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Ministry of Health & Family

Welfare Government ofIndia

Certificate for COVID-19 Vaccination

Issued in India by Ministry of Health & Family Welfare,Govt.of India
CertificateID 83999983284

BeneficiarY. Details
Beneficiary Name I MNTeIT q;r Lal
';flTf Age I J'!f Mohammad
Gender I ffiir 73
ID Verified / ll:f Male
Unique Health ID Aadhaar # XXXXXXXX6487
(UHID) Beneficiary

Reference ID 11561562330000
Vaccination Status I ilct>lct><OI <15)'
Fully Vaccinated (2 Doses) and a Precaution Dose

Vaccination Details
Vaccinated By I itct>r wrR <PT ';flTf Ruby
KeenanStadium Jamshedpur,East
Vaccination At I ilct>lct> o1 q;r Slnghbhum, Jharkhand

Dose Number Date of Dose Vaccine Name Batch Number Vaccine Type Manufacturer
$t mfug q;f ';f]Tf itct>r q;r WPR
COVID-19 vaccine, S.rumInstitute ofIndia Pvt.
1/2 04 Jan 2022 COVISHIELD 4121Z259 no,,.,epllcating viral vector Ltd.

COVID-19 vaccine, S.rumInstitute oflndla Pvt.

212 16Apr 2022 COVISH ELD 4121AA057M no,,.,ep lcatlngviral vector ltd.

COV D-19 vaccine,virus

Precaution dose 150ct2022 CORBEVAX 223205321A proteinsubunit BologlcalE.Limited

"lIT 3ffi 45$1lITI
Together, India will
defeat COVID-19"
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In case or any adverse events. kindly contact the nearest Public Health
Center/ Healthcare Worker/District Immunization Orficer/State Helpline

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1075"Cft cITT

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WinningOver COVID
This certificate can be verified by scanning the QR code at
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