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Islam has, from its beginning, located a excessive top class on schooling and has
loved an extended and wealthy highbrow tradition. Knowledge ('ilm) occupies a
great function inside Islam, as evidenced through the greater than 800 references to
it in Islam's maximum respected book, the Quran.
The significance of schooling is time and again emphasised in QURAN;
"God will exalt the ones of you who agree with and people who've expertise to
excessive degrees" (58:11),
"O my Lord! Increase me in expertise" (20:114),
"As God has taught him, so permit him write" (2:282).
Such verses offer a forceful stimulus for the Islamic network to attempt for schooling
and gaining knowledge of.
Islamic schooling is uniquely distinctive from different sorts of instructional concept
and exercise in large part due to the impact of the Quran. The Quran serves for each
the character and society and because the number one supply of expertise. The
introduction of the Quran withinside the 7th century became pretty modern for the
predominantly illiterate Arabian society. Arab society had loved a wealthy oral
tradition, however the Quran became taken into consideration the phrase of God and
had to be organically interacted with with the aid of analyzing and reciting its words.
Hence, analyzing and writing for the motive of having access to the total advantages
of the Koran became an aspiration for maximum Muslims. Thus, schooling in Islam
unequivocally derived its origins from a symbiotic courting with spiritual

Importance of Education According To Sayings Of Prophet

Muhammad (SAW)
Prophet Muhammad (SAW) spent his existence teaching the standards of Islam and
the regulation laid down through Allah Almighty to the human beings round him. It
became the Prophet’s outmost staying power and kindness in his teachings that
became the as soon as warring Arab pagans into the exceptional examples of people
withinside the whole world.

On The Necessity Of Knowledge:

“The looking for of expertise is compulsory for each Muslim”. (Al-Tirmidhi,74)
Every Muslim way each Muslim. The Prophet (PBUH) drew no strains there.

On Sharing The Treasure :

“Acquire expertise and impart it to the human beings”. ( Al-Tirmidhi)
The Prophet (PBUH) directed Muslims to now no longer most effective accumulate
expertise, however additionally to byskip it on for wider gain of the human beings

On A Father’s Best Gift:

“A father offers his infant not anything higher than an amazing schooling”. ( Al-
Not wealth, now no longer gold, now no longer empires, now no longer assets. It is
a superb schooling this is the exceptional present a father can offer to his children.

On Striving For Knowledge:

“One who treads a route looking for expertise has his route to paradise made clean
through God”. (Riyadh-us saleheen)
The route to looking for expertise leads immediately to paradise.

On Utilising Knowledge:
“expertise from which no gain is derived is sort of a treasure out of which not
anything is spent withinside the purpose of God”(Al-Tirmidhi 108)Just gaining
knowledge of isn't always enough. Prophet Muhammad (SAW) made it clean that a
expertise now no longer used for gain became certainly no expertise.
It is narrated through Zirr bin Hubaish, “I went to Safwan bin Assal Al Muradi and
he stated: What delivered you here? I stated: ‘’I am looking for expertise. He stated:
I heard the messenger of Allah say: There isn't anyt any person who is going out of
his residence for you to are looking for expertise, however the angels decrease their
wings in approval of his action” (Ibn e Majah, 226).

Science and Islam are intimately linked. Islam not only places a high premium
on science but positively encourages the pursuit of science.
The significance of looking for expertise is time and again emphasised withinside
the Noble Quran with common injunctions, such as “God will exalt the ones of you
who agree with and people who've expertise to excessive degrees” (Quran58:11),
“O my Lord! Increase me in expertise” (Quran 20:114), and “As God has taught
him, so permit him write” (Quran 2:282). Such Quranic verses offer a forceful
stimulus for the Islamic network to attempt for schooling and expertise. Moreover,
I recall this Quranic verse “And of expertise, you mankind had been given most
effective a little” (Quran 17:85). These are simply a number of the numerous medical
statistics observed withinside the Quran:

1. Water
In Surah Al-Anbya, it became discovered: “We made each dwelling factor from
water, will they now no longer agree with?” (Quran, 21:30) and it became most
effective after the invention of the microscope that it became concluded that each
one dwelling matters consist in general of water .

2. The Big Bang Theory

In Surah Al-Anbya, Allah (SWT) additionally states: “Have individuals who
disbelieved now no longer taken into consideration that the heavens and the earth
had been a joined entity, and We separated them” (Quran, 21:30). In 1929, American
astronomer Edwin Hubble proposed the Hubble’s Law in keeping with which all
entities in area are shifting farfar from the Earth at speeds proportional to their
distance i.e. the more the gap from earth, the quicker they're shifting. Soon after this,
he determined that galaxies are shifting farfar from every different as properly
because of this that that the universe is increasing overall.
This laid the idea for the Big Bang concept which states that round 12-15 billion
years in the past the universe got here into lifestyles from one unmarried
extraordinarily warm and dense factor, because of an explosion of this factor the
universe got here into being. The universe, in view that then, has been increasing
from this unmarried factor. In 1965, radio astronomers Arno Penzias and Robert
Wilson gained the Noble Prize for the invention that showed the Big Bang concept
[3]. When searching on the verse mentioned above, even as acknowledging Allah
Knows exceptional, it stays amazing that the Quran had already discovered that “the
heavens and the earth had been a joined entity, and We separated them”.

3. The Big Crunch Theory

Again, in Surah Al-Anbya, Allah (SWT) says: “The Day while We will fold the
heaven just like the folding of a [written] sheet for the records. As We commenced
the primary creation, We will repeat it. [That is] a promise binding upon Us. Indeed,
We will do it” (Quran, 21:104). This suits in with the concept of Big Crunch which
talks approximately how the universe might be pulled returned into the black holes
and once more shape a tiny mass [4].
Indeed, the Big Crunch is one of the eventualities anticipated through scientists
wherein the Universe may also quit. Just like many others, it's miles primarily based
totally on Einstein’s Theory of General Relativity. That is, if the Big Bang describes
how the Universe maximum in all likelihood commenced, the Big Crunch describes
how it's going to quit attributable to that beginning [5], simply because the Quran
has so fantastically defined above.

4. Embryology
In Surah Al-Mu’minun, Allah (SWT) says “We created guy from an extract of clay.
Then We made him as a drop in an area of settlement, firmly fixed. Then We made
the drop into an alaqah (leech, suspended factor, and blood clot), then We made the
alaqah right into a mudghah (chewed substance)…” (Quran 23:12-14).
Science has most effective proved this Professor Emeritus Keith L. Moore famous
scientists withinside the fields of anatomy and embryology, who stated that “It is
apparent to me that those statements have to have come to Muhammad from God,
due to the fact nearly all of this expertise became now no longer determined till many
centuries later” [6].

5. The Sky’s Protection

In Surah Al-Anbya, Allah (SWT) says: “And We made the sky a covered ceiling,
however they, from its signs, are turning away” (Quran 21:32). It is a systematic
truth that the sky, with all of its gasses, protects the earth and existence this is gift
on it from the dangerous rays of the sun.
 Popularly known as AL-KHAWARIZMI
 Born in Khawarizm in A.D. (780-847)
 Great mathematician, astronomer, historian, geographer and musician
Major contributions
 First person who used zero
 Considered as an authority in mathematics
 Composed oldest works on algebra and astronomical tables
 Systematized the Greek and Hindu mathematical knowledge
 Wrote famous book named Hisab-al-jabar wal Muqabla in which he gave
analytical solutions of quadratic and linear equations
 This book was used as principal mathematical textbook, until the 16th
century by European universities.
 “The principal figure” in the early history of Arabic mathematics
 Introduced the method of counting based on numerals and decimal
systems for the first time
 Kitab-surat-al-ard was a geography book in which he gave an idea about
the shape of the earth
 Kitab-al-tariq was his book on history
 Composed his own astronomical tables known as Zijj (ZJ), which became a
model for astronomical pursuits in East and West.
 Books :
 Hisab Al Hindi
 Al Jama Wat Tafri
 Kitab Surat Al Ard
 Kitab al Tariq
 2-Jabir Ibn Hayyan:
 Introduction:
 Popularly known as GEBER in the West
 Born in A.D. (721-815)
 God-Father of modern chemistry
 Major contributions:
 Prepared large number of important chemicals like NITRIC ACID,
 Introduced new chemical techniques and processes like Calcination,
Reduction, Sublimation, Distillation, Melting, Crystallization etc.
 Gave a sound theory on Geological formation of metals.
 Prepared basic lead, arsenic, antimony and carbonate from their sulphides.
 Book of seventy
 Composition of AL-CHEMY
 Kitab al Tajmi
 Kitab al Rahmah
 3-Zakariya- al- Razi:
 Introduction:
 Abu Bakr Muhammad Ibn Zakariya Al-Razi
 Born in A.D. (865-925) at RAYY
 Better known as Rhazes in the West
 Persian muslim
 Was great PHYSICIAN of Islamic world
 Most brilliant pillar of Islamic medicine along with Ibn-Sina
 His major fields of interest were Physics, medicine, chemistry, philosophy
 Major Contributions:
 AL-HAWI is a most monumental work of him. It is the most comprehensive
encyclopedia of Medicine in 20 volumes.
 Earned the title of “FATHER OF PAEDIATRICS” by writing his monograph on
“Diseases in hildren”.
 Was the first person who recognized the reaction of pupil to the light.
 Was the first person who used animal gut as ligature for surgical operations
 Was the first person who used Opium as anesthetic during surgery
 Was the first to classify substances into vegetables, animals and minerals.
 Believed in five eternal principals in metaphysics namely
 1)creatot
 2)soul
 3)matter
 4)time
 5)space
 Books:
 Al-Judari Wal Hasbah (detail of small pox and measles disease)
 Kitab Al-Asrar (deals with classification of chemical substance and
preparation of chemicals and Their applications)
 Arabian medicine
 Kitab-al-mansuri
 Barr-ul-Saat
 Introduction:
 Abu Ali Hussain Ibn Abdullah Ibn Hasan Ibn Ali Ibn Sina
 He is better known as AVICENNA in the West.
 Born at Afsinah in A.D. (980-1037)
 The greatest intellectual giant of middle ages
 Unforgettable physician of all times
 Unparallel versatile genius
 Major contributions:
 Contributed to the medical science, philosophy, logic, mathematics,
astronomy and music
 Wrote a famous book named “AL-QANNUN FIL TIB” in which he discussed
human physiology And medicine.
 This book is known as CANON in Latin Was translated in many languages and
it remained the sole textbook of medicine for several Hundred years in
western universities
 Consisting of approximately a million words, is the most influential textbook
ever written
 He wrote no less than 230 books and treaties.
 Was the first to use “ CATHETERS” made of the skins of various animals
 He mentioned “INTRAVESICAL INJECTIONS” by means of a silver syringe.
 He is considered as “FATHER OF GEOLOGY”
 He wrote books on interior of earth, mountains and gave scientific reasons
for earthquakes.
 He fell victim to a disease in which he was a specialist Books
 Al- Shifa
 An-Najat
 Nafia
 Isharrat

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