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Assignment No.

1. Why is setting goals and priorities important?

It is important to set goals or priorities before starting something

because without planning the things that you need to do, will lead you to
chaos. Moreover, it will inspire and motivate you to do better in your job. Not
only that, but it will also help you manage your time and resources to make
your work more efficient.

2. What does accountability mean? To whom are you accountable, and in what

Accountability is the state of being accountable or responsible.

Accountability is the ability to take responsibility and the willingness to accept
the consequences of one's actions. I am accountable for the tasks given to

3. List and explain three techniques for managing your workload.

(1) The first technique is to use a planner. Using a planner is essential for
organizing your workload since it keeps track of appointments and other
agendas of your employer.

(2) Next, is to avoid procrastination. Starting is the first step toward completing
a task. Procrastinating may work in some cases, but it is not good especially
for your peace of mind because you will constantly think about it from time
to time. Because if you pile up work tasks, you get more and more of them.
Avoiding procrastination will also increase your productivity and accomplish
your tasks easier.

(3) Then lastly, prioritize your work. Prioritizing your work is the best technique
to lessen your workload. If you start a task as soon as possible, there is a
high possibility that you will not be piled with work tasks.

4. Explain the “four categories” method of organizing your work. Give an

example of your own (not from the text) for each category.
1. Urgent and Important- Tasks having deadlines to meet, such as
creating a project scope, fall under the urgent and important
category. The scope of the project outlines all the specifics required
to get the project started, hence it is important and urgent.
2. Important, but not Urgent- Tasks in the not urgent but important
category include arranging the team early enough to handle a project
in groups or allowing the team to form relationships. Although group
tasks may arrive later in the project, making the formation of groups
less important, it is absolutely essential to form groups early to allow
members to interact and begin to understand one another.

3. Urgent, but not Important- Interruptions to a project or the typical

working calendar, such as public holidays or employee breaks, fall
into the not important but urgent category. Even though interruptions
or time wasters are unimportant, it is critical to keep staff up to speed
on activity and task management.

4. Neither Important nor Urgent- Activities such as social gatherings or

pleasant activities such as team gatherings or interacting with each
other on social media platforms are included in the final category, the
not important not urgent category. The team's social connections,
whether online or offline, are neither a priority nor an urgent concern.

5. Identify three time-wasters.

• Interruptions
• Other People
• Trouble Focusing

6. Give two examples of what would probably be a reasonable use of personal

time at work. Give two examples of what would not be a reasonable use of
personal time there.

Reasonable example:

The first reason is when you are feeling sick. It is reasonable to use personal
time at work if you are sick because it would highly affect your performance at

It is also reasonable to stop doing your task for a moment especially if you
are working non-stop. It is important to take breaks while doing tasks to keep your
mental health at peace.
Not Reasonable:

If you are feeling lazy then decided to stop your work to use your personal
time. It is unreasonable if you stopped your work because you felt lazy. You have
a responsibility to do and accomplishing your task is part of your responsibility.

Lastly, it is also unreasonable behavior if you use your personal time

because you just want to.

7. Name three benefits of a healthful diet and three benefits of exercise.

three benefits of a healthful diet:

1. Increase efficiency
2. Increase productivity
3. Increase energy.

three benefits of exercise:

1. Improves concentration
2. Lower stress
3. Enhance creativity

8. What is stress, and what causes it? Identify three ways of managing stress.

Stress is the sensation of being overwhelmed or unable to cope with

mental or emotional pressure. Stress is caused by having little or no control
over the result of a situation, having obligations that are too much for you
to handle, lack of work, activities, change in one's lifetimes, or times of
confusion. The first way to manage your stress is to get enough rest. Next
is to develop your coping mechanism for stress. Lastly, make time to do
physical activities, such as walking, jogging, lifting, etc.

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