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Faculty of Business Management & Globalization

Faculty of Information & Communication Technology

BMAKT3101 ● Consumer Behavior

Department : Faculty of Business Management and Globalization Assignment 2
Course Name : Bach of Business Admin (Hons) Group
: Bach of Marketing (Hons) 20%
: Bach of Tourism (Hons)
: Bach of International Business (Hons)
Commence Date : Week 3
Deadline Date : Report Due in week 12,
Group Presentations in week 13 & 14
Unit Controller / Examiner : Noraizan Abdul Rashid
Contact Number : Ext 8402
E-mail :

Assignment Background:

1. Each group will select two (2) different products or service in the market, one
being a failed product and the other a huge success, after their launch.
2. Each group is to be made up of minimum 3 and maximum 5 students.
3. Students are encouraged to look up for information or articles about the product or
the industry in Newspapers, Periodicals, Business Week, Forbes, Fortune, the Wall
Street Journal, Marketing Communications, Media-Scope, Advertising Age and the
4. The group is to write up a report that analyzes and evaluates the marketing steps
taken to come up with the target markets of the two chosen products/service and
analyse the reasons for their failure and success.


1. An effective way to help students focus on the application of consumer behaviour

principles and implementation of the marketing strategies for the products or services.

2. During the course of the assignment each of the elements of the consumer behaviour
principles discussed in class, coordinating with the text chapter is to be implemented.

3. Each group is to use the below Report Format and factors, in formulating the final
report. At the end of the semester, each group is to present their entire marketing
plan in class.

Marketing Plan Format:

1. Introduction - Overview of Company’s mission/goals

2. Scenario – Description of how the products failed/ were a success.
3. Situation Analysis – here appropriate, you are to refer to relevant concepts,
theories and models from the course, to show your understanding the relationship
between theory and practice.
4.Conclusion – State your recommendation/opinion

In formulating the above report please consider the following factors:

a. Market size and trends of the two markets.

b. Pattern and intensity of competition
c. The principles involved in the introduction of the new product.

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d. Characteristics of those consumers who might be adopters
e. Hidden psychological motivations that hindered/contribute to success.
f. Role of peer pressure or other elements.
g. Were there sufficient research/gathering of information done or what kind of
information would have been important.
h. Would you (give reasons) consider a re-launch of the failed product ? How
would you attempt to change attitudes in favour of the product?
i. How would you address the concerns by the original non-consumers in order
to create a success?


 Groups who submit the assignment later than the deadline date will be penalized 10
percent from the total marks awarded for the first day and 5 percent per day
thereafter. (Weekend or public holiday counts as one day). Late submission after the
date of the Board of Studies (BOS) meeting will not be accepted.
 The report must be print out by using Microsoft Word Arial font style with size of 10
and 1½ line spacing.
 The number of pages for the assignment should range between fifteen (15) to
twenty (20) pages, excluding tables, figures, appendices and references.


Criteria Total Marks

Content 60
- Clarity / Relevancy 20
- Use of analytical
marketing concepts 20
- Initiative/flexibility 10
- Grammar & Spelling 10

Teamwork 10
Presentation (Individual) 30

Total 100

The following is the marks deduction for this individual assignment:

1. Late submission – as stated above.

2. Not following question requirements = -0.5% is given as long as student do not
follow any of the question requirements.
3. Plagiarism = 0% is awarded immediately.
4. Let others copy your work = 0% is awarded immediately.
5. Off topic work = 0% is awarded immediately.


 This is a group assignment and no change is permitted once you have been assigned
to a group.
 Each student must participate and be dressed appropriately during the
 If there is too much collaboration from your common discussion by looking at other
group’s work, in such instances of academic dishonesty may result in you getting
zero marks for this piece of assignment.
 If someone cheats by using your work, you will be penalized.

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