Strength and Health 1937 09

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\ yHeal

We Hate facetted iHweThah
10,000 Testimonials
So you can well see that my satisfaction and enthusiasm
about the York courses are well grounded. Through the use
of the Heavy and Light system my lifting has improved
quite a bit too. I put 242 overhead in the clean and jerk.
Next fall I plan to buy a York International Set. Incidentally
using the York system has also made it possible for me to
earn a little money on the side, since, because of its results
I have been able to secure work as an artist's model in
Your friend and pupil,
Bill Bonner, Hubbard Woods, III.

From a fifteen-year-old lad.

In nine months of York bar bell training I have made
some fine gains. I have gained twenty-five pounds in body-
weight and made corresponding increases in measurement.
Not bad for fifteen years of age. I weigh 195 pounds now
and my lifts are 160 press, 190 snatch, 230 clean and jerk,
total 580. Needless to say, I and my training mates are all
leased with the success we have had from using the York
eavy and light system. And hope your boys come back
from Paris as well satisfied with their results as we are with
Jack Bonner, III.
From a wrestler.
I took up wrestling four years ago to get strong. But my
gains were slow, so I started to train with heavy weights. In
a year and a half my weight increased from 150 to 185 and
I was appointed wrestling coach and physical instructor of
the Hull Police of Quebec. I didn't have much time to train
on account of my job. I never trained more than twice a
week. But what those two training days did for me I'll never
be sorry for. I am sending you my picture and am hoping
for still greater success in the Strength field.
Harry Petigorsky, Ottawa, Can.
From a swimmer.
BOB HOFFMAN After reading an article in S & H magazine telling that
A young strong man's mother. Johnny Weismuller and Buster Crabbe trained with weights,
I tried weight training too. I've been a fair swimmer for a
My mother uses my bar bell and she has reduced her
number of years, but this added strength I obtained through
weight from 185 pounds to 149. And she sure does feel
weight training has made me much faster. I can kick water
good all the time, now.
in the face of lots of men who beat me regularly in the past.
Sunny Harris, Cal.
I am convinced that weight training will improve any man
at the game or physical pastime he iikes. It gives him more
From an artist's model. power and endurance, and this of course results in speed.
I am writing this letter to tell you of the splendid phys¬ For speed is only the ability to keep going for a consider¬
ical results I have obtained from using the York Bar Bell able distance at a fast pace.
system for the last nine months. In September, 1936, my Herman Botts, N. Y. C.
bodyweight stood at 165 pounds and by June, 1937, I
weighed 190 pounds. A gain of 25 pounds. My satisfaction From a night student.
can be better understood, perhaps, by the following data I am enclosing the price of one of your sets of weights.
on increases in measurement. I have been doing bar bell exercises at the Y. M. C. A.,
but there are many days when I can not get there owing to
Age 16 Age 17 night work and night school. So I expect to take some work¬
Forearm 121/4 123/4 outs with my set at home and train with the fellows at the
Biceps I41/4 16'/, Y when I can get over there. Although my training has been
Chest normal 40 in. 451/2 limited and irregular I have made a great deal of improve¬
Waist 31 32 ment in the condition of my arms, shoulders and back. I
Thigh 24 251/2 started bar bell work in April and three months' training re¬
Calf l5l/2 16 duced my waist from 43 to 39 and my weight from 235 to
Neck 151/2 17 214.
Weight 165 190 Ray Wilson, New York.

Send for our FREE Booklet

The Road to Super Strength!
Volume 5, No. 10 September, 1937

Strength and Health

Bob Hoffman, Editor


We have a REAL issue planned for this
Eating for Strength and Health Dr. Frederick Tilney 16 coming issue with many splendid articles by
Incredible But True Gord Venables famous authors.
Another Weldon Bullock Norm Miller My Forty Years in the Strength World,
19 by Warren Lincoln Travis. Judo, or Jiu
No Fun To Be Bald By the Editor 20 Jitsu by an expert. Lieutenant Anthony
Flores, holder of the black belt, which is
How To Look Young, II Rosetta Hoffman 22 emblamatic of highest ranking in the Jap¬
anese art of Judo.
Broadening the Back Ed Hoffmeister 24
The Best Way to Military Press by Bob
Men of Today vs. Old Timers Bob Hoffman 26 Hoffman. York lifters have repeatedly broken
Heavy Exercise is Best Harry Billet 28 world’s records in the press. Bob himself
overcame a case of very bad leverage to bring
The World’s Strongest Man Bob Hoffman 32 his press up to 200 pounds. The informa¬
tion this article contains will add pounds to
Animal Samsons Alan Carse 34 your record in this lift.
Lift Into Your Turn! Bob Jones 35 Learning To Chin With One Hand, by
Paul Holloway, a little known member of
"I Lose 40 Pounds!” Hugh Cross 36 the York team. Paul possesses unusual mus¬
Gym Gems Ray Van Cleef cularity and chins with one finger.
Other stories are The Paris Team, facts
Special Departments about the lives and training of Bachtell, Ter-
lazzo, Terpak, Venables and Mayor who
Editorial 4 make up the team of York champions who
will compete in Paris. Heavy Exercise Saves
Exercise of the Month 5 Time and Energy, another feature article by
Bob Hoffman. Do You Want a Classic Mid
American Strength & Health League Notes 6 Section? by Wib Scharzberger. This article
covers exercise for the sides, abdomen and
Letters From Our Readers 7 back. Exercises which make of your mid
Weight Lifting News 8 section a thing of health and muscular
beauty. There will be a story of Bob Con¬
Shows and Events 9 nery, weight lifting official of Aurora, Ill.,
a man who has made remarkable strides in
Your Training Problems 12 the strength world in his many years of en¬
thusiastic weight training. The story of Mike
Health Hints 14 Dietz, one of the newest York stars, a man
Klein’s Kolumn 15 who never saw a bar bell before last year
and is now approaching 750 in his lifting
That Federal Trade Case 45 total. 4,000 Miles by Cycle. A trip to the
national championships, and to visit well
Ask the Doctor 50 known bar bell men, by two young men of
Aurora, Ill. Dr. Tilney’s usual article and
departments will appear.
Look for Strength and Health on the news stands the fifteenth
Doesn’t this look like a fine collection of
of the month material for the next, the October issue?

Published Monthly by Health and Strength Publishing Company

Bob Hoffman, Publisher and Editor Gordon Venables, Associate Editor
Lawrence Smith, Advertising Manager
Editorial and General Business offices: 51 North Broad Street, York, Penna.
Price In U. S. A. and all Possessions and In Canada 15 cents per single copy. Subscription rates in
U. S. A. and all possessions and In Canada $1.50 per year. S2.00 in all otl er countries. Copyright 1932
by Strength and Health Publishing Company. Application for entry as i econd-class matter pending
at the Post Office of York, Penna.
Contributors should submit manuscripts at their own risk accompanied by first class postage and a
self addressed envelope. All manuscripts of possible use will be held for probable insertion in future
issues. All photographs submitted should be as large as possible and on glossy finish. Negatives,
colored or tinted photographs or pictures under 2 x 2y£ inches in size can not be used. Photo¬
graphs will not be returned unless accompanied by first class postage and self addressed envelope,
otherwise all photographs will be reserved for use in future issues. When submitting photographs
print name clearly on back of each one.
Advertising Rates furnished on request. Write: Strength and Health, Advertising Department, Box
735, York, Penna.

Rage 3
The Most Necessary Thing in The World

HIS is an editorial chiefly for married couples. There’s attention. The weight lifters, I must say, are far better men than
so much unhappiness, ever increasing divorce, more their wives are women. There’s too much divorce in the strength
and more shattered lives. Incompatability is the chief world. Divorces take place according to statistics in twenty per
cause. The man and woman have different interests; cent of cases. They happen far more frequently than that among
their physical conditions are not in tune. They drift great athletes, strong men, boxers and wrestlers. The man trains,
remains strong, virile and youthful. Too often his wife through
A well known writer recently wrote, “Food comes first in this neglect is an old woman far before her time. Women often wonder
world, after that comes love, but in the case of many, love comes why they can’t hold their men.
first.” It’s the love of some person that causes all the accomplish¬ I know scores of bar bell men of fifty who are as young physi¬
ments in the world. The inventions, the building of huge busi¬ cally as they were at twenty; they don’t look older than thirty.
nesses, even the fighting of wars come about through ambition Their wives are worn out old women. No wonder the husbands
created, almost without exception, to prove someone’s greatness go astray.
to a beloved person. An athlete, especially a bar bell man, builds within himself a
Love is the most necessary thing in the world. It’s the point human dynamo. I have constantly written that the use and exer¬
to which human beings rise so high above the scale of the animals. cise of the muscles stimulates all internal organs and glands which
You will realize after careful analysis that everything we do is are adjacent to them and work in sympathy with them. The in¬
done because it is human to desire to be loved and admired. The ternal organs must become powerful and quickly operative in
little girl dresses up and puts a nice ribbon on her hair because direct proportion to the power and speed of the muscles. Physical
she likes to be admired. The little boy pulls her hair because he training makes a man a super man. It makes women super
wants to attract her attention and obtain some slight measure of women too. The girls who participate in sports—we saw so many
puppy love. Girls strive to be beautiful, desirable, so that they of them at the Olympics and other athletic events—are just as
will attract a satisfactory mate. extraordinary in internal strength, physical ability and virility as
Boys go in for athletics, football for instance, in many cases are the men.
because they think it’s their duty to fight for their school. But How sad it is then when a real man has a "halfway” woman
more often because it brings them the affection and admiration for a mate. If the woman wants to be happy, she’d better follow
of their girl friends. Men strive for business success, with its the mode of living her husband follows. Married couples should
financial rewards, chiefly because this can bring them what they train together, go on long rambles together, boat and swim and
desire in life, usually the "one woman.” play together. These latter pastimes take time, and are frequently
In spite of all this striving and struggling, which often leads only possible during summer vacation. This makes easy year ’round
to the winning of the mate of their choice, very few people are exercise necessary.
really happy. Very few have the slightest passion for each other I see many happy couples who are happy through what they
after a period of three years. They may continue to live together have read in this magazine. I get to talk to them when they come
for a number of reasons, such as being concerned about what to York and in the many cities where I have been present at
people will say, or concerned about the children, or afraid to take strength shows. I see wives who have formed a physical training
the step from an unsatisfactory mate to another which may be group and use the weights as do their husbands. They tell me
no better. They go on in unhappiness. the story of the thirty or forty pounds that they have lost. The
We only have one life to lead and it behooves all of us to ob¬ greasy, ugly, shapeless fat that has gone from their once attrac¬
tain from it the last measure of happiness. We should regulate tive bodies. They tell me of weight that they have gained, if they
our lives so that we will obtain the maximum of happiness. We’ve have been underweight. But what they don’t tell me I can see for
said that love is the most important of all; yet it’s a Love myself in little looks and small attentions which husbands and
Starved World. So few obtain lasting, perfect, wonderful love. wives pay each other. They have won for themselves happiness
The world’s too full of frigid wives and inadequate husbands. along with their health and their strength. More and more wives
If a man or woman has a mate who is not as healthy, not as are learning that physical training is necessary. How could a
energetic, as virile as he or she, it’s just a question of time until man who trains to build a healthy, attractive body, a man who
the matrimonial ship crashes on the rocks. keeps his youth and constantly builds his physical powers, be
There are women who like to swim, to dance, to exercise, who happy with a woman who is sick, ailing or who doesn’t care for
keep themselves young and attractive, but who have a money his love and caresses, who doesn’t care for games, sports or
grubbing husband who neglects his physical self to the point athletic pastimes, who thinks that physical training is silly, and
that he can not be a fitting mate, and soon there is trouble in who will age prematurely, and be only half of a real woman as
that family. There are so many men who exercise, or keep them¬ she goes through life.
selves virile through hard work, with a wife who is sickly, cold, This magazine constantly pounds along four fronts. It fights
or not interested in being loved. That’s too bad too, for happiness the battle to help its readers obtain four things: health, strength,
cannot be had in that manner. success and happiness. They’re all tied in so closely together that
There are wives who are not as active, not as virile as their hus¬ one can hardly be obtained without the other. You can't be strong
bands, who don’t care about being loved; yet feel that this is one unless you’re healthy. You’ll be healthy if you follow physical
of their wifely duties and submit to what they may feel is the training methods which make you strong. You can’t be happy
husband's reward for providing for them. But love given by either unless you are well, and you can’t obtain success unless you’re
party when it is one sided does not last long. The giving of healthy and happy.
favors constantly by one or the other partner of a marriage con¬ They are all products of physical training. Some few persons
tract soon becomes tiresome and before long there is no happi¬ obtain them through an innate stronger than average body, which
ness in that family. through the efforts of their parents or grandparents has come
That’s why I want to extend the following advice. Young men, down to them. But we of the present should be just as interested
select a wife who likes the things you like. If you enjoy swim¬ in passing on the same fine bodies to the coming generations.
ming, weight lifting, sports and all athletic pastimes, marry a Success and happiness are not possible for most persons without
woman who likes the same things. Young women, if you like, or physical training.
love and admire a man who is an athlete, a weight lifter, a man All of us should be interested in finding the ultimate in happi¬
who likes to develop his muscles, you must interest yourself in ness, and love is the most important part of this. It’s love that
his exercise and sports if you want to be happy. Happiness is too usually drives us on to success, to improving our appearance,
seldom won by opposite personalities. Husbands and wives should building our muscles, making more of ourselves. Young people
be together much, should be real pals and life partners. If the and married people should read this editorial carefully. It gives
husband likes games, and the wife prefers shows, clubs, card more than a hint of a way to supreme happiness. Husbands and
games and gossiping, she won’t keep up with her husky, virile wives should have similar interests, and by all means, the ladies
husband. need physical training too.
I feel sorry for the man or woman who is frigid or inadequate.
And I can’t help but feel sorry too for the love starved humans,
usually men. Many men and women, through their physical con¬
dition, can not experience the better and finer things of life, the
rare ecstasy of love, freely given and received from an attractive
wife or husband. Too much of this side of life is brought to my
In the twenty years we have studied
bodybuilding one great truth has been
revealed to us. It is the simple and un¬
alterable law of bodybuilding. It can be
stated in just four words: "MORE
WEIGHT—LESS TIME," or to reverse
it, the same truth is evident; IF YOU
This month’s exercise falls into the
class of heavy training and the more
weight you use the better. It is the
simple leg press, an old favorite of the
strength stars of the past. This exercise
should be used much more and one
reason many bodybuilders are afraid to
include it in their program is they fear
the heavy barbell may fall because it is
too hard to balance. In reality the bal¬
ancing is very simple. Start with a mod¬
erate weight of 200 pounds (and 200
pounds is a moderate weight for the
legs) and have two of your training
mates assist you in placing it across your
feet. The bar should be placed across
HOW DUMBELLS BUILD BROAD SHOULDERS! the arch or slightly nearer the toes.
Straighten out the legs to get the feel of
the balance and make the small of the
back remain close to the floor. This is
one secret of the leg press, keeping the
email of the back tight against the floor.
Lower the bar always keeping the fore¬
legs perpendicular. You will not lose
balance if you keep your eyes on the
forelegs instead
of the bar for as
long as they are
perpendicular or
at right angles to
the floor the leg
press is a simple
SKH"SrSas!S matter.


to the chest; stop about half way and

press up again. Each time allow the legs
to come nearer until finally you touch
the chest with each movement. In this
manner you get the balance better and
put work into the biceps of the legs as
these muscles are required to stop the
legs from touching the chest. About ten
repetitions with a good substantial
weight will put a real pair of legs on
any man and do your chest a world of
good. And please remember that axiom
of bodybuilding—"MORE WEIGHT

Page J>
S &'HLeaguers'Lage^

Page 6
Letters From Readers
Bar Bell Parts and
Lifting News
Held at Dayton, Ohio
Held at Marquette University Gym-

5 i 3 i
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Page 8
Shows and Events "A Wrenchless Collar"

the Olympics. Grimek,
United States heavy¬
weight champion; Zeh-
man, heavyweight cham¬
pion from Austria, and
Kratkowski, U. S.
middleweight champion.


sa-iii i I i i
Held at Pittsburgh, Pa.

.si xi rrr
‘Sc-**" “ “ "
S’1 US iS m S Iri 111
nr 81 i I
Hill mu
§l;:§511 i

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Page 9
Held at Baltimore
Reported by Arnold Schiemann

Bsr=M 11!
I i 3

KISS i i i
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roraTrU'ciub" 8“9 71° 12°° ^

"fcSr‘S^^Ssl{SStSe t"Q
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Held in Salt Lake City

I nil nTot
inn Ki=I
3 Is « S S
!:: i I
Page 10
Tork Barbells and Dumbells are now
being manufactured in order to save the
Canadian purchaser 35% tariff and the
high freight rates.
Below, NORMAN MIL¬ The Canadian York Barbells and Dum¬
LER performing a two hands bells are identically the same as the out¬
snatch. Notice the extremely fits made in the U. S. A. Each set of 210
lbs. and over is equipped with the pat¬
low position that Norm, ented “Holdtite” collars. All sets include
former Canadian lightweight the York Adjustable Dumbell handles.
champion, uses.
Bodybuilders in England, Scotland,
Wales and Ireland can now purchase
York equipment at Canadian prices
without paying any duty or tariff. Pur¬
chasers in other parts of the British
Empire should inquire at their local Post
Office for freight and tariff rates.
F. O. B. Toronto
The high cost of steel and iron makes
price raises inevitable. BUY NOW!
lit Lb. York Barbell.$9.50
Above, the finish of Norm’s two 121 Lb. Special with five foot steel
hands snatch. The manager of our knurled bar .13.00
Canadian branch has succeeded 21# Lb. York Barbell five foot steel
with 183 pounds in this manner. knurled bar . 19.00
Norm Miller has developed all of 310 Lb. York Barbell five foot steel
Canada’s outstanding weight lift¬ knurled bar .28.50
ers. It was he who first brought 510 Lb. York Barbell six foot steel
knurled bar . 48.00
Gord Venables to the top. 80 Lb. York Adjustable Dumbell Sets
complete with York Dumbell
Training courses Nos. 1 and 2.. 9.00
1937 CONNECTICUT AAU CHAM¬ MEET AT ELIZABETH, N. J. Four York Training Courses.5.00
PIONSHIPS York Iron Boots, per pair with York
Held at St. Hedwig’s Young Men’s Leg course . 0.00
Held at Hartford, Connecticut C. C. FIVE-IN-ONE OFFER—consists of
Reported by Ernie Hackwood ST. HEDWIG’S YOUNG MEN’S CLUB pair of York 80-Lb. adjustable
dumbells, pair of York Iron
THMP THS THCJ Total Name Bwt. THMP THS THC&J Total Boots, special Headstrap for
112 pound class Ralph Scull . 130 170 170 240 580 neck developing, Dumbell
Cas Wodzinski . 148 151 170 225 546 courses Nos. 1 and 2 and York
G. Tetrault . . 130 125 160 415 Steve Tomchek . 162 185 180 250 615 Leg developing courses. Nos. 1
126 pound class John Buda . 160 185 180 255 620 and 2 .12.00
. 160 150 200 510 John Kentowski . 178 205 200 270 675 4-ft. pipe bar with 4 collars and
Team Total . 3030 wrench . 2.25
6-ft. steel bar with knurled hand¬
HOBOKEN WEIGHT LIFTING CLUB grips, 4 heavy duty collars and
Name Bwt. THMP TIIS THC&J Total wrench . 4.50
Wm. Pecena . 148 170 151 200 521 6-ft. steel bar with knurled hand¬
Wm. Ricigiliano . 148 175 175 225 575 grips, 4 ehavy duty collars and
Steve Cogleia . 154 180 170 240 590 wrench . 5.75
Herb Fichen . 187 180 190 225 595 Extra barbell plates may be purchased
Sal Palma . 185 185 185 255 625 at the rate of 9c per pound.
Team Total . 2906 York Super Home Gym. 6.00
The greatest lifter of the evening was Ralph Scull (We prepay freight on all cash orders
when on an extra attempt he cleaned and jerked 250 pounds of the Home Gym.)
and just failing with twice his bodywcight 260 pounds. Purchasers in British Isles note: $1.00
The Bates Bar Bell Club of Paterson also appeared on equals 4s 2d.
the program with four of their greatest men and gave a
splendid exhibition of lifting. The results are: Order from:
181 pound class NORMAN MILLER, Manager
A. Moleske .... 190 260 PATERSON, N. J. YORK BARBELL CO.
185 255 Name Bwt. THMP THS THC&J Total Canadian Branch
Mike Cubitoso . 165 180 165 240 585 2019 Gerrard Street East
Tony Dillis . 175 225 210 275 710 TORONTO, CANADA
Frank Bates . 185 180 195 280 655
Frank Jericko . 200 220 200 265 685
Team Total . 2635


ISLAND, N. Y. Athletic Club, in St. Louis^ounty. All those interested
should get in touch with Bob Prather, 1517 Pocahontas,
Reported by Lew Dick Webster Groves, Mo.
Name Bwt. Press Snatch C&J Total
Bob Moran . Ill 115 120 ... 235 Reported by George Ponto
Joseph Fanta . 112 105 115 165 385 Name Bwt. Press Snatch C&J Total IOC ARE JUDGED
Geo. Maisenhalter ... 130 145 145 200 490 132 pound class by the power and warmth of your hand¬
Irving Gamm . 131 135 130 265 Adrien Aslin . 131 111% 121 145* 377% clasp Is yours a real MAN S handshake?
L. Sanderson . 128 100 126* 145* 371 Study the training methods of the
Sam Lupo . 144 165 170 235 570 148 pound class POWERFUL GRIP AND BIG FOREARM
Edward Atkins . 146 165 155 230 550 Fred Pierce . 145 121%*132* 166* 419% BOOK. Show all those whom you come
Dick Hunt . 147 135 120 190 445 165 pound class in contact with that you are a live,
Joseph Fazio . 144 175 180 335 Billie Turns . 154 121 121 158 400 irile, powerfffi a
A1 Weed . 165 150* 142* 182* 474
Rudolph Sablo . 157 170 195 245 610 181 pound class
Sam Rothfarb . 154 150 150 205 505 Harold Morrison .... 175 165* 175* 254* 594 It an<f a host o
Heavyweight class

181 pound class Gordon Weed . 190 147%* 177%* 220* 545
Ben Schreier . ISO 200 190 250 640 Dutch DeChenne .. 194 137 139 165 441
Oscar Litke . 175 190 180 240 610
Herbert Werner . 178 180 195 230 605 U. OF INDIANA vs. U. OF
Abe Berger . 176 180 240 420
Heavyweight class WISCONSIN
teamVonTthe University of Wisconsin with a total of
1,675 against 1,595.
Page 11
Your Training

ind™ direct

great records they have created. Men
who have won national strength titles.
Men who have built beautiful, power-
lerstand how any-

irld’s record for physical g

e Special Self Improvement C
monstration of last fall when
tained sensational results.



By Using A Bar Bell You Can Be¬ HEALTH
come A Physical Superman

My Name____.......-
Address ..-.-.

Page 14
Page 15-
"How many people there are—perhaps don’t flippantly say: "Bah! how can
you are one of them—who worry about little minerals affect people like that!”
conditions in their homes, are discour¬ You have only to make a test in your
aged by them, or sick of trying to own home and you’ll mighty soon find
remedy them, or miserable over their out ... to your pleasant surprise. I’m
inefficiencies and inadequacies; and the not writing to amuse you, but to HELP
many maladjustments and turmoils and you. Learn to be open to conviction, es¬
hurts of heart and unhappiness that are pecially when it is all for your own
today spoiling or on the way to wreck¬ good. While other publications point
ing homes. Think of the homes—per¬ out the sad facts and inquire: "what
haps you have known some such—which can be done about it?” I’m telling you
have not survived the continued lack of what to do and why.
these simple essentials of a true home.” The lady whose letter I quoted in
The churches have not solved the part tells herself "what’s wrong” in
problem. Doctors have not solved it. their household. Lots of ham and other
Neither have the psychologists. Some¬ pork meats, oatmeal for breakfast, cake
thing is radically wrong, you know it. and doughnuts, pickles and condiments
But can it be solved? of all kinds. Eating that stuff for years
The answer is "YES!” Thousands of no wonder there’s trouble! No wonder
our readers have solved it by following the poor old lady is all worn out! No
closely the Strength & Health life we
advocate. However, an understanding
and faithful observance of the principles
of Bio-chemistry is the real key to the
whole trouble, as I shall show. This is
Catty for
a new science and the more you are
willing to investigate it with an open
mind, without prejudice or deliberate
bias, the more you will be convinced
that most of the irritating and aggravat¬
Health &
ing annoyances that exist in your home
can be permanently eliminated. As I
have stated, the members of your family
may not be actually sick or diseased but
you don’t enjoy happy, zestful health. wonder her daughter has heart spells
And less than that makes living a dis¬ and the son-in-law has sinus trouble and
appointment. all the family in a constant friction.
Be willing to follow closely all that I They just don’t get the foods which
have to say and see for yourself if these build "happy health.” They eat a lot,
methods do not bring a decided change but they are mineral starved.
of attitude in your own home. Under¬ In the same magazine from which I
LOUIS DE ANTONIO of Norristown, stand this fact, that foods play a far
Penna., a 175 pound bar bell man who prac¬ quoted the editor’s startling remarks, are
greater factor in the disposition of your a number of recipes for making foods
tices hand balancing with Anthony FioRito.
Weight trained men excel at difficult hand household than you ever before thought "sweet, sour and spicy.” Here is the
balancing feats and Louis rates with the best. possible. It is downright nonsense to tell recipe for making "pickling sirup”—4
people to eat what they like, because cups of sugar, 4 cups of vinegar, l/%
"p“VERY year the number of persons that’s exactly what they have been doing teaspoon oil of cloves; 1/4 teaspoon oil
!■ entering mental hospitals is and what a sorry mess they are. If they of cinnamon . . . and so on. Advocat¬
“ almost as large as the number are not sick, they are irritable, they are ing with pork chops "chili sauce,
who graduate from colleges and uni¬ cranky, or lazy, or sluggish, they are apple butter, apple ketchup, sweet
versities. That is, for every educated failures, they have no ambition, they are watermelon pickles.” There is a full
young man or woman added to our indifferent, lack power of will, dull, page of such “foods.” No doubt they do
adult society, one person has to be taken listless, every effort is a burden, they are snap up the flavor of other foods . . .
away because his mind or nerves have non-magnetic, they are not VITAL, they but what do they do to your disposition?
been unable to stand the strain of it. are not ALIVE, nor BUOYANT or Millions of people are eating such food
About as many beds are occupied by RADIANT or EFFICIENT. Their products each and every day. Indeed,
patients in hospitals for nervous and nerves are on edge, they have freakish the housewives and cooks and chefs
mental disease as in all other hospitals desires, fussy, get in a groove, their wouldn’t think they had prepared a
combined. minds are slow or confused, they do good meal unless it had all these
"Only lately have we learned to wild deeds, fly off the handle, emotional, relishes, pickles, spices, sweets, condi¬
regard such people as potentially sick stubborn, brooding, peevish, quarrel ments, puddings and other fancy cor¬
and in need of skilled help. And so mil¬ quickly, worry about trifles, they whine ruption, misnamed "food.”
lions of dollars are now being spent in and are easily disheartened. These are the products that are at the
an attempt to discover the causes which Do you know people like this? Of root core of so much family inharmony,
lead to mental breakdown.” course you do! And it’s no pleasure hav¬ scratched, irritated nerves. They taste
Another contributor in the same ing them around you, is it? Well, the nice but they do not contain the ele¬
magazine states that it is high time our cold facts are, these people are simply ments to build healthy bodies nor
homes satisfy our needs for security, victims of mineral starvation. Because happy, congenial dispositions. THAT’S
safety, rest, refreshment, comfort, en¬ YOU do not know anything about the what’s wrong with us, anyway! Pickles,
couragement, recuperation, understand¬ mysteries of bio-chemistry (and it is not spices and condiments not only bring on
ing, sympathy, courage; and says: likely that you do, because it’s so new) ulcers of the stomach and intestines but

Page 16
leave the nerves raw; and "raw” nerves important job of the home—meal plan¬ type and the physical type. This latter
are irritable, cranky nerves. They make ning—to their colored help. type find it more or less easy to build
the blood impure and poisoned blood I am not advocating anybody to a rugged, muscular and healthy boay
feeding the brain tissue is not conducive "diet.” What I do say is this—eat a and can assimilate much the other types
to wholesome thinking. reasonable abundance and large assort¬ cannot. The mental types burn up a lor
You may not use much of these food¬ ment, during the course of each month, of phosphorus. They usually work
less "foods,” but a little used each week of living, vitalized food and stop eating under high tension and exhaust the
over a period of time brings on the fric¬ foodless food. In so doing you are not supply of this precious element too
tion which exists in most homes today. "dieting.” You are merely using common rapidly, before it is adequately replaced
With many, it is not serious enough to sense. People are so fussy about the (by eating an abundance of foods rich
develop into ulcers, but it is sufficient to shade of their lipstick, the color of their in phosphorus) then we get the
take the keen edge off the nerves. Then, tie, or their clothes and so many other nervous breakdowns, the nervous and
as in so many families, other devitalized things, yet when it comes to the selec¬ mental wrecks. A lack of this mineral
foods are eaten daily and continued year tion of the products which makes them, makes the nerves irritated. The will
after year it is not at all astonishing that rebuilds them, they use no sense. Learn power, the power of decision and
for every graduate of all the colleges, to give due consideration to the things mental concentration, becomes weak
some person has to go to a hospital. that really matter, that affect you vitally. and unreliable. These types of people
They just "crack.” And cement "cracks,” Eating and food selection are far more argue and quarrel. The feet, eyes, the
too, if the right ingredients and proper important to you than you believed. fingers and head all become restless.
proportions are not put in it. There’s more to eating than merely to They become weak, timid, afraid of the
fill up an empty stomach, or because the dark. Noise, rush of trains, crying of
stuff momentarily tastes nice or looks babies, jangle and din of moving ma¬
pretty, or because it’s "meal time” and chinery upsets them. School children
therefore time to eat, regardless of denied sufficient phosphorus are dull,
whether you really need food or not. stupid and lack the ability to grasp facts.
Good wholesome foods will generate Their writing is clumsy and awkward
more than nine tenths of all the mag¬ because they cannot control their fingers.

Strength netism the body needs. It is Nature’s in¬

tention that this should be. You cannot
be "magnetic”—which expresses in one
You business executives who want to
increase your sales and your efficiency,
who desire to convince your prospects
word the vitalized happy health I’m re¬ better and be able to use your brain
ferring to—when you are cranky, out of more vigorously try eating more phos¬
£ij hr. Frederick Tihtetj sorts, mean, surly and annoyed. Vital¬
ized foods tend towards the healing of
phorus foods. It will put vim and snap
(Continued on Page 37)
all diseases; they drive away pain by
Quite a number of young men and removing the congestion and substitut¬ JAMES LIPPI of Oklahoma City, Oklo.,
women will read this and say: "Phooey! ing wholesome flesh for that wfiich was formerly a marathon runner, now a well
I’m all right. I can get away with it. imperfect. Such foods supply power, known bar bell man and chairman of the
Mid-West Y. M. C. A. Lifting.
These so-called 'dead’ foods don’t energy, endurance, because the nutrition
bother me.” Yes, you can, undoubtedly is ALIVE and turned into vitality. To
get away with it for several years. you, who are seeking the answer to
Slowly, imperceptibly at first, you may "What’s wrong?” I say—avoid putting
not notice any signs or indications that trash foods into your mouth; then for
you are being affected; but it is, never¬ at least seven days live exclusively on
theless, a gradual, steady breaking down cleansing foods—foods which will get
of your tissues. You young men, look rid of the accumulated toxins in your
at your mothers and fathers. Is their body. After that, eat nutritious foods
health perfect? Are not they slipping? which will build you up. It’s really very
Don’t they suffer with this, that and the simple.
other thing? Have they youthful look¬ If you have a normal appetite you
ing, attractive, well formed bodies? don’t want your foods creamed and
Don’t they show signs of age? Is their sauced and spiced and unnaturally flav¬
disposition always as congenial as you ored, nor any of the other foolish, fancy
would wish? Looking at them is in frills, disguising foods so that you don’t
reality like getting a “pre-view” of how know what you are eating. Don’t accept
you will be before you get their age— this kind of stuff when obliged to eat in
unless you do something definite about restaurants as well as at home. House¬
wives can save themselves no end of
Most wives are in the habit of serving time, effort and energy by not making
similar foods to what their mothers these mixtures. Eat plain food, the
served because they are used to them. simpler the better. If you are really
Most husbands have to eat what’s put hungry you’ll enjoy such meals with the
before them, whether it is suitable for keenest kind of relish, you won’t need
them or not. In the better class homes any artificial sauces and spices and
the cooking and food planning is gen¬ ketchup and vinegar and condiments to
erally left to a colored girl who has jazz up the flavor.
absolutely no knowledge of dietetics. I I have explained in the past that there
know personally of many families, in are many different chemical types of in¬
my own community, who are or have dividuals, but they come under three
seriously suffered in health, because of main headings, the vital type (those in¬
their dependence of leaving the most clined to put on fat easily), the mental
Incredible But True
in his breast. Another feat equally im¬
pressive was the bending of a three
quarter inch iron bar in the unhealed
wounds. The bar would be pushed into
the slits and two men would come up
from the audience and bear their weight
on the ends until bent. Mach is now past
sixty years and no doubt had a splendid
physique in his youth much of which is
still evident. He is still touring the
United States and may be seen in vaude¬
ville and on the fairgrounds.

The world’s record distance for shoot¬

ing an arrow from a bow was made by
a government official as the result of an
argument. In London, England in 1795,
Mahmoud Effendi, Secretary to the
Turkish Ambassador, was discussing the
role of the bow as a weapon of warfare
with an English official of the Diplo¬
matic service. The Britisher stated the
English long bow, introduced at the
Battle of Crecy, was the most superior
weapon and could cast an arrow farther
than any other type. The Turk insisted
the heavy Turkish bow of more than
100 pounds draw was the better and
cited the case of the Christian Army in
one of the later Crusades whose soldiers
were killed by the Turkish arrows while
they were still more than fifty yards out
of range. The Englishman doubted this
very much, and, to prove his story,
Effendi removed from one of the ex¬
hibition cases in the Diplomatic Build¬
ing a Turkish bow of the Seljuk Period
and from the porch of the building in
view of many witnesses cast a shaft
from the bow a distance of 482 yards!
One hundred and twenty-six feet more
than a quarter mile! The distance was
measured and authenticated by officials
and to this day that record, made 142
years ago, has never been equalled or

A STORY as incredible as Gulli¬

ver’s Travels is that of Captain
But Mach was a hardy victim and did
not succumb or lose consciousness and
surpassed. The bow and shaft have been
preserved by the British Toxophilite
Ringman Mach. Captain the cannibals, amazed at his courage and * * *
Mach, a German explorer, some forty ability to withstand such punishment, One of the most amazing creatures of
years ago was captured by cannibals in released him from the torture but held the insect world is the Hercules Beetle,
the remote wilds of Patagonia. This him captive for nearly twenty years. He aptly named indeed, whose strength is
fierce tribe practiced a religious ceremony escaped to Central America then later prodigious. The length of the male is
which consisted of torturing their cap¬ came to the United States. At a loss for about six inches, made up for the most
tives by inserting hooks into the flesh of an occupation and having with him part by its exceptionally long mandibles.
the breasts and hanging them to a high many exhibits and curios from the Travellers from the tropics tell us that a
tree. There the unfortunate victim would savage world of Patagonia he turned to heavy plate, weighing as much as two
remain until death relieved him of his the vaudeville stage. pounds, can be placed over a beetle of
agony while the tribesmen stamped in a His act, while somewhat gruesome, this species without retarding its
frenzied dance to the beating tom-toms was an astounding exhibition of the progress. It can drag 800 times its own
beneath the hanging body. strength of human flesh. Captain Mach weight along the ground!
Captain Mach was submitted to this lifted from the floor at every per¬ Apparently of a distrustful nature,
fiendish torture. A sharp hook was formance a 250 pound barbell by hooks the male has a unique method of insur¬
forced into each breast under the tendon attached to the slits, left by the torture, ing the faith of his mate by carrying
and he was hoisted aloft and for hours her with him at all times. When Mr.
was suspended in this manner much as a By Hercules Beetle decides to forage for
butcher would hang a beef in his store for food he picks up the Mrs. in his
window. Gord Venables (Continued on Page 48)

Page 18
Another Weldon Bullock

I N 1933 Weldon Bullock, a member

of the York team, startled the world
and tumbling. In a recent issue we had
a picture of Bill Malyn. This man be¬
by cleaning and jerking 300 pounds came his training pal and gave John
on numerous occasions. The climax of much important advice. Bill told John
his lifting came that year when he had that wrestling, boxing and balancing
the honor of making the highest clean were a lot of fun, were beneficial exer¬
and jerk at the national championships cises, but if he wanted to really be
at the world’s fair in Chicago. This lift strong he should lift weights. That’s the
was 308 pounds. Shortly prior to this in way Malyn built his unusual muscular
official lifting he reached 310 in the development which enabled him to suc¬
clean and jerk. ceed as a professional balancer and
No other youth of his age had offi¬ tumbler.
cially lifted 300 pounds. The world is a So John obtained access to the four
big place and when you consider that York courses, a bar bell and spent much
no other lad of seventeen before or of his time reading Strength & Health
since in any other part of the world had magazine. From his weight of over two
succeeded with such a splendid lift, hundred pounds, he trained down to
you’ll get some idea of what a great per¬ 173 pounds. He followed the right
formance it was. The years went by. training methods and made rapid
Weldon went to college, trained in his progress. Unlike so many, who retard
room irregularly, and now back in York their progress by following conflicting
he has reached 350 in the clean. He’ll training methods, he had nothing to un¬
go up and be one of the greatest in the learn. He made S. & H. his bible, be¬
world. lieved every word in it and made use of
Weldon started to train when he was every living and training idea it con¬
eleven; at fifteen he was a young giant tained.
in muscular size and power. No wonder And I believe he had more sensational
he was good at seventeen. Strength and results than any other man. Remember
Health was not in existence back in 1931 that he started exercising October 7th,
when we first heard of Bullock, nor in 1936. He followed the courses exactly
1932 when he came to the national as outlined, except that he was young
championships in York and cleaned and enough and energetic enough to perform
jerked 247 pounds. He wasted much a great many more exercises than those
time following faulty training methods contained in the courses. Some men can
which retarded his progress. Otherwise do too much. But that John could stand
I fully believe that he might have intensive training, the fact that he was
reached four hundred in the clean by fat showed that he had competent in¬
this time. I am sure that he will make ternal organs; and when they were
such a lift yet. turned to supplying and building his
Now there is another young man of JOHN ROACH, seventeen years of age, muscles, as demands were made upon
seventeen who has clean and jerked 300 the latest phenomenon in the strength world. them through weight training, he started
pounds on several occasions. He’s the The second man in the history of the world to "go places” in a physical way.
to clean and jerk three hundred pounds at
second man of this age in the world to so youthful an age. He used the heavy and light system,
make such a lift for no other of the practiced irregular training, with a very
world lifters at so youthful an age has been. Even his relatives can’t believe it’s heavy day once a week. He constantly
been able to clean and jerk 300 pounds true. tried to handle more and more weight.
as yet. John Roach, Jr., of Somerville, The subject of this story never felt And finally he reached the point of
Mass, is the man I have reference to. well when he was greatly overweight; being able to perform ten deep knee
Unlike Bullock who had years of bar 245 at a height of 5 feet six was a lot of bends with 370 pounds. Ten dead lifts
bell training behind him, leading up to weight. Constantly ailing he was per¬ with 450 pounds. He learned to pick up
his great record, young Roach never saw suaded to try various diets that he read an 80 pound plate, one and a half
a bar bell until a year ago. His progress about in books and magazines. He tried inches in thickness, with the fingers
was phenomenal. one after the other and before he knew alone. He tears a deck of cards in
At the age of fifteen John Roach was it he was really sick and weighed about eighths and performs 6 military presses;
a fat boy. He admits that he was slow 160 pounds. He had lost 85 pounds. He with 200 pounds.
and clumsy, had no inclination for finally learned the error of his ways, He likes dumbell training and became-
games or sports, and had no ability for started eating real food and the fat came proficient in one hand pressing and lift¬
them. He was the butt of all his com¬ back. He felt better, but he didn’t like ing. He easily elevates a heavy man to-
rades’ jokes and didn’t feel that he was to be fat. arm’s length overhead, in a variety of
in a position to offer much in the way About that time he dropped in at the positions and with a number of
of rebuttal when they called him "fatty” Y. M. C. A. in Somerville, and there he methods.
or "porky.” But I pity the fellow who saw husky, athletic men for the first In the beginning he practiced body
would start something with John now, time. He tried boxing and wrestling, building exercises and then progressed'
for what a transformation there has learned something of hand balancing (Continued on Page 46)

Page 19’
No Fun To Be Bald

M EN have been losing their hair

throughout all of recorded his¬
large percentage of those who are bald
are men of physical and mental vigor.
hair in college and were completely bald
before they were thirty. As a rule they
tory. Some of the earliest written Bald headed maniacs are about as rare as have been very successful in their chosen
records of Egypt and China refer to the the proverbial frog’s hair and hen’s professions.
barber profession, and several passages teeth. Evidently the cause of the trouble is
in the Bible allude to barbers and their Bald headed men are so common, the more complex than either heredity or a
craft. In 500 B. C. the care of the hair opinion is so general that nothing can be lack of calcium and hair growing quali¬
had become quite an art in Greece and done for them, that they are seldom ties of the skin. I have come to believe
only two hundred years later it was an ridiculed openly. But many remarks are that perspiration is the chief destroyer
important problem for the Romans. The passed behind their backs, the least of of the hair. I think that this explains
great Julius Caesar, who came into this which may be "baldy,” "grandpa” or why so many healthy men, unusually
world through a maternal operation still "billiard ball.” If a man becomes bald healthy men, are bald. Try to recall the
known as a Caesarian operation, also prematurely, as too many of his fellows names of men you know. At least ninety
showed his modernity by being bald do, he loses much of life. For obviously per cent of those who are bald are heavy
headed. a bald head is a real handicap in love men: sometimes muscular, more often
Many of the great men in history have and business. It creates the feeling
had little or no hair. Kings have been among your associates that you are older
bald in spite of all efforts to the con¬ than you are and may not be as vigorous
trary. No doubt this gave rise to the or will not be able to serve as long as
custom of wearing wigs, followed for someone with more hair. Often a good
some centuries by the subjects who en¬ opportunity is lost.
deavored to copy the fashions set by The popular conception of the hair
their kings. is based on sheer ignorance and even the
Now, however, a bald head can not greatest experts have some peculiar and
be hidden so simply, it stands out con¬ erroneous theories about the causes of
spicuously and uglily. A very few wear falling hair. Some authorities think it is
toupes, but toupes are uncomfortable solely a matter of heredity. Apparently
and most men will not tolerate them. it is not, for there are families in which
There are several thoughts of consola¬ most of the males have thick hair while
tion for one who is bald. The story goes an occasional one does not. Heredity
that grass can not grow on a busy street may be responsible only in the limited
although some one might unkindly re¬ sense that men of the same family will
ply that it can not grow on concrete probably have the same living condi¬
either. But the fact does remain that a tions.
Lack of calcium is
another theory. Still
no one has adequately
explained why calcium
will grow a beard
quickly enough to re-
uire shaving every EDDIE POLO, a well known vaudeville per¬
ay, why it will pro¬ former, who, among other amazing feats, lifts
vide enough hair to a 150 pound man by his hair!
cover the body, and
yet in the meantime fat. They are men with good digestion,
only neglect the top of good assimilation; men who easily ac¬
the head. Therefore quire big muscles if they exercise but
diet and calcium are quickly get fat if they continue to eat
not the entire answer. heavily while remaining idle. These men
They are essential. If have healthy and active organs and
one is healthy, eats the glands, including the sweat glands.
proper food, has a Watch them wipe away sweat in this
pure blood stream, has hot weather. Recently the state conven¬
a powerful heart tion of Knights Templar was held in
action, circulation will York. The Templars lined up for a
be better and the hair parade in front of our windows here on
roots will more likely Broad Street. Although Knight Templar
be properly fed and uniforms are thick, they should not make
live longer. an inactive man perspire so freely as
Yet many of the some of the hefty paraders, who accom¬
most vigorous men are plished little else than mop their fore¬
bald. I have seen heads of recurrent dampness. The
All-American football thinner men seemed to be comfortable.
players who had little Very often you see a slender person,
cures for dryness.
As you can see from the illustration,
a hair is deeply rooted. It receives its
By The Editor sustenance principally from the sub¬
cutaneous blood vessels. When the con¬
dition characterized by a dry scalp is
allowed to continue for a long period of
the most outstand¬ time, the fatty tissue interspersed with
ing physiques of sebaceous glands becomes thinner and
any other primi¬ thinner until finally a hair is so crowded
tive people. They for living space and nourishment that it
have huge bones, fails to grow. We may say that this fatty
muscles and liga¬ tissue is the dish out of which the hair
ments ; they are eats, for without this dish the blood can
very athletic and not reach the hair to provide it with the
active. Yet a large necessary food to maintain it in health.
number of them Formerly, wearing hats too much of
bald headed. the time was supposed to decrease the
It is not because amount of fat below the surface of the
of tight hats, for scalp, because, analogous to trees and
they do not even shrubs, the hair needs plenty of breath¬
wear hats. Isn’t it ing room. But hair is not like the trees
reasonable to be¬ and flowers, dependent almost entirely
lieve that the ex¬ on the sun for development. A person
cess perspiration with a normal scalp can expose it to the
of the powerful elements week after week and year after
males of the year, seemingly without any loss of hair.
species is respon¬ But an unhealthy pate will not stand ex¬
sible? posure. It requires the protection of a
Understand, I covering. I am acquainted with men
am not trying to who, persuaded that they should go with¬
prove that only out a hat, have had their hair to fall out
strong men be¬ in bunches during the hot weather.
come bald. There That shaving the head and letting the
is no denying that rays of the sun beat on it will not pro¬
many of them do. mote the health and stimulate the growth
To these muscular of the hair, is another popular miscon¬
usually a woman, who does not perspire men I add fat men who get fat through ception. For an example, at the Olympic
noticeably at all. There is a uniqueness a very large appetite and sound organs Games a majority of the German news¬
in the vitality of women keeping them without bothering to exercise. Cases that paper correspondents and officials were
warmer while swimming in cold water, seem to be exceptions to my hypothesis hatless and had their heads shaved. It
for instance, than a man; thus they do have hair of such construction ('Continued on Page 39)
not perspire so readily as a male. Diver¬ that even profuse sweating will
gent explanations have been advanced not harm it.
as to why women rarely experience bald¬ Someone foisted upon the
ness. Greatly lessened perspiration, I be¬ public the idea that hair should
lieve, is the paramount reason for women not be washed too often, that it
not losing their hair to the extent that is injurious to stand under cold
men do. showers and to swim too fre¬
Here is more evidence to support my quently with the head exposed,
theory. Two or three generations ago that water washes away the
writers of travel books often mentioned natural lubricants of the hair,
that Indians and Eskimos were never weakens it and in time causes it
bald. These recently savage peoples in¬ to fall out. Consequently many
habited cold or at least temperate re¬ men wash their hair very seldom.
gions. Normally their hair was oily and Perspiration, with its salts,
often they used it to wipe their greasy minerals and other waste prod¬
fingers upon. There is a small number ucts, remains on the scalp; the
of bald headed colored people in this aftermath of this dirtiness is far
country. Still fewer are found among the more harmful than washing
primitive races of Africa, for during would be. Dandruff forms, dust
eons of time the type and color of their and grime collect and the hair
skin and the construction of their hair assumes a very unhealthy con¬
have been improving in the process of dition. Some persons have such
evolution until now it is comparatively active oil glands in their scalp
easy for them to overcome the ravages that the loss of hair could be
of heat and perspiration. attributed to an oversupply of
Other uncivilized races, living in hot oil. Frequent washing will allevi¬
climates, are inclined to be bald. Did ate this condition; vaseline,
you ever see a motion picture of the olive oil or some of the better
Maoris of New Zealand? The Maoris hair preparations, including
have the greatest natural strength and liquid vaseline, are the best

Page 21
M OST of the readers of this maga¬
zine are interested in the articles
it contains for two reasons: to
be well and to look well. To obtain
these desired conditions, exercise is
How To Look
absolutely essential. Every organ and
every muscle grows in size, strength and
suppleness, and improves functionally,
when it receives proper exercise. All
parts of the body, including even the at a person who has been
muscles of the face and neck and the active enough to keep
roots of the hair, lose their qualities of the muscles of her body
strength and elasticity and quickly alive and pliable but who
atrophy, if they are not used. has neglected her face.
A good appearance is to be desired, Lines of age furrow into
not only to satisfy one’s vanity, but to the deteriorated flesh of
ease the labor of acquiring so many of her face, her skin sags
the cherished things of life. We are and the brisk spirit of
judged, and justly so, by the impression youth has long since
we make on our neighbors, for one of gone. Youthfulness can
the most widely known laws of human be retained, even brought
nature is that our appearance is a sign to back to a great extent,
the rest of society of what we really are through intelligent care
and how we live. It behooves all of us of the face.
to keep up appearances. Clothes will And by care I mean
help to hide an ugly, thin or fat body. exercise of the face.
But they will not conceal the repulsive¬ There was a time when
ness of a scrawny neck, a whole series beauty parlors and barber
of extra chins or sunken saggy cheeks, shops spent their time
pouches under the eyes or a myriad of trying to beautify the
wrinkles on all parts of the face. skin apart from any con¬
The appearance of the face is most sideration of bodily func¬
important to anyone of either sex. A tions. But passing years
of failure to paste beauty massage exercise to produce a clear cut chin
poet has said that something dies in a remove an ugly double chin.
woman the first day that she can not to the surface have
arouse admiration in those she wishes to proved that it is more than skin deep. from the time you first crawl across the
attract or those she loves. Business men Now any master barber who really floor as an infant until the shadows fall
are finding an increasing need for a knows his trade has made a study of on the end of your life. The physically
good appearance and thus spend more digestion, circulation, muscles, nerves, most perfect man or woman in time will
and more and more time making them¬ the skin, blood supply and similar sub¬ surely slip into needless impotence, if he
selves look well. Very often it means a jects. He knows that beauty can not be or she, as the case might be, does not
new position or helps them to close a produced except through proper feed¬ exercise. If you want to be well and
business deal. ing, proper elimination and exercise of look well you must work for it; you
How often do you see a finely built the muscles. must exercise. There is no short cut.
woman with a wrinkled, old face? Too The muscles of the neck can be exer¬ You may diet as much as you like, you
often when you see one, you are looking cised easier than any other members of may stuff yourself to bursting with
the anatomy. And if they health foods, you may saturate your
The deep lying muscles of the face, upon which our ap¬ are, the signs of age
pearance, our youth and beauty depends. The face has more system with all the medicines in the
muscles than any other part of the body. Many of them are which usually first appear land, and still you will not better your¬
involuntary and require massage as an exercising medium. at the neck, can be de¬ self unless you exercise all parts of the
ferred for many years. body to keep them enlivened and to
Many muscles of the help remove the waste products from
face, with involuntary the system so that it will always be clean
motivation, have to be and healthy.
massaged to give them Many of you have learned that it is
the exercise which they necessary to exercise the muscles to be
could not furnish them¬ strong and active, to be healthy, to live
selves. After all massage long, and to look the part of a real man
is only a form of exer- or woman. And just as you have learned
in your case and from hundreds of
Scores of muscles, you other cases that have forced themselves
will observe from the to your attention, that muscles of the
chart, compose the face body, when they are exercised, will cer¬
and neck. While these tainly grow in strength and suppleness,
muscles are firm you will you must realize that exercise will im¬
be attractive and youth¬ prove the appearance of your face and
ful. But when they neck, constantly exposed to the view of
shrink through neglect, those we wish to impress favorably.
your youth is gone. You What we want from life, whether it be
need exercise to keep a new position, a new husband or wife
alive every muscle, ten¬ or any of the less important things, is
don, ligament and organ gained wholly, or at least partly, by our

Page 22
inactive, but some of it remains, account¬ By
ing for the growth in size and strength.

Young This same principle of movement or

exercise of the muscles in the form of
massage will bring startling results to

skin and will thus create a gaunt ex¬

injured parts. You may easily prove this pression which is far from attractive.
statement for yourself should you ever The right amount of massage is im¬
have an arm injury. With a light dum- perative. You have numerous subdivi¬
bell, fifteen pounds or more, in your sions of the face and neck to work upon,
hand go through the but you can spend fifteen minutes to

n movements of a simple
press or curl, and then
rub, knead, roll, and
pinch the affected
half an hour on them with beneficial
The anatomical chart outlines the
muscles of the face which should be
exercised and massaged. The cheeks are
muscles. If it is a part
other than the arm you supported by eight muscles, four on
will need assistance. each side. Starting immediately below
Athletes who have in¬ the eyes and attaching to the cheek
jured limbs from per¬ bones, they descend to the strong muscle
forming risky feats, and surrounding the mouth and then, lower
those who have been down, to the wider and more powerful
temporarily crippled in muscles of the jaw. In the early years of
any other manner, will life these muscles support the skin and
find this combination of tissue, giving the cheeks the smooth,
massage and exercise full expression characteristic of youth.
conducive to surprisingly As time advances, however, they, like
rapid results. the thighs or forearms when they are
Massaging the muscles deprived of exercise, will shrink, losing
of the face and neck their strength, size and shape. Conse¬
during their exercise is a quently, the skin without adequate sup¬
method based on the port laps into wrinkles by falling into
identical principles of the creases between sagging muscles.
physiology as those em¬ Sunken muscles underneath the sur¬
Appearance is so important with both me, i and women, ployed by in juried ath¬ face of the skin signify approaching
This exercise is one of the best. It removes sagging lines, letes. physical age. The only solution is both
crow’s feet; it strengthens the muscles. to exercise and to massage these pitted
The most beneficial
appearance. movement that I could possibly suggest areas. At the beginning fifteen stroking
Observe the muscles of the face. You for our purposes here is, with an ex¬ motions will suffice in a period, but
will see the broad bands of muscles ex¬ aggerated smile on the face, to open thereafter they should be increased each
tending over the chin and jaw, the mass and close the mouth. With the heels of morning until you are able to judge
of muscles surrounding the mouth. the hands rub the muscles bunched up from the results what length of time is
Once these muscles have weakened, the by the smile,, opening and closing the most appropriate in your specific case.
mouth droops and quickly assumes the mouth by manipulating the muscles far You should rub both cheeks simultane¬
flaccidity of age. Note the circular below the surface. This will quickly ously, for in addition to building all the
muscle surrounding the eye and the build up the muscles of the face and will muscles of the cheeks, this will
bands of muscles running parallel to the eliminate any lines that have started to (Continued on Page 49)
nose. Although some of these muscles form. Soon you will lose
A result producing exercise to bring back or retain the
are on the surface, some lie deeper; they those sagging hollows. youthful lines of the jaw. A few minutes facial exercise each
all require attention to preserve their In 400 B. C. Hippoc¬ morning will bring huge dividends to both men and women
youthfulness. In the past making faces rates wrote, " Hard rub¬ in preserving their youth.
has been used as a means of developing bing binds, soft rubbing
the muscles of the face. I do not believe loosens, much rubbing
the claim that in time such a system will causes parts to waste, and
cause the face to be lined. I do know, moderate rubbing makes
however, that it takes several times as them grow.” So there are
long to exercise the face through the about two thousand years
operation of the voluntary muscles as it behind the suggestions
does by the hands. that I am making. If the
For a great many years now, it has face is massaged gently
been known that the pressure of the for two minutes, that is
bands or straps upon the muscles as they two minutes for each sec¬
are being exercised will make them tion, it will be soothed.
grow and strengthen even more rapidly Increasing the time to five
than they ordinarily would with exer¬ minutes with the same
cise. Pressure during the alternate ten¬ pressure will effect mod¬
sion and relaxation of the muscles draws erate general stimulation,
an abnormally large supply of blood to but increasing both the
them and, therefore, a greater distention time and pressure spent
of them. You must have noticed that in massaging will be
your measurements are larger imme¬ detrimental to the face.
diately after exercising. Some of this It will wear away the
disappears later while the muscles are fatty tissue underlying the
The broad backs of champion lifters. The latest photo of the Paris bound York team of DICK BACHTELL, TONY TERLAZZO, JOHNNY
TERPAK, GORD VENABLES and DAVE MAYOR. Can you recognize the back of each man? Next to the biceps, the latissimus dorsi muscle
is the one that most body culturists pay most attention to. It provides the much admired sweeping curve that only advanced strength athletes

D OWN through the ages broad

shoulders and a deep chest have
individual usually has two straight lines
running from the waist to the shoul¬
The exercises that I suggest will also
develop the muscles along the side of
been looked upon as an outward ders forming a simply shaped wedge. the rib box that are known as the serra-
sign of physical supremacy. With these These lines must be curved for one to tus major and serratus minor. These
two parts of the anatomy fully de¬ have a beautifully constructed back. muscles will increase in size and, there¬
veloped, along with a wide muscular Roman ring performers as a rule have fore, tighten up; consequently stretching
back, a man is certain to have a power¬ marvelously shaped latissimuses caused the rib box open until it is as wide at
ful uppe, body. For when one has by the constant use of this muscle com¬ the bottom as it is at the top.
practiced exercises to bring his torso to prising the larger portion of the back. The first of these exercises are per¬
its ultimate development his arms are In every stunt that is performed, this formed with overhead pulley weights,
sure to be developed proportionately. muscle, the most powerful of the upper using straight arms throughout the
In this article I will not go into the body, is put into vigorous action. movements. The arms are pulled down¬
details on how to develop the deltoids Perhaps you have noticed some extra¬ ward to the side. In the meantime ex¬
to their maximum size as a means of ordinarily well built athletes who ap¬ hale all the air in the lungs. Then
acquiring broad shoulders. Instead I peared to be broader across the inhale very deeply while the hands are
will tell you how you may increase the shoulders when viewed from the rear being hoisted to arm’s length above the
volume of your rib box, and how to than when seen from the front. This head. By the time the arms reach the
make the bones of the shoulders spread illusion is caused by the great width of highest point the lungs should be com¬
outward. the latissimus dorsi muscles. Thus a pletely filled. This exercise should not
First let us straighten out one point truly well shaped back makes a man be practiced too fast and should be done
on the question of back development. appear considerably broader than he at two separate times, with twenty
When speaking of the broad of the really is. repetitions at each period. It would be
back, one does not merely mean that If you will faithfully follow the exer¬ best to use this great lung developer
part which is so wide at the top, but cises that I shall describe in this article, only five days a week for about two
one means also that part, directly above you too may broaden your shoulders and months.
the waist, which spreads outward to the the size of your latissimus muscles. The It might prove interesting to make a
shoulders. A broad backed man is he first exercise will help bring the pec- measuring stick and measure the width
whose latissimus dorsi muscles resemble toralis major, better known as the chest of your shoulders when you begin to do
a fan starting to open up in a beautiful muscle, closer to perfection of size and this exercise in your training schedule.
curve from the waist line toward the shape. The breadth added to the muscles If possible make your measuring stick
shoulders. One may have broad shoul¬ of the back and the deepening of the something like that used by the shoe
ders without having a broad back in the rib box with the pectoral development salesman when he measures your foot.
true sense of the phrase. This type of will mean a much larger chest for you. That way you can watch the progress

Page 24
Snadehinq the Sack

you are making. In my Physical Culture veloped. Yet dumbells do not provide
Studio here in Indianapolis many have something of the greatest importance,
gained as much as an inch and a half heavy resistance, that a bar bell does.
in only one month of exercising with After all a bar bell is the primary
the pulley weights. means to attaining better health and
A good place to put these overhead more strength; dumbells are secondary
pulleys is in a garage or attic or some¬ equipment which fill the gaps left by
where they can be attached to rafters or the bar bell. Moreover, it is far more
a good strong ceiling. difficult to work the muscles in unison
Another exercise is known to all bar if you have no bar bell.
bell men as the rowing motion exer¬ In the standard rowing motion,
cise. In the ordinary rowing exercise merely bending forward at the hips and
with a bar bell the performer bends pulling the bell to the chest, Dave
over at the hips and simply pulls the Mayor, the new national champion of
weight to his chest. The new way to do the heavyweights and apparently des¬
this movement is on a bench about tined to become one of the strongest
thirty-four inches high. Pull the bell up men in the history of the world, can
to the bench or board on which you are correctly use the unbelievable weight of
lying face downward. By doing it in three hundred pounds. To really appre¬
this manner the upper part of the body, ciate the tremendous strength of
instead of the lower, receives all the Mayor’s latissimus you should determine
resistance. And, too, in this position you what your own record is in this very
will be unable to yank the weight up; difficult lift and make a comparison. If KHADIR L. TOUNI, the Egyptian lifter
you will be forced to do the exercise you can row with 150 pounds, you are who so greatly astonished the world. As a
correctly, to use only the muscles for extraordinarily strong, to say the least. middleweight he pressed 259, snatched 264,
which this exercise is designed to bene¬ 341 clean. In this photo he has his back
The prone pull over, performed with compressed to show only development, yet
fit. One of the best variations of the bent arms, is nearly as effective as the his back is still broad.
rowing motion on a bench, and the one rowing motion; especially is this so if
that effects the most complete contrac¬ one is in a partly inverted posture while about the same rate while doing a dif¬
tion of the muscles involved, is exe¬ pulling the weight over the head. The ferent set of exercises. For an example,
cuted with straight arms. While you are main point to remember about this exer¬ whereas Dave Mayor claims to have
lying on a bench, you may lock the arms cise is that the weight you will be able developed his herculean back almost en¬
and pull the weight toward your thighs to handle correctly will not be as much tirely by the simple rowing motion,
rather than toward your chest, as you as you might first expect. Make no at¬ Anthony Terlazzo attributes his remark¬
must do when the arms are bent. tempt to rush through the prone pull able back development to numerous
Dumbells allow a greater scope of over; otherwise the muscles intended to exercises, from pull overs with bent
movement than do bar bells. Thus with be developed will not receive the re¬ arms to gymnastic stunts.
dumbells you will be free to make use sistance. Until your arms have become
of even more alternatives to the rowing accustomed to this particular movement, The phenomenal backs of such strong
motion than I have mentioned. The they will tire quicker than the back men as Rigoulet, Saxon and Gorner at¬
more diverse the exercises for the back muscles. But do not think that this exer¬ test the exceptional back growth that
are, the better rounded it will be de- cise is ineffectual for in a short time may be had by pure lifting. From an
all the muscles involved will get their observation of the photographs of these
The picture of our author, ED HOFF¬ men’s backs, it is evident that lifting,
MEISTER of Indianapolis, lnd. Like all the portion of the resistance.
writers of articles in S & H he proves his The three exercises that I have de¬ for the purposes of establishing records,
knowledge on his own body. Practicing what scribed up to this point will probably is one of the better ways to broaden
he preaches, he has built for himself the the back. Bent pressing, Arthur Saxon’s
splendid, broad and powerful back pictured produce the best results for the
majority of the people, while those that favorite lift, requires intense contraction
I will now present are considered by the of the shoulder and back muscles, par¬
leading bar bell instructors to be de¬ ticularly the latissimus, but the extent
fective as a means of developing the of one’s activity in this lift is decidedly
back in so far as they do not furnish a too limited.
range of contraction of the latissimus With a weight light enough to permit
dorsi that is adequate for the resistance one to do it with bent arms, the stiff
to take effect. Yet you should not be legged dead lift is very good, providing
mislead by this last statement, for in that you are built so that you are able to
my experience with persons striving to bend forward farther than the average
develop the muscles of their backs, I man. If you are comparatively stiff in
have found that the same exercise will the hips, you can not assume a position
not be as effective for one man as it that will place your muscles at the best
will be for another, although two men angle for exercising the latissimus. For-
have often been known to progress at (Continued on Page 42)

Page 23
H OW do the men of today compare
with the famous old time stars of
Left to right: GUS GRECO, cousin of the
Loprinzi boys. Only 19 years of age he has
there’s a better opportunity for the
weight men today to profitably make use
strength and development is a already advanced far on the road to strength of their muscles.
and development. He presses 190 pounds.
question frequently discussed where en¬ SAM LOPRINZI, who possesses one of the A host of young weight lifters have
thusiastic strength and healthites con¬ most Herculean physiques in the world to¬ reached a point of fame, pleasure and
gregate. Do we have men like Sandow, day. He continues to improve by practicing profit through the muscles they have de¬
Bobby Pandour, Staff Sergeant Moss, the methods advocated in this magazine. veloped. So many of our weight lifting
Sam’s brother Joe, who so recently has added
Otto Arco, George Hackenschmidt or twenty-four pounds to his bodyweight, result¬ friends are now professional wrestlers.
Adolph Nordquest among our perfect ing in the winning of his district weight Henry Steinborn, Walter Podolak, Jesse
men of today? lifting championship. James, Leo Jensen, Chief War Eagle,
We must remember that the men Walter Stratton, and George Mansor to
named above are representatives of training methods, with an ever increas¬ name only a few.
many years and many countries. Sandow ing huge group of people who have Vaudeville is increasingly popular
was German. Pandour, Swiss. Moss, come to realize that exercise is the most and a host of bar bell men have found
British. Arco, Polish. Hackenschmidt, important thing in the world, there is a lucrative engagements in strength and
Russian and Nordquest American. These rosy future for men who build their balancing acts. Many more are making
men became especially well and favor¬ bodies with adjustable weights. And their living as artists’ models. Weight
ably known through appearing on the training with the physical qualities it
stage and the sawdust ring of the circus. builds makes it possible for men to star
EDWIN HANNA, another strength athlete at their chosen sport. It’s good for the
There are some who believe that we
from the great Northwest, whose recent gains
don’t have men the equal of these great give him rank with the best of today. boxer, the wrestler, the oarsman, the
old timers, they feel that there is not swimmer, the base ball or foot ball
such a great opportunity for the man of player. It improves a man at any sport.
muscle. But I say that we have better For it builds power, necessary in most
men today than ever before, hundreds any sport, endurance and other of the
more of them, and that never before in major essentials, speed and coordination.
the world’s history was the man of This latter quality is so necessary to
splendid proportions and great strength any man in his work, in his sport or the
admired as he is today. business of living. Exercise with weights,
There are more men interested in especially the lifting of weights, teaches
strength and development now, than balance, gives one control over his
ever before, training equipment is far muscles. Teaches them to do the right
superior. In the old days only solid bar thing at the right time. It makes them
bells and dumbells or at best those accurate in pitching, throwing, in hit¬
which permitted progression through ting, in tossing or any of the motions
shot loading were in use. Too often that are necessary in sport. It gives a
bells far too heavy for the particular man control in accuracy and distance.
exercise were used, as it was such a It’s hard to know just what quality
long, hard and tedious effort to load and people admire most in a man. How you
unload the bells. feel is most important to yourself. How
And physical training with weights is you look attracts others to you. So I
far better understood at present than believe that a symmetrical body with
ever before in the world’s history. With proper posture is the most admired
far more men training than ever before, physical quality a man or woman may
with better equipment and far superior have. Unusually fine appearance brings

Page 26
Ijteh 7c4a*f M. 014 7'imwA
the better things of life. One thing sure, that he has been as light as 176 at the By
if you train to improve your proportions, national championships, to as heavy as
you will obtain with it unusual strength 210 coming back from the Olympics. BOB HOFFMAN
and athletic ability. He seems to be able to put on weight at
Just consider all of the men I am will. But every pound of the way from I am sure that there is not another John
about to mention. Without exception 176 to 210 his physique is beautiful and Grimek. So often we receive the report
they are beautifully built. They are un¬ admiration creating. that a member of a certain club is
usually powerful. Some of them are Compare these famous three with the another John Grimek. There are scores
holders of American and world’s lifting great old timers. Certainly they can’t be of good men whose friends make this
records. They’re all athletic. Excel at all surpassed. Even Sandow, renowned as claim for them, but there is only one
forms of strength sports. They have all the best built man of all time, was not John Grimek. It’s not just a question of
trained the same way—with weights, entirely satisfied with his own physique. having made him and then thrown the
weight lifting and a great variety of He was a master poseur yet I have seen pattern away. For I can remember when
exercises with bar bells and dumbells some pictures of him that did not show his physique was not impressive. Not a
and usually a few training accessories him as the marvelously built man he bit. He seemed too long and too wide in
such as the Iron Boot or the head strap. must have been. Earlier in his career his the waist, and too short in the legs. But
They have practiced the thousand exer¬ legs were smaller than he liked and he he "moulded” his body into the shape
cises. would wear tights under which the legs he desired by proper training over the
There is no secret to how these men had been wrapped to increase their size. years.
obtained their splendid bodies. They all I’ll never forget Sig Klein at the Sansone too, cannot be surpassed by
followed the same route from physical Paterson Strength Show. His Muscle any old timer. His rare poses will go
mediocrity to world fame—the weight Control act was marvelous. He so down in history as the equal of the best
route, bar bells and dumbells. What greatly outclassed another professional and the superior of most. Still a young
they have done, you too can do if you present who makes great claims in a man he will continue to improve with
will apply yourself as diligently and as physical way, that there was no com¬ the years and be one of the immortals.
intelligently as they. parison. Klein improves with the years A few years ago extraordinary phys¬
Consider the following famous three. and considering his size he certainly ical specimens were few. Photos of the
Siegmund Klein, Tony Sansone and equals the great Bobby Pandour, whom same men were repeated month after
John Grimek, all so well known to so many thought was superior to month in the strength magazines of the
readers of this magazine. There is a dif¬ Sandow. day. Now there are so many good men
ference in their physiques but all Although I am older than many of that it's impossible for us to show all of
possess great strength and rare propor¬ the body building enthusiasts of today, them. We have a great many photos on
tions. Klein is shorter than average, but I did not have the opportunity to see in file to place in future issues of this
so beautifully built and so powerful that person these greats of another day. But magazine. But scores, perhaps hundreds
he’ll be one of the immortals. Sansone or even thousands of outstanding
has an ideal build for the taller man, a JOE D. LIPTAK of Struthers, Ohio, a man strength athletes, marvelously built men,
man of six feet. Grimek is ideal for with little weight training experience who don’t even have pictures taken. We see
those who like their strength heroes cast already has many admirers of his physique. them at lifting championships and ask
Doesn’t he look fine in these poses, which
from Herculean moulds. He has the them to send us pictures but often they
are similar to some we showed of the great
faculty of controlling his bodyweight so John Grimek, last year? (iContinued on Page 40)
Heavy Exercise Is Best
I ’VE always wanted to be strong, but I
never did anything about it. I’m
York Courses, a
head strap, the Iron
thirty-seven now and for exactly Boots, dumbell
twenty-two years I’ve been interested in bars and leg
strength and allied subjects. I’ve read all courses. You may
the books, and sent for literature on all be sure that I must
of the courses. I collected literature over believe that you
the years from Breitbart, Calvert, Titus, have the best ap¬
Strongfort, Milo, Schmidt, Barker,
paratus and have
Liederman, Zybysco, McMahon, Glick,
made the best offer
Atlas, Jack Sandow, Jowett, Arco,
ever made; other¬
Klein, Leonard, Burns, Deforest, Mc-
fadden, Dryer, Ross, Nordquest, wise I would not
Bonomo and numerous others in this be placing this
country. I read the British magazines order with you
and received literature from Inch, since I have re¬
Swoboda, Aston, Pullum, Maxick, sisted the sales
Broom, Standwell, Lewis, Appollon, appeals, the special
Mueller, Stebbing, Maxalding, Meade offers, of all the
and Trevor. other physical di¬
Yet, for all my investigation I never rectors throughout
took a mail order course. I spent my the years. I have
time on the fringe of the strength been reading
world, wishing, and hoping that I could STRENGTH &
be strong and well built like the host of HEALTH since it
appeared on the
men whose muscles and splendid pro¬
news stand four
portions provided a feast for my eyes.
years ago, and I
The years went by; I saw others obtain
have come to ap¬
satisfactory results but still I was un¬
preciate the sin¬
decided. At times I joined the
cerity, the evident
Y. M. C. A. or some other gym. I
truth, the friendli¬
bought a lot of gadgets in department
ness and helpful¬
and sporting goods stores, such as row¬
ness which fill
ing machines, punching bags, light dum-
every issue. Of
bells, rubber cables, grip machines and
course, too, I have
many special devices. Nevertheless I
been very favorably
didn’t get anywhere in acquiring
impressed with the
strength and an outstanding physique.
marvelous phy¬
I practiced exercises that I saw in siques of the York
leading magazines. All they did was to bar bell men pic¬
make me tired. I’m reasonably healthy, tured in the maga¬
but I certainly wouldn’t be proud of zine each month BARTON HOVARTH, who has become one of the best developed
myself in a bathing suit. men in the world, should moderate his leg developing exercises as
and the numerous they are advancing faster than his upper body. We don’t know
No wonder that I was puzzled by all testimonials prov¬ of one of the old timers who could match his physique.
the information I received. Every system ing that York
was supposed to be the best. Every sys¬ methods are different and superior. of weight, or make a repetition or two
tem was different from any other. Some¬ As time passed I became more and more, than the other fellows, it seemed
one had to be wrong. What a variety more sold on York technique until the to be a new version of follow the leader.
of equipment these courses offered. climax, the decisive factor in causing me What a handsome lot of fellows they
Most of the instructions were for light to embark as a York superman, took were: healthy, powerful, deep chested,
exercise. As the years passed, however, place a few weeks ago. I had gone down broad shouldered, full limbs, brown and
I became convinced that to obtain to the beach—not to swim for I have energetic. I must have watched them for
muscles of any size and strength, a man always been ashamed of myself in a more than an hour before they finally
had to use those muscles against heavy bathing suit—but just to have some¬ completed their training routine. Once
resistance, ever greater resistance, and thing to do and to see what was going the weights had been set aside I had an
that the muscles had to be forced to do on. Down at the lower end of the beach opportunity to talk to the fellow who
harder work; whether it be the lifting I saw a group of husky fellows going owned the set and who, it seemed, had
of another person’s body, as in wres¬ through a series of exercises with a bar been acting as the instructor.
tling or hand to hand herculean balanc¬ bell. As I closely approached, I saw that I began the conversation by saying,
ing and tumbling, or whether it be the there was quite a crowd around them. "I see that you have one of those
lifting of weights with heavy dumbells After I had been standing in the rear York Bar Bells.”
and bar bells. for a little while, I gradually moved up He smiled and said, "What other
With this letter you’ll find my check to the front. One after the other the kind of bar bells are there?” Then he
of twenty-two dollars and an order for eight men using the bar bell went added, "That’s like the story of the
one of your Mid Summer Specials, con¬ through the various exercises. With each fellow who went into a restaurant and
sisting of a 210 pound bar bell, the Four one trying to handle a few more pounds asked for a piece of pie. The waitress
Page 28
said, 'What kind of pie?’ He looked up we are a hundred percent York. I and By
in surprise and said, Why pumpkin, my friends believe that it is best to
what other kind of pie is there?’ But follow just one system of training, and HARRY BILLET
seriously York Bar Bells are the best certainly those men at York have proved
ever made. They have many features that that they know better than any other demands of the muscles, to make them
could not be possessed by any of the group exactly how to develop athletes overcome more and more resistance.
imitations; patented features which with superhuman strength; that is, men HEAVY EXERCISE IS BEST is
make them superior to any other bell on of unusual strength and development as another one of our slogans. With heavy
the market. Here I’ve a complete outfit, well as of general athletic ability. Every¬ exercise startling results are to be had in
including dumbells, the four courses, one trains for two reasons, to look well a minimum length of time. Just watch
head strap, Iron Boots and the new leg and to feel well. Of course, some of us Bill Harris go through his training. He
want big muscles, great strength or to be is due at school in a few minutes.”
"How long have you been a bar bell a lifting champion. Bill warmed up with light presses and
"We’re all young men here, trying to half snatches. Then he took a weight,
man?” was my next question.
"Two years now,” he replied. "I get along. All of us are employed for 125 pounds, that he could press ten
there’s something about being well and times. He went from that exercise to the
weighed only 150 pounds when I
strong that makes one ambitious and inclined abdominal board where he did
started, and yet now my bodyweight is
eager to seek out opportunities, so that twelve sit ups. This, as someone ex¬
186. The other fellows with me are
most of us find ourselves with little plained to me, was sort of a rest between
members of our little training group.
extra time to devote to our training. Yet two of the heavier exercises. He loaded
Without exception they have had re¬
we like to excel physically. We have the bell to 225 pounds and did ten repe¬
markable results from their training.
found, through following the York titions in the dead lift. Next he used a
There’s Jim who was very skinny when
method, that it is the easiest, quickest head strap to develop his neck and to
he began only three months ago, but
and produces the best results of any rest for the following heavy exercise. In
already his body has assumed a shape¬
other system known. the rowing motion he used the same
liness that is sure in time to make of
"The boys are coming in now and poundage and did the same number of
him an outstanding physical specimen.
you will notice that some of them do not repetitions that he had used in the press.
And Harry—he was exceptional—
spend more than ten minutes in exercis¬ After a prone breathing exercise and ten
could 'put up’ 150 pounds the first day
ing. If you use light weights, or worse deep knee bends with 225, he was done
that he came down to our club; now he
still, no apparatus at all, you take so for that night. Hardly ten minutes had
is getting close to 250.”
"Do you always do the exercises as I much longer, require so much energy
saw you doing at the beach?” and yet get little in the way of improve¬
"Not always,” he answered, "for ment. Muscles quickly become accus¬
while some of us come to the club sev¬ tomed to the work demanded of them.
eral times a week, a few of us can not After the fairly rapid gains of the first
make it on Saturday or Sunday after¬ few days when you are using light re¬
noon, as we are doing now.” sistance, there is little additional im¬
"But surely you can’t get results from provement. It is necessary to make
only one real training session a week?”
"Strangely enough,” my new friend DAVE MAYOR, Americas strongest man,
responded, "with the proper methods in his Paris Lifting Suit. The slender lad
beside him is his younger brother Norman,
you can. You see, the STRENGTH now fifteen; he weighs 165, and is much
AND HEALTH is my bible, and I im¬ heavier and stronger than Dave was at that
plicitly follow the instructions in the age. Dave weighed about 130 at that age.
four York courses. Several principles This shows what physical training can do to
transform a man from such a slender be¬
have been responsible for the wonder¬ ginning to a place of such pre-eminence in
ful improvement I and my pals have the strength world. Heavyweight training is
made. I would be pleased to talk with solely responsible for Mayor’s remarkable
you now as long as you may like to, but physique, strength and development. With¬
out it, he would be tall and skinny, not
why don’t you come to our club some unlike thousands of other men in the coun¬
night and see just what we do?” try today. Now he stands first for strength.
I obtained the address of the club and
promised to go around the very next
training period, which would be Tues¬
day night. Their schedule called for
Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday that
week; on Sunday, the big day, because
on Tuesday and Thursday some of the
fellows had to train at home, the little
club convened and each man tried to
outdo his fellows or to exceed his own
best of the past.
I went to the club early Tuesday night
and looked with interest at the pictures
on the wall. There didn’t seem to be a
great amount of equipment on the floor,
but the walls were covered with charts,
of exercises, and photographs which, as
I could see, had been cut from

My friend of the beach said, "Here

elapsed. I asked the instructor if he number of feats of strength. He broke and we feel wonderful.”
thought that was enough to bring chains with his hands and a thick jack "If you had the time, exactly what
results. He said that ten minutes of con¬ chain by chest expansion. He allowed a sort of system would you use?” I asked.
tinuous training heavily, such as I had man to jump on his stomach, juggled "By system I mean an all around train¬
just witnessed, would not only keep a him there and, to top off a great ex¬ ing system.”
man in good condition but make it pos¬ hibition of all around strength, he went "Well,” he began, "a fellow who has
sible for him to improve. He informed into the crab position with the same the time and is very ambitious, won’t
me that Bill would spend only ten man standing on his stomach. After he go wrong to train five times a week;
minutes on Thursday night in perform¬ had been lifting almost constantly for an that is, on one limit day, such as I have
ing heavy exercises and in making a hour, he said, 'Now I am ready to take described, two fairly hard days, two easy
number of two hand snatches. some exercise.’ Although he had put in days and with two days of complete rest.
From the explanation my friend prof¬ about two hours of exceedingly hard On the light days barbells should not
fered, I understand that such a system training, he seemed to have more fun be used, for there is too much tempta¬
takes a minimum length of time. At than any other man I have ever seen tion to train on one’s will power and to
least once a week it is necessary to go yank a weight off the floor. That is the handle more weight than should be used
through a really hard workout. That is way Hoffman does things and that is but three times a week. On the easy days
known as irregular training and is one the way we are doing here. I practice compound exercises with the
of the better York principles. My friend "The men at York say that the best dumbells, head strap, abdominal board
told me to remember that the muscles results are to be had by including in the and Iron Boots. My ideal of a good
quickly become accustomed to the same training program exercises which workout is one that stimulates the entire
routine and fail to grow. Something has involve all the muscles. Their theory is body, that improves the internal func¬
to be done to jar them out of their slug¬ -—and it has developed a multitude of tions, preparing the muscles for the in¬
gish habits. These creased work to
fellows who had come.”
spent ten minutes Slightly puzzled,
at heavy exercise I said, "What do
on two days a you mean by com¬
week, and two pound exercises?”
hours of compara¬ "That’s another
tively hard lifting one of the York
one day a week, principles that have
had obtained sen¬ done so much to
sational propor¬ revolutionize phys¬
tions. Two days, it ical training,” he
seems, they said, added. "The
will keep the muscles get tired
muscles prepared after ten or twelve
for the increased repetitions with the
exertion of the same exercise.
week end. It’s the Now, as you prob¬
work done the ably know, the best
latter part of the results are obtained
week that produces when a greater
the results. than normal quan¬
"I arrived too tity of blood is re¬
late to see all that tained in one part
you did last Sun¬ of the body for a
day. Exactly, what considerable length
sort of program do you follow?” I in¬ supermen—that only exercises which of time. The usual way to perform com¬
quired. bring all the muscles into play make the pound exercises is to do five series, each
My friend answered, "I had the op¬ important internal changes that build a series of ten exercises. The arrangement
portunity to train with the York lifters man from an ordinary bag of bones to would be something like this: ten dum-
one Saturday. I was with Bob Hoffman a really strong man. The glands and bell swings, ten presses while squatting,
for a considerable length of time, and, organs are adjacent to the muscles and ten dumbell swings, ten presses while
of course, I follow much the same sys¬ consequently work in sympathy with rising from the flat foot squat, and ten
tem that he does. I noticed that he not them. Exercising all the muscles stimu¬ two hand snatches. This procedure will
only remains in good condition with lates the internal organs and causes rapid make you puff and realize that you have
little training but that he continues to physical improvement. That’s the reason done something. That’s what is needed
improve. I thought that surely his system why it is wise to practice lifting motion to bring results. Another similar plan
must be the very best available. I ob¬ exercises even if one is not interested in would be to do ten upright rowing
served that he warmed up with light weight lifting. motions, ten Zottman exercises, ten
presses and snatches and then went on "So our Sunday or Saturday programs presses, ten curls under the arm and ten
to do some unusually heavy lifting on always start with a warm up exercise more of the first exercise. Or still
the three lifts. The day I was there he before our attempts in the three Olym¬ another cycle might be ten raises to
pressed 185, snatched 210 and clean and pic lifts. Often we have a contest with shoulder height while leaning to the
jerked 285; all without much effort. heavy deep knee bends, dead lifts, curls, side, ten alternate rowing motions while
Later he pressed on boxes, working up or any of the exercises in the York leaning to the front, ten back hand curls
to some really heavy poundages. At the courses. It’s fun to train that way. It’s in the same position, ten shoulder
completion of these novel stunts, he energi2ing and vitalizing, so to speak. shrugs while standing erect, and ten
bent pressed the famous 217% pound Sometimes we are a bit tired at the finish raises to the shoulder again. These com¬
stage bell. Along with the members of of our program but after a dip or pound exercises with alternate use of the
the York team he performed quite a shower we regain our energy quickly, head strap and the Iron Boot make a

Page 30
fine training program.” truly sensational. The
"What do you think of the Iron Mid Summer Special,
Boot?” I asked. I believe, is the ulti¬
"In my opinion,” he said, "it’s the mate in athletic ap¬
most important development in physical paratus, is the thing
training since the invention of the bar that people like
bell. The Iron Boots develop anybody; myself, who have
it normalizes, I might say, for it reduces been waiting all these
one, if one is overweight; and builds, if years, have been look¬
one is underdeveloped, about three ing for. The instruc¬
fourths of the muscles in the anatomy. tor, of whom I have
They are excellent for men and women been writing in this
of all ages and all conditions of health. letter, was right when
When I was in York I saw these Iron he said, "You cannot
Boots being sent out by the hundreds. afford to be without
There’s an ever increasing demand for one. It’s the greatest
them. Something new is usually sold in bargain ever made in
large quantities for only a short time; physical training
but when a thing is really a good bar¬ equipment. How they
gain, each one, through its owner, is the do it, I don’t know.
cause of another sale, the reason that Think, think, man,
the Iron Boot is smashing sales records. what you receive: four
Thousands, many thousands of men, are D/4 pound weights,
using them. I hear remarkable things four 2 y2, four five,
about them. All of us boys have built four 10, two 12 y2,
pep, muscular size, strength and shape two 20, and two 25
in our legs that go beyond our most pound weights; the
optimistic dreams.” five foot special steel
"Don’t you think that the Iron Boots, knurled bar with
dumbells and the head strap are enough heavy duty Holdtite
equipment?” Collars; dumbell bars;
'They’re good,” he quickly answered, eight collars and a
"but not good enough. Heavy exercise wrench; head strap;
is necessary to bring the best results. Iron Boots with all
The more the weight, the greater the
results; the less the energy expended,
the shorter the time of training, is a
rule of economy that every weight lifter
should adhere to. There are so many LEO JENSEN, one of
things that we desire in a physical way the best wrestlers. The
first picture taken at a
that it takes all around training to bodyweight of 145, the
secure them for us. Once again ,1 must second at 205. Read text
say that this is another York principle. for more complete details
Develop all of the muscles; train them of his great gains.
from every angle to build up superior
strength and shapeliness. That’s the
reason we practice heavy exercise only
when our time is limited to once a week.
"On the other two days a week, if we
had the time, we would do some fairly
heavy pressing and a great deal of two the necessary attachments, including five
hand snatching within twenty percent of straps, the special leg course of twenty
our limit. One should make as many as leg exercises, ten of them with the Iron
ten repetitions with a fairly heavy Boot; and the four famous York courses,
weight. Don’t make the mistake of with personal instruction from the
using weights that are too easy to Strength and Health Center of the
handle. You ought to see Bob Hoffman world. And the cost of this outfit that
when he gets behind those weights; the will last a lifetime is only twenty-two
perspiration flies, but it does him a lot of dollars.”
good, as you can see from the way he is Is there any wonder that I was con¬
still improving. Press and snatch three vinced after twenty years of floundering
times a week and clean and jerk only for means to arrive at perfect health?
once a week. If you train but three times Here is my order and if it is filled and
in seven days, of course do your ab¬ shipped by return transportation, as the
dominal, head strap, dumbell and Iron other fellow’s set was, I’ll appreciate it.
Boot exercises after you have finished I’m confident that I will get good re¬
your heavy lifting.” Thus my friend sults. I’m firmly persuaded that a period
whom I had met on the beach inspired of proper training will make of me at
me to become a man worthy of anyone’s least a good representative of the host
admiration, to become a York athlete. of outstanding York bar bell men I
From all the praise that I have heard have seen. This offer is worth waiting
heaped upon it, the new offer must be the entire twenty-two years for.

Page 31
7he Wet14a £ttcnyeAt tflaH
Past and Present
S O much has been written of the
great old timers, that I will barely
clean and jerk. To these the old timers
would in most cases like to add the bent
touch upon their deeds and confine press, the dead weight lift and the con¬ BOB HOFFMAN
most of this article to the strongest men tinental jerk. Six lifts should be the
of the present. limit in such a contest or it would go on officially holds the world’s record in the
If all the great strong men of the for days, and the final winner would be clean and jerk, and he is yet a poor
past, many of whom have gone from the man who could stay at the peak for presser. A man, therefore, t@ win in a
this earth, could meet in a contest, what the longest possible period. contest such as we are suggesting in this
a battle it would be. It is very difficult The old time strong men would have article would have to be a real star in
to establish a fair basis of lifts and a real chance in this competition. What every style of lifting.
strength feats which would really de¬ they might lose in the quick lifts, the
termine who was the strongest man of two hands snatch and the two hands
all time. The men in competition, if clean and jerk, they could easily make
they could be brought together would up in the dead lift and the continental
be of two types: the huge, massive and jerk. So many of the old timers were
powerful natural strong men and the huge men, with more than generous
made strong men. The natural strong waist lines, who would be badly handi¬
men, best exemplified by Louis Cyr, the capped in the quick lifts. At the Olym¬
French Canadian, would prefer lifts of pics of 1932, Strassberger of Germany,
a slow nature. The made strong man, of Olympic champion in 1928, had to
whom Rigoulet, the Frenchman, is the make a two hands swing of his 247
outstanding example, would depend snatch to get it around his abdomen.
upon speed, timing, coordination, will Louis Cyr was unable to bend to the
power, nervous energy, and superlative side in performing his so called bent
skill. press of 273 pounds. It was really a side
The natural strong man rarely learns press.
the technique of skillful lifting. That’s The purpose of a contest of this sort,
why the strongest men of today are little of any form of national or international
known as lifters. They lack the speed competition, is to present a series of
and skill to lift the highest poundages lifts which will give all types of men a
handled in the quick lifts now used in fair chance, the naturally strong, the
competition. It seems that they can’t be made strong men, the tall, the short, the
persuaded to learn either. They are satis¬ athletic, the fat etc. Obviously a man
fied to rely on their power. They say, must be good on all the lifts if he hopes
"Why should I split, or dip? I can put it to win. Tony Terlazzo won in his class RON WALKER shaking hands with JOSEF
up without that. I’ve got power.” But at the Olympics because he was a world’s MANGER before their contest of the spring
they fail when really heavy poundages record man in each of the three lifts. of 1936. Two of the mightiest men in the
modern strength world. The holders of
are reached. The champion in such an Liebsch of Germany could press and
world’s lifting records. Manger is Olympic
imaginary contest as we are about to snatch well. Walter held the world’s champion.
consider would have to combine real record in the snatch but he couldn’t
press. The Egyptians were extraordinary A poor performance in one could
power, with all the athletic qualities
in the snatch and clean and jerk but easily be the means of losing the con¬
necessary to get the greatest weight over
their poor pressing ability placed them in test. All the Olympic champions of last
third and second positions. Richter of year were men who were good at all the
Competitions of today are decided
Austria, along with Terlazzo, lifted a lifts.
upon the three Olympic lifts: two hands
world’s record poundage in the snatch, We have the following old timers to
press, two hands snatch and two hands
consider in thinking of the strongest
man of the past: Cyr, Barre and Giroux
of Canada; Inch and Aston of England;
Gorner, Saxon, Gaesler, Steinborn, and
Strassberger of Germany; Swoboda,
Turck, and Steinbach of Austria;
W. A. PUL-
Tofolas of Greece; Travis and J. Nord-
LUM, one of the
quest of America; and Vasseur and
world’s greatest
Cadine of France. Some will be sur¬
weight lifters,
prised that Eugene Sandow is not in¬
measuring the
cluded among this list. With many the
muscular eight¬
name Sandow is synonymous with the
een inch arm of
world’s strongest man. Sandow made a
the mighty South
bent press of 251 pounds; 170 in the
African German,
one hand clean and jerk was difficult for
him in the McCann contest. He could
clean and jerk 250. Most of his feats
were of a tricky, exhibitional nature.
His posing and matchless symmetry of Gorner, that "he is much
form have made him one of the im¬ stronger than I and if he would
mortals of weight lifting. train on the bent press he could
The records are inadequate. For surpass all of my records.”
instance there is no record of a military Gorner made a two hands any¬
press or a two hands snatch by Swoboda. how lift of 440 pounds, which if.
There were some clubs in Germany who was within eight pounds of
would not recognize the bent press as a Saxon's own, the greatest on
real lift, for they considered it as more record, of 448. Gorner was cred¬
of a gymnastic feat. Steinborn, and ited with the world’s record in ■?
Strassberger would not do a bent press, the dead weight lift, 793
yet Saxon who came from the same dis¬ pounds. It was said that he did i
trict in Germany was the best bent not use a cambered bar (a bent
presser in the history of the world. The type of bar commonly used in
men from Britain, Inch and Aston, have England), that he used instead
left little record of lifts other than the weights in which a slit had been v
bent press, the side press and the two cored to prevent the bar from
hands anyhow. Both Inch and Aston turning in his hand. There is no A?
are numbered among the very few men record of how high (lie plates
in the history of the world who have were and how long the slit was, I
officially bent pressed over three hun¬ so the lift could not be official.
dred pounds. Perhaps he only lifted it a bit
For sheer strength, Cyr undoubtedly from the floor. Nevertheless it ff
was the strongest man of all time. With was a great lift. We have cred-
a frame more like a gorilla than that of ited him with 700 pounds, ow- if
any strong man of which we have a ing to his proficiency in other J|
record, he weighed over 300 pounds at lifts. Officially Gorner pressed ;jfe
the height of 5 feet 8 when he was at 264, snatched 264 and clean and :S
his best. His side press of 273, dead lift jerked 352. Considering that he J|
of seven hundred, two hands press of did not practice on these quick ||
311 and clean and jerk of 347 place him lifts or have the fine revolving ||
well up on the list of strongest men Olympic type of bar bells of to- ;|
when these six lifts are used as the basis day, the lifts are especially com- g|j|B
of comparison. His large waist line mendable.
would handicap him in the two hands We can find no record of a IS
snatch but he should have been able to bent press by Rigoulot, the great 1
come within a hundred pounds of his French lifter. But he made a one H
clean and jerk record (many of the hand snatch with 264 pounds, a |9H
leaders of today come within 75 record so amazing that it is 9
pounds) so we can safely credit him hardly conceivable; the same lift
with a 250 pound snatch. We can’t PSENICKA VACLAV, runner up in the
with one hand that Gorner, cer¬ Olympics of 1932 and 1936. He is the
find a record of what he could jerk, but tainly one of the world’s strong¬ Czecho Slovakian champion and one of the
considering his great pressing ability, he est in history, made with two greatest strength athletes of the present.
should have been able to continental hands. Saxon, credited with a Watch this man at the world’s champion¬
and jerk at least 375. ships in Paris. A very short man, about five
371 bent press, made a 250 two feet four, weight 223 pounds, his best total
Rigoulot and Gorner were made hands snatch, so I don’t believe on the three lifts is 898.
strong men. Gorner has been picked by we are wrong in marking Rigoulot
many as the world’s strongest man, as down for a 275 bent press. With prac¬ poundages they should have made in
has Rigoulot. Arthur Saxon said of tice he could have greatly exceeded lifts that they did not practice.
this poundage.
In the French style of dead lifting,
with both knuckles front and lifting the Hieoulot . 275 650 402 230 314 402
Cyr . 273 700 375 311 250 347
bar without touching the legs, his record Gorner. 2285. Rigoulot, 2273. Cyr, 2256.
is not so high. But with palms facing Pretty close, we believe, for a contest
each other, as is done in other coun¬ that would be undecided until the last
tries, and pulling the weight up over lift if these three men could be together.
the legs, a man who could clean and did Cyr is long dead. Both Rigoulot and
clean 402, certainly could perform a Gorner are active at present; Rigoulot
dead lift of at least 650. The former most recently, as a wrestler; Gorner, in
French soldier was a comparatively poor vaudeville wrestling an elephant and
presser when we think of his other lifts, performing other feats. Gorner and
being credited with only 230 in this Rigoulout through their managers both
style. In spite of this press, which claim to be able to break their best
doesn’t compare with the world’s great¬ records of the past.
est records made by himself in the There are other men who through
snatch and clean and jerk, of 314 and some feat they have performed have a
402 respectively, he would still have a good claim to the strongest man of all
three lift total of 946. This is somewhat time. Swoboda of Austria made the
more than the winning amateur total at world’s highest continental jerk with
the last Olympics of 902. These three 408% pounds and a jerk of 422 pounds
CHARLES RIGOULOT, lifting his world
great strong men would line up as fol¬ after it had been placed on his shoul¬
famous bar bell with which he made his
world’s record of 402 pounds in the clean lows, with the official lifts they have ders by assistants. Saxon, with the
and jerk. made and with our estimates of the (Continued on Page 42)

Page 33
The Reptiles

A mighty thirty foot python, weight 500 pounds, making short work of its dinner, in ALAN CAUSE
this case a large hog. The Python like the Anaconda and the Boa Constrictor rank high
among the world's strongest living things.
The world’s largest snake and the

A MONG our unusual stories of the

past were "How Strong is a
are cold blooded, tending toward the
temperature of their surroundings; their
most powerful is the South American
Boa or Anaconda as it is usually called.
By the Spanish settlers it is known as
Gorilla?”, "Animal Samsons,” habits differ greatly from those of the Matatoro, a name meaning "bull
"Horses and Men” and others along the animals. In our own country we do not killer,” and they say that it grows to a
same line. Many readers of S. & H. have huge snakes, such as those found length of eighty feet. Such a statement,
found these stories highly interesting. in the hot jungles, but we do have however, has never been proven, as the
Scores requested more of the same. In a miniatures of these huge pythons and largest known specimens are just over
magazine such as this with so many boa-constrictors which are very power¬ thirty feet. This is the snake of the
articles of an instructive nature, both in ful. A few years ago I captured a pine South American jungles. Its usual prey
health and exercise, there is danger of snake, a snake occasionally found in are peccaries, a pig like animal, or
publishing too much of the same thing, New Jersey and Pennsylvania. This type other animals of smaller or similar size
unless we have a few unusual stories. of snake is over six feet long; it has a and at times even a small tapir or a
Some of our contents should be merely diameter of more than three inches, and jaguar. Undoubtedly one of these snakes
entertaining reading, as constant study power enough to overcome small could kill a bull.
can be boring at times. animals such as rabbits. Its habits are
The boa-constrictor is another snake
The following is another story of the identical with those of the larger, crush¬
which inhabits these same South Ameri¬
"Animal Samsons” line. It covers the ing snakes. Its habit is to lie in wait can jungles. It is said that the hammer¬
strength of reptiles and should prove of for a rabbit or a rat, pounce upon it,
like blow this snake can strike with its
interest to all lovers of strength whether wrapping its coils about it, and suddenly
head is the most powerful blow of any
in man or beast. killing and crushing the animal with a
living thing in the entire world. When
For millions of years the highest lightning like pressure of its coils.
we think of the power of a kicking
animals on this earth were reptiles, The snake I captured was still strong mule, the down stroke with its hooves
there being no hint in these earlier enough, even after four months of of a fighting stallion, the power in fight¬
ages of mammals and birds. Briefly, a refusal to eat, that it would wrap itself ing bulls or buffalos, it must have real
mammal is a warm blooded animal around my arm with sufficient force to power to deliver a harder blow than any
which suckles its young. Except in the restrict the blood pressure so greatly of these.
cases of a very few peculiar mammals that my arm would "go to sleep.” It’s It has the faculty of shooting out its
such as the Echidna of Australia, the easy to see why such a snake could heavy head and striking like a poison
young are born alive. The reptiles, the strangle or crush an infant if it were snake, save that the hammer like blow
great dinosaurs, laid eggs and were the able to attack one. Hardly a hundredth takes the place of the poison sacks of
forerunners of the snakes of the present. of the size of the world’s largest snakes, the poison snakes.
Alligators, crocodiles, iguanas, lizards its strength is proof that the largest Such a snake may weigh over five
of many sorts, and turtles belong to the snakes could very easily overcome a hundred pounds, the entire force of its
reptile family. man. great weight and thirty foot body can be
The reptiles of the ancient world Perhaps you saw Frank Buck’s mov¬ united in one great effort, which will
were gigantic in size and strength. The ing picture, "Bring ’Em Back Alive,” in knock down any animal on this con¬
thigh bone of the Atlantosaurus was six which were shown fights between tinent that it may strike. Think of the
feet long. Most of these ancient reptiles pythons and black leopards, or even great leverage it can exert and you will
disappeared completely without leaving tigers or a water buffalo. I doubt if obtain some idea of the blow it can
any direct descendants, but living fossils these fights took place in the open inflict. It may stun its intended prey
have been found on South Sea islands; jungle, perhaps they occurred in some with such a bow or it may drop from a
the Giant Dragon of Komodo being the enclosure where the animals had been tree upon the animal it has selected for
most recently discovered and the largest imprisoned. The great felines, leopard its next meal. In this latter case it
of these. They were only a legend until and tiger, were glad enough to remove quickly wraps around the unfortunate
they were actually found alive in 1912. themselves rapidly from the scene when animal and strangles it to death. After it
They had been reported by natives to be they were able to extricate themselves has wrapped its coils about the animal,
thirty feet in length but none over fif¬ from the coils of the snake. The python one sudden, deadly contraction of its
teen feet in length have actually been did manage to overcome and strangle a coils can crush the ribs of man or
discovered. water buffalo which many hunters con¬ animal in a dozen places. Mammals the
As reptiles, Amphibians and fishes sider the most dangerous of game. (Continued on Page 44)

Page 34
Lift Into Your Turn!
^vEFORE going ahead to some new
K tricks this month, suppose we back
track a few minutes to the two
articles preceding this, the third of the
series on tumbling. Remember how I
have stressed the necessity of jumping
straight upward into the air, then turn¬
ing, and finally coming down to alight
on practically the identical spot from
which you jumped, if you are to do your
tumbling feats with good height, speed
and control. In the last article, on the
back somersault, this was stressed very
much, for it is the one thing most im¬
portant to performing a good back. I
might say, by way of substantiating this
statement, that just recently one husky
172-pound pupil of mine who had
never tried a back at all, did them alone
and literally "on a handkerchief” in his
sixth lesson. He is a weight lifter, with
good legs and a sense of timing, not
stiff or knotty in his muscles (nor is
anyone who follows his Milo lifting in¬
structions properly) and it took him
just no time at all to put the lift-tuck-
turn together properly.
Check up carefully on your style of
going for the somersault, you who are
still in the safety belt, and you, also,
who are going it solo. Make certain you
get everything right—position, circle the
arms, sink, lift, tuck. At the instant the
hands touch the shins pull hard and
throw the head back as far as you can.
This is exactly as shown in Figures 14
and 18-g, the knees having started the
turn very slightly, then the head em¬
phasizing it. As you turn, look for the
floor at the point you just left (stand¬
ing on a handkerchief on the mat is a
good stunt, to mark the finishing spot),
and when you see it, turn the legs loose
and kick the feet out at the landing
spot. (Remember that you are tucked
up, body horizontal and face down, so
do NOT kick the feet out straight with
the back, or you will be kicking at the
wall behind you. Kick, rather, straight
in front of you—you are face down,
remember—directly at the handkerchief,
and as you kick you will continue to
turn and will unwind into about a per¬
pendicular position.) When your toes
touch the floor let the heels come down,
then bend the knees, squat and jump
straight up into the air for the finish.
As you release the tuck relax the arms
and literally fall away from them.
Figure 18-j is the point where you see
the floor; 18-k is the let-out, and 18-m
is the attitude just when the toes touch
the floor. Or look at the actual photo
of Billy Herrmann, in Fig. 16, positions
(Continued on Page 37)

“I Lose 40 Lbs.!”

I AM a radio entertainer, having

worked on some of the leading radio
often. I would eat like a hog then lie
down and go to sleep. I knew that
stations including the NBC network. wasn’t the right way to live but that
Radio is not what you would call a lazy easy work or rather play had got the
man’s job, but I will admit there is best of me. I was getting so fat and
little exercise to be found singing or short winded I couldn’t hit the high
playing. Of course your vocal cords get notes when I would sing, if I walked
quite a bit of exercise but I am speak¬ a little fast I was puffing like a steam
ing of exercise that will keep your body engine. At last one day I made up
in trim. It is true that some radio pro¬ my mind I was going to get rid of that
grams you hear each week spend from no good fat I was carrying around.
ten to twenty-five hours preparing for I ordered a set of York Bar Bells, took
a thirty minute or a one hour program, them with me on my vacation to the
but even with all that work it is not the north woods. My friends laughed when
kind of training you need to keep your they saw them. They said I had waited
body healthy. too long and was too old to use bar
I was born and raised on a mountain bells, but I used them for six weeks and
farm down in the hills of eastern Ten¬ the result was I took off forty pounds
nessee. I became interested in physical and I have never felt better in all my
culture when I was about eighteen years life. I am back at work and feel like a
old. I did some training along different million. I have plenty of wind to hit
lines and developed a very nice physique those high notes with now and I really
with some home made bar bells. That feel like working.
was before I had ever seen a radio sta¬ When I started my training in August
tion. I worked at a brick yard and also I weighed two hundred and twenty-five
in the coal mines. I was in perfect pounds (225), and now I weigh one
health. hundred and eighty-five pounds (185).
A few years later I took up radio Radio is a great game but it takes more
work. It was easy and I only worked a than singing to keep yoiir body in the
few minutes each day. Somehow I got proper shape. I want to thank Bob Hoff¬
too interested in my work and forgot man and his bar bells for putting me
about my health. I had plenty of time HUSH CROSS, a radio entertainer, who back on the road to health once more.
to exercise, but I just passed it up. I took his bar bells to the North Woods with With all that bay-window gone and
him on his vacation. Friends told him that
began to gain weight. I got short good solid flesh in its place, now I have
he couldn’t hope to obtain results at his
winded, felt all run down. I was work¬ age. He’s a good example of the results a a NEW SONG TO SING AND IT'S
ing on a large radio station in Chicago, fat man can obtain through a moderate ALL ABOUT YORK BAR BELLS. So
my friends would remind me I was get¬ period of weight training. He lost forty join in with me and let’s all sing a
pounds and has an outstanding physique at
ting fat and of course I knew it for I present. Better still he feels about a thousand chorus together, of Bob Hoffman—
had to get new and larger clothes very per cent better. Dean of all body builders.

' - - " ■ ' “ official Olympic type, revolving barbells are in use in every state of the Union and
___,_- lice of champions and of the most progressive weightlifting clabs. Yon can’t do yoar-
_ .__b justice with obsolete equipment. These bars are made of the World’s Bnest steel. Chrome Vanadium. Muehlned
by York master craftsmen, a fitting product to come from a well equipped factory in a city famous the world over for its man-
laetured articles.
YORK INTERNATIONAL This price also represents a substantial reduction over our YORK DELUXE 1
“OLYMPIC STANDARD” prices in the past. This set hus the same features as the York
International, same plates, same distance between collars. 260 POUND SET
360 POUND SET Made of good quality Nickel Steel. Is six feet long and has cast
Iron revolving sleeves. The Deluxe Set was designed for those
$60.00 men who wanted the revolving bnrbell features at the lowest
possible price. It is ideal for performing your exercise move¬
ments as well as for weightlifting.
{Continued from Page 17) TONY SANSONE'S
into everything you do. of personal magnetism. Pep, dash, courage.
Foods richest in phosphorus are: egg Makes you a more active personality. It gives
oiks, almonds (a teaspoonful of almond
utter in a cup of hot water, this makes an
you the fire, the zest for life, the push, the
optimistic, forceful attitude of mind and a
wonderful aid in the struggle for success.
almond milk and is very nourishing for the

nerves), asparagus, barley (not pearled barley Foods richest in potassium are: blue¬
as this is devitalized), bass, blueberries, goat berries, broccoli, carrots, cherry juice, egg
cheese, yellow corn, kale, lamb, steel cut oats plant, endive, black figs, grapes, lettuce,
(not rolled oats), oysters, fish, fish roe, lemons, mushrooms, dried black olives, baked
whole rice, whole wheat, black walnuts, pep¬
permint tea and strawberry tea.
And here are some fascinating facts about
potatoes, oranges, raisins, turnips, alfalfa,
peppermint tea and sage tea.
These are all sound, scientific facts which
the element of potassium, which, now that I personally have experimented with. You
you know them, will clear up many troubles can do the same. If you are skeptical and
in your household. Tissue water forms when want proof refrain from eating these foods
potassium is lacking and this brings on the for a couple of weeks and see the symptoms
swollen ankles, swollen feet and body parts. appear. Then start feeding up on these
It also seriously affects the disposition, mak¬ minerals and watch the troubles disappear.
ing the person morose and all caved in. They It is good for you to make these tests be¬
feel downhearted, lonesome, have restless cause you are better convinced and can help
sleep, lose ambition, brood over things and others in your family. Now our 71 year old
have strange delusions and odd fears. The lady friend is beginning to get an inkling
stomach seems loose and hanging, the liga¬ into "What’s the matter with us, anyway?”
ments are weak and sagging. Potassium To sum it all up in two words, the answer is
builds, reconstructs and maintains the mus¬ -—mineral starvation. Perhaps I should add
cular parts of the body. It enables the intes¬ also, cluttering up the system with dead
tines and motor nerves to function efficiently.
When it is lacking food ferments in the One more important suggestion. In your
stomach and intestines. Then the nerves search for happy health do not depend on
become acid and disturbed. They will ache any ONE thing. While good foods are vastly
and you may have neuralgia and insomnia. important do not neglect to exercise regu¬
This marvelous element helps in the diges¬ larly, to breathe deeply of pure air; to bathe
tion of fats. With an abundance of potassium frequently both externally and internally and
in food form it is simple to gain weight in a to honestly observe ALL the simple laws of
few weeks time. People having plenty of health by natural methods. These persistent
potassium are more ALIVE, stronger, have day by day efforts will soon bring you the
greater reconstructive power. The entire realization you seek and you won’t have to
system is better toned. Body cells multiply in complain because of what’s wrong, but rather
abundance. It makes the blood stream alka¬ spend your time rejoicing for then everything
line. It is the great healer. It is the element in your home will be all right!


{Continued from Page 35)
7-9-11-12. The hands are well overhead when come down in a back bend, or even a nip-up
the feet touch the floor; as you sink in the to the feet, while if you jump a little back¬
knees to absorb the shock of landing, circle ward, you come down in a squat, doubled
the hands out and down and lift straight up over forward, with feet and hands on the
again, as in 18-f. Do not try another somer¬ floor. Only when you lift directly upward
sault right now, of course; the purpose of and with good snap do you actually jump
this lift is to accustom you to bounding up upward from the shoulders to arms’ length
from your finish, so that later on you can do from the mat, in the hand balance position.
two or more tricks in swing-time tempo, Begin by rolling back on the hands, neck
without having to stop and start between and shoulders as in Fig. 21-a. Go far back,
them. (Note how Billy goes fast and and keep the feet as high as possible—-
smoothly from the somersault to the half¬ higher than shown, if you can do so and “The World’s Most Photographed Physique"
twister, Fig. 19, positions 12-13-14-15, with¬ still hold the balance. Now quickly drop the "RHYTHM”
out a pause.) This is swing-time tempo. But feet almost to the floor — 21-d-—knees It composed of 45 full page plates, superbly reproduced
—IMPORTANT—note that in printing the straight. As you do this, the hips will jack¬ and beautifully bound with sewed on stiff covers. There
last tumbling article the cuts for Figs. 16 knife forward a little; now, without a pause, 4 an interesting introduction by the famous sculptor,
and the last half of 19 were switched; as snap the legs as high as you can, right back
printed, Fig. 16 is at the bottom of the page, toward their original position, legs still bronze statues of TONY SANSONE (now appearing In
where the last half of 19 should be, and the straight. (In the movie strip, mine bent a veveral museums). The price of this book Is only one
last half of 19 is at the top of the page, little—but the straighter you keep them, dollar (postpaid). Send for your copy without delay.
where 16 should be. So in referring to Fig. the better you do the trick; bend them just
16, go to the bottom of page 35; and for a little more than shown, and you have no
last half of 19, to the top of page 35, March, luck at all.) As the legs shoot upward, press ORDER BLANK
1937, issue. While on this subject, note that hard with hands and head, as in 21-h-j-k-l,
in the January issue Figures 9-10-11-12 are and come into the hand balance position. If Tony Sansone, SH.,
a bit confused, so disregard them entirely, you fall back down to your feet, next time Body Culture Studio,
and when reference is made to these illus¬ shoot the feet a little farther forward; if 304 Fulton St„
trations, refer to them in the March issue. you topple over forward to your back, next Brooklyn, K. V.
We are now ready to proceed to some new time shoot a little farther backward. In the Please send me, postpaid by return mall.—
tricks, but in doing so we want to remem¬ illustration I aimed very slightly too far
back, so came up with the feet too far back copies of “RHYTHM.” I enclose
ber the one cardinal point of the past two We have Rhythm’s predecessor. Modem Classics, which
lessons—lift upward, then turn, and last of for a good balance, but was able to save
it by shooting the shoulders forward to is also priced at one dollar each.
all land on or very close to your starting
point. Figure 10, the standing layout back catch the balance, then easing them back, SAME ....
somersault, shows this most effectively. and the feet over, into correct hand balance
We shall begin this time with an upside position. ADDRESS .—
down trick, in which we start in a head The next one, Figure 22, is very similar, CITY .STATE .-
down position and carry through a lift from save that this time we drive the feet just (Please print or write plainly)
the hands, instead of the feet. Perhaps the slightly forward when we jump upward, up¬ I also enclose one dollar for “Modem Classlci”
one best trick of all to illustrate this phase side down, then we bend the knees, arch Check here ( )
is the nip-up to a hand balance, Figure 21, the back, and do a half-forward somersault to Visitors Invited
because if you jump a little forward, you land on the feet. This is the nip-up, or
Page 37
neck-spring. You can do it with the hands sault forward or backward, pirouette, leap to
YORK "IRON BOOTS" beside the head, as in Fig. 21, or with them
on the thighs, as in 22 (my favorite way,
the hands, or whatever it may be.
Figure 24 shows a leap from both feet to
although others prefer the former style) or the hands, done from a stand. But it can just
with hands on hips. Figure 22 is better than as readily be done from the take-off just
the garden variety of nip-up, but not so good described. In either event, as the knees bend
as it could and should be—you will note in for the .squat you raise the arms in front,
22- d-e-f that my knees are too much bent, then jump high and fast, swinging the hips
also that my lift is a good bit farther forward a little back of center in order to keep over
than necessary. As a result, while completely your spot (see 24-e) and drive hard with the
in the air in 22-h-j, I did not get so high knees and feet. As the feet leave the floor
as is proper. With knees straight, and the pull them up quickly and complete the turn,
feet aimed just a bit farther back, much landing on the hands almost on the spot
better form would have resulted. Bear this your feet just occupied.
in mind, and do not permit yourself to start Note: If on the nip-up or either of these
rolling forward before sinking and driving two leaps to the hands you come down with
the legs; do not drive them toward the wall a bang and a bam, one thing is certain—you
That Is what the new York "IRON ahead, but, rather, toward the ceiling directly are not lifting nearly enough straight up, and
BOOT" is. A super leg developer. Merely above, and your nip-up will be excellent. as a result are driving-and-diving into the
strap the five pound Iron Boot on your You can do these tricks from the start¬ floor. All of them, and the jerk now to be
foot, place the groove over the handle of ing positions shown, or by doing a back described, are variations of the somersault
an adjustable dumbell, tighten the roll to the shoulders, then driving. You can family, and must be done hard and with lots
thumbscrew at the heel, and there you also do a front roll until you reach position of drive, and straight upward with a fast
have the most progressive leg builders 21-d; then drive UPward, always upward. turn AFTER you get height.
ever devised. It is like being able to pick The headspring is very similar to the Now we come to the jerk—a vastly more
up a dumbell with your feet. nip-up, Fig. 22, save that the starting posi¬ important trick than most men believe. It
Pack your legs with that snappy, tion is on the top of the head and hands begins actually with the body in a hand
springy power! No use dragging around instead of back-of-shoulders, head and hands, balance position, perfectly balanced, back
as if your feet weighed a ton, get speed as in Fig. 21. It takes a little more leg drive arched, head up, and knees bent until the
and lightness into your stride! The Iron than the nip-up, and a stronger push than shins are horizontal, about as in Fig. 25-c.
Boot will increase your running, jump¬ the nip-up if done from starting position Briefly, from this point we put everything we
ing, gymnastics and lifting. with hands on the mat beside the head. But have into shooting the feet just as high,
You know how well dumbells build the leg action is the same, and the finish is straight up, as we can, then when the legs,
big powerful arms! Well, use the Iron identical with 22-j-k-l-m-n, save that the body and arms are in a straight vertical line,
Boot and let the dumbells build big hands are above the head. we push the hands violently against the floor
Let us now try the run-off, which is a and at the same instant jack-knife the body
powerful legs for you! series of steps calculated to give you the
Priced at only $6.00 the pair including strongly at the hips, keeping the legs straight.
most drive for jumping from one foot. I This gives a high vertical lift, followed by a
the specially written “York Leg De¬ shall describe it to correspond to Fig. 23,
veloping Course.” A course you will have fast, high, half-turn to bring the body well
for a fellow who swings his LEFT foot first
to add to your physical culture library. when doing a hand balance. So if you are upright as the feet strike the mat very close
The most complete treatise ever written to the spot just occupied by the hands. See
one of the majority, who swing the RIGHT
on the building of the legs. Illustrated foot first, then just reverse the directions. 25-c to k, inclusive. The knees should be
and every exercise is carefully explained! The run-off: stand with feet together, take a straight from 25-e until the feet touch the
short step with right foot, then short step floor—not even slightly bent. As they land
(You can also purchase a single “Iron you bend the knees, sink slightly, and spring
Boot” and the courses for only three with left, followed at once by very short hop
with SAME foot. As you hop, bring the high, just as mentioned for finishing a somer¬
dollars.) sault, or the take-off from both feet. Jump
right foot forward, a little high, and just as
the left foot lands from the hop, drive the straight upward, as shown, but keep the body
right foot down hard into the mat and at perfectly perpendicular. Note in the jump
the same instant bounce the left leg back from the jerk how the hands come upward,
and upward hard. Remember always to work in 25-n, just in position for a somersault if
in a circle, rather than diving forward. Swing the tuck were carried through.
the left leg far back as well as up, and you The difficulties with the jerk lie in shoot¬
will lift directly upward high, and not up ing the feet backward (see 25-x-g-h-j) or in
a little and forward an uncomfortable lot. pulling them down (or just letting them fall
Refer to Fig. 23; 23-a shows the left foot down) well bent at the knees, which de¬
starting the hop, which was finished between stroys all lift and speed, or in keeping them
23- c and 23-d. 23-d shows the left foot just straight but letting them fall of their own
starting its backward drive, with the right weight and momentum to the mat. In none
one—brought forward high in 23-b—being of these events do we get the finish shown in
driven hard into the mat for lift. In 23-g the Fig. 25-g-h-j-k—high, fast, close, and only
left leg is far up and well back, the right leg the first style (Fig. 25-x) lets us get the
straight and the toe just leaving the mat; hands off the mat before the feet touch it.
the leg is perpendicular, showing almost cor¬ Even Fig. 25-x makes us land so far back
rect lift, with very little loss of balance for¬ that we hit with a thud and have no balance
ward. (Correctly, the hips should be slightly or rebound for height and position. You
YORK BAR BELL COMPANY back of the foot, so that the leg slants back¬ either do the jerk right, as shown in Fig 25,
ward, just as both do in 24-e, to give a true or you do not do it in any way to give benefit
circle over the point of balance, and the of speed and height for the next trick.
highest possible lift.) This run-off up to the My favorite way of practicing is shown in
point shown in 23-e, is used for all forward Fig. 25-a-b. Do a hand balance, straighten
tricks involving a take-off from one foot— well up by flattening the small of the back,
handspring, headspring, tinsica, walk-over, NOT by leaving it arched and merely flexing
round-off, and so on. In Fig. 23 the trick is a the hips forward. (See Fig. 17 of balancing
leap to a hand balance. The higher you lift article in April issue for correct relation of
(23-c-d-e-f-g) before dropping the head to body and legs; but in doing the jerk, keep
start the turn, the higher will be the turn. the head up more, as in 25-a-b.) Now, keep
Do not make the mistake of hustling the your weight well forward (do NOT wait
hands to the mat before swinging the legs, until you start rolling off the heels of the
or you do not do a leap at all. hands to start the jerk) and quickly drop the
For tricks requiring a leap from both feet, legs and arch the back from 25-a to 25-c—
we use a different method. We start as for¬ but no lower with the feet. Do not stop, but
merly, but as we hop with the left foot we take all the rebound you can muster and drive
bring the right forward a little more quickly, upward with the feet, then continue just as
so that we land on both feet at the same time already described, to complete the jerk. An¬
from the one foot hop. The weight is evenly other way to practice is to do a balance in
distributed, and as we come down we sink in regular style, get your weight forward, then
the knees slightly, then jump straight up as quickly snap up to 25-a, bounce back to
high as possible, and do our trick—somer¬ 25-c, and go for it.
Still another system is to kick up into a tempo, of jerks and leaps from both feet to
hand balance with just enough force to let the hands. You can try it, once you get a
the legs carry over and drop to 25-c; then fairly good grasp on the two individual tricks
drive for the jerk. You can also experiment involved. A round-off is approximately a
with doing the nip-up to hand balance and quarter turn into a hand balance, and a
jerking from about 21-k position, in which quarter turn more, followed by a jerk. We
case the upward drive from 21-f to 21-k shall take it up in detail next time. A flip-
corresponds to the drive from 25-c to 25-e. flap is a fast leap and layout half back
Or you can do the leap from one foot or somersault to the hands, followed by a jerk,
both, to the hand balance, and jerk from and we shall discuss it, too, later. But right
about positions 23-m or 24-n. In any at¬ here I want to put across the fact that neither
tempts to jerk from a hand balance, do NOT a good round-off nor a decent flip-flap can
bring the shins any lower than horizontal be approached unless you have real control
(25-c is even a little too low). Avoid espe¬ of the jerk. So let's get busy on these tricks
cially 26-d-e-f. this lesson, especially the jerk, and be ready
The bucking broncho is a series, in swing for the more advanced work later.

(Continued from Page 21)
was easy to see where the hair line began less than two or three times a week in cool
and where the shiny, bald parts of the head weather and daily in hot, perspiry weather.
were located. Predominant bald spots on Afterward be especially careful to rinse away
these men prove that shaving and sunlight, the detergent as some soaps are as harmful
at least in the case of the Germans, is not as perspiration if left upon the head.
the solution. A certain amount of hair is If your scalp is too dry, apply a few
needed for its own protection; thus the hair drops of olive oil or vaseline. Several ways
should never be cut too short. may be employed to exercise the scalp as a
Few of us concern ourselves with the means of increasing its oiliness. Always have
gradual loss of hair until it is too late. If in mind that the real purpose is to loosen the
we should take heed when the hair first be¬ scalp so that the flow of blood will be
gins to fall, we could keep what fuzz we stimulated and the fatty tissue in which the
have and avoid complete baldness. As the hair grows will not harden. Rub the head
shedding of hair can go on for years with¬ with a circular motion, with sufficient pres¬
out a feeling of pain, little attention is paid sure to move and lift the scalp. If you are
to it. The weakening of any other part of not lazy, you may perform these exercises
the body gives some sort of warning, such across a bed with your head lower than the
as pain in the stomach when the digestion is rest of your body. Fairly tall persons in
disturbed, fluttering of the heart when it is this position can rest their elbows on the
disordered, headache when the eyes are bad floor. A partially inverted posture assists the
and toothache when the teeth are decayed. blood to run toward the head. You may also
But the scalp may become successively weaker grasp locks of hair between the thumb and
without the victim noticing it until bald fingers and pull it gently. Lift the scalp and
spots appear. Even then little or nothing is work it in a rotary manner. To obtain any
palpable results, one must go through these
The average bald person says that he has movements for twenty or thirty minutes. It
tried everything. I asked one fellow what is a tiresome task, for only a small propor¬
he meant by everything, just what he had tion of the head can be used at one time.
done. He replied that he "had an oil sham¬ Therefore the new Xervac Machine, a
poo once.” Other people I questioned had product of the Crosley Radio Company of
made similar spasmodic attempts at pulling Cincinnati, was a boon to those wishing to
the hair or massaging it. I am sure that even prevent loss of thin hair and to grow new
those who have been more faithful in caring hair. This machine consists of a cabinet en¬
closing a mechanism which creates three vac¬ MAKING MIGHTY MEN
for their hair have not spent sufficient time
at scalp exercise. They may consult a special¬ uums and pressures each minute on the scalp That Is what Bob Hoffman’s
ist and try a treatment or two. Then they by way of a helmet worn upon the head. It course in Dumbell Training has
become discouraged because an hour will not pulls and pushes at the scalp with a com¬ been doing for the past five years.
completely restore what was lost through pleteness that could not be duplicated by the So successful is this course in
years of neglect. One should not expect the hands alone. Most barber shops have a ma¬ dumbell training that more pupils
impossible. Approximately ten hours of exer¬ chine like this one. The gymnasiums oper¬ have attributed their success to it
cise will produce noticeable development of ated by our friends, Dr. Caleb Saunders of than to all other forms of training
the muscles. A shorter length of time is Norfolk, Virginia, and Arnold Schieman, combined.
conducive to improvement in the enthusiast 2201 Lexington Avenue, Baltimore, Mary¬ Dumbell training is the oldest
with healthier organs. In determining to care land, were among the first to recognize the known form of body developer.
for the hair better, you should be willing to merits of Xervac. Already they have numer¬ Dumbells built the bodies of such
give it not less than ten hours of periodic ous cases to their credit of men with re¬ men as Saxon, Sandow, Pandour,
treatment. In other words, give it an equal grown hair. and Hackenschmidt. They are re¬
chance with the muscles. After all working The life of a hair has been variously es¬ sponsible for developing the
at the most sedentary vocation, the simple timated, depending upon its position on the strength of such men as Cyr,
business of living exercises the muscles a head, at from twenty days to two years. The Appolon and Gorner. THE YORK
little. But the hair normally receives no exer¬ abundant shedding of hair, contrary to popu¬ COURSE COMPRISES ALL THE
cise and, less often, no care. lar opinion, may not presage baldness for KNOWLEDGE OF THESE EX¬
Diverse forms of hair treatment have come hair is constantly regrowing. Some time be¬ PERTS PLUS THE ADVANTAGES
into vogue. Man’s head has been rubbed with fore a hair has served its usefulness, a new OF THE MODERN PROVED
concoctions ranging from dried sea horse hair develops deep in a papilla. Becoming YORK TRAINING SYSTEM.
ground into minute parts and mixed with stronger the embryonic hair pushes the old There are 48 exercises, all illus¬
vegetable juices to mange cures for animals. hair out. If new hairs are as healthy as trated by champions and thoroughly
Some persons have hair strong enough to their predecessors they will be thick in spite described. The course will exercise
"take it.” of regular falling. That is why it is useless your muscles from every possible
Care of the hair should be concentrated to try to keep dead hairs in the scalp. In angle and build strength and a
on two factors: cleanliness and exercise. approaching baldness shed hairs are replaced symmetrical body that will be a
Exercise must be the prime consideration in by finer hairs, and this diminution continues source of joy to yourself and of
the preservation and restoration of health, until no hair is grown at all. Whether start¬ envy to your friends.
whether it is designed for the muscles or for ing the treatment either with your hands or
with a Xervac, do not be alarmed if hair Formerly sold for $2.00.
the roots of the hair. If you want to keep
your hair, to retain its beautiful, natural falls out rapidly for a few days. Now only $1.00!
sheen, be sure that you give it regular and in¬ When correct exercise is given to the hair, YORK BARBELL CO.
telligent attention. First, you should wash each new hair is stronger. At the beginning
the hair that is present is strengthened and York, Pa.
the head with a pure soap or shampoo as
often as you bathe the body, certainly not then new hairs will usually appear. More
Page 39
than ninety per cent of the two hundred business that necessitates any personal con¬
cases in all stages of baldness, selected at tact with the public. One alternative is to
random, showed vast improvement after purchase one of these machines, costing
using the Xervac machine for from seven to $159.75, for the home where it may be em¬
ten hours. The way of improvement is ployed profitably by all members of the
directly opposite to that by which the hair family. We have one at our gymnasium;
Mid-Summer was lost. The bald spots gradually close up others are to be installed in the near future.
in the back, the hair line becomes higher and If you are interested in saving your hair by
in time the shiny places disappear. A Xer¬ the route outlined above, do not delay to
Special! vac treatment lasts exactly thirty minutes.
Two treatments will suffice for a week, but
one as often as every day will do no harm.
write us for additional facts.
As I have said, in caring for your hair,
if the scalp is deficient in oil, use an oil
After the scalp has been exercised by the shampoo. To combat oiliness try a tar sham¬
For a limited time only we are machine an attendant rubs the hair with some poo. In any case, dry the hair thoroughly
good natural oil. with a Turkish towel and massage the scalp
offering a York 210-pound barbell Many men with thinning hair are awaken¬ for twenty minutes or more. Olive oil, white
ing to the benefits to be derived from using vaseline or some of the dressings made of
complete with adjustable dumbell this machine. In the future, if those with the fatty substances surrounding the seba¬
diseased or atrophying scalps will resort to ceous glands of a sheep are the best prepara¬
handles, a pair of York “Iron the Xervac, there will undoubtedly be fewer tions for hair which is dry immediately after
bald-pates gleaming in the world. A treat¬ a shampoo. However you must be very watch¬
Boots,” a newly designed “Head- ment, requiring an hour, 30 minutes Xervac, ful when regularly applying oil to the hair,
shampoo and oil treatment, only costs a otherwise an excess of oil may become rancid
strap,” the famous Four York dollar. If you test it, do not hesitate to
and upset some of the more delicate parts
sacrifice twenty hours of your time. Forty
Training Courses, the Four York dollars, the cost of twenty hours under this of the scalp. Daily, assiduous brushing also
miracle machine, may seem expensive, but a prevents dryness, by distributing oil from
Dumbell Courses and Bob Hoff¬ head with abundant hair is worth the price various glands, and the hair assumes its
of its maintenance, especially to a man in a natural gloss and pliability.
man’s Leg Developing Courses—

(Continued from Page 27)
fail to have them taken. I always tell them like Ed Zebrowski, Mike Fontana, Tony
[See back cover for further that having their photo taken and published Dellis, Sam Loprinzi, Dick Falcon, the stars
in this magazine is not only a case of per¬ of strength and development of the York
description.] sonal glorification. It’s inspiration and en¬ team, Barton Hovarth, Bill Hillgardener,
couragement for the many thousands of others Maurice Jones, Stanley Sinkiewicz and so
who are following the road to super strength many others.
and development and have not advanced past In this article I wish to show a few of the
ordinary-ville as yet. We like to show many very newest crop of perfect or near perfect
new men to prove that these splendid physical men. Without exception these photos have
CHAMPIONS OF PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT specimens are not the exception but the rule, come to us in the last few days. You can
when right training methods are followed. admire their newly developed muscles and
We have prepared the World'9 Testimonials as to the results obtained know that the following of similar methods
largest collection of Photographs through modern bar bell methods as advo¬ will bring you similar results.
of Male Athletes. Including series cated by this magazine pour in by the hun¬ Here’s a letter from a man well known to
of Barton Horvath, one of the dreds. More than ten thousand have been readers of this magazine and in strength cir¬
finest built men of modem times. received. It is certain that York training cles of the great northwest. He’s a member of
These photographs will be a methods have produced more outstanding the Multnomah Athletic Club of Portland,
source of Inspiration to jou In physical specimens than were developed in all Ore.
pour training for a well-developed other ways in the years gone by.
body. Send 25c for samples and There has been considerable in past issues Dear Bob:
descriptive literature. about the younger "greats” of today. Men I’m sending you the latest pictures of my
Dept. S-l
25 E. 39th St., New York City

Super Strength, per pair 1.25

York, Pa.


From the hundred* ipen hnndre
letters that I have received I hav
lected more than a hundred ot the
frequently asked questions . . . ant
booklet form placed all the answers
Send $1.00 and Book Will Be
Sent Postpaid


Page 40
Still another system is to kick up into a tempo, of jerks and leaps from both feet to THE BIG BICEPS BOOK
hand balance with just enough force to let the hands. You can try it, once you get a
the legs cany over and drop to 25-c; then fairly good grasp on the two individual tricks
drive for the jerk. You can also experiment involved. A round-off is approximately a
with doing the nip-up to hand balance and quarter turn into a hand balance, and a
jerking from about 21-k position, in which quarter turn more, followed by a jerk. We
case the upward drive from 21-f to 21-k shall take it up in detail next time. A flip-
corresponds to the drive from 25-c to 25-e. flap is a fast leap and layout half back
Or you can do the leap from one foot or somersault to the hands, followed by a jerk,
both, to the hand balance, and jerk from and we shall discuss it, too, later. But right
about positions 23-m or 24-n. In any at¬ here I want to put across the fact that neither
tempts to jerk from a hand balance, do NOT a good round-off nor a decent flip-flap can
bring the shins any lower than horizontal be approached unless you have real control
(25-c is even a little too low). Avoid espe¬ of the jerk. So let’s get busy on these tricks
cially 26-d-e-f. this lesson, especially the jerk, and be ready
The bucking broncho is a series, m swing for the more advanced work later.

(Continued from Page 21)
was easy to see where the hair line began less than two or three times a week in cool
and where the shiny, bald parts of the head weather and daily in hot, perspiry weather.
were located. Predominant bald spots on Afterward be especially careful to rinse away
these men prove that shaving and sunlight, the detergent as some soaps are as harmful
at least in the case of the Germans, is not as perspiration if left upon the head.
the solution. A certain amount of hair is If your scalp is too dry, apply a few
needed for its own protection; thus the hair drops of olive oil or vaseline. Several ways
should never be cut too short. may be employed to exercise the scalp as a
Few of us concern ourselves with the means of increasing its oiliness. Always have
gradual loss of hair until it is too late. If in mind that the real purpose is to loosen the
we should take heed when the hair first be¬ scalp so that the flow of blood will be
gins to fall, we could keep what fuzz we stimulated and the fatty tissue in which the
have and avoid complete baldness. As the hair grows will not harden. Rub the head
shedding of hair can go on for years with¬ with a circular motion, with sufficient pres¬
out a feeling of pain, little attention is paid sure to move and lift the scalp. If you are
to it. The weakening of any other part of not lazy, you may perform these exercises
the body gives some sort of warning, such across a bed with your head lower than the
as pain in the stomach when the digestion is rest of your body. Fairly tall persons in
disturbed, fluttering of the heart when it is this position can rest their elbows on the
disordered, headache when the eyes are bad floor. A partially inverted posture assists the
and toothache when the teeth are decayed. blood to run toward the head. You may also
But the scalp may become successively weaker rasp locks of hair between the thumb and
without the victim noticing it until bald ngers and pull it gently. Lift the scalp and
spots appear. Even then little or nothing is work it in a rotary manner. To obtain any
palpable results, one must go through these
The average bald person says that he has movements for twenty or thirty minutes. It
tried everything. I asked one fellow what is a tiresome task, for only a small propor¬
he meant by everything, just what he had tion of the head can be used at one time.
done. He replied that he "had an oil sham¬ Therefore the new Xervac Machine, a
poo once.” Other people I questioned had product of the Crosley Radio Company of
made similar spasmodic attempts at pulling Cincinnati, was a boon to those wishing to
the hair or massaging it. I am sure that even prevent loss of thin hair and to grow new
those who have been more faithful in caring hair. This machine consists of a cabinet en¬ MAKING MIGHTY MEN
for their hair have not spent sufficient time closing a mechanism which creates three vac¬
at scalp exercise. They may consult a special¬ uums and pressures each minute on the scalp That is what Bob Hoffman’s
ist and tiy a treatment or two. Then they by way of a helmet worn upon the head. It course in Dumbell Training has
become discouraged because an hour will not pulls and pushes at the scalp with a com¬ been doing for the past five years.
completely restore what was lost through pleteness that could not be duplicated by the So successful is this course in
years of neglect. One should not expect the hands alone. Most barber shops have a ma¬ dumbell training that more pupils
impossible. Approximately ten hours of exer¬ chine like this one. The gymnasiums oper¬ have attributed their success to it
cise will produce noticeable development of ated by our friends, Dr. Caleb Saunders of than to all other forms of training
the muscles. A shorter length of time is Norfolk, Virginia, and Arnold Schieman, combined.
conducive to improvement in the enthusiast 2201 Lexington Avenue, Baltimore, Mary¬ Dumbell training is the oldest
with healthier organs. In determining to care land, were among the first to recognize the known form of body developer.
for the hair better, you should be willing to merits of Xervac. Already they have numer¬ Dumbells built the bodies of such
give it not less than ten hours of periodic ous cases to their credit of men with re¬ men as Saxon, Sandow, Pandour,
treatment. In other words, give it an equal grown hair. and Hackenschmidt. They are re¬
chance with the muscles. After all working The life of a hair has been variously es¬ sponsible for developing the
at the most sedentary vocation, the simple timated, depending upon its position on the strength of such men as Cyr,
business of living exercises the muscles a head, at from twenty days to two years. The Appolon and Gorner. THE YORK
little. But the hair normally receives no exer¬ abundant shedding of hair, contrary to popu¬ COURSE COMPRISES ALL THE
cise and, less often, no care. lar opinion, may not presage baldness for KNOWLEDGE OF THESE EX¬
Diverse forms of hair treatment have come hair is constantly regrowing. Some time be¬ PERTS PLUS THE ADVANTAGES
into vogue. Man’s head has been rubbed with fore a hair has served its usefulness, a new OF THE MODERN PROVED
concoctions ranging from dried sea horse hair develops deep in a papilla. Becoming YORK TRAINING SYSTEM.
ground into minute parts and mixed with stronger the embryonic hair pushes the old There are 48 exercises, all illus¬
vegetable juices to mange cures for animals. hair out. If new hairs are as healthy as trated by champions and thoroughly
Some persons have hair strong enough to their predecessors they will be thick in spite described. The course will exercise
"take it.” of regular falling. That is why it is useless your muscles from every possible
Care of the hair should be concentrated to try to keep dead hairs in the scalp. In angle and build strength and a
on two factors: cleanliness and exercise. approaching baldness shed hairs are replaced symmetrical body that will be a
Exercise must be the prime consideration in by finer hairs, and this diminution continues source of joy to yourself and of
the preservation and restoration of health, until no hair is grown at all. Whether start¬ envy to your friends.
whether it is designed for the muscles or for ing the treatment either with your hands or
with a Xervac, do not be alarmed if hair Formerly sold for $2.00.
the roots of the hair. If you want to keep
your hair, to retain its beautiful, natural falls out rapidly for a few days. Now only $1.00!
sheen, be sure that you give it regular and in¬ When correct exercise is given to the hair, YORK BARBELL CO.
telligent attention. First, you should wash each new hair is stronger. At the beginning
York, Pa.
the head with a pure soap or shampoo as the hair that is present is strengthened and
often as you bathe the body, certainly not then new hairs will usually appear. More
Page 39
brother, Joe, and myself. In the latest weight¬ Biceps .13 16
lifting meet at the M. A. A. C. Joe won the Forearm .11 1314 NOW YOU CAN GAIN WEIGHT,
148-pound championship of the northwest. Wrist .7% 8%
Since we have been working out under Thigh .19 26 ADD FLESH & INCREASE
your system of training, he has gained 24 Calf .13 15%
pounds in weight and I have made improve¬ Leo Jensen is one of the best professional IN VIGOR
ments in my build and strength. We salute wrestlers in the country at present. In his
you, Mr. Hoffman, as the greatest physical most recent letter he tells us that he has
trainer today. followed York training methods for some
Your friend and pupil, years and like so many of the professional
Sam Loprinzi, Portland, Ore. wrestlers he has met, he carries a York Five
2327 S. E. Woodward St. in One outfit with him wherever he goes.
Where could you find a more herculean Wrestling has contributed much to his beauti¬
physique than the one possessed by Sam ful build. But wrestling alone is not enough. INCREASE YOUR BODYWEIGHT
Loprinzi? Weight training and hand balanc¬ When you see a superbly built wrestler, and
ing built that beautiful body. Certainly no sad to relate there are too few of them that with
one of the past had a more powerful looking, are beautifully built, you’ll always find that
more symmetrical physique than this western they are bar bell men. Steinborn, Podolak, DR. FREDERICK TILNEY’S
man has developed. Most brothers receive Stratton, James, Groober, and many others Gland Normalizing
similar results to those obtained by their have chiseled their beautiful proportions with
elder brother who has pioneered physical dumbell training, bar bell work and lifting.
training in their family. Too often the elder It helps them in the game that has become VITAMIN "B" CONCENTRATE
brother must use the Trial and Error system. their business. It makes them strong as a
He loses a great deal of time by experiment¬ tiger and as quick. We receive so many Just add twelve drops dally of this amazingly efficient
ing with many forms of training, by follow¬ letters from fellows who have seen these big
ing the instructions of a number of physical wrestlers in action and marvel at the amazing vegetable juices and watch flesh appear In place of
scrawny hollows. A few weeks’ use improves your health
training teachers. In time they find just what speed they show in the ring. Podolak held as well as your looks; giving you greatly Increased
system is best, and concentrate on that the world’s record in the dead weight lift. rigor, energy, pep, virility. Unexcelled for the under¬
method, with much more rapid progress. But He’s a member of the 300 pound club. One weight, nervousness, constipation, loss of appetite.
Indigestion, neuritis, fatigue and lack of energy.
the younger brother can profit by their ex¬ of the strongest men ever developed in this
perience, follow the best methods from the country. And he can turn a somersault with TRY IT—SEE FOR YOURSELF!
beginning and obtain so much better and fifty-pound weights in his hands.
faster results. They avoid possible discourage¬ A wrestler who does not practice special
ment and save enough perspiration to have training with weights will not rise so high or
floated a fair sized boat. last so long as the weight men. Wrestlers
Remember that Joe Loprinzi weighs 148 need powerful arms and shoulders, but they
pounds. He weighed 124 pounds when he must have legs. And special training such as
embarked on his intensive training periods weights and the Iron Boot provide make the
with the York system. He'll be one of the legs long lasting and pillars of might.
greatest as time passes and he’s mighty good Another brief letter from a man never
shown before who has made fine progress.
Kindly focus your eyes upon the photo of Gentlemen:
another member of the Loprinzi family, this I have a set of your bar bells and have
young man being a cousin of the men just been using your course of training. My
mentioned. He hails from Portland, Oregon, present measurements are as follows: Biceps
too. His letter follows: 14J4, chest 39, waist 27, thighs 21, calfs 14. Are You CONSTIPATED?
Yours truly, Edwin Hanna. Rt. 6, Box 295.
Dear Bob: Tacoma, Wash. Art You CONSTIPATED . . . Suffer With
I am sending you my picture. I take your The letter is so brief that once again we Gas . . . Belching . . . Acidity
magazine every month and think it great. must read between the lines. Examination of
I am nineteen years of age, weigh 150 pounds . . . Sour Stomach?
our files tells us that Edwin Hanna has had a
and am five feet five inches. I have a fifteen York dumbell set since July, 1936. There is
inch arm. Everybody calls me Young Ter- a difference of twelve inches between his You Need This Astonishing
lazzo. I can military press 190 pounds. I am normal chest and his waist. Note the beauti¬ Intestinal V1TALIZER
a cousin to Samuel Loprinzi. ful slope of his shoulders and the rounded
Gus Greco. tapir of his back. He has a good neck, fine
arms, slender hips, and powerful shapely
The letter is brief. The men who obtain legs. It would be hard to find a better im¬
real results from their training don’t write promptu pose than the one shown here.
much. They work hard and intensively with And another letter. Dear Mr. Hoffman:
the weights, and follow the courses outlined. Here are some photos of me to show you
But the photo itself tells volumes. This young what bar bells have done for me. Although
man can indeed be proud of the progress he I did make pretty good gains, I am not satis¬
has made down that mythical road, to fied. Don’t get me wrong. I’m not putting the
Strengthville. He has strength, a» evidenced blame on your bar bells. I’m putting it on
by the fact that he is a lifting champion myself. I never did train very regularly. Use ETALAX
and presses 190 pounds, and he has beautiful So save these photos of me and in a year
proportions. Not one part of his body that from now you will see a big difference in my This New Natural Method Ends
couldn’t be classed as superb. He has a fine physique. For today I have made up my mind
upper body, and observe the symmetrical Trouble Quick—No Drugs
to have a physique like John Grimek or Ed
power evidenced by his legs. Harrison. I made this promise to myself and
Now compare the before and after photos ETALAX is a scientific combination of dehydrated
I intend to keep it or die trying to. vegetables and herbs, rich In various mineral elements
of Leo Jensen. The first picture is not really Sincerely, to give new power to the entire eliminative system. Stop
a before picture because he was already a Joseph D. Liptak, dosing with irritating drags and ordinary laxatives. Use
champion wrestler, weighing 145 at his 59 Parkway St.,
height of five feet seven. Compare his weight Struthers, O.
pod measurements in the first picture with The pictures are nicely posed and are
those of the second. The first was taken in similar to poses that we have shown of John
1932 and the latter photo recently. He has Grimek. When proper training methods have by constipated bowels and a mismanaged digestive sys¬
registered steady improvement throughout the brought such fine results with very limited tem. By all means send for a supply AT ONCE. 40
years. You’ll notice that he has been, through ETALAX Capsules—sufficient for 40 days—sent post¬
exercise, we can look for something sen¬ paid on receipt of $1.00.
proper training, "shapely every pound of sational now that he has determined to do or
the way.” die in seeking the attainment of a physique These and other approved Health Foods
Age 20. Age 25. such as John Grimek, or the sensational York furnished readers in response to repeated
Height ... 5 ft. 7 in. 5 ft. 8 in. lifter, Eddie Harrison. You’ll remember that
Weight .145 205 requests. Order direct from
Eddie received his York bar bell on January
Neck .1414 19 10th, 1936. In April of this year he won the
Chest .42 47 normal 50 exp. Junior national A. A. U. weight lifting cham¬ DR. FREDERICK TILNEY
pionship. He’s getting better every day, has Box 305, Hollywood, Florida
one of the finest bodies ever seen. An ex¬ always make at least ten repetitions in the
FOOD-COMBINATION amination of the snapshots in his recent story two hands snatch with a substantial pound¬
and MEAL PLAN-CHART in this magazine show up well. But they were age. Yesterday I made fifteen, which was a
♦ FREE ♦ taken in the cold, months ago. You should new record for me. I kiddingly told the
It will tell you at a glance how to combine see him now. Just twenty years of age, he people present that five were made with my
and plan your meals gets better every day. He weighed 123 when muscles, five with my mind, power of mind
Write for Price List, Health Catalogue he received his bar bell, weighs 160 now. over matter, and as I made still five more that
Visit and save at our Health Store His training consists principally of lifting that was made by my subconscious mind.
HEALTH FOOD PRODUCTS motion exercises and repetitions with the But kidding aside, these lifting motion exer¬
238 Livingston St. BROOKLYN, N. Y. Three Olympic lifts. All the really well built cises are the best in the world, and of these,
opp. Names Dept. Store DEPT. S
men are lifters. The fellows who say, I’ll the repetition snatch is the best of all. If I
exercise first and when I have developed can find another training day a week, I per¬
some muscle I’ll lift, don’t make the progress form compound exercises with dumbells, end¬
The Picture Magazine of a attained by men who practice lifting and the ing with a few with heavier bells.
regular exercises too. This I believe more than anything else
THOUSAND THRILLS For six years now, I have been trying to Droves that the training system I constantly
™BODY BEAUTIFUL put across the training truth that the lifting
motion exercises and actual weight lifting are
write about is a good one, the BEST. No
other instructor has ever constantly proven
the best training exercises known. They his training methods on his own body. There
exercise every muscle and stimulate the in¬ are lots more letters before me, and photos,
, Student THINKER! ternal processes while making important but well have to save them for a future
changes in the operation of the organs and issue. I hope this article will encourage all of
described. To INTRODUCE the glands. People who come to York are a bit you men who are striving for strength,
!st Art Magazine ever published surprised at my constant improvement. Every health and muscle, that you are on the right
offer 5 BIG BACK ISSUES, alse Saturday I do something in the strength line track if you follow the methods we advocate.
large, beautifully bound and
. nted Art Portfolio of FAMOUS that I could never do before. Maybe I'll be a And I hope, too, that I have proved that the
PAINTINGS, (forn real strong man some day. I rarely train more men of today compare more than favorably
A" ST" tor $1 than once a week. On that day I train very with the men of the past. Remember that our
tive! Iu.*„—M
__ of Mind hard, try myself out on the three Olympic men of today are all of the United States and
and Body. Health and Happiness! lifts first. Bent press, press on back, and a lot the great strength athletes of the past were
Student writes, “$10 wouldn't buy of competitions of one sort and another. I from many countries.


(Continued ft om Page 24)
tunately for most of us, however, flexibility are nearly exhausted. The only case in which
does not determine whether or not the back this exercise could be the best one, would
shall be ill or beautifully shaped. But sup¬ be for one who already had arms dispro¬
HOW DO YOU LIKE pleness does influence the results you may portionately stronger than his latissimus.
get from doing the stiff legged dead lift. For the beginner who has not advanced
THIS MAGAZINE? Still, you will not have missed anything by very far in strength, hand balancing and
We wifi be most pleased to being inflexible for you will very probably stunts on parallel bars, horses, rings and the
receive your opinion of which be better adapted to the rowing motion than like are very productive. Later, nevertheless,
our more pliable fellows, because you will if one has considerable strength and a rather
article is best in this issue as e forced to do the most imperative thing poor sense of balance, hand balancing and
well as constructive criticism in the rowing motion, to hump your back, apparatus stunts offer many impediments to
if there is some part that you reach to the floor with a weight while your further improvement because one may not be
don't like. knees are locked. constructed to whirl through the contortions
So far as we are concerned here, side press¬ and gyrations necessary to meet a satisfactory
ing is inferior to bent pressing. But as one amount of resistance. Consequently, bar bells
usually goes farther to the side in the side are the most direct route to physical perfec¬
press than in the bent press, the former tion, and, all in all, they are the most ap¬
works the muscles differently and should, propriate equipment for those who aspire to
therefore, be done for the sake of complete- unusual muscularity.
As I have stated elsewhere, the effective¬
With the feet somewhat higher than the ness of a particular back exercise depends
any drugs or cathartics. Made head you will find the press on the back largely on one’s skeletal construction. If your
both harder and better; harder from the bones are put together in a certain way, you
tables concentrated. Results standpoint of performance and better as a
will amaze you. Send at once, will be hindered, so to speak, from getting
$1.50 for 2 months' supply. means to immediate results. the "feel” of the exertion. In the long run
Dr. Caleb T. Saunders, 111 Chinning the bar with weights attached you will improve much faster by experiment¬
College Place, Norfolk, Va.
to one’s feet has been claimed by some ing now with a few of the best exercises to
authorities to be an excellent back exercise. help you decide which of them are the most
But, obviously, the arms are much too weak suitable for your specific case. Do not be too
in the chinning position to support what ef¬ hasty in your decision not to use some exer¬
fort the larger muscles of the back can exert. cises, such as the rowing motion, which are
By the time the latissimus and surrounding very difficult for almost anyone to do rightly
muscles start to warm up a little, the arms the first time that they are tried.
(Continued j im Page 33)
world’s highest official bent press of 371 and tives in Montreal, was at one time acclaimed
an unofficial record of 386, and a two hands as the world’s strongest man. He was one of
anyhow record of 448, attained the honor of the "greats” that we have had the privilege
I desire to add to the library in the Strength and lifting overhead, unassisted and holding it of seeing in person and in action. He made
Health Center. Am interested in purchasing or trading there for the count, the greatest weight ever a dead lift of 650 pounds at one of the Phila¬
hoisted by a human being. delphia shows and a two hands continental
for old books and magazines dealing with Strength and Many have thought that Horace Barre of jerk of 328 pounds. He has pressed 260 and
Health subjects. Kindly tell me what you have, at what Canada, a training mate of the great Cyr was snatched 256 in spite of his great bulk and
price you value it, and whether you prefer cash or to as strong as the powerful Louis. At least he big waist line. He was a natural strong man
trade for something else that we have in the line of made the same successful lift in the two who gained fame for his strength while he
hands clean and jerk, a world’s record at the drove a brewery wagon in his native > city.
books, courses or apparatus. time, of 347 pounds. But he lacked competi¬ Decarrie, another great Canadian strong man,
tive spirit and was satisfied to be one of was credited with a bent press of 317 pounds.
BOB HOFFMAN those who "Also lifted.” It is reported that Gaesler, a German, held the one arm clean
York, Pa. he shouldered a 1200 pound bar bell and and jerk record at 251 pounds. He was good
walked across the gymnasium with it on one on all the lifts and ranks well toward the top.
shoulder. Henry Steinborn, still active and one of the
Arthur Giroux, at present Chief of detec- world’s best wrestlers, was phenomenal on

Page 42
the quick lifts right after the war. He cleaned
and jerked 350 pounds officially, and the
story is told that he made 375 by mistake one
day in training. He was informed that the
weight was 350, but he failed to clean it.
Knowing in his heart and soul that he could
lift 350, he tried again and again until finally
he was successful. It was then discovered that
a mistake had been made in loading and that
the bar really weighed 375. I can well believe
this story for I saw him fail repeatedly with
a 250 snatch and finally succeed. He put a
terrific, superhuman effort back of a lift, and
he had great strength, for he performed a
deep knee bend, a world’s record of 552.
Steinborn could have been the world’s
greatest lifter had he continued as a lifter.
But there’s no money in lifting; a man must
live, and so wrestling became Henry’s voca-

Strassberger of Germany, an old timer in

age is still active. Within the last year he
pushed the world’s amateur record in the two
hands military press to 298 pounds. Hindered
by his big waist, he has difficulty with clean¬
ing and snatching, but he has officially made
253 and 313. His best effort in the conti¬
nental jerk is 375.
Years ago in Vienna, the strongest man
was he who put the most weight overhead in ORDER BLANK
the continental jerk style. Turck first held the The York Bar
York, Pa.
world’s record at 386. Steinbach hoisted it to
I am enclosing In payment for the type of
392. And from there Swoboda made it 408J4- checked above.
These old timers excelled at other forms of
lifting too, notably heavy dumbell lifting and
continental pressing. Steinbach made a press
with 311 and a snatch with 264 which was
an unheard of poundage in those distant
days. Tofalas, the Greek strong man, must be
considered. A story will appear about his
lifting career in a coming issue. He is cred¬
ited with 347 in the bent press and many
other great lifts.
Aside from Rigoulot, France has had many
great lifters, such as the giant Apollon, who
excelled at real strength feats; Vasseur, who
held the world’s record in the one-hand
snatch, also making 260 in the two hands
snatch, and Cadine, a former Olympic light-
heavy champion, who, as a star within the
last ten years, made 600 in the dead lift,
240 in the press, 258 in the snatch and 310 in
the clean and jerk. There was Moerke, the
tremendously powerful German lifter, only
five feet four inches tall, and 230 pounds in
bodyweight, who looked like a fat man but
had power. He negotiated over 550 in the
deep knee bend, 375 in the continental jerk
and 264 in the press.
Nosseir, the Egyptian champion, will never
be forgotten. He was the light-heavy Olympic
champion in 1928, and the world’s heavy¬
weight champion the following year. None
of the world’s lifters have been able to sur¬
pass his world’s record in the clean and jerk
at 368, although Walker, at Berlin, had 369
overhead, only to drop it before the count was
made. Nosseir also made 281J4 in the two-
hands snatch which for a time was the
world’s record. Our own Joe Nordquest, al¬
though handicapped by a missing lower limb,
made a two-hands press of 245, a bent press
of over 300, and a press on back of 388
pounds to surpass Hackenschmidt’s record.
Warren Lincoln Travis is considered by many
to be the world’s strongest man, his claim
for supremacy being in the heavy lifts. A few
years ago he lifted a thousand pounds a
thousand times in nine minutes. That’s a
million pounds in nine minutes if you use
your arithmetic. You can tell from his
challenge to Harry Good which appeared in
the last issue, and from his posting of ten
thousand dollars reward to the man who can
follow him through his act, that he is as

I believe you’ll have to make your own

choice of who is the strongest man in the
past. It’s too difficult a problem for me to
Page 43
figure out. What do you think? weight lifter which, in a contest such as we
THE GIANT CRUSHER GRIP There are few in the present, unlike in the
past, really strong men to consider for the
are discussing, would make him the world’s
strongest man. He hasn’t made these lifts in
title of world’s strongest man. Ronald Walker official competition with other leading lifters
of England, Manger of Germany and but he will probably do this later to earn for
Psenicka Vaclav of Czecho Slovakia are the himself the title of the world’s strongest man.
three leading contenders. Luhaar of Esthonia He is another made strong man, weighing
who made the highest clean and jerk at the hardly two hundred pounds at his height of
Olympics, 363, is a very powerful man. He is six feet. Manger of Germany is the Olympic
very deceiving in his looks. Someone asked champion and Psenicka was runner up both
me how old I thought he was. I replied in 1932 and 1936. We must not forget Chief
about fifty. I was startled when told that he Moquin of Drummondville, Quebec who
was twenty-eight. Apparently he had done all excels at lifts of pure strength. He lifted
of his training indoors and was very pale. right here in our building to show us what
This continental type of physique, smooth and he could do and Gord Venables contested
rather fatty, hid the great strength his with him in an official contest at Drummond¬
muscles possessed. He jerked the 363 with ville, all of which gives us a sure estimate
such absurd ease that he dipped but little of his ability. We don’t know the records of
and didn’t move his feet. He’s one of the Manger, Luhaar and Vaclav on the first three
best. lifts so can not include these in the following
Before going on with the leading three chart of their lifts in important competition.
contenders we must mention Hussein of Bent Dead Cont. Clean &
Egypt, former light heavy world’s champion, Pres Lift Jerk Press Snatch Jerk Total
Walker . 270 550 380 280 300 380 21R0
who although not a really big man, yet is Moquin . 280 675 340 270 230 300 2095
such a skilled lifter that his official lifts at Manser. 311 287 350
the Olympics were 247, 269)4 and 352 in Luhaar . 264 275 363
Vaclav . 286 275 340
YORK ATHLETIC SUPPLY CO. the usual order. Dave Mayor of the York Hussein .... 247 275 352
team is rapidly becoming one of the world’s You will note that Ronald Walker does
strongest men but he can't quite rank with not excel on the dead weight lift. Consider¬
RAY VAN CLEEF the very best as yet. He has jerked 375 from ing his power on other lifts—he is reported
PHYSICAL CULTURE EXPERT the shoulder, has clean and jerked 335 and to have cleaned 400 in training—he should
225 EAST 28TH ST.f BROOKLYN, N. Y. has officially snatched 255. He is capable of be able to do at least 650 in the dead lift.
Mr. Van Cleef brings a physical cnl- much more. His official press record is 250 But a single attempt with 550 is all we have
tnre studio right into yonr own home but he has made more recently. Yet this year received a report of. Another hundred pounds
where he designs and personally super¬ he is due to rank among the first three or on this lift and some practice on the bent
vises your training. His unlimited ex-
four in the world. Only twenty years of age, press would put him in first place with the
his great size, and strength, is sure to bring champions of all time. Still a young man, he
him to the top. He has greater physical pos¬ continues to improve and, barring unforseen
sibilities than any of the other leading lifters occurrences, should become the greatest lifter
in the world. He’s a made strong ’man. For of all time, even surpassing the amazing
sheer strength Carl Pakpe of the Michigan Rigoulot whose records seemed unapproach¬
Alkali dub has some splendid lifts to his able.
credit. He doesn’t bent press, he can’t put Moquin has real power, is a natural strong
PhyAxqjuJL fijoAM. weights over head, his snatch isn’t so good, man, and can deep knee bend with very close
but his dead lift of 675 and his two hands to 600 pounds. He is not so fast on the quick
curl of 185 give more than a hint of his lifts nor can he get so low in the splits.
great strength. Walter Podolak formerly held Walker moves like a flash and his tall body
the world’s record in the two hands dead lift permits him to place himself in the best posi¬
with 652 pounds. A wrestler at present, he is tion for each lift. As we said in making our
still fond of lifting and improves with the comparison of the strongest old timer, we’ll
years. Certainly he is one of the world’s have to leave the matter to time, and the
strongest. opinion of our readers. I’m sure many of us
At the present, according to official reports, would give a finger to see all the men listed
Ronald Walker is the world’s best heavy¬ here in such a contest at one time.

(Continued from Page 34)
size of a deer, weighing two or three hundred stories seem to be the outcome of a vivid
pounds or in rarer cases a steer or bull imagination and are not based on fact.
weighing a thousand pounds, are killed in Many seemingly impossible things happen
this way. in this world that are hard to believe, unless
You may wonder just how a five hundred we or reliable eye witnesses actually see
pound snake can overcome an animal twice them. Some few white men have had the op¬
its weight. First, its method of fighting is to portunity to see just what these huge snakes
wrap its body around the neck of the beast it can do. In one old Natural History Book, for
wants for its dinner. There is no effective instance, an account is given of a fight be¬
way that a quadruped such as a buffalo or tween a boa-constrictor and a buffalo. The
deer can fight back, for it can’t reach the snake encircled the quadruped with its coils,
aggressor. From this position the snake not and to quote the words of the narrator, "At
ANNOUNCING CATALOGUE No. 3. Owing only quickly strangles the beast, but often every twist the bones of the buffalo were
breaks the beast’s neck. heard to crack, almost as loud as the report
to in incra.iing demand, included are A snake has over a hundred ribs, but they of a gun.” While, as a fitting sequel to this
of 5 OTHER MODELS In addition to many are small and round, so that nearly all of its astonishing yarn, we are told that the beast
now studies of the Ritter Bros, themselves. It great body is solid muscle. The organs are was swallowed whole by the snake.
contains 72 dynamic shots taken in studios, in small, and I believe that its muscular bulk, The boas and pythons have survived
considering its construction, is the equal of throughout the ages by sheer muscular
a gymnasium, and at a pool, a wide source an animal twice its weight. Then the favor¬ strength. Every other living thing in the
of inspiration to any physical culturist, artist able manner in which it can apply power world is against the snakes. In this country
or sculptor. makes it not too difficult to overcome great a snake of any sort is killed always on sight.
Catalogue $ 1.00 No thought is given to its possible usefulness
There is quite a discussion as to how large in destroying bugs, worms, small rodents,
1st and 2nd series 25c and $1.00 respectively an animal a snake can swallow and dispose rats, mice, or moles. Yet, except in thickly
or we will send all three catalogues for $2.00. of. Its jaws dislocate and separate in such a populated districts, snakes are as abundant
manner that an animal many times the as ever, the best proof that they are resource¬
RITTER BROS. diameter of the snake can be swallowed. ful, speedy, powerful and cling tenaciously to
14 Weit 40th St. Numerous stories have been related of the life.
great strength and swallowing capacity of the A few years ago I came across a water
Dept. S, New York City world’s largest snakes, but many of these moccasin sleeping in the sun upon a pile of

Page 44
That Federal Trade Case

Page 43
o capture it, but I had

zsvfjsft&rs, sd it by the tail and pulled

i inch and a half of the end of
off and the snake escaped for
the time being. Constantly in movement, that
end of the tail remained alive for many
hours. Later I captured the same snake.
The Anaconda inhabits rivers such as the
Amazon which flows through the jungles. It
crawls along the river bank searching for its
prey. The most ancient of reptiles used the
same hunting tactics. When hungry, these
huge snakes will attack anything alive that

iSHPSi to catch large fishes still alive, but sluggish

owing to having been left in pools when the

It is ■dally commonjor them to drape

;rved by their
ful in making a capture. There are many
■s of boatmen 'who have been captured by
e huge snakes, and c , .
the part of their comrades in
snake away saved the man’s life.
The Python of the Malay Per
snake shown in the Frank Buck
but little shorter
of the South Ami
ack Python i
ngth. Other
Australian diamond Python and the South
rican Boa Constrictor, the latter seldom
iding fourteen feet in length,
le more we learn of the power of

wS "made0 ifpossibleTor him V "deveTop

and use in hunting, fighting and for his pro-
^n^weapo^of all sorts which W
roughout the history of the
world. Without these weapons, a man would
last only a few seconds in the grasp of the


SeSSssS ^^2*^ VS
thickly populated portion of the world, ^ as

thTunited States6 AnT^rmean^'approxi"

mately thirty seven thousand annually.

< and his records went up. T-

^In”three months of practice his lifts had VloUly-

soared to 205, 220, 285, total 710. National
championships in the past were won with
less than this total. Manger won in 1932
with 70AYa. Here was an unknown lad scal¬
ing the heights to an extent that he began
to attract attention. John Roach told us that
he read the articles in S & H, The Best Way
Page 46
to Clean and Jerk and The Best Way to jerker than a cleaner, but he was probably
Snatch so many times that he nearly knew too excited to have this weight at his
them by heart. Constant study of the positions shoulder which would have equalled Weldon Would You Like To
helped him to perform the lifts as they should Bullock’s world’s record of 310 for men of
be done. He has developed an amazing second his age. John failed to jerk it, but he had Have One of These
pull both in the snatch and the clean. We already done enough, made the highest total
were immediately impressed with this ability a youth of his age had ever made. Weldon
when we first saw him in the New England
championships at Woonsocket, R. I. on April
has superlative skill in the jerk. It’s sort of
the poetry of motion to see him in that lift.
fourth. His lifts on that occasion were 215, But his snatch at the nationals in 1933 was
220, 285, with a narrow miss of a 300 pound 220 and he did not have John’s pressing Giant Crusher Grip
clean and jerk. ability. He’s a much smoother lifter, so such
Jiffy Gym
At that contest he met Bob Hoffman per¬ a total on the part of John Roach indicates
sonally, talked a lot about lifting and Bob that he has amazing power. Pair of hand crushers
made several suggestions. He told him just He won’t be eighteen until October. Per¬
how he trains himself and how other York haps he’ll go still higher by that time, but 100 assorted strong man poses
lifters train, and urged him to practice repeti¬ there are no contests that he can enter. The
tions, repetitions and repetitions in the clean, national championships were too far away, Membership in the S. & H. League
the snatch and the press. Young John fol¬ and no other championships are scheduled in
lowed the advice given to him explicitly, and his territory. Any one of these premiums will
this special training system made it possible John Roach's record should be an in¬ be given free with your two years’
for him to realize his ambition at Bristol, spiration to anyone. It shows what can be
Conn., May 22nd. The Connecticut cham¬ done if the desire is great enough. First you subscription to Strength & Health
pionships were held that day. John Roach must know what you want, just to keep fit, magazine.
was not eligible for the championship as he big muscles, great strength, a perfect body,
lived in Massachusetts, but he lifted after¬ Strength & Health has grown so
super health, a champion lifter’s ability, a
ward as an exhibition. Without the spur of world’s record or a national championship. rapidly that many news stands
competition and lifting too rapidly, it was quickly become sold out. You may
most difficult for him but he made a splendid Then you must be willing to work hard and
long to attain that goal, to let nothing stand miss a copy. By being a subscriber
total. His official lifts were 220, 240, 300,
total 760. in your way or cause you to deviate from you get the magazine a few days
He snatched 245 with a press out at the the path. Then follow the right methods and in advance of the time it appears
finish. He cleaned 310. Usually he is a better good results are sure to follow. on the news stands. And it is
cheaper too, to be a subscriber
than to buy single copies. You
don’t want to miss a single one of
these wonderful issues we are pre¬
paring for you so sit right down
and send three dollars to Strength
& Health, York, Pa. for your two
years subscription. Check the
premium you want us to send to
you by return mail.




5 AND 6


"Bo! Dese elephant bones sho’
Page 47
(<Continued from Page 18)


Page 48
♦ Gym Gems ♦ GET IN TRIM
frfi. thsL SwnmsJi,!
That is what the newly designed
T HERE has been volumes of material pub¬
lished concerning all phases of Eugene
stunt. Previous to accomplishing this feat of
endurance he had been on a milk diet for
signed for, to make you trim. Strengthen
up your midsection. Banish that ugly fat.
The Abdominal Board makes all the old
exercises much easier to perform and
Sandow's career. I have read a large por¬ eleven days. While on a theatrical tour in makes possible dozens of new ones.
tion of these biographical articles besides California several months ago Perdue after
coming in contact with a number of old time being on a milk diet for twenty-one days
athletes who were personally associated with demonstrated the fact that it had not sapped
Sandow. Yet to my knowledge there has his strength by performing his entire hand
never been any satisfactory explanation as to to hand balancing routine with his partner on Bach outfit includes Bob Hoffman’s
how Sandow, whose real name was Frederick top of an auto in motion. Like many other complete Abdominal Course!
Mueller, came to adopt this name profession¬ stage athletes Perdue owes the foundation of
ally otheii than the fact that it was an ideal his great strength to his years of bar bell
stage name for a strongman athlete. I believe training during his youth. He ranked as one
I have discovered the true solution to this of the best weight lifters in the country dur¬
mystery. While seeking some information in ing his period of lifting. At a bodyweight of
a gazette recently I happened by chance to 162 pounds he did a two arm clean and jerk
read that there is a town in Brandenberg, of 269J4 pounds and a right arm snatch of
Prussia, by the name of Sandow. Our phys¬ 156J4 pounds. Originally he was a pupil of
ical culture leader was born in Konigsberg, that great strongman athlete Owen T. Carr of
Prussia which is quite near the village of Portland, Oregon.
Sandow. As this town was founded long When I witnessed Robert L. Jones’ almost
before the advent of this great athlete there unbelievable stunt of doing a hand stand on
is no possibility that it was named in honor the tops of Indian clubs on his thumbs alone
of him. Unquestionably he obtained the name I never expected to see it duplicated. Recently
from this village which was in the vicinity of not only did I witness it performed in perfect
his birthplace. form but in a more difficult manner by Jewel
It would be difficult to find an athlete who Waddell in his vaudeville act. In the pre¬
could surpass Norman Perdue for physical liminary balance the athlete does a finger bal¬
endurance and recuperative powers. In ance on the tops of ten clubs and then shifts PROPER ABDOMINAL EXERCISE
demonstrating the value of milk as a food from this position to the thumb stand. Jones
in performing this stunt has his Indian clubs WILL PREVENT RUPTURE
Perdue, who was on a strict milk diet for
eight days, carried his wife on his shoulders other than those the thumbs balance on at¬
in a seated position from Barberton to Akron, tached to the platform by means of springs hesitate. Send
Ohio. He covered the distance of nine miles so that they automatically fall down when
between these cities in three hours time. Then he releases the pressure on the finger. YORK ATHLETIC SUPPLY C
to top the climax after this grind which was Waddell has no mechanical aids in doing his
accomplished in the morning he performed thumb stand as his bottles or clubs are not
attached to the platform in any manner. In Gentlemen:
his strenuous hand to hand balancing and
human lifting act at four shows in a vaude¬ shifting to the thumb balance he knocks Enclosed find fl\ dollars ($5.00). I
down each bottle individually with the e one of the new
ville theatre that day. In another remarkable York Abdominal” lb ■d« and Hob Holf-
exhibition of stamina Perdue carried his wife finger it is supporting. Another important man’s ... Ci
Violet who weighs 125 pounds on his fact to be considered is that he performs it
shoulder while he walked from the ground every day in his act on an average of four to
floor to the top story of the A. I. U. Tower five times daily. As remarkable as this thumb
Building in Columbus, Ohio. He climbed the balance stunt is Waddell goes it one better
My address .
47 stories of this skyscraper in 22 minutes by performing a one arm half arm plange
with his wife sitting on his shoulders supporting and balancing the entire weight
throughout the entire performance of this of his body on the thumb of that hand alone. City of . State.


(Continued from Page 23)
strengthen the large circular muscle which the action will be lost; but you need enough
surrounds the eyes, thus preventing sagginess lubrication to prevent soreness and chafing of
and dark hollows under the eye. the skin.
Sagging and drooping at its corners, the Carefully examine the facial muscles dis¬
mouth will atrophy and become weaker in played on the chart so that you may know
the afternoon of life. Then, however, the them well enough to give ample attention to
muscles encircling the mouth may be speedily all of them in your massaging. You should
strengthened by inserting the little fingers devote considerable attention to the muscles
into, and alternately contracting and relaxing, of the chin, the cheeks, and the jaws. Yet
the corners of the mouth. Any unsightly some of the time and energy which you have
marks will vanish as the bloom of yesteryears set apart for the care of your skin must be
spent in rubbing the length of the nose
In old age the temples usually sink. The to prevent its becoming enlarged and bulbous.
faithfully followed practice of rubbing the The temples, the seat of some of the most im¬
temples will build them up and, by removing portant blood vessels which nourish the face,
"crow’s-feet” and other marks of time, regain must not be neglected. But the chief points
the fullness of youth. The friction should on which to concentrate your attention are
pass from the temples towards the eyes. the cheeks, chin and jaw, and then the neck,
To preserve their pliability and strength, as we will explain later.
the cushion muscles of the chin, like the If you have lost that clean cut chin and
muscles around the mouth, should be exer¬ jaw, you will have to recover it or else take a
cised at an early date. Firmly rubbing the back seat in a lot of things. Rest the chin
point of the chin is the way to commence the upon the palms of the hands, press firmly
■development of these muscles. Aside from and thoroughly rub the muscles underneath.
■massage, friction in itself is most important. This is the same movement, but with more
Leather can be polished by rubbing, and the pressure, which should be applied to the
•skin of the face is merely live leather. You circular muscles around the eye. Constantly
must not use a large amount of grease as a change the position of the hands, as progress
lubricant, otherwise many of the benefits from is more rapid with all parts receiving their
Ask The Doctor

Page 50
Dear Mr. Hoffman:
While I was yet in college, I was somewhat a st< in a variety
of sports—archery, hockey, soccer, et cetera. But < years ago
when I began to teach in high schools, I grew fai r and fatter
I finally, four months ago, I became alarmed t
150 pounds. Luckily for me, one of my pupils, an extraordinarily
well-formed lad of sixteen, told me, after he had heard me com¬
plain about being overweight, to purchase one of your five-in-one
outfits. Now, thanks to you, I weigh only 126 pounds and feel even
better than I did as a collegiate athlete.
Respectfully yours, (Miss) I. B. B.
Being a professional Adagio Dancer means I must have ap¬
pearances in order to perform before the public. I have worked
all the leading night spots in Illinois and have been compli
mented more lately than I ever had before on my physique. I
might say that my costume and that of my partner, who is now
a real "Iron Boot" fan, covers the whole upper body and shows
only the legs, this means that all my audience attention is
riveted on the legs and previous to my using the Five in One
I was always conscious of my slender legs and I know my audi¬
ence felt the same way. The male partner of any Adagio Team
must radiate strength and that is why I started on the Five in
One. I stay one week in each club and have my outfit built in
a neat box with two handles so that I can take it with me at
each engagement. I have a gain of one and one-half inches
around the upper thigh which I consider very good for a man
who has been in my profession for eight years. I hope to work
Pennsylvania soon and if I get near York you be sure I will
visit you.
Very truly yours, Fran Ravello, Chicago.
Complete details of this amazing offer on page 15.
Order from Bob Hoffman,
York Bar Bell Co.
York, Pa.

Sob dtofftmanX. 5 IN1

SuUdiruf, Ouifit!
I never thought I would see the day I would praise some one
else's nostrum. You see, I am a physician, I tell others how to keep
well and prescribe suitable remedies, but never do it myself. In the
past five years I have suffered rheumatics and vesicular leg ail¬
ments, the type of which you will recognize as arising from a com¬
bination of age and inactivity, that my weekly game of volleyball
only aggravated rather than aided. I purchased your Five in One
exercising device with the contemptuous air of a professional com¬
petitor, but alas, I must remove academic veneer and give
praise. Your Five in One has made a new man out of me, not only
permitting me to radiate confidence to my patients but to also
star at the before mentioned volley-ball games. (If you should ever
use this as a testimonial, which I sincerely hope you do, I suggest
you use the usual professional discrimination in omitting my name.)
Dr. O. W. B„ Chattanooga, Tenn.

Dear Bob:
We cops have been called "flat foots" for a long time. I suppose
the reason for this is that policemen don't take any more care of
themselves than I did before I got a five-in-one set. Before I
started to work out with this wonderful little outfit, at night my
feet and back were so tired after pounding the beat all day that
I was seriously thinking of lookinq for another job. What a different
man I am now! If I keep improving my standinq in the department,
I'll be a captain soon.
Yours truly, Officer (Hen) Flannagan, N. Y. C.
Mid-Summer Special
As Illustrated Above


NEW VALUE FOR THE OLD PRICE! The proved method of physical training is the principle
The Mid-Summer Special consists of • of a "thousand exercises"; to be well built, to possess the
* Five-foot special steel bar with knurled body of a Sandow, one must exercise every muscle from
hand grips, two heavy duty shield collars and
two patented York Holdtite collars. every possible angle. Completeness of muscular develop¬
* 2—25 pound plates. ment demands a wide range of weight training apparatus.
* 2—20 pound plates. The Mid-Summer Special permits every conceivable body
* 2—12l/2 pound plates.
* 4—10 pound plates. building exercise, in fact you have in reality as much ap¬
* 4— 5 pound plates. paratus as are in the finest studios and the price for a
* 4—2y2 pound plates.
limited time only is $22.00.
* 4—134 pound plates
* 2 adjustable dumbell bars complete with 8
lock collars and spare wrench.
* The four famous York Courses as have
been supplied to thousands of our successful It seems almost impossible that such an offer could be
pupils including our own personal instruction made; one in which you receive TWELVE DOLLARS AD¬
and charts of exercises and anatomy.
* A pair of the exclusive YORK IRON DITIONAL training equipment when purchasing the regu¬
BOOTS complete with straps, the greatest ap¬ lar York 210-pound barbell set with the world famous Four
paratus ever devised for leg building.
York Courses!
* The York Leg Developing Course, a spe¬
cial course to be used with the Iron Boots
complete with three wall charts of the move¬ ORDER NOW!
developing with a course of exercises!
Send $22.00 (cash, money order or check) at once to the
Think of the amazing combinations possible
with this Mid-Summer Special. YORK BARBELL CO. YORK, PA.


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