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Completa la frase con la forma del verbo correcta en pasado de estos verbos.

Clean - die - enjoy - finish - happen - open - rain - start - stay - want

1. I cleaned my teeth three times yesterday.

2. It was hot in the room, so I opened the window.
3. The film was very long. It started at 7.15 and finished at 10 o'clock.
4. When I was a child, I wanted to be a doctor.
5. The accident happened last Sunday afternoon.
6. The weather is nice today, but yesterday it rained all day.
7. We enjoyed our holiday last year. We stayed at a very nice place.
8. Anna's grandfather died when he was 90 years old.

Completa las frases en negativa e interrogativa.

1. I saw Barbara, but I didn't see jane.

2. They worked on Monday, but they didn't work on Tuesday.
3. We went to the post office, but we didn't go to the bank.
4. She had a pen, but she didn't have any paper.
5. Jack did French at school, but he didn't do German.
6. I watched TV last night. How about you? Did you watch TV last night?
7. I enjoyed the party. How about you? Did you enjoy the party?
8. I had a good holiday. How about you? Did you have a good holiday?
9. I finished work early. How about you? Did you finish work early?
10. I slept well last night. How about you? Did you sleep well?

Maria Speaks English

Pon el verbo en la forma correcta, en afirmativa, negativa o interrogativa.
1. We went to the cinema, but the film wasn't very good. We didn’t enjoy it.
2. Tom bought some new clothes yesterday - two shirts, a jacket, and a
pullover. (buy)
3. 'Did it rain yesterday?' 'No, it was a nice day'. (rain)
4. We were tired, so we didn't stay long at the party. (stay)
5. It was very warm in the room, so I opened a window. (open)
6. Did you phone Chris this morning?' 'No, I didn't have the time. (have)
7. I cut my hand this morning.' 'How did you do that?' (do)
8. Why weren't you at the meeting yesterday?' 'I didn't know about it.' (know)

¿Cuál crees que es la mejor opción para cada frase?

My mother _________ (think) where to spend the holidays when I phoned her.
was thinking / were thinking / was not thinking / were not thinking
________ you ___________ (watch) the news the other day?
was - watching / was - not watching / were - watching / were not - watching
The other day, I saw her ______________ (play) with her new puppy.
playing / played / was playing / were playing
She ________ (not sing) when I came into the room.
was not singing / was being not singing / were singing / were not singing

Ordena las palabras para formar frases

was / for / gift / he / buying / a / Sarah

He was buying a gift for Sarah
were / arguing / ? / for / they / remote / the / control
Were they arguing for the remote control?
were / driving / that / not / moment / at / they
They were not driving at that moment
you / to / listening / were / ? / music
Were you listening to music?

Maria Speaks English

Rellena lo que falta en la forma correcta del past continuous
1. Sergio was playing the guitar (play) while her mother was cooking (cook)
2. Tom was waiting (wait) for me at the bus station.
3. They were driving (drive) very fast last night, I was scared!
4. She wasn't sleeping (not sleep) when I called her.
5. My friends and I were smoking (smoke) yesterday at night, but we're going
to give it up.
6. Were the thieves still stealing (steal) when the police arrived and arrested

Completa con la forma del verbo que mejor funcione. Puede estar en past
simple o continuous.

1. My sister wasn't cooking (not cook) when the talkshow started (start).
2. My phone rang (ring) while I was taking (take) a nap.
3. It was (be) a sunny day and the people were walking (walk) in the park.
4. Fortunately, we were driving (drive) at that moment!
5. She congratulated (congratulate) him as soon as she heard (hear) the news.
6. Maria was drinking (drink) a beer when her boyfriend arrived (arrive).
7. My mother cut (cut) his finger while he was cooking (cook).
8. Were they paying (pay) attention in Math class?

Used to o would? Completa con la mejor opción

I / have short hair when I was a teenager.

I used to have short hair when I was a teenager.
We / go to the same little café for lunch every day when I was a student.
We would✅ / used to✅ go to the same little café for lunch every day when I
was a student.
She / love playing badminton before she hurt her shoulder.
She used to love playing badminton before she hurt her shoulder.
He / walk along the beach every evening before bed.
He would✅ / used to✅ walk along the beach every evening before bed.

Maria Speaks English

Elige la forma correcta de cada verbo del texto.
My granny is 93 and she's come to live with us at our house. We're all pleased
because we love having her near us. She's a very independent person and until
this year, she (1) refused/ was refusing to move to the flat on our ground floor.
But last month she suddenly (2) changed/ was changing her mind and I (3) asked
/ would ask her why. She explained that for years, nobody in her village (4) would
lock/was locking their front doors and the place (5) used to feel/ would feel safe,
but last month (6) she met/was meeting a neighbor in the street when she
(7) was walking / would walk home from the shops and (8) heard / was hearing
some bad news. Thieves (9) were breaking/used to breaking into people's
houses while they (10) were sitting/ would sit in their back gardens. She (11)
realized/was realizing that she (12) wasn't wanting / didn't want to live alone any

Completa con past simple o continuous.

1. Don't ask me about the concert! I was working (work) in the stadium cafe
when the band was playing (play).
2. I was looking (look) around the place when a man stopped (stop) to ask me
for directions.
3. The lights went (go) out while she was having (have) a party in her house.
4. She went (go) quietly out of her bedroom and stood (stand) behind the door
to hear what they were saying.
5. I was writing (write) in my diary when my little sister came (come) into my
room to bother.
6. Anna's feeling depressed because she was hoping (hope) for a pay rise last
week but she didn't get (not get) one.
7. Lilly filled (fill) in the form and gave (give) it to the recepcionist.

Maria Speaks English

Escribe las frases usando present perfect o past simple.

1. (it / not / rain / this week) It hasn't rained this week

2. (the weather / be / cold / recently) The weather has been cold
3. (it / cold / last week) It was cold last week
4. (I / not / eat / any fruit yesterday) I didn't eat any fruit yesterday
5. (I / not / eat / any fruit today) I haven't eaten any fruit today
6. (Emily / earn / a lot of money / this year) Emily has earned a lot of
money this year
7. (she / not / earn / so much / last year) She didn't earn so much last
8. (you / have / a holiday recently?) Have you had a holiday recently?

Escribe sobre ti usando las idas que te doy.

1. (something you haven’t done today) I haven't combed my hair.
2. (something you haven’t done today) I haven't washed the dishes.
3. (something you didn’t do yesterday) I didn't take out the trash.
4. (something you did yesterday evening) I went out clubbing.
5. (something you haven’t done recently) I haven't showered recently.
6. (something you’ve done a lot recently) I have eaten so much lately.

¿Crees que las siguientes frases están bien? Corrígelas si es necesario.

1. I’ve lost my key. I can’t find it anywhere. ✅

2. Have you eaten a lot of sweets when you were a child? Did you eat...?
3. I’ve bought a new car. You must come and see it. ✅
4. I’ve bought a new car last week. I bought
5. Where have you been yesterday evening? Where were you?
6. Maria has left school in 1999. Left
7. I’m looking for Mike. Have you seen him? ✅
8. ‘Have you been to Paris?’ ‘Yes, many times.’ ✅
9. I’m very hungry. I haven’t eaten much today. ✅

Maria Speaks English

Lee las situaciones y completa la frase con las palabras que te doy.

Somebody sang a song. You didn’t know it.

(I / not / hear / it / before) I hadn't heard it before.
I invited Rachel to the party, but she couldn’t come.
(She / arrange / to do something else) She had arranged to do
something else.
You went to the cinema last night. You got to the cinema late.
(The film / already / start) The film had already started.
Last year we went to Mexico. It was our first time there.
(We / not / be / there / before) We hadn't been there before.
I met Daniel last week. It was good to see him again after such a long
(I / not / see / him for five years) I hadn't seen him for five years.
I offered my friends something to eat, but they weren’t hungry.
(They / just / have / lunch) They had just had lunch.
Sam played tennis yesterday. He wasn’t very good at it because it was
his first game ever.
(He / never / play / before) He had never played before.
Elige entre past simple o past perfect.

Paul wasn’t at the party when I arrived. He had gone (He / go) home.
I felt very tired when I got home, so I went (I / go) straight to bed.
The house was very quiet when I got home. Everybody had gone (go) to
Mark travels a lot. When I first met him, he had already traveled (he /
already / travel) around the world.
Sorry I’m late. The car broke (break) down on my way here.
We were driving along the road when we saw (we / see) a car which
broke down so we stopped we / stop) to help.

Maria Speaks English

Completa las frases con la forma correcta del verbo en past perfect.

1. The new school building had only been (only I be) open for a month before
it was destroyed in a fire.
2. I sent back the trainers that I had ordered (order) online because they
were too small.
3. We had planned (plan) to arrive early, but we overslept as usual.
4. As soon as I tasted the curry, I realized I had left (leave) the garlic out.
5. How many questions had you answered (you / answer) when the bell
6. Luckily, the band hadn't started (not start) playing when we reached our
7. It was only after I had posted (post) the parcel that I realized I had
forgotten (forget) to put my address on the back of it.
8. Because the team hadn't done (never do) very well before, they were
delighted to reach the final.

Completa las frases con la forma correcta en past perfect continuous.

1. What have you been eating (you / eat) that made you so ill?
2. We couldn't understand where the cat had been living (live) for the past
twelve months
3. Layla gave the wrong answer because she hadn't been paying (not pay)
4. Where had Carmen's family been living (Carmen's family / live) before
they moved to this street?
5. Why was Jeff in such bad temper? Had the other boys been teasing (the
other boys / tease) him again?
6. We were so disappointed when the hotel closed. We had been going (go)
there for holidays since I was a small child.
7. It wasn't until I got home that I noticed that I had been wearing (wear) odd
socks all day.

Maria Speaks English

Completa con un verbo en past perfect continuous. Eso sí, el verbo ahora lo
pones tú

1. Andy didn't know about the surprise party which her parents had been
planning for weeks.
2. When the doctor eventually called my name I had been waiting for 40
3. My brother lost his job because he had been sending jokes to everyone
by mail.
4. The band hadn't been playing (not) for long when the lights went out.
5. How long had they been looking (they) for the car keys when Marta
found them in her pocket?
6. We had been saving our money to buy a car but we decided to go to
Brazil instead.

La cosa se pone interesante. Ahora, completa los huequitos con el verbo en

past simple, past perfect o past perfect continuous.

1. I had never ridden (never ride) a bike until I went (go) to live in
2. When Bryan came (come) into the room, his mother almost fainted (faint)
because she hadn't seen (not see) him for nearly 20 years.
3. We were held up in a traffic jam so the concert had began (begin) by the
time we arrived (arrive).
4. How long had you been applying (you / apply) for jobs when you got (get)
this one?
5. I didn't see (not see) Lisa when I went round last night because she had
gone (go) to stay with her grandmother.
6. I had been driving (drive) for about four hours when I realized (realize)
that I was completely lost.
7. When I went (go) into the room, everyone stopped (stop) talking and
looked (look) at me.
8. The manager was shocked when he discovered (discover) that Chloe was a
thief. Up until then, he had believed (believe) that she was completely
Maria Speaks English
Corrige los errores de las siguientes frases.

1. We have been traveling around Europe for 4 weeks and had already
visited 10 countries.
2. The authorities had been searching for him for 3 years before they
finally caught him.
3. How long had he been waiting for her before she showed up?
4. I had not been sitting down for very long before I was called into the
5. My family and I had been living in England for so long before we moved
to the States.
6. The man left the room before he had been talking on the phone for over
an hour.
7. I hope they had not been standing out in the cold for long.
8. Had she been cooking in the kitchen all day or had she taken a break?

Escoge un verbo de la caja y colócalo en su sitio del texto en past perfect


Disappear - sit - work - chew - cheer - mind - wonder - steal

The sun was shining and the smell of freshly cut grass lingered in the air.
Miranda had been sitting in the garden for a few hours, dozing in her
chair. She was exhausted because she had been working long days at the
Her dog, Rufus, was laying in the shade of an old tree. He had been
chewing on a slipper for a while, but Miranda hadn't noticed. Miranda had
been cheering about going on holiday to a tropical island.

Maria Speaks English

Suddenly, a dark shadow dashed over the fence and through the open kitchen
door. Rufus had been minding his own business with the slipper, but the furry
shadow caught his attention. Barking, he bolted after the creature. He leaped
over Miranda's legs and began a ferocious pursuit. Miranda awoke to the sound
of the commotion and saw her dog chasing a rather fat cat away from his food
bowl. For the last few weeks, Miranda had been wondering why Rufu's new
dog biscuits had been disappearing faster than she could refill them. The cat
had been stealing the food!

¿Past simple o past perfect continuous? ¡Tú eliges!

1. I had been waiting (wait) for hours, so I was really glad when the bus finally
arrived (arrive).
2. Why was (be) the baby’s face so dirty? He had been eating (eat) chocolate.
3. I saw (see) John yesterday, but he had been running (run) so he was too
tired to chat.
4. When I arrived (arrive), it was clear that she had been working (work).
There were papers all over the floor and books
5. The boss had been talking (talk) to clients on Skype for hours, so she
wanted (want) a break.
6. I had been drinking (drink) coffee all morning. By lunchtime, I felt (feel)
really strange.
7. I had been dreaming (dream) about a holiday in Greece! I couldn’t believe
it when my husband booked (book) one as a surprise!
8. They had been studying (study) all day so, when we met (meet), they were

Maria Speaks English


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