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Document 1

It was the custom of the ancient Persians to spend five days of anarchy after the death of
their king, so that the experience of murder, robbery and other misfortunes would
compel them to be more faithful to their successor.
To be Spain to Your Majesty she needed no such essay in the six years of his captivity.
Of the number of Spaniards who are pleased to see Your Majesty to the throne of their
elders, are the ones who sign this reverent exhibition with the character of
representatives of Spain (...).
The absolute monarchy (...) is a work of reason and intelligence: it is subordinated to
divine law, justice and the fundamental rules of the state: it was established by right of
conquest, or by the voluntary submission of the first men that their Kings chose.
We ask that the effects of the Constitution and decrees issued in Cádiz be suspended,
and that the new Courts take into consideration their nullity, their injustice and their
inconveniences (…)»
Madrid, April 12, 1814.
Document 2
Art.l. The Spanish Nation is the meeting of all Spaniards from both hemispheres.
Art. 3. Sovereignty resides essentially in the Nation and therefore the right to establish
its fundamental laws belongs exclusively to it.
Art. 8. Every Spaniard is also obliged, without any distinction, to contribute in
proportion to his assets to the expenses of the State.
Art. 12. The religion of the Spanish Nation is and will be perpetually Roman Catholic,
the only true religion. The Nation protects it by wise and fair laws and prohibits the
exercise of any other.
Art. 14. The government of the Spanish Nation is a hereditary moderate monarchy.
Art. 15. The power to make laws resides in the Cortes with the King.
Art. 16. The power to execute the laws resides in the King.
Art. 17. The power to apply the laws in civil and criminal cases resides in the courts
established by law.
Art. 371. All Spaniards have the freedom to write, print and publish their political ideas,
without the need for licences, review or approval prior to publication, under the
restrictions and responsibilities established by law.
March 1812.

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