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Nature vs Nurture Essay

The Nature vs. Nurture debate has been on for decades. Some argue that it is one's genes that

determine who we are, while others argue that the environment we are brought up in and our

experiences determine the person we are. Many studies have been conducted to determine

whether one’s genetic disposition or environment and surroundings influences one’s behaviors,

values, traits, etc. A lot of research has been done in the field, and findings suggest that it is not

one or the other that determines an individual, but a combination of both.

If I see myself, my individuality has emerged due to a combination of my experiences and

genetics. I look very similar to both of my parents. For example, I have my mother's eyes and my

father’s nose. In addition to this, I have various features in common with other family members.

My lips and eyelashes are very similar to those of my grandmother, and my complexion and hair

are very similar to those of my grandfather.

Besides physical attributes, my values and beliefs are very similar to my family's. I have learnt

several social norms from my family and continue to practice them in my daily life. For example,

respecting older people by touching their feet. This is a value that has been imbibed in me by my

family and something that is practiced by all of my family members. Furthermore, my religious

practices have also been influenced by my parents and grandparents. For example, we have all

made it a practice to say a prayer of gratitude to God every morning and night.

However, not all my values and beliefs are similar to my parents'. Taking the example of

religious practices, my grandparents are vegetarians on account of religion. However, my parents

and I have not decided to take that step and eat all kinds of food. When it comes to religious

beliefs, my father tends to be an atheist, while my mother is a big devotee of the Indian God

Lord Krishna. When I see myself, my relationship with my religion is on the middle path and not

extreme like my parents. Hence, highlighting how not all aspects of my personality are similar to

my parents'

My friends and the environment I have grown up in have also severely contributed to my values

and traits. For example, both my parents are not fond of hearing music and have other ways of

enjoying themselves. I differ from them as I love dancing and listening to music. I have picked

up this hobby from two of my best friends, who would always be playing new songs in school.

If I compare my younger brother and I, we both have certain differences which we may attribute

to the environment we have grown up in. For example, my friend group was more outgoing and

social than my brothers. On the other hand, my brother's school friends were less outgoing and

introverted. When I see the two of us, I am way more outgoing than my brother. Hence, this

clearly highlights how friends and your surroundings play a vital role in the formation of your


These examples clearly highlight how one’s individuality is influenced by various factors. Our

personalities, and humans in general, are too complicated to be whittled down to one specific

cause. We humans are influenced by many aspects, with both genetic disposition and life

experiences, i.e., the way we were raised, our social relationships, and the surrounding culture,

all playing a vital role.

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