parent Hours Nights Date Parent Hours Nights
Tue 1 Patricia 17 - Thu 17 - Sun 20 Patricia 72 3
Tue 1 - Thu 3 Valeria 48 2 Sun 20 - Tue 22 Valeria 48 2
Thu 3 - Sun 6 Patricia 72 3 Tue 22 - Thu 24 Patricia 48 2
Sun 6 - Tue 8 Valeria 48 2 Thu 24 - Sun 27 Valeria 72 3
Tue 8 - Thu 10 Patricia 48 2 Sun 27 - Tue 29 Patricia 48 2
Thu 10 - Sun 13 Valeria 72 3 Tue 29 - Thu 31 Valeria 48 2
Sun 13 - Tue 15 Patricia 48 2 Thu 31 Patricia 7 1
Tue 15 - Thu 17 Valeria 48 2

November 2024
Valeria: 336 hours, 14 Overnights
Patricia: 384 hours, 16 Overnights
Date Parent Hours Nights Date Parent Hours Nights
Fri 1 - Sun 3 Patricia 65 2 Sun 17 - Tue 19 Valeria 48 2
Sun 3 - Tue 5 Valeria 48 2 Tue 19 - Thu 21 Patricia 48 2
Tue 5 - Thu 7 Patricia 48 2 Thu 21 - Sun 24 Valeria 72 3
Thu 7 - Sun 10 Valeria 72 3 Sun 24 - Tue 26 Patricia 48 2
Sun 10 - Tue 12 Patricia 48 2 Tue 26 - Thu 28 Valeria 48 2
Tue 12 - Thu 14 Valeria 48 2 Thu 28 - Sat 30 Patricia 55 3
Thu 14 - Sun 17 Patricia 72 3

December 2024
Valeria: 384 hours, 16 Overnights
Patricia: 360 hours, 15 Overnights
Date Parent Hours Nights Date Parent Hours Nights
Sun 1 Patricia 17 - Sun 15 - Tue 17 Valeria 48 2
Sun 1 - Tue 3 Valeria 48 2 Tue 17 - Thu 19 Patricia 48 2
Tue 3 - Thu 5 Patricia 48 2 Thu 19 - Sun 22 Valeria 72 3
Thu 5 - Sun 8 Valeria 72 3 Sun 22 - Tue 24 Patricia 48 2
Sun 8 - Tue 10 Patricia 48 2 Tue 24 - Thu 26 Valeria 48 2
Tue 10 - Thu 12 Valeria 48 2 Thu 26 - Sun 29 Patricia 72 3
Thu 12 - Sun 15 Patricia 72 3 Sun 29 - Tue 31 Valeria 48 2

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Petitioner: Valeria Lopez Rivera Case Number:
Respondent: Patricia Gonzalez Marcano P20222761

December 2024 (continued)

Date Parent Hours Nights
Tue 31 Patricia 7 1

January 2025
Valeria: 367 hours, 16 Overnights
Patricia: 377 hours, 15 Overnights
Date Parent Hours Nights Date Parent Hours Nights
Wed 1 - Thu 2 Patricia 41 1 Thu 16 - Sun 19 Valeria 72 3
Thu 2 - Sun 5 Valeria 72 3 Sun 19 - Tue 21 Patricia 48 2
Sun 5 - Tue 7 Patricia 48 2 Tue 21 - Thu 23 Valeria 48 2
Tue 7 - Thu 9 Valeria 48 2 Thu 23 - Sun 26 Patricia 72 3
Thu 9 - Sun 12 Patricia 72 3 Sun 26 - Tue 28 Valeria 48 2
Sun 12 - Tue 14 Valeria 48 2 Tue 28 - Thu 30 Patricia 48 2
Tue 14 - Thu 16 Patricia 48 2 Thu 30 - Fri 31 Valeria 31 2

February 2025
Valeria: 336 hours, 14 Overnights
Patricia: 336 hours, 14 Overnights
Date Parent Hours Nights Date Parent Hours Nights
Sat 1 - Sun 2 Valeria 41 1 Sun 16 - Tue 18 Patricia 48 2
Sun 2 - Tue 4 Patricia 48 2 Tue 18 - Thu 20 Valeria 48 2
Tue 4 - Thu 6 Valeria 48 2 Thu 20 - Sun 23 Patricia 72 3
Thu 6 - Sun 9 Patricia 72 3 Sun 23 - Tue 25 Valeria 48 2
Sun 9 - Tue 11 Valeria 48 2 Tue 25 - Thu 27 Patricia 48 2
Tue 11 - Thu 13 Patricia 48 2 Thu 27 - Fri 28 Valeria 31 2
Thu 13 - Sun 16 Valeria 72 3

March 2025
Valeria: 377 hours, 15 Overnights
Patricia: 367 hours, 16 Overnights
Date Parent Hours Nights Date Parent Hours Nights
Sat 1 - Sun 2 Valeria 41 1 Sun 9 - Tue 11 Valeria 48 2
Sun 2 - Tue 4 Patricia 48 2 Tue 11 - Thu 13 Patricia 48 2
Tue 4 - Thu 6 Valeria 48 2 Thu 13 - Sun 16 Valeria 72 3
Thu 6 - Sun 9 Patricia 72 3 Sun 16 - Tue 18 Patricia 48 2

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Petitioner: Valeria Lopez Rivera Case Number:
Respondent: Patricia Gonzalez Marcano P20222761

March 2025 (continued)

Date Parent Hours Nights Date Parent Hours Nights
Tue 18 - Thu 20 Valeria 48 2 Tue 25 - Thu 27 Patricia 48 2
Thu 20 - Sun 23 Patricia 72 3 Thu 27 - Sun 30 Valeria 72 3
Sun 23 - Tue 25 Valeria 48 2 Sun 30 - Mon 31 Patricia 31 2

April 2025
Valeria: 367 hours, 16 Overnights
Patricia: 353 hours, 14 Overnights
Date Parent Hours Nights Date Parent Hours Nights
Tue 1 Patricia 17 - Tue 15 - Thu 17 Valeria 48 2
Tue 1 - Thu 3 Valeria 48 2 Thu 17 - Sun 20 Patricia 72 3
Thu 3 - Sun 6 Patricia 72 3 Sun 20 - Tue 22 Valeria 48 2
Sun 6 - Tue 8 Valeria 48 2 Tue 22 - Thu 24 Patricia 48 2
Tue 8 - Thu 10 Patricia 48 2 Thu 24 - Sun 27 Valeria 72 3
Thu 10 - Sun 13 Valeria 72 3 Sun 27 - Tue 29 Patricia 48 2
Sun 13 - Tue 15 Patricia 48 2 Tue 29 - Wed 30 Valeria 31 2

May 2025
Valeria: 353 hours, 14 Overnights
Patricia: 391 hours, 17 Overnights
Date Parent Hours Nights Date Parent Hours Nights
Thu 1 Valeria 17 - Thu 15 - Sun 18 Patricia 72 3
Thu 1 - Sun 4 Patricia 72 3 Sun 18 - Tue 20 Valeria 48 2
Sun 4 - Tue 6 Valeria 48 2 Tue 20 - Thu 22 Patricia 48 2
Tue 6 - Thu 8 Patricia 48 2 Thu 22 - Sun 25 Valeria 72 3
Thu 8 - Sun 11 Valeria 72 3 Sun 25 - Tue 27 Patricia 48 2
Sun 11 - Tue 13 Patricia 48 2 Tue 27 - Thu 29 Valeria 48 2
Tue 13 - Thu 15 Valeria 48 2 Thu 29 - Sat 31 Patricia 55 3

June 2025
Valeria: 367 hours, 16 Overnights
Patricia: 353 hours, 14 Overnights
Date Parent Hours Nights Date Parent Hours Nights
Sun 1 Patricia 17 - Tue 3 - Thu 5 Patricia 48 2
Sun 1 - Tue 3 Valeria 48 2 Thu 5 - Sun 8 Valeria 72 3

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Petitioner: Valeria Lopez Rivera Case Number:
Respondent: Patricia Gonzalez Marcano P20222761

June 2025 (continued)

Date Parent Hours Nights Date Parent Hours Nights
Sun 8 - Tue 10 Patricia 48 2 Thu 19 - Sun 22 Valeria 72 3
Tue 10 - Thu 12 Valeria 48 2 Sun 22 - Tue 24 Patricia 48 2
Thu 12 - Sun 15 Patricia 72 3 Tue 24 - Thu 26 Valeria 48 2
Sun 15 - Tue 17 Valeria 48 2 Thu 26 - Sun 29 Patricia 72 3
Tue 17 - Thu 19 Patricia 48 2 Sun 29 - Mon 30 Valeria 31 2

July 2025
Valeria: 360 hours, 15 Overnights
Patricia: 384 hours, 16 Overnights
Date Parent Hours Nights Date Parent Hours Nights
Tue 1 Valeria 17 - Thu 17 - Sun 20 Valeria 72 3
Tue 1 - Thu 3 Patricia 48 2 Sun 20 - Tue 22 Patricia 48 2
Thu 3 - Sun 6 Valeria 72 3 Tue 22 - Thu 24 Valeria 48 2
Sun 6 - Tue 8 Patricia 48 2 Thu 24 - Sun 27 Patricia 72 3
Tue 8 - Thu 10 Valeria 48 2 Sun 27 - Tue 29 Valeria 48 2
Thu 10 - Sun 13 Patricia 72 3 Tue 29 - Thu 31 Patricia 48 2
Sun 13 - Tue 15 Valeria 48 2 Thu 31 Valeria 7 1
Tue 15 - Thu 17 Patricia 48 2

August 2025
Valeria: 401 hours, 16 Overnights
Patricia: 343 hours, 15 Overnights
Date Parent Hours Nights Date Parent Hours Nights
Fri 1 - Sun 3 Valeria 65 2 Sun 17 - Tue 19 Patricia 48 2
Sun 3 - Tue 5 Patricia 48 2 Tue 19 - Thu 21 Valeria 48 2
Tue 5 - Thu 7 Valeria 48 2 Thu 21 - Sun 24 Patricia 72 3
Thu 7 - Sun 10 Patricia 72 3 Sun 24 - Tue 26 Valeria 48 2
Sun 10 - Tue 12 Valeria 48 2 Tue 26 - Thu 28 Patricia 48 2
Tue 12 - Thu 14 Patricia 48 2 Thu 28 - Sun 31 Valeria 72 3
Thu 14 - Sun 17 Valeria 72 3 Sun 31 Patricia 7 1

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Petitioner: Valeria Lopez Rivera Case Number:
Respondent: Patricia Gonzalez Marcano P20222761

September 2025
Valeria: 343 hours, 15 Overnights
Patricia: 377 hours, 15 Overnights
Date Parent Hours Nights Date Parent Hours Nights
Mon 1 - Tue 2 Patricia 41 1 Tue 16 - Thu 18 Valeria 48 2
Tue 2 - Thu 4 Valeria 48 2 Thu 18 - Sun 21 Patricia 72 3
Thu 4 - Sun 7 Patricia 72 3 Sun 21 - Tue 23 Valeria 48 2
Sun 7 - Tue 9 Valeria 48 2 Tue 23 - Thu 25 Patricia 48 2
Tue 9 - Thu 11 Patricia 48 2 Thu 25 - Sun 28 Valeria 72 3
Thu 11 - Sun 14 Valeria 72 3 Sun 28 - Tue 30 Patricia 48 2
Sun 14 - Tue 16 Patricia 48 2 Tue 30 Valeria 7 1

October 2025
Valeria: 377 hours, 15 Overnights
Patricia: 367 hours, 16 Overnights
Date Parent Hours Nights Date Parent Hours Nights
Wed 1 - Thu 2 Valeria 41 1 Thu 16 - Sun 19 Patricia 72 3
Thu 2 - Sun 5 Patricia 72 3 Sun 19 - Tue 21 Valeria 48 2
Sun 5 - Tue 7 Valeria 48 2 Tue 21 - Thu 23 Patricia 48 2
Tue 7 - Thu 9 Patricia 48 2 Thu 23 - Sun 26 Valeria 72 3
Thu 9 - Sun 12 Valeria 72 3 Sun 26 - Tue 28 Patricia 48 2
Sun 12 - Tue 14 Patricia 48 2 Tue 28 - Thu 30 Valeria 48 2
Tue 14 - Thu 16 Valeria 48 2 Thu 30 - Fri 31 Patricia 31 2

November 2025
Valeria: 343 hours, 15 Overnights
Patricia: 377 hours, 15 Overnights
Date Parent Hours Nights Date Parent Hours Nights
Sat 1 - Sun 2 Patricia 41 1 Sun 16 - Tue 18 Valeria 48 2
Sun 2 - Tue 4 Valeria 48 2 Tue 18 - Thu 20 Patricia 48 2
Tue 4 - Thu 6 Patricia 48 2 Thu 20 - Sun 23 Valeria 72 3
Thu 6 - Sun 9 Valeria 72 3 Sun 23 - Tue 25 Patricia 48 2
Sun 9 - Tue 11 Patricia 48 2 Tue 25 - Thu 27 Valeria 48 2
Tue 11 - Thu 13 Valeria 48 2 Thu 27 - Sun 30 Patricia 72 3
Thu 13 - Sun 16 Patricia 72 3 Sun 30 Valeria 7 1

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Petitioner: Valeria Lopez Rivera Case Number:
Respondent: Patricia Gonzalez Marcano P20222761

December 2025
Valeria: 377 hours, 15 Overnights
Patricia: 367 hours, 16 Overnights
Date Parent Hours Nights Date Parent Hours Nights
Mon 1 - Tue 2 Valeria 41 1 Tue 16 - Thu 18 Patricia 48 2
Tue 2 - Thu 4 Patricia 48 2 Thu 18 - Sun 21 Valeria 72 3
Thu 4 - Sun 7 Valeria 72 3 Sun 21 - Tue 23 Patricia 48 2
Sun 7 - Tue 9 Patricia 48 2 Tue 23 - Thu 25 Valeria 48 2
Tue 9 - Thu 11 Valeria 48 2 Thu 25 - Sun 28 Patricia 72 3
Thu 11 - Sun 14 Patricia 72 3 Sun 28 - Tue 30 Valeria 48 2
Sun 14 - Tue 16 Valeria 48 2 Tue 30 - Wed 31 Patricia 31 2

January 2026
Valeria: 391 hours, 17 Overnights
Patricia: 353 hours, 14 Overnights
Date Parent Hours Nights Date Parent Hours Nights
Thu 1 Patricia 17 - Thu 15 - Sun 18 Valeria 72 3
Thu 1 - Sun 4 Valeria 72 3 Sun 18 - Tue 20 Patricia 48 2
Sun 4 - Tue 6 Patricia 48 2 Tue 20 - Thu 22 Valeria 48 2
Tue 6 - Thu 8 Valeria 48 2 Thu 22 - Sun 25 Patricia 72 3
Thu 8 - Sun 11 Patricia 72 3 Sun 25 - Tue 27 Valeria 48 2
Sun 11 - Tue 13 Valeria 48 2 Tue 27 - Thu 29 Patricia 48 2
Tue 13 - Thu 15 Patricia 48 2 Thu 29 - Sat 31 Valeria 55 3

February 2026
Valeria: 336 hours, 14 Overnights
Patricia: 336 hours, 14 Overnights
Date Parent Hours Nights Date Parent Hours Nights
Sun 1 Valeria 17 - Sun 15 - Tue 17 Patricia 48 2
Sun 1 - Tue 3 Patricia 48 2 Tue 17 - Thu 19 Valeria 48 2
Tue 3 - Thu 5 Valeria 48 2 Thu 19 - Sun 22 Patricia 72 3
Thu 5 - Sun 8 Patricia 72 3 Sun 22 - Tue 24 Valeria 48 2
Sun 8 - Tue 10 Valeria 48 2 Tue 24 - Thu 26 Patricia 48 2
Tue 10 - Thu 12 Patricia 48 2 Thu 26 - Sat 28 Valeria 55 3
Thu 12 - Sun 15 Valeria 72 3

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Petitioner: Valeria Lopez Rivera Case Number:
Respondent: Patricia Gonzalez Marcano P20222761

March 2026
Valeria: 360 hours, 15 Overnights
Patricia: 384 hours, 16 Overnights
Date Parent Hours Nights Date Parent Hours Nights
Sun 1 Valeria 17 - Tue 17 - Thu 19 Valeria 48 2
Sun 1 - Tue 3 Patricia 48 2 Thu 19 - Sun 22 Patricia 72 3
Tue 3 - Thu 5 Valeria 48 2 Sun 22 - Tue 24 Valeria 48 2
Thu 5 - Sun 8 Patricia 72 3 Tue 24 - Thu 26 Patricia 48 2
Sun 8 - Tue 10 Valeria 48 2 Thu 26 - Sun 29 Valeria 72 3
Tue 10 - Thu 12 Patricia 48 2 Sun 29 - Tue 31 Patricia 48 2
Thu 12 - Sun 15 Valeria 72 3 Tue 31 Valeria 7 1
Sun 15 - Tue 17 Patricia 48 2

April 2026
Valeria: 377 hours, 15 Overnights
Patricia: 343 hours, 15 Overnights
Date Parent Hours Nights Date Parent Hours Nights
Wed 1 - Thu 2 Valeria 41 1 Thu 16 - Sun 19 Patricia 72 3
Thu 2 - Sun 5 Patricia 72 3 Sun 19 - Tue 21 Valeria 48 2
Sun 5 - Tue 7 Valeria 48 2 Tue 21 - Thu 23 Patricia 48 2
Tue 7 - Thu 9 Patricia 48 2 Thu 23 - Sun 26 Valeria 72 3
Thu 9 - Sun 12 Valeria 72 3 Sun 26 - Tue 28 Patricia 48 2
Sun 12 - Tue 14 Patricia 48 2 Tue 28 - Thu 30 Valeria 48 2
Tue 14 - Thu 16 Valeria 48 2 Thu 30 Patricia 7 1

May 2026
Valeria: 343 hours, 15 Overnights
Patricia: 401 hours, 16 Overnights
Date Parent Hours Nights Date Parent Hours Nights
Fri 1 - Sun 3 Patricia 65 2 Sun 17 - Tue 19 Valeria 48 2
Sun 3 - Tue 5 Valeria 48 2 Tue 19 - Thu 21 Patricia 48 2
Tue 5 - Thu 7 Patricia 48 2 Thu 21 - Sun 24 Valeria 72 3
Thu 7 - Sun 10 Valeria 72 3 Sun 24 - Tue 26 Patricia 48 2
Sun 10 - Tue 12 Patricia 48 2 Tue 26 - Thu 28 Valeria 48 2
Tue 12 - Thu 14 Valeria 48 2 Thu 28 - Sun 31 Patricia 72 3
Thu 14 - Sun 17 Patricia 72 3 Sun 31 Valeria 7 1

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Petitioner: Valeria Lopez Rivera Case Number:
Respondent: Patricia Gonzalez Marcano P20222761

June 2026
Valeria: 377 hours, 15 Overnights
Patricia: 343 hours, 15 Overnights
Date Parent Hours Nights Date Parent Hours Nights
Mon 1 - Tue 2 Valeria 41 1 Tue 16 - Thu 18 Patricia 48 2
Tue 2 - Thu 4 Patricia 48 2 Thu 18 - Sun 21 Valeria 72 3
Thu 4 - Sun 7 Valeria 72 3 Sun 21 - Tue 23 Patricia 48 2
Sun 7 - Tue 9 Patricia 48 2 Tue 23 - Thu 25 Valeria 48 2
Tue 9 - Thu 11 Valeria 48 2 Thu 25 - Sun 28 Patricia 72 3
Thu 11 - Sun 14 Patricia 72 3 Sun 28 - Tue 30 Valeria 48 2
Sun 14 - Tue 16 Valeria 48 2 Tue 30 Patricia 7 1

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