Appeals To Emotions, Logic, and Ethics

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1. What were the appeals to logic?

It makes an appeal to logic when it talks about the men that die for the country, he
is trying to say that we don’t have to repeat that moments.

2. What were the appeals to emotion?

It makes an appeal to emotion when it talks about the men that die in the country
deserve to be recognized as heroes, because they struggled there. Anh he also said ‘’The
world will little note, nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what
they did here’’.

3. What were the appeals to ethics?

It makes an appeal to ethics when he say that is important that it is altogether fitting and
proper that they should do that. Refering that ethically we need to do this things.

4. How do you believe these appeals affected the audience?

I think that these appeals affected the audience thinking if they really need to fight for
territories or they need to look into the past, remember they ancestors, and don’t make
the same mistakes.

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