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Applying reliability models to ship safety assessment

Evangelos Mennis, Ioannis N. Lagoudis, Nikitas Nikitakos,

Department of Shipping Trade and Transport, University of the Aegean, Chios - Greece
Agapios Platis
Department of Financial and Management Engineering, University of the Aegean, Chios - Greece

ABSTRACT: During the last decades human activity has been the source of ecological disasters. The ship-
ping industry shares part of this responsibility with accidents such as the “Exxon Valdez” and “Prestige” out-
standing. Nevertheless the shipping community has taken a series of actions in order to minimize such events
via international bodies like the International Maritime Organisation (I.M.O.). Characteristic examples of
such actions are the implementation of regulations which define specific processes and activities, following
the philosophy of accident prevention. With the use of static models (such as event and fault trees) a number
of studies have intended to forecast possible causes-events that can cause serious accidents, which can lead to
environmental pollution. In this paper we propose Reliability Models of Markov Theory in order to simulate
reality and estimate reasons that can result in accidents.

1 INTRODUCTION model methodologies such as fault trees and event

trees. In this study dynamic modeling along with
Environmental catastrophe is a phenomenon that the Markov theory are used since it is believed that ben-
research community is dealing during the last efits can be gained from their application to shipping
decades. Sea pollution constitutes a significant part management companies’ operations systems.
of this catastrophe thus a number of efforts have The purpose of the study is to illustrate the advan-
taken place for its limitation. As presented in Table tages of the adopted methodology for modeling fail-
1 the 30 per cent of the pollution of the seas is due to ure states for a ship’s systems. We define and use a
shipping activity whereas for the rest 70 per cent specific failure which takes place in a vessel’s sys-
other factors are responsible. In order to control and tem and under specific circumstances can lead to an
minimize the effects from the pollution caused by accident. Once the problem has been defined in de-
ships, organizations such as the IMO have been tailed, we model the processes with the assistance of
founded, aiming at the safe transportation of goods Markov theory in order to illustrate the way the spe-
via the assistance and cooperation of national gov- cific problem can be prevented.
ernments. A characteristic example of measures that We examine the case of a vessel’s main engine
have been created by the IMO and accepted by the cooling system. In modern vessels two such systems
world community is the Formal Safety Assessment. exist; the main one and the auxiliary which starts
when the first fails. If both main and auxiliary cool-
Table 1 – “Sources” of oil pollution into the sea ing systems fail to operate then the possibility that
Source: Ventikos (2003)
the main engine will be damaged or even stopped is
Recorded “sources” Distribution (%)
big. This event under difficult conditions (i.e. bad
Industrial waste, urban runoffs, etc 60.7 weather conditions) is likely to cause a serious acci-
Refineries/terminals 1.2 dent with possible water pollution. Finally, we aim
Natural sources 10.3 to examine the contribution of Markov modeling in
Tanker operations 6.6 the reliability improvement of the ship’s mechanical
Tanker accidents 4.7 parts.
Other shipping 14.4
Offshore production 2.1
Total 100

A number of studies appear in the literature aim-

ing at the minimization of accidents using statistical
2 METHODOLOGY ANALYSIS • The reliability and availability computa-
tions can be carried out.
• The normal/standby operating sequences
and, more generally, all the changes in the
2.1 Markov Theory configuration of the system under study
A number of different methodologies have been can be considered.
used in reliability studies such as event trees, fault • Multi-step system operating sequences
trees for static models or Markov for dynamic mod- can be taken into account.
els. Fault trees are considered as a simple and effi- Dealing with Markov graphs, allows the visualiz-
cient method in dependability assessment of com- ation of the progress of alternate failures and repairs
plex systems. The method has been applied to vari- as time passes, leading to system failure, and the
ous industries (aerospace, nuclear etc). However computation of the probability of measures being
fault trees are based on the assumption that there is taken before the complete loss of the system. On the
independence among the components of the system other hand, using Markov techniques is uneasy due
and sometimes this can be unrealistic. to the complexity of the graphs to be processed in
Considering systems with component dependen- case of complex systems. The techniques applied for
cies dynamic models are more appropriate solution. state aggregation, which aim at the minimization of
Among the dynamic models Markov dispose special the number of states or sequential computations in
mathematical properties. This is why they are used order to build simplify the graph, generally permit
broadly. Especially a case of shared components can the problem to be reduced to a reasonable size. The
be solved by Markov modeling, while fault trees or association of costs with each state allows the access
block diagrams are used for non-shared components. to performability modeling.
The knowledge of Markov theory and stochastic The ramification of Markov models is presented
science makes it possible to compute the dynamic below: Platis et. Al (1998). The simplest, and the
evolution of a system. In terms of the current state, most commonly used is the Homogeneous Markov
the state transition rule (differential equation), and Chain (HMC) which is characterized by the fact that
the time increment in appropriate units. On the other the transition rates between the states are constant. A
hand in complex systems is very difficult to use more complex type is the Non-Homogeneous
Markov models because the graph may be extremely Markov Chain (NHMC) where the transition rates
complicated and susceptible to modeling errors between states are functions of a global “clock”
The state-space method is a useful method for (elapsed mission time for instance). Finally, the most
system reliability evaluation. A system is described complex type of Markov model is the semi-Markov,
by its states and by possible transitions between where the transition rates are functions of “local
these states. The system states and the possible clocks” that may depend on a time spent in a state
transitions are illustrated by a state-space diagram, (sojourn time). To illustrate these differences, let us
which is also known as a Markov diagram. The vari- consider the following simple example:
ous system states are defined by the states of the
components comprising the system. By the state-
space method the components are not restricted to
having only two possible states.
The apposed components may have a number of
different states such as functioning, in standby, com-
pletely failed, and under maintenance. The various
failure modes may also be defined as states. The
transitions between the states are caused by various
mechanisms and activities such as failures, repairs,
replacements, and switching operations. The state-
space method is not restricted to only two possible
states of the components. The method can be used to
model rather complicated repair and switching Figure 1: State transition diagram of a component
strategies. Common cause failures may also be mod- λ
elled by the state-space method. A state transition diagram is represented in Figure
The nascent Markov techniques intend to adopt 1. It includes a component with two states denoted
realistic, detailed probabilistic models for further Up and Down. The transition rate from Up state to
carrying out of sensitivity analysis owing to these the Down state is the failure rate while from Down
techniques: state to theUpUp state is the repair rate.
DownFor a HMC,

• The repairs of the components can be taken we would have constant rates λ, μ, whereas for
into account NHMC, we would have global time dependent rates
λ(t), μ(t), for instance transition rates that are in the
form of the Weibull hazard rate function, or transi- system is considered as one of the vessel’s critical
tion rates that depend on the external environment systems, since a possible operational failure leads to
such as the working hours of the repairman that fixes the main engine’s malfunction with unforeseen con-
the component, or any other rates provided that they sequences.
are function of the global time or mission time. In Generally we could assume that the failure rate of
our example we use Homogeneous Continuous Time the engine’s cooling system follows a standard bath-
Markov Chains. tube curve. However, we consider that the system is
functioning under the useful life period (wear out
period is avoided by preventive maintenance and in-
2.2 What is Formal Safety Assessment fant mortality period is avoided by preliminary test-
The main aim of FSA is to intensify maritime safety, ing). Hence the failure rate is considered constant
by protecting human lives, health and marine envi- (random failures) and can be modeled by the expo-
ronment. The procedure uses risk and cost/benefit nential distribution. Repair (restoration rates) are
assessments. FSA has been designed to be used as also assumed to be constant and therefore can be
tool in order to help evaluating regulations or mak- modeled by the exponential distribution.
ing comparison between existing and possibly im- The model details are as follows:
proved regulations. The perspective is to achieve a  S1: Is the main cooling system used
balance for the technical and operational issues, in- for the controlling of the engine’s temperature.
cluding the human element, and between safety and  S2: Is the back-up cooling system
costs. which is activated in a possible failure of S1 ei-
FSA is consistent with the current IMO decision- ther automatically (A1) or manually.
making process and provides a basis for making de-  A1: A device that activates S2 in case
cisions in accordance with resolutions A.500(XII) of S1 breakdown.
"Objectives of the Organisation in the 1980's", and
 λS1,λS2:: Is the sequence of failure of
A.777(18) "Work Methods and Organisation of
Work in Committees and their Subsidiary Bodies". the main and the back-up system.
The decision makers at IMO, through FSA, will  γΑ1:: Is the probability of failure for
be able to appreciate the effect of proposed regula- the automatic back-up system operation.
tory changes in terms of benefits (e.g. expected re-  μrestore1:: Is the rate the system is re-
duction of lives lost or pollution) and related costs stored to each initial state. Practically the engine
incurred for the industry as a whole. FSA should fa- is in a state without cooling system for a very
cilitate development of regulatory changes equitable short period of time.
to the various parties, thus aiding the achievement of  μrestore2:: Is the rate the system is re-
consensus. stored to each initial state when the automatic
The Formal Safety Assessment consists of five system fails to operate.
steps:  μrepairS1:: Is the rate of repair of the S1
1. Identification of hazards. system which is the same for S2. Both S1 and
2. Assessment of risks. S2 can be repaired in parallel.
3. Risk control option. The different states that the under study system
4. Cost benefit assessment. can reach in the case of failures is presented in Fig-
ure 2 (page 6). In reference to the automatic system
5. Recommendations for decision-making.
A1, it is assumed that there is a back-up one, which
The application of the FSA facilitates a transpar-
implies that the time of repair in the case of failure is
ent decision making process and provides a proac-
practically close to zero.
tive mean enabling to avoid serious accidents by
In state one, S1 functions properly while S2 is
highlighting potential hazards. Our model intends to
used as back-up. This is due to the safety require-
improve the FSA methodology with the use of relia-
ments of the system. In state two there is a failure on
bility models.
the S1 and the automatic system A1 is put in opera-
tion. In state three there is a parallel failure in S1 and
in A1. In both cases (state two and state three) the
S2 system is put in operation in order to cool the en-
gine with the difference that in state three the time
3.1 Description of the model for the system’s restoration is longer. It is evident
that states two and three are temporary and last until
The model refers to a ship’s engine cooling system
the states four and five are reached, where S2 func-
which includes a main and a back-up system. The
tions properly.
back-up system is put in use only for the time that
During the operation of the S2, S1 is repaired
the main system is out of service, since it does not
with the same rate until the initial state one is
have the same power as the main one. The cooling
reached. None the less there is a possibility that dur-
ing states four and five, S2 fails too. In this case the By using the data collected with the assistance of
temperature of the ship’s main engine could be in- experts, we calculate the quantitative change of the
creased significantly having as a result either the en- probability for pollution with the assistance of the
gine to stop from operating in order to avoid any Markov model. In table 4 we can see the comparison
damage or it can result in a serious damage, if the of the change from three failures per year, to one or
engine is not put out of operation on time. two failures per year. As it is presented the alteration
States six and seven represent the above possibili- oscillates from 32% to 78%. Conclusively we can
ties which under certain circumstances could lead to reduce the probability of pollution in a high percent-
an accident with significant consequences to the en- age if we lower the frequency of failure from three
vironment. Since the model under examination in to one failure per year.
this paper belongs to the non-shared (independent)
repair category the rate of restoration rate towards Table 4: Percentage change of probability if we decrease the
state one is 2μrepairS1. failure rate λS1
From 3 to 2 fail- From 3 to 1
ures / year failure / year
3.2 Results State6 33% 66%
The data used for the purposes of this study was de-
State7 61% 78%
rived from interviews with experts in the maritime
industry. The following table presents the values of
the variables which are used in this model.
Based on these values the steady states were cal- Further research can be conducted in the financial
culated, which indicate the probability a certain damage of the shipping company if the engine of the
process will be at a certain state after a long period ship remains out of order in states six and seven. To-
of time. day according to “Livanos SA” shipping company
the freight rate for a panamax bulk carrier is at about
Table 2: Data about failures and restorations $30.000 per day thus the per hour freight is about
Variable Frequency
$1250. Taking into account the steady states for the
sixth and seventh state the cost C for every hour the
λS1,λS2 3 times per
engine is out of order is given from the next figure:
γΑ1 2‰
Cλs1=n = [prob (state6) + prob(state7)] * cost per hour (1)
μrestore1 2 minutes
μrestore2 4 minutes
Substituting the given data we have:
μrepairS1 4 working
Cλs1=3 = $ 0,0025 per hour
hours for 3 per-
Cλs1=1 = $ 0,00086 per hour

Where Q = [qij] is the n by n generator matrix,

with qij denoting the transition rate from state i to
state j and n denoting the number of states (n = 0, 1,
In this study the contribution of reliability models in
2) Smith (1998), Trivedi (1993).
the assurance of safety conditions in shipping opera-
Table 3 presents the steady state results for one,
tions has been intended aiming at the prevention of
two and three failures per year. As can seen by com-
sea polluting events. In order to validate our model
paring them, the more we decrease the failure fre-
we used experimental data based on assessments
quency the more the probability to remain in safe
from experts. It will be purposeful to conduct sensi-
state is increased. Nevertheless we are interested in
tivity analysis on real data in our future study.
states six and seven, which represent the contin-
Continuous time Markov chains have been used
gency of polluting the sea.
in modeling the failures of a ship’s engine cooling
Table 3: Steady states for different failure rate of λS1
system, which is considered one of the main operat-
3 Failures / year 2 Failures/year 1 Failure/year
ing systems for the proper operation of any vessel.
State1 9,9895E-01 9,9930E-01 9,9965E-01
The results have shown the percentage change of
State4 2,0485E-05 1,3662E-05 6,8332E-06
steady states if there is decrease in the failure rate.
State2 9,1224E-08 6,0838E-08 3,0429E-08
Further research can focus on the costs deriving
State5 1,0232E-03 6,8262E-04 3,4154E-04
from the time the ship remains idle due to the en-
State6 2,0504E-06 1,3679E-06 6,8443E-07
gines breakdown (states six and seven) with the as-
State3 5,2563E-07 2,3377E-07 5,8484E-08
sistance of semi-markov models, which may support
State7 1,2032E-09 4,6846E-10 2,6714E-10
a more detailed analysis for every state according to
the time.

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S1 Failure λS1(1- γΑ1) λS1 γΑ1 S1 Failure
A1 Activation A2 Failure

μrestore1 (3)

S1 Repair
S1 Oper A1 Repair
S1 Repair S2 Stand By S2 oper
S2 Oper (manually)

μrepairS1 λS1

S2 Failure
S2 Failure 2μrepairS1 2μrepairS1 Repair S1,S2,A1
S1,S2 Repair ENGINE

Figure 2: Representation of the graph

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