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Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology

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Lexical, Semantic, and Action Verbal Fluency in

Parkinson's Disease with and without Dementia

Andrea L. Piatt , Julie A. Fields , Anthony M. Paolo , William C. Koller &

Alexander I. Tröster

To cite this article: Andrea L. Piatt , Julie A. Fields , Anthony M. Paolo , William C. Koller &
Alexander I. Tröster (1999) Lexical, Semantic, and Action Verbal Fluency in Parkinson's Disease
with and without Dementia, Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 21:4, 435-443,
DOI: 10.1076/jcen.21.4.435.885

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Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology 1380-3395/99/2104-435$15.00
1999, Vol. 21, No. 4, pp. 435-443 © Swets & Zeitlinger

Lexical, Semantic, and Action Verbal Fluency in Parkinson’s

Disease with and without Dementia*
Andrea L. Piatt, Julie A. Fields, Anthony M. Paolo, William C. Koller, and Alexander I. Tröster
Department of Neurology, University of Kansas Medical Center, Kansas City


Previous research suggests that lexical and semantic verbal fluency are differentially sensitive to the effects
of cortical and subcortical dementias, but little is known about action fluency performance in dementias.
The present study compared lexical, semantic, and action fluency in groups of patients with Parkinson’s
disease (PD) with and without dementia and an elderly control group. Findings revealed an interaction
between fluency type and subject group. Although the demented PD (PDD) group performed significantly
more poorly than their non-demented counterparts and normal controls on all three fluency tasks, a dispro-
portionate disparity in scores was noted on the action fluency task. The findings suggest that action fluency
may be particularly sensitive to PD-associated dementia and may be an early indicator of the conversion
from PD to PDD. As reported elsewhere, PD without dementia was not associated with significant impair-
ment on any of the fluency tasks.

Verbal fluency tasks have been frequently em- expected to be more sensitive to HD and
ployed as indicators of semantic memory func- frontostriatal pathology than semantic fluency
tioning in cortical and subcortical dementias. tasks. Given the critical importance of the tem-
Prior research suggests that lexical and semantic poral lobes in semantic fluency (Fink & Ran-
verbal fluency tasks are differentially sensitive dolph, 1998), and the early involvement of the
to the effects of cortical (e.g., Alzheimer’s dis- temporal lobes by AD, it is not surprising that
ease [AD]) and subcortical (e.g., Huntington’s AD, even early in its course, is associated with
disease [HD], and Parkinson’s disease [PD]) semantic fluency deficits (e.g., Hodges, Salmon,
dementias (Barr & Brandt, 1996; Monsch et al., & Butters, 1990; Martin & Fedio, 1983; Tröster,
1992). Whereas letter fluency is disproportio- Salmon, McCullough, & Butters, 1989).
nately impaired in HD, semantic fluency is di- It has been proposed that many of the cogni-
minished to a greater extent than letter fluency tive deficits observed in PD reflect difficulties
in AD (Butters, Granholm, Salmon, Grant, & with the initiation and execution of internally
Wolfe, 1987). This finding is consistent with the guided information processing strategies which
putative cognitive demands of the verbal fluency are related to cortico-striatal-thalamo-cortical
tasks, and the most prominent locus of neuropa- loop pathophysiology (Taylor & Saint-Cyr,
thology in HD and AD. Butters et al. (1987) pro- 1995; Tröster & Fields, 1995). Consequently
posed that letter fluency places greater demands one might expect the pattern of verbal fluency
on the initiation and maintenance of systematic deficits in PD to parallel those observed in HD.
retrieval strategies than does semantic fluency. To date, however, findings of verbal fluency
Thus, letter fluency tasks might be reasonably deficit patterns in PD have been inconsistent.

Andrea L. Piatt is now at Department of Psychiatry and Human Behavior, Brown University School of Medi-
cine, Providence, RI.
Address correspondence to: Alexander I. Tröster, Department of Neurology, University of Kansas Medical
Center, 3901 Rainbow Boulevard, Kansas City, KS 66160-7314, USA. E-mail:
Accepted for publication: February 17, 1999.

Inconsistent results of studies evaluating lexical egorical fluency in Parkinson’s disease or other
and semantic fluency in patients with PD might diseases associated with fronto-subcortical neu-
reflect differential difficulty of fluency tasks ropathology such as Huntington’s disease. This
(see Azuma et al., 1997) and varying or un- seems somewhat surprising given both the
known severity of general cognitive decline known fronto-striatal pathophysiology of Par-
among patient samples. For example, Gurd and kinson’s disease and clinical evidence suggest-
Ward (1989) identified both lexical and seman- ing a relationship between verb retrieval and
tic fluency deficits in a sample of PD patients, frontal lobe functioning.
but no information regarding the overall level of Although imaging studies reveal the widely
cognitive functioning of the subjects was pro- distributed nature of neural networks involved in
vided. Similarly, Matison, Mayeux, Rosen and verbal fluency, during the past two decades, re-
Fahn (1982) reported categorical verbal fluency searchers have suggested that noun and verb
deficits, but preserved letter fluency in their retrieval abilities are mediated by different (al-
sample of PD patients. However, while they though perhaps overlapping) neuroanatomical
state that their subjects were not demented based circuits, with verb retrieval being most strongly
on clinical and examination data, they appar- mediated by prefrontal networks and noun re-
ently did not employ a formal measure of overall trieval being based predominantly within tempo-
cognitive status. As such, the actual mental sta- ral-parietal neural circuitry (Caramazza &
tus of their subjects is unclear. Based on studies Hillis, 1991; Damasio & Tranel, 1993; McCar-
that have identified a relationship between men- thy & Warrington, 1985; Miceli, Silveri, Villa,
tal status and verbal fluency in both AD and PD & Caramazza, 1984; Zingeser & Berndt, 1990).
patients (Appell, Kertesz, & Fisman, 1982; According to Grossman (1998), verb naming
Azuma et al., 1997; Martin & Fedio, 1983), deficits may reflect underlying executive system
evaluation of mental status is central to verbal dysfunction that undermines the ability to men-
fluency studies with these populations. tally coordinate and manipulate the diverse
Even among studies employing samples free range of information that may be associated with
of significant cognitive decline, findings are still a verb, a hypothesis borne out in the literature.
notably inconsistent. Some studies have reported For example, based on lesion data from four
no lexical or semantic fluency deficits among subjects, Damasio and Tranel (1993) concluded
cognitively intact PD subjects relative to control that patients with frontal lobe injury demonstrate
subjects (Beatty & Monson, 1989; Hanley, notable difficulty with verb production, but re-
Dewick, Davies, Playfer, & Turnbull, 1990; trieve nouns at normal levels. In contrast, pa-
Tröster et al., 1998), whereas others have identi- tients with more posterior lesions demonstrated
fied deficits in both lexical and semantic fluency the opposite pattern of preserved verb retrieval
in PD subjects (Bayles, Trosset, Tomoeda, in the presence of poor noun generation. Based
Montgomery, & Wilson, 1993; Flowers, Robert- on this double-dissociation, they asserted that
son, & Sheridan, 1996). Still others have identi- verb retrieval is mediated by the frontal regions,
fied deficient semantic fluency but preserved whereas noun retrieval is mediated by the domi-
lexical fluency (Auriacombe et al., 1993; Beatty nant, anterior temporal lobe. Similarly, in a
& Monson, 1989; Raskin, Sliwinski, & Borod, study involving patients with aphasia syndromes
1992). It might be that PD patients’ retrieval suggestive of neuroanatomical dysfunction in
difficulties, when present, can affect both lexical frontal (agrammatic aphasics) and temporal
and semantic fluency tasks (e.g., Randolph, (anomic aphasics) regions, Miceli et al. (1984)
Braun, Goldberg, & Chase, 1993). found that agrammatic aphasics demonstrated
Despite the volume of research on lexical and notable deficits in verb production, despite pres-
semantic fluency in PD, action fluency (i.e., the ervation of noun retrieval. In contrast, the
spontaneous production of verbs) has not been anomic aphasic subjects demonstrated greater
examined in this population, and no studies have difficulty with noun retrieval in comparison to
compared action fluency with lexical and/or cat- verb production. In a recent study of patients

with Alzheimer’s disease, and presumably pre- disease/injury and psychiatric illness. Parkinson’s
dominant parietal-temporal pathology, William- disease was diagnosed by a staff neurologist on the
son et al. (1998) found that object naming was basis of two of three cardinal signs (bradykinesia,
rigidity, and tremor) and levo-dopa responsive-
more severely impaired than action naming,
ness. Dementia in PD was defined on the basis of
even once the effect of word frequency was con- impairment in at least two of four cognitive do-
trolled for. Although these and other studies mains (language, memory, executive function,
(Caramazza & Hillis, 1991; Daniele, Giustolisi, visuoperceptual function). Impairment in a given
Silveri, Colosimo, & Gainotti, 1994; McCarthy domain was defined by a score below age-appro-
& Warrington, 1985; Zingeser & Berndt, 1990) priate cutoff or the fifth percentile on at least one
support the hypothesized differential neuroana- of two tests of that cognitive domain. To minimize
inclusion of patients with concomitant Alzheimer’s
tomic substrates of noun and verb retrieval, this and Parkinson’s disease or Lewy body variant of
dissociation is not always supported by func- Alzheimer’s disease, motor symptoms had to pre-
tional imaging (PET) studies. While some PET cede any cognitive deficit in PD patients with de-
studies have suggested that verb fluency relies mentia. Further, as indicated in Table 1, the PDND
heavily on the dominant temporal and parietal subjects performed significantly better on mea-
regions (see Warburton et al., 1996), others im- sures of overall cognitive functioning, learning and
plicate the left prefrontal cortex, particularly the memory, and visual confrontation naming, sup-
porting the cognitive distinction between the two
dorsolateral aspect, in action word naming groups of subjects. All PD patients were taking
(Martin, Haxby, Lalonde, Wiggs, & Unger- anti-Parkinsonian medications at the time of test-
leider, 1995). ing. Patients with motor fluctuations were tested
Given that frontal regions might be critically while in their ‘‘on state’’. All PD patients were
involved in action fluency, and given the fronto- free of other neurologic disorder and major psychi-
striatal pathophysiology of PD, the present study atric illness, excepting mild depression which is
common in PD. None of the participants had histo-
was undertaken to compare lexical, semantic,
ries of significant head injury with loss of con-
and action fluency abilities in PD patients with sciousness, substance abuse or dependence, or
and without dementia. Based on the fronto-sub- self-reported specific developmental disorders. All
cortical pathophysiology of PD, it was antici- subjects underwent comprehensive interviews,
pated that action fluency, if indeed heavily reli- neuropsychological testing, and neurologic exami-
ant on the integrity of frontal lobe circuitry, nations.
would be diminished in the PD patients relative The three groups were matched for age and edu-
cation. Additionally, the NC and PDND groups
to age- and education-matched peers. Further, it
were matched for total Dementia Rating Scale
was hypothesized that action fluency would (DRS; Mattis, 1988) score.
demonstrate greater sensitivity to PD than either
semantic or lexical fluency tasks, particularly as Materials and Procedures
the disease progressed. As part of a larger test battery, subjects were ad-
ministered the DRS (Mattis, 1988) in standard
fashion. The Controlled Oral Word Association
Test (FAS; Spreen & Benton, 1969, 1977) was also
METHOD standardly administered. Since the FAS task was
based on a 3-min word generation period, the total
Participants score for this task was divided by three in order to
Subjects consisted of 59 healthy elderly control compare raw production scores across the three
subjects (NC), 57 Parkinson’s disease patients fluency tasks. The Animal Naming task from the
without dementia (PDND), and 20 Parkinson’s Boston Diagnostic Aphasia Examination (BDAE;
disease patients with dementia (PDD). Seventy- Goodglass & Kaplan, 1987) was utilized to evalu-
five subjects (55%) were male, whereas 61 sub- ate semantic fluency. This task required subjects to
jects (45%) were female. All subjects were re- orally generate the names of as many different ani-
cruited as patients or caregivers enrolled in studies mals as they could in a 60-s period. The total score
at the Neurodegenerative Disease Research Center for this task was the total number of correct items
at the University of Kansas Medical Center. Con- produced. Instructions for the Action Fluency task
trol subjects were free of histories of neurologic were as follows: ‘‘I’d like you to tell me as many
Table 1. Demographic Data and Test Results.

NC PDND PDD F(2,135)

(n = 59) (n = 57) (n = 20)

M (SD) M (SD) M (SD)

Age 72.86 (7.51) 70.30 (6.64) 73.90 (6.36) 2.27
Education 14.40 (2.14) 14.45 (2.96) 14.25 (3.24) 0.04
DRS Total (/144) 137.20 (6.31) 135.91 (6.40) 116.25 (14.48) 52.38***a
FAS (words/min) 12.05 (3.54) 11.78 (3.96) 7.47 (3.92) 11.82***a
Animal Naming (words/min) 17.49 (4.61) 17.12 (4.44) 10.85 (5.15) 16.95***a
Action Fluency (words/min) 15.14 (4.33) 14.28 (5.14) 7.30 (3.36) 22.48***a
CVLT Total (/80) 41.61 (11.02) 29.95 (9.48) 30.74***b
CVLT Long-delay Free Recall (/16) 8.42 (3.83) 3.21 (2.07) 31.84***b
CVLT Recognition Hits (/16) 14.12 (1.60) 13.95 (1.96) 0.15


Boston Naming Test (/60) 55.37 (3.73) 49.21 (6.87)

Note. NC = normal controls; PDND = Parkinson’s disease without dementia; PDD = Parkinson’s disease with dementia; DRS = Dementia Rating Scale; FAS =
Controlled Oral Word Association Test; CVLT = California Verbal Learning Test.
***p .001

different things as you can think of that people do. cantly (p < .00) more poorly on all three fluency
I don’t want you to use the same word with differ- measures relative to the NC and PDND group.
ent endings, like eat, eating, eaten. Also, just give The NC and PDND groups did not differ on any
me single words such as eat, or smell, rather than a
of the fluency tests (see Table 1). Within sub-
sentence. Can you give me an example of some-
thing that people do?’’ (Any verb response is ac- jects analyses revealed a significant main effect
ceptable) If the response is acceptable: ‘‘That’s the for fluency task, F(2,132) = 74.84, p < .01, as
idea. Now in one minute, tell me as many different well as a significant group by fluency task inter-
things as you can think of that people do.’’ The action, F(4,262) = 2.81, p < .05. Paired-sample
score for this task was the total number of items t-tests revealed that, overall, the semantic flu-
correctly produced in a 60-s period. In addition, ency task was easier than the action fluency task
Parkinson’s disease patients (demented and non-
demented) were administered the California Ver-
[t(135) = 6.99, p < .01], which in turn was easier
bal Learning Test (CVLT; Delis, Kramer, Kaplan, than the letter fluency task [t(135) = 6.74, p <
& Ober, 1987) and the Boston Naming Test (BNT; .01]. Of note, however, is a significant interac-
Kaplan, Goodglass, & Weintraub, 1983) in the tion effect (see Fig. 1). Specifically, the action
standard manner. fluency task was slightly more difficult than the
letter fluency task for the PDD group. Although
the PDD group performed more poorly on all
RESULTS three fluency measures relative to the NC and
PDND group (see Table 1), the action fluency
Sample characteristics and scores (mean and task was differentially more difficult for the
standard deviation) for the three verbal fluency PDD group than either the lexical or semantic
measures for each subject group are presented in fluency tasks relative to the NC and PDND
Table 1. Additionally, data regarding episodic groups.
memory and visual confrontation naming for the To evaluate whether or not the apparent diffi-
two Parkinson’s disease groups are presented in culty of action fluency in the PDD group simply
Table 1. To determine whether gender influ- reflects sensitivity to dementia rather than to
enced any of the verbal fluency scores or inter- fronto-subcortical compromise, a Pearson prod-
acted with group membership, a two-way uct moment correlation was computed for DRS
MANOVA with group membership (NC, scores. Since the DRS partly is comprised of a
PDND, and PDD) and gender serving as inde- semantic fluency task (supermarket fluency), the
pendent variables and the three verbal fluency raw supermarket fluency scores were subtracted
tasks serving as dependent measures was con- from the total DRS scores for this analysis. The
ducted. Results indicated no significant main findings indicated a marginally significant rela-
effect for gender [F(1,130) = 1.49, p = .23] and tionship between lexical verbal fluency and DRS
no interaction between gender and group mem- scores (r = .43, p = .06) and a trend toward a
bership [F(2, 130) = .42, p = .66]. As such, data significant relationship between semantic verbal
for men and women were combined for all sub- fluency and DRS scores (r = .40, p = .08). No
sequent analyses. To assess the differential diffi- significant or marginal relationship was ob-
culty of the three fluency tasks and possible dif- served between action fluency scores and DRS
ferences among subject group’s performances scores (r = .34, p = .14).
on the three fluency tasks, a 3 (fluency task) × 3
(group) Multivariate Analysis of Variance was
conducted with group membership (NC, PDND, DISCUSSION
PDD) serving as the between subjects factor and
fluency task serving as the within subjects fac- As hypothesized, there was a significant interac-
tor. Results revealed a significant between tion between the type of fluency task utilized
groups effect, F(2,133) = 24.71, p < .01. Follow- and diagnostic group. Although the PDD group
up comparisons using Tukey’s HSD test indi- performed significantly more poorly on all three
cated that the PDD group performed signifi- of the verbal fluency measures relative to their

Fig. 1. Interaction between fluency type and subject group: Mean number of words produced.

non-demented counterparts and normal control cant relationship between lexical and semantic
subjects, action fluency was differentially more fluency and severity of dementia in Parkinson’s
difficult for the PDD subjects than for the other disease patients.
two subject groups. As Figure 1 indicates, action Consistent with other reports (Beatty &
fluency was not the most difficult task for the Monson, 1989; Hanley et al., 1990), the PDND
NC and PDND subjects, arguing against the pos- group did not differ from an age and education
sibility that the action fluency impairment in matched control group on any of the fluency
PDD simply reflects greater task difficulty in tasks, suggesting that action fluency is not sensi-
general. Given the lack of association between tive to the early pathophysiological changes of
action fluency scores and DRS scores within the PD. Given that differences in fluency perfor-
PDD group, action fluency appears to be sensi- mance between PDND and PDD are most appar-
tive to the progressive fronto-subcortical dys- ent on the action fluency task, there is sugges-
function of Parkinson’s disease rather than to tion that action fluency may be an early indica-
overall severity of cognitive impairment in gen- tor of the conversion from PD to PD with asso-
eral. Given the presence of marginal and trend ciated dementia. As the present study employed
relationships between lexical and semantic flu- a cross-sectional design this possibility could
ency scores and DRS performance (minus super- not be directly assessed, and future studies uti-
market fluency scores) in the PDD sample, these lizing longitudinal approaches will be needed to
fluency tasks may be sensitive to the overall address this issue adequately. However, the po-
cognitive decline in PD, but not necessarily spe- tential utility of verbal fluency tasks in detecting
cific to the frontostriatal pathophysiology of PD. dementia in PD is supported by Jacobs et al.’s
This hypothesis is consistent with the findings (1995) and Mahieux et al.’s (1998) longitudinal
of Tröster et al. (1998) who identified a signifi- findings indicating that verbal fluency tasks are

significantly and independently associated with served in the absence of Alzheimer’s disease
incident dementia. pathology, and even in the absence of cortical
Overall, the current findings support earlier pathology (for review, see Tröster, Fields, &
studies that have linked verb generation abilities Koller, in press). It remains to be established
to neuroanatomic underpinnings that are distinct whether verbal fluency tasks are differentially
(but perhaps overlapping) from those mediating affected in neuropathologically distinct cases of
retrieval of lexical and semantic information Parkinson’s disease dementia. Nonetheless, the
(Caramazza & Hillis, 1991; Damasio & Tranel, current findings suggest that action fluency
1993; McCarthy & Warrington, 1985; Miceli et might be useful in detecting dementia in the ear-
al., 1984; Zingeser & Berndt, 1990). We con- liest stages in PD patients, at least as a group.
tend that diminished action verbal fluency, per- Additional research with other clinical popula-
haps to a greater extent than lexical and seman- tions (e.g., HD, frontal lesions) will be neces-
tic fluency impairments, reflect the frontostriatal sary to further support the clinical utility of ac-
neuropathology and/or neurochemical deteriora- tion fluency as an indicator of frontal lobe func-
tion known to occur with the progression of Par- tioning.
kinson’s disease (Braak & Braak, 1990; Forno,
1992, 1996; Kopin & Markea, 1988). This hy-
pothesis is consistent with recent literature indi- REFERENCES
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