Buho Lesion Carpo

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What Is Your Diagnosis?

Source: Journal of Avian Medicine and Surgery, 31(1):75-78.
Published By: Association of Avian Veterinarians
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1647/2016-175
URL: http://www.bioone.org/doi/full/10.1647/2016-175

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Journal of Avian Medicine and Surgery 31(1):75–78, 2017
Ó 2017 by the Association of Avian Veterinarians

What Is Your Diagnosis?

A free-living adult barred owl (Strix varia) was
presented to the Wildlife Clinic at Cummings School
of Veterinary Medicine at Tufts University after
being observed ‘‘down’’ and unable to fly by a
member of the public. No other history was available.
On presentation, the owl was depressed and in
sternal recumbency and was determined to be
approximately 5% dehydrated with good capillary
refill time assessed on the cutaneous ulnar vein.
Physical examination showed the owl to be in good
Figure 1. Lateral radiographic image of the left distal
body condition, weighing 670 g. Mild swelling of
wing of a free-living barred owl that was presented after
the left carpus was noted, although no crepitus or being found down and unable to fly.
joint laxity was palpable. Ophthalmic examination
revealed no abnormal findings in the right eye. The
Over the next 7 days, the owl’s mentation
left eye had mild aqueous flare, a small chorioret- improved. When the owl began standing, a mild
inal tear, and minimal vitreal hemorrhage, consis- ataxia was noted, which resolved during the first week
tent with presumed blunt trauma. The packed cell after admission. The bird was handled and examined
volume, total solids, and blood glucose were within daily and force-fed whole mice, because it was not
normal limits for this species. self-feeding. Meloxicam (0.2 mg/kg PO q24h) (Meta-
Initial supportive therapy for presumed head cam, Boehringer Ingelheim, St Joseph, MO, USA)
trauma included subcutaneous fluids (lactated was administered as an anti-inflammatory and
Ringer’s solution, 45 mL/kg; Baxter Healthcare analgesic treatment. The left carpus remained mildly
Corporation, Deerfield, IL, USA; q12-24h), bu- swollen, although no wing droop was noted.
prenorphine (0.25 mg/kg SC q12h) (Buprenor- Eight days after admission, the bird’s neurologic
phine Hydrochloride, Pharmaforce Inc, Columbus, signs had resolved, and the bird was deemed stable
OH, USA), and placement in a nonheated critical for isoflurane (Abbott Laboratories, North Chica-
care unit (maintained at ambient room tempera- go, IL, USA) anesthesia to obtain whole-body
ture) with supplementary oxygen provision. One ventrodorsal and lateral radiographs (Fig 1).
drop of 0.03% flurbiprofen (Pacific Pharma, Irvine, Additionally, radiographs of the left and right
CA, USA) was administered to the left eye q12h. carpi were obtained.

Please evaluate Figure 1, the history, and the results of the physical examination and diagnostic tests.
What lesion can be identified on the radiograph? What is the prognosis for a wild bird with this problem?


Figure 4. Ventrodorsal radiographic image of the left

carpometacarpus of the owl described in Figure 1, 49
days after admission. Bony bridging and remodeling of
the fracture fragment, not observed in Figure 2, is
Figure 2. This magnified image of Figure 1 shows the
significant periarticular swelling (filled white arrowhead)
and the radiolucency, consistent with a nondisplaced
oblique fracture of the extensor process of the
carpometacarpus (filled black arrowhead).

Figure 3. Ventrodorsal radiographic image of the left

carpometacarpus of the owl described in Figure 1, 23
days after admission. Note that the previous
periarticular swelling noted in Figure 2 is much
reduced and that the extensor process fracture
fragment appears well aligned with a well-defined
fibrous callus felt on palpation.

Diagnosis flight cage. When the owl’s flight and conditioning

were considered normal at around 14 weeks after
The lateral radiographic image (Figs 1 and 2)
admission, the owl was released.
revealed a soft tissue swelling around the left
The extensor process arises from the cranial
carpus and the radiolucency noted, consistent with
proximal aspect of the carpometacarpus4 and is
a nondisplaced oblique fracture of the extensor
extremely important for flight; it is the primary site
process of the carpometacarpus. No other abnor-
for attachment of the tensor propatagialis muscle
malities were detected.
on the carpus, via the pars longus tendon.5 The
extensor process also receives insertions from the
extensor metacarpal radialis tendon and the
In light of the radiographic findings and the extensor longus alulae tendon.4 All of the tendons
owl’s improved mentation and increased activity listed above cause extension of the carpus when the
level, a figure-of-eight bandage was placed on the associated muscle bodies are contracted. The
bird’s left wing to immobilize the carpus and extensor process is also attached to the alula via
elbow. The owl was anaesthetized with isoflurane the extensor brevis alulae muscle,1 which causes
(5% isoflurane administered in 1L oxygen via face- extension of the alula, abducting it from the
mask) every 5–7 days to change the bandage, carpometacarpus bone. Similarly, the cranial
palpate and manipulate the affected carpus, and collateral ligament of the metacarpophalangeal-
repeat radiographs, as well as to do physiotherapy alular joint has its insertion on the extensor
on the affected wing to prevent periarticular process.1
fibrosis. The owl was maintained on pain medica- The propatagium is a double fold of skin (both
tion (meloxicam, 0.2 mg/kg PO q24h). dorsally and ventrally) that has numerous liga-
Repeated palpation of the left carpus and ments throughout its surface and a complex of
radiography revealed a well-aligned and fibrosing muscles,5 referred to here as the tensor propata-
fracture site. The bandage was removed 16 days gialis muscle (although it may consist of up to 3
after it was first placed (23 days after admission) different muscles).5 The tensor propatagialis mus-
(Fig 3). Because clinical stability of a fracture has cle complex has its origin over the dorsal proximal
been shown to occur before radiographic evidence humerus,5 and its primary function is to maintain
that the bone is healed,1,2 the figure-of-eight the cranial edge of the wing, between shoulder and
bandage was removed at this point. carpus, as a tight band, creating an aerofoil effect
We considered it important that the owl not be during flight. The alula is a small bone, sometimes
allowed unrestricted flight before bony healing of referred to as the first digit, which is located on the
the fracture site had occurred, to reduce the risk of cranial aspect of the wing, just distal to the carpus.
a possible avulsion fracture from strain on the It has some periosteal feather insertions and has a
fracture fragment from the pars longus tendon. large degree of mobility (flexion, extension, abduc-
After bandage removal, the owl was initially tion, and adduction), which helps prevent the bird
maintained in outside enclosures that did not from ‘‘stalling’’ at slow flying speeds,6 such as
allow excessive exercise. Although little callus during landing. In essence, the propatagium serves
formation is usually visible radiographically in the same function as the wing on an airplane.6
avian patients when the fracture is well aligned,3 Without a stable extensor process, and thus a fully
further palpation and intermittent radiographic functional propatagium and alula, a bird will not
evaluations showed increased bony bridging and be able to fly.
reduced visibility of the fracture line (Fig 4). The Fracture repair in birds depends on the bone
owl was allowed to start flight exercise 25 days involved, the location and type of fracture, and the
after bandage removal (32 days after admission) chronicity of the injury.7 Furthermore, the success
and was progressively allowed to increase its flight and rate of fracture repair depends on several
distance. Daily pain medication was discontinued, factors, such as the displacement of the bone
and the owl was caught every 7 days to obtain a fragments involved, the amount of damage to the
body weight, evaluate pectoral muscle mass, and blood supply, whether an infectious agent is
fully palpate the left wing; at all stages of the bird’s present, and the amount of motion at the fracture
rehabilitation, the left wing showed a full range of site.8
motion in all left wing joints. Secondary bone healing in birds initially involves
During the final stage of flight reconditioning, proliferation of fibroblasts surrounding the frac-
active flight was encouraged within a 30.5-m-long ture site forming a ‘‘soft’’ fibrous callus, whereas
by 12-m-wide (100-foot-long by 40-foot-wide) osteogenic cells migrate from the periosteum and

endosteum and proliferate at the fracture site.8 This case demonstrates that conservative man-
Endosteal callus formation7 provides rapid stabili- agement of an extensor process fracture can lead to
zation in bones that are properly aligned,8 whereas complete bony healing with a full return to flight
periosteal proliferation is much reduced compared and function in a free-living bird of prey.
with mammalian species7 and is minimal if the This case was submitted by Ian Ashpole, BSc
bones are rigidly immobilized.8 Calcium is then (Hons), BVSc, MRCVS, and Maureen Murray,
deposited in the callus, and this soft callus then DVM, Dipl ABVP (Avian), Wildlife Clinic, Cum-
becomes bone through the process of endochon- mings School of Veterinary Medicine, Tufts
dral ossification.8 The remodeling stage of bone University, 200 Westboro Road, North Grafton,
healing involves a period of accelerated deposition MA 01536, USA.
and resorption, with changes in the shape of the
bone until the function and strength of the bone is References
fully restored.8 Because of the amount of cell 1. Bush RM, Montali RJ, Novak GR, James AE. The
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bandage as soon as possible were equally impor-
tant to minimize the risk of long-term joint
problems in the left wing.

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