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O p e r a t i v e an d

Perioperative Pulmonary
Jordy C. Cox, MD, David M. Jablons, MD*

 Pulmonary emboli  Operative  Perioperative  Venous thromboembolism
 Pulmonary embolectomy

 Intraoperative and perioperative massive pulmonary embolism (PE) remains an unusual but well-
established cause of death; improved outcomes rely on a high index of suspicion, prompt recog-
nition, and aggressive intervention.
 Surgical embolectomy outcomes have improved drastically since inception of this technique at the
turn of the previous century; the procedure should be used without hesitation during an intraoper-
ative crisis in which PE has been determined to be the cause.
 For patients with echocardiographic findings suggestive of ventricular dysfunction but who remain
normotensive, the question of whether they should undergo surgical embolectomy or thrombolysis
remains unanswered.
 When a thromboembolic event is suspected intraoperatively, transesophageal echocardiography
seems to be the most reliable adjunct to diagnosis.
 In the setting of hemodynamic instability and echocardiographic evidence of right-heart strain,
emergent surgical embolectomy should be considered and initiation of anticoagulation should
not be delayed. This point is especially relevant in cases such as neurosurgery whereby systemic
thrombolysis is likely to have severe hemorrhagic complications that are not easily correctible.
 For institutions that lack cardiopulmonary bypass capabilities, on-table systemic thrombolysis is
likely to be the best treatment option. Use of advanced mechanical circulatory support (veno-arte-
rial extracorporeal membrane oxygenation) may provide a reliable temporizing adjunct while off-
loading the right ventricle and improving gas exchange.

INTRODUCTION 5, the decision was made to electively place a pro-

phylactic inferior vena cava (IVC) filter. He was
A 17-year-old boy was admitted to a trauma cen- taken back to the operating room (OR) where a
ter following a head-on collision. He had been re- femoral approach was chosen. The initial scout ve-
turning home after watching a basketball game nogram was concerning for a filling defect in the
and wearing only a lap belt. The shear forces iliac vein, but repeat imaging was clear. As the
caused a disruption of his anterior abdominal deployment system was advanced into position,
wall, multiple intestinal avulsions, and a spine frac- the anesthesiologist noted a precipitous decrease
ture with spinal cord injury and paraplegia. He was in end-tidal carbon dioxide (CO2). This decrease
taken emergently to surgery. The postoperative was followed by cardiac arrest. Cardiopulmonary
course was unremarkable. On postoperative day

The authors have nothing to disclose.

UCSF Department of Surgery, UCSF Helen Diller Comprehensive Cancer Center at Mt Zion, 1600 Divisadero,
St San Francisco, CA 94115, USA
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address:

Thorac Surg Clin 25 (2015) 289–299
1547-4127/15/$ – see front matter Ó 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
290 Cox & Jablons

resuscitation (CPR) was initiated but unsuccessful or recurrent events. The outcome is related to the
at restoring hemodynamics. size of the thrombus burden, the underlying cardio-
Massive intraoperative pulmonary embolism pulmonary function, and the promptness of diag-
(PE) is a rare event but carries high morbidity and nosis and institution of treatment. PE followed by
mortality. Diagnosis remains a challenge; thera- cardiac arrest carries a 70% mortality. The poten-
peutic approaches lack established consensus, tial survivors warrant aggressive intervention. PE
especially in the setting of ongoing unrelated sur- associated with hemodynamic instability carries a
gery. PE has been described as the most common 30% mortality, whereas PE that fails to produce
cause of preventable death in hospitalized patients. right ventricular (RV) dilatation and hemodynamic
Despite advances in prophylaxis, diagnostic ap- compromise carries only a 1% mortality. Therefore,
proaches, and therapeutic modalities, it remains the presence of shock has traditionally defined the
an underrecognized and lethal entity. Estimates threshold for thrombolysis.
suggest that PE is responsible for between For a PE to become evident intraoperatively, it
150,000 and 200,000 deaths per year in the United must have hemodynamic significance. PE should
States (a third of which take place in the periopera- be included in the differential diagnosis of periop-
tive period). Several series have reported mortality erative hypoxemia, hypotension, and hemody-
rates ranging from 15% to 30%, especially when namic compromise and a high index of suspicion
associated with hemodynamic instability. Venous must be maintained in order to ensure prompt
thromboembolism (VTE) prevention has become recognition and treatment. This recognition is
the number one in-hospital safety improvement particularly difficult when patients have hemody-
goal. The incidence of VTE in the major general sur- namic fluctuations during induction. The incidence
gery patient population without prophylaxis ap- of perioperative PE has been increasing. This
proaches 25% and can be as high as 60% in increase is likely multifactorial but correlates with
major trauma and 90% in spinal cord injuries. the increased rate of detection from more preva-
In fatal cases of PE, it is known that death occurs lent computed tomography (CT) scanning for diag-
within 1 hour of the embolism in 60% of cases. nosis (Fig. 1). In this article, the authors attempt to
Only 50% of deaths are attributed to massive define the best approach based on the most up-
emboli. The rest are caused by smaller submassive to-date publications and guidelines.

Fig. 1. Extensive emboli in right and left main pulmonary arteries.

Operative and Perioperative Pulmonary Emboli 291

RISK FACTORS Despite adequate management, chronic throm-

boembolic pulmonary hypertension can result in
The Virchow triad of stasis (immobility, congestive approximately 5% of cases. These patients may
heart failure), vessel injury (surgery or trauma), and eventually require pulmonary thromboendarterec-
hypercoagulability (malignancy, drug induced, oral tomy and possibly transplantation should endar-
contraceptives, hereditary) remain the basis for the terectomy fail.
development of VTE. Factors such as major ortho-
pedic, abdominal, or pelvic surgery; trauma; pro-
longed immobilization; mechanical ventilation; use INTRAOPERATIVE DETECTION
of neuromuscular blockers; presence of central Recognition of a PE in the perioperative period pre-
venous catheters; and malignancy have all been sents a substantial challenge, but early detection is
associated with VTE formation. End-stage renal dis- paramount in reducing morbidity. Presenting
ease and other hypercoagulable states, such as symptoms cannot be seen in anesthetized pa-
activated protein C resistance, proteins C and S tients; classic signs, such as tachycardia, hypoxia,
deficiencies, prothrombin mutations, and eleva- and even shock, have multiple possible causes in
tions in homocysteine, also predispose to VTE. the OR setting. Electrocardiogram changes
Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia (HIT) results in include atrial arrhythmias, ST and T-wave abnor-
an increased risk of VTE and arterial thrombosis. malities, and signs of right-heart strain, such as
S1Q3T3, right-bundle-branch block, right axis de-
PATHOPHYSIOLOGY viation, or P pulmonale, as described by McGinn1
in 1935. In patients who are breathing spontane-
Most pulmonary emboli originate as VTEs in the ously, changes in the arterial blood gas analysis
deep veins of the lower extremities. Upper extrem- typically reflect hypoxemia, hypocapnia, and respi-
ities and pelvic veins account for the rest. As the ratory alkalosis. The most dramatic change, espe-
emboli lodges in the pulmonary artery (PA), platelet cially in the setting of a massive emboli, is a sudden
activation causes the release of vasoactive agents, and pronounced decrease in end-tidal CO2.2
such as histamine, activated complement, ADP, A normal D-dimer level, as demonstrated by an
thromboxane, and serotonin, which increase pul- enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), has
monary vascular resistance. The combination of a sensitivity of 99% and safely excludes a PE. Its
mechanical outflow obstruction with an intense hu- usefulness in the perioperative period is limited
moral response leads to substantial increases in as fibrin is produced in conditions (such as trauma,
RV afterload, which, in turn, lead to RV dilatation, malignancy, infection, and inflammation) that are
ischemia, and dysfunction. The ensuing reduction typically part of the operative constellation.
in left ventricular (LV) filling and decreased coro- Transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) with
nary blood flow results in global cardiac dysfunc- color-flow Doppler might be the only available
tion and hemodynamic collapse. accurate diagnostic tool that can be performed in
Because of its unique geometry, the RV is more the OR without interrupting the procedure. There
sensitive to changes in pressure than to volume. are reports of endobronchial ultrasound (EBUS)
Therefore, even small acute changes in pulmonary accurately diagnosing a PE. Although this tech-
vascular resistance lead to dramatic changes in nique is uniquely suited to imaging the PA, it
RV stroke volume (SV). In order to maintain this does, temporarily, partially obstruct the endotra-
SV, there is a catecholamine-mediated increase cheal tube and may worsen the hypoxia. This tech-
in preload. Increased preload leads to RV dilata- nology and the expertise to apply it are not always
tion, which shifts the septum and limits LV filling. immediately available in a general OR. TEE and
As the LV SV decreases and overwhelms systemic EBUS have the distinct advantage of being per-
compensatory vasoconstriction mechanisms, sys- formed on the operating table as the main proce-
temic hypoperfusion ensues. dure is ongoing.
PA obstruction leads to an increase in alveolar A recent study analyzed 146 cases of massive
dead space and V/Q mismatch. This derangement intraoperative PE and attempted to identify the
is compounded by overperfusion of the nonob- best diagnostic tools: end-tidal CO2, central
structed portions of the pulmonary parenchyma venous pressures, echocardiography, and stan-
and creates edema and alveolar hemorrhage. dard vital sign monitoring. Changes in end-tidal
These changes persist long after the emboli them- CO2 were associated with the earliest detection
selves resolve. The presence of a patent foramen and lowest mortality. Echocardiographic evidence
ovale (PFO) further worsens the condition as intra- of thrombus was noted in 87% of cases and
cardiac shunting exacerbates hypoxemia and pul- indirect evidence of RV strain in 92%. RV dilata-
monary vasoconstriction. tion, tricuspid regurgitation, and wall motion
292 Cox & Jablons

abnormalities were all associated with increased decompensation. Moreover, positive pressure
mortality. This retrospective review clearly sup- ventilation will decrease systemic venous return
ported the use of capnography as a screening and increase pulmonary vascular resistance further
tool and a low threshold for the use of intraopera- jeopardizing RV function. The use of induction
tive TEE as confirmatory test.3 agents, such as etomidate or ketamine, is ideal as
The 2014 guidelines of the European Society of they cause less myocardial depression.
Cardiology’s Task Force for the Diagnosis and Although volume expansion with crystalloid so-
Management of Acute Pulmonary Embolism re- lution is the initial treatment choice for any undif-
garding diagnosis of patients with suspected ferentiated shock, in the PE-related crisis, fluid
high-risk PE and shock establish that4 overload will significantly increase RV preload
and systolic wall stress further worsening the
 Emergency CT angiogram (CTA) or bedside ischemia. Therefore, consideration to early use of
echography (depending on availability and vasopressors and limiting resuscitation to
clinical circumstances) is recommended for 500 mL of crystalloid has been advocated, espe-
diagnostic purposes (class I recommenda- cially in the setting of compromised cardiac output
tion, level of evidence C). and/or echocardiographic evidence of RV
 In patients who are too unstable to undergo dysfunction.
confirmatory CTA, bedside search for venous Norepinephrine seems to be the agent of choice
and/or PA thrombi with ultrasound and/or TEE given how it increases mean arterial blood pres-
may be considered to further support the sure (MABP) and enhances perfusion pressure
diagnosis (class IIb recommendation, level of gradients to the RV subendocardium. It also pos-
evidence C). sesses a modest B1 inotropic effect that enhances
 Pulmonary angiography should be considered RV contractility. Despite their attractive potential,
in unstable patients referred directly to the cath- inotropic agents, such as dobutamine, also cause
eterization laboratory, in case once an acute peripheral vasodilatation through a B2 effect.
coronary syndrome has been excluded, PE Consideration should be given to the combined
emerges as a possible diagnostic alternative use of these two agents. It is also reasonable to
(class IIb recommendation, level of evidence C). consider the use of pulmonary vasodilators, such
A recent review of more than 3000 massive in- as inhaled prostacyclin or nitric oxide and paren-
traoperative thromboembolic events spanning teral sildenafil, given the vasoconstrictive neurohu-
5 decades found an overall mortality of 41%. moral response to PE. These agents may improve
Thrombotic, neoplastic, and gaseous emboli cardiac output and gas exchange.
were the most common causes. All types of sur- The presence of shock or hemodynamic
gery were involved and did not have a statistically decompensation in patients with proven PE is an
significant bearing on outcomes. The use of a PA indication for thrombolysis or surgical embolec-
catheter was associated with improved mortality. tomy. This finding has been supported by multiple
Overall, therapeutic interventions resulted in better clinical trials. Bleeding complications from the
outcomes when compared with supportive care thrombolytic therapy remain the major concern,
alone. Unfortunately, given the power of this study, especially in the intraoperative and immediate
the investigators were unable to find statistically postoperative setting.
significant differences in outcomes between the The different thrombolytic agents seem to have
therapeutic options. However, mortality was similar efficacy provided that equivalent doses
greater in the systemic thrombolysis group than are given over a similar period of time. Additionally,
in any other. TEE was found to be a useful tool in as shown by Verstraete and others6, there seems
the diagnosis and detection of postintervention to be no difference in efficacy between intrapulmo-
improvements in RV wall motion abnormalities.5 nary thrombolytic therapy and peripheral intrave-
nous (IV) thrombolytic therapy.
INITIAL STABILIZATION AND MONITORING Echocardiography-based studies have shown
that thrombi that are long, mobile, and hypoechoic
Following a massive PE, hemodynamics are initially are more susceptible to thrombolysis than those
supported by an intense endogenous catechol- that are immobile and homogeneous/hyperechoic.
amine release. Escalating oxygen requirements When indirect signs of RV dysfunction are seen on
often call for intubation and mechanical ventilation. echo, there is an association with increased mor-
This intervention often precipitates cardiovascular tality. Mortality in patients who fail to respond to
collapse as the catecholamine surge is mitigated thrombolytic therapy approaches 30%.
and drug-induced vasodilatation lowers preload Assessing the efficacy of the intervention can
and leads to subendocardial ischemia and cardiac also be challenging during the first few hours.
Operative and Perioperative Pulmonary Emboli 293

Monitoring of end-tidal CO2 may be used as a Recognition of VTE and PE is difficult in the
barometer to define the need for additional inter- post-thoracic surgery patient population. Cardinal
ventions. Improvement in cardiac output, reduc- symptoms of leg swelling and pain are common in
tion of the degree of tricuspid regurgitation, and an extremity that has undergone vein harvesting.
a decrease in central venous pressure are also in- Dyspnea, mild hypoxia, and chest pain are also
dicators of improvement. common following thoracotomy or sternotomy.
Biomarkers have also been used: B-type natri- Atelectasis, pleural effusions, pain, fluid overload,
uretic peptide (BNP) as an indicator of RV stress atrial fibrillation, and cardiac dysfunction have
and troponin I and T levels as indicators of shared presentations with and can easily mask
myocardial ischemia can be monitored and their an embolic event. Previously mentioned bio-
trend followed. In the absence of hemodynamic markers (BNP and troponin) are also commonly
instability and elevation of these markers, the pre- abnormal following thoracic surgery.
dicted outcome has been shown to be excellent. A high index of suspicion is critical in the identifi-
In contrast, elevations of BNP and troponin isoen- cation of patients at risk and those that have devel-
zymes are associated with higher mortality. Their oped a thromboembolic complication. The main
utility as discriminators for the initiation of throm- diagnostic tool is currently a multidetector CTA,
bolytic therapy is growing.7,8 For those that fail with a reported sensitivity and specificity of 83%
thrombolysis, there seems to be a significant sur- and 96%, respectively. This finding was initially
vival benefit in undertaking surgical embolec- validated by the PIOPED II (Prospective Investiga-
tomy. The incidence of recurrent PE is higher in tion of Pulmonary Embolism Diagnosis) trial.9
patients requiring repeat thrombolysis and is
also a significant cause of death. The use of PREVENTION
IVC filters in this setting may significantly impact
this. Based on the American College of Chest Physicians’
The 2006 Cochrane review reported poor out- 2012 evidence-based clinical practice guidelines on
comes in those patients with greater than 70% of antithrombotic therapy and prevention of throm-
initial pulmonary vascular obstruction, hemo- bosis, ninth edition, the following is recommended10:
dynamic instability at presentation, paradoxic For patients undergoing cardiac surgery, me-
septal motion on echo, older age, and residual chanical prophylaxis in the form of intermittent
vascular obstruction of greater than 30% after pneumatic compression for an uncomplicated
thrombolysis. postoperative course is used, with the addition of
Surgical embolectomy should be considered for a pharmacologic prophylaxis (low-molecular-
emboli presenting with shock and in when sys- weight heparin [LMWH] or low-dose unfrac-
temic thrombolysis is contraindicated. Ideally, tionated heparin [UH]) for a prolonged course
the emboli are large and centrally located, and em- complicated by nonhemorrhagic events (grade
bolectomy is undertaken before cardiac arrest. 2C recommendations).
This procedure typically requires localization with For patients undergoing thoracic surgery, use
CT imaging and/or echocardiography. Whenever mechanical and pharmacologic prophylaxis in pa-
an intraoperative PE is suspected, TEE should be tients at moderate risk for VTE who are not at high
used. risk for perioperative bleeding (grade 1B recom-
mendations) and mechanical prophylaxis only in
VENOUS THROMBOEMBOLISM IN THORACIC those cases at high risk for perioperative bleeding
SURGERY PATIENTS until such time as the bleeding risk diminishes
(grade 2C recommendations).
The occurrence of a VTE in patients who have un-
dergone thoracic and cardiac surgery is associ- TREATMENT
ated with significant morbidity and mortality. The
incidence of VTE in post–coronary artery bypass The American College of Chest Physicians’ 2012
graft surgery patients has been reported at around evidence-based clinical practice guidelines on an-
20%. Less than 1% of these develop a PE. Mortal- tithrombotic therapy and prevention of throm-
ity, however, can be as high as 20%. VTEs have bosis, ninth edition, recommends the following:
been found in both the extremity that is the site For the initial treatment of a VTE/PE, use LMWH
of saphenous vein harvest and in the nonharvested or fondaparinux over IV or subcutaneous UH for at
extremity. Ultrasonography will reliably detect a least 5 days and until the international normalized
proximal VTE in 50% of patients with a PE. A ratio (INR) is greater than 2.0 followed by 3 months
normal ultrasound of the leg veins does not rule of oral anticoagulation therapy with vitamin K an-
out PE. tagonists and an INR target of 2.5 (range 2–3).
294 Cox & Jablons

Twice-daily dosing of parenteral agents is Xa inhibitors (danaparoid, fondaparinux, dabiga-

preferred, and vitamin K antagonists should be tran, or rivaroxaban). Platelet transfusion is
started on the same day that parenteral anticoagu- discouraged as it may lead to worse thrombotic
lation is initiated (grade 1B recommendation). complications. All these agents carry a substantial
The 2014 guidelines of the European Society of risk of bleeding, potential anaphylaxis, and vari-
Cardiology’s Task Force for the Diagnosis and able effectiveness given dependence on renal or
Management of Acute Pulmonary Embolism indi- hepatic metabolism.
cate that once acute-phase parenteral anticoagu-
lation has been initiated, acceptable alternatives to THERAPEUTIC OPTIONS FOR THE TREATMENT
vitamin K antagonists include apixaban, dabiga- OF ACUTE PULMONARY EMBOLISM
tran, and edoxaban. These agents should not be
used in patients with severe renal impairment When faced with a perioperative PE, several op-
(creatinine clearance <30 mL/min). These recom- tions for treatment exist.
mendations are class I and supported by levels
of evidence B.4 Anticoagulation
In pregnancy, a weight-adjusted dose of LMWH
Anticoagulation is indicated for normotensive pa-
is the recommended therapy.
tients with normal RV function.


HIT is an immune-mediated disorder caused Systemic thrombolysis is indicated in patients who
by the development of immunoglobulin G anti- are normotensive but with evidence of RV
bodies against heparin when bound to the platelet dysfunction or in those cases of hemodynamic
factor 4 (PF4) protein. This disorder results in compromise.
platelet activation and subsequent thrombus Agents with proven effectiveness include strep-
formation. tokinase (SK), urokinase (UK), and recombinant
In cardiac surgical patients, the incidence of HIT tissue plasminogen activator (rtPA). They all
is estimated to be 5%. It is associated with the use seem to be similarly effective. The hemodynamic
of UH but also LMWH. Life-threatening adverse effects are particularly significant during the first
effects are secondary to the development of few days, and the best outcomes are observed
thrombosis anywhere in the arterial and venous when infusion is begun within 48 hours of the onset
circulation and include both hemorrhagic and of symptoms. The infusion regimen should be
thromboembolic complications. HIT should be abbreviated (administration over 2 hours), and
suspected when the platelet count decreases by UH infusions should be stopped during adminis-
50% or more from baseline, in the absence of tration of SK and UK but may be continued during
other causes of thrombocytopenia, and is associ- rtPA.4
ated with the development of new thrombosis or The effectiveness of this approach was set in the
the extension of preexisting thrombosis within 5 classic UPET (The Urokinase-Streptokinase Pul-
to 10 days of exposure to heparin. monary Embolism) trial published in 1974.11
Diagnosis relies on laboratory assays. The sero- The 2008 guidelines of the European Society of
tonin release assay is the gold standard diagnostic Cardiology’s Task Force for the Diagnosis and
test. It uses platelets and serum from patients and Management of Acute Pulmonary Embolism indi-
monitors for serotonin release, as a marker of cate the absolute contraindications to systemic
platelet activation when combined with heparin. thrombolytic therapy to be hemorrhagic stroke or
Although this test has a 95% sensitivity and spec- stroke of unknown origin at the time of PE,
ificity, it is slow and costly and used, therefore, for ischemic stroke within 6 months, central nervous
confirmation. The detection of antibodies against system (CNS) neoplasms, major trauma or surgery
heparin-PF4 complexes is an antigenic ELISA within the preceding 3 weeks, gastrointestinal
test that is highly sensitive but less specific and bleeding within the last month, and known active
is used as screening. bleeding.
Management of patients with HIT is focused on Relative contraindications are transient ischemic
the reduction of thrombus formation and a stroke within the last 6 months, oral anticoagulant
decrease in platelet activation. All forms of heparin therapy, advanced hepatic disease, infective endo-
must be stopped; given the strong predisposition carditis, retinal hemorrhage, pregnancy or less than
to repeated thrombotic episodes, anticoagulation 1 week postpartum, active peptic ulcer, recent
must be initiated with either direct thrombin inhib- resuscitation, refractory hypertension (>180 mm
itors (argatroban, lepirudin, or bivalirudin) or factor Hg), and severe thrombocytopenia.12
Operative and Perioperative Pulmonary Emboli 295

The role of systemic thrombolytic therapy in the  Thrombolytic therapy is recommended (class
post–cardiac surgery patient population is limited I recommendation, level of evidence B).
given the consequences of bleeding complica-  Surgical embolectomy is recommended for
tions. However, traditional contraindications to an- patients in whom thrombolysis is contraindi-
ticoagulation are considered relative in the setting cated or has failed (class I recommendation,
of a PE with hemodynamic collapse and a patient level of evidence C).
in extremis who is proving refractory to other ther-  Percutaneous catheter-directed treatment
apeutic interventions. Complications from this should be considered as an alternative to
approach include an increased risk of serious surgical embolectomy for patients in whom
bleeding. The overall incidence of major hemor- full-dose systemic thrombolysis is contraindi-
rhage is reportedly around 12%; particularly, there cated or has failed (class IIa recommendation,
is a 1% to 3% incidence of intracranial hemor- level of evidence C).
rhage that can be fatal in up to 50% of cases.13,14
Catheter Embolectomy or Catheter-Directed
Thrombolysis On the afternoon of October 3, 1930, Dr Edward
Churchill was called to the bedside of a woman
Catheter embolectomy or catheter-directed throm- who had been recovering from a cholecystectomy.
bolysis is considered in cases of failure of systemic She was complaining of chest pain and dyspnea
thrombolysis, contraindications to thrombolytic and was deteriorating rapidly. A massive PE was
therapy, and when surgical embolectomy is un- suspected. A young trainee monitored her until
available or not feasible. the following morning when she further decom-
Several variants of this technology are available: pensated. Dr Churchill opened the chest and per-
rheolytic embolectomy uses pressurized saline; formed a Trendelenburg embolectomy in less than
rotational embolectomy fragments the thrombi us- 10 minutes, but the patient never regained con-
ing a mechanical device; and suction embolec- sciousness. The trainee that had been assigned
tomy uses negative pressure to aspirate the clot. to the bedside watch was Dr John Heysham
Most cause thrombus fragmentation and achieve Gibbon, Jr and he credits this episode as the cata-
varying degrees of completeness of thrombus lyst that lead him to the development of the heart-
removal, ranging from 40% to 100%. Delivery lung machine and the first successful operation
sheaths vary in size from 6 to 11 French. Those de- under cardiopulmonary bypass nearly 3 decades
vices that require cut down of the jugular vein for later.17
delivery (such as the Rheolytic system) have an Early descriptions of the surgical removal of pul-
increased risk of local vascular complications monary emboli are credited to Dr Friedrich Trende-
and hemorrhage.15 lenburg, surgeon-in-chief at the University of
Leipzig in the early 1900s. His student, Martin
Pulmonary Embolectomy Kirschner, is considered to have performed the
Pulmonary embolectomy is indicated in critical pa- first successful procedure on March 18, 1924.
tients in which there has been a failure of systemic More recent successes without the use of cardio-
thrombolysis and/or catheter embolectomy or in pulmonary bypass date back to the early 1960s
whom there is insufficient time for effective throm- when hypothermia and venous inflow occlusion
bolytic therapy. Recent data have shown that sur- provided modest results. The first successful pul-
gical embolectomy has superior outcomes when monary embolectomy with extracorporeal circula-
compared with repeat thrombolysis.16 Surgical tion is credited to EH Sharp in 1962.18
embolectomy should also be considered in the Technological improvements, especially those
setting of intracardiac thrombi or systemic embolic related to cardiopulmonary bypass, have drasti-
complications from an emboli in transit through a cally impacted the outcomes of the procedure,
PFO or other septal defects. with recent reported mortality in the 5% range.
The 2014 guidelines of the European Society of Given this decline, it has recently been suggested
Cardiology’s Task Force for the Diagnosis and that indications for surgical embolectomy be
Management of Acute Pulmonary Embolism expanded and not reserved exclusively for those
regarding treatment of patients with suspected patients who have failed thrombolysis.
high-risk PE and shock/hypotension state4 Emboli that are most amenable to surgical extrac-
tion are limited to the proximal main PAs. Identifica-
 IV anticoagulation with UH must be initiated tion with spiral CT is ideal before proceeding with
without delay (class I recommendation, level surgery. Spiral CT has been validated and has re-
of evidence C). placed pulmonary angiography as the primary
296 Cox & Jablons

imaging modality for diagnosis. It is also a useful The main PA trunk is exposed, and a longitudinal
adjunct in the detection of intracardiac and extrac- arteriotomy is performed 2 cm distal to the pul-
ardiac causes of thromboembolism. monic valve with extension onto the proximal left
Echocardiography is a useful diagnostic tool for PA. The thrombi are extracted under direct vision.
visualizing centrally located emboli. It is also useful Right-angled Dejardin gallstone forceps are help-
in the detection of RV dysfunction and can identify ful. Gentle irrigation and, occasionally, a Fogarty
other intracardiac, such as septal defects and balloon embolectomy catheter are used to access
intracardiac thrombi. It is also a helpful adjunct in the most peripheral clots. Gentle compression of
the monitoring of the RV and its response to treat- the lung parenchyma can also assist in dislodging
ment. Indirect signs of concern are paradoxic smaller distal thrombi. Additionally, a longitudinal
septal motion, tricuspid valve regurgitation (with right PA incision between the superior vena cava
a jet velocity >2.8 m/s), and IVC congestion. Its pri- and the aorta can be used to improve access
mary limitation resides in detecting emboli located and visualization. A pediatric bronchoscope or a
in the main left PA. Several investigators advocate choledocoscope can be used for direct visualiza-
that TEE has limited sensitivity and that failure to tion of the arterial tree and confirmation that all
demonstrate a thrombus does not exclude the major branches are free of thrombus. Removal of
need for intervention.19 The echocardiographic thrombi to the segmental level is usually achieved.
criterion of RV enlargement is defined as a diam- The PA is a delicate structure. Gentle manipula-
eter of 90% or greater of the size of the LV. tion is mandatory to avoid injury that might prove
extremely challenging (if not impossible) to repair.
If indicated, removal of RA or RV thrombus and
INDICATIONS FOR SURGICAL EMBOLECTOMY closure of PFO is accomplished also. The arterio-
tomy is closed with a running suture, and patients
Most patients with acute pulmonary emboli do not
are weaned from cardiopulmonary bypass (Fig. 2).
require surgical intervention. Traditionally, this
The placement of an IVC filter to decrease the
approach has been reserved for those with a
incidence of recurrent emboli is often done
massive PE that has been confirmed by imaging,
concomitantly but no consensus exists over its
who have hemodynamic instability despite antico-
use. The 2014 guidelines of the European Society
agulation and failure (or absolute contraindication
of Cardiology’s Task Force for the Diagnosis and
to) systemic thrombolytic therapy (or insufficient
Management of Acute Pulmonary Embolism
time for it to be effective).
regarding the use of IVC filters following a PE state
The presence of intracardiac, such as a free-
floating thrombus or a trapped thrombi within a
PFO/atrial septal defect, are also indications for  IVC filters should be considered in patients
surgical intervention. with acute PE and absolute contraindications
A definitive diagnosis is ideal before interven- to anticoagulation (class IIa recommendation,
tion. If preoperative imaging is not an option given level of evidence C).
the urgency or because of an intraoperative crisis,  IVC filters should be considered in cases of
an emergent TEE with color-flow Doppler should recurrent PE despite therapeutic levels of anti-
be used to help confirm the presence of an embo- coagulation (class IIa recommendation, level
lism. Typically, these patients are already in a pro- of evidence C).
found state of hemodynamic compromise;
additional delays for confirmatory studies can
lead to poor outcomes. In cases in which the lux-
ury of confirmatory testing is not afforded, the de-
cision to proceed with a rescue embolectomy may
be feasible and should be entertained.

Approach is via a median sternotomy. The pericar-
dium is entered; after systemic heparinization,
aortic and bicaval cannulation is used. The use of
cardioplegic or fibrillatory arrest and aortic cross-
clamping versus beating heart technique is left at
the surgeon’s discretion. Normothermia is usually
maintained given the short period of bypass. Fig. 2. Specimen from pulmonary embolectomy.
Operative and Perioperative Pulmonary Emboli 297

 Routine use of IVC filters in patients with PE is PULMONARY EMBOLISM IN PREGNANCY

not recommended (class III recommendation,
level of evidence A). Acute PE is a known cause of death during preg-
nancy and may account for up to 20% of maternal
Injury to the distal branches of the PA during deaths in the United States. As the body of litera-
embolectomy can lead to significant bronchoal- ture supporting aggressive therapeutic modalities
veolar hemorrhage and manifest as significant he- grows, some investigators have used this
moptysis and is particularly challenging in the approach with success in acutely decompensated
setting of full heparinization. This can be wors- pregnant patients.22
ened by reperfusion injury following resumption The prevalence of PE during pregnancy is sub-
of pulmonary blood flow. Temporary isolation of stantially higher than that of the general popula-
the injured arterial branch with a ballooned cath- tion. This prevalence is not only caused by the
eter and increased PEEP can also assist with he- hypercoagulable state but also by mechanical
mostasis. Isolation with a double lumen ETT and compression of the IVC by the gravid uterus.
selective lung ventilation may be necessary in Prompt diagnosis is crucial. Imaging tests can be
the more extreme cases. Bronchoscopy is useful performed safely, and radiation exposure levels
to identify and located the bleeding. Resection of are acceptable for the fetus.4
the involved parenchymal segment may be Systemic thrombolysis is relatively contraindi-
indicated. cated. Consideration must be given to emergent
Preoperative thrombolysis does increase intrao- delivery, especially if the fetus is of viable gesta-
perative bleeding during the thrombectomy, but it tional age; but reports of successful term delivery
does not constitute a contraindication to surgery. exist. Heparin anticoagulation remains the initial
Inability to wean from cardiopulmonary bypass treatment of choice; but catheter-directed throm-
because of primary RV dysfunction, persistent se- bolysis, transcatheter thrombectomy, and surgical
vere pulmonary hypertension (especially in the thrombectomy have all been used with good
setting of acute-on-chronic pulmonary emboli), outcomes.
or severe hypoxia might require the use of me-
chanical circulatory support/extracorporeal mem-
brane oxygenation (ECMO) as a bridge to OTHER EMBOLIC SYNDROMES
recovery. The presence of an IVC filter limits PE can result from other materials. Fat, air, amni-
venous cannula placement. otic fluid, and silicone have been described.
The use of mechanical circulatory support sys- These pulmonary emboli can present acutely in
tems as an initial approach to rapidly deteriorating the intraoperative and postoperative period and
patients in order to sustain hemodynamics and represent additional diagnostic and therapeutic
provide right heart support has yet to be validated challenges.
but offers an attractive temporizing measure that Gas emboli are typically iatrogenic in origin:
can be performed at bedside in the intensive insertion of central venous catheters, neurosurgical
care setting or intraoperatively and potentially procedures, and inadequate deairing during car-
allow transport of patients to tertiary care centers diac surgery procedures are some of the more
where definitive treatment can be achieved. common causes. The clinical presentation can
Several recent reports from Japan have described mimic that of standard PE, and a decrease in
the use of preoperative percutaneous venoarterial end-tidal CO2 during surgery can alert a developing
cardiopulmonary support with an overall mortality event. CO2 emboli can occur during laparoscopic
rate of only 12% in a cohort of high-risk patients procedures. If suspected, insufflation should be
that included those who had a cardiac arrest and stopped immediately. Several therapeutic modal-
had undergone CPR.20,21 Venovenous circuits ities have been proposed. Positioning patients in
should not be used as they overload the RV. the Trendelenburg position or in left lateral decubiti
relies on trapping of the air in the RV. Aggressive
POSTOPERATIVE ANTICOAGULATION resuscitation and CPR should be initiated
promptly, and aggressive volume resuscitation
Current recommendations are to initiate systemic has been proposed to increase right atrial pres-
heparinization 6 hours after surgery as long as he- sures. Aspiration of air directly from right-sided
mostasis seems adequate. Three months of oral cardiac chambers has also been done. There is
anticoagulants are typically indicated except for no current established consensus regarding the
episodes of recurrent emboli or those associated management in these cases. Hyperbaric oxygen
with noncorrectible causes, such as a malignancy, therapy has some use in the treatment of arterial
in which case anticoagulation should be lifelong. cerebral air embolism but not for PE.
298 Cox & Jablons

Fat embolism is most commonly seen in trau- cause of death. Improved outcomes rely on a high
matic scenarios with long bone and pelvic frac- index of suspicion, prompt recognition, and aggres-
tures and at the time of surgical repair. The sive intervention.
globules typically originate from exposed marrow Surgical embolectomy outcomes have
or damaged adipose tissue. In addition to the me- improved drastically since its inception as a tech-
chanical effect of the globules, there seems to be a nique at the turn of the previous century and
substantial activation of toxic mediator pathways, should be used without hesitation during an intra-
such as free-fatty acids and C-reactive protein, operative crisis in which PE has been determined
that may contribute to the constellation of symp- to be the cause. There is an emerging trend toward
toms that constitute fat emboli syndrome and a more aggressive approach.
lead to myocardial depression. The clinical sce- For those patients with echocardiographic find-
nario typically includes fever, dyspnea, hypox- ings suggestive of ventricular dysfunction but who
emia, diffuse alveolar infiltrates, tachycardia, a remain normotensive, the question of whether they
petechial rash (anterior thorax, neck, and axillae), should undergo surgical embolectomy or throm-
and CNS changes, such as seizures and alter- bolysis remains unanswered.23,24 When a throm-
ations in the level of consciousness. These symp- boembolic event is suspected intraoperatively, a
toms usually become manifest 1 to 3 days after the TEE seems to be the most reliable adjunct to
initial injury. Early immobilization of fractures re- diagnosis.
duces the incidence. Pulmonary changes can In the setting of hemodynamic instability and
overlap acute lung injury/acute respiratory distress echocardiographic evidence of right-heart strain,
syndrome, and the diagnosis is usually one of emergent surgical embolectomy should be
exclusion and based on clinical findings. Treat- considered, and initiation of anticoagulation
ment is mostly supportive, although the use of ste- should not be delayed. This point is especially rele-
roids and aspirin has been advocated to mitigate vant in cases such as neurosurgery whereby sys-
the proinflammatory pathways. Cerebral edema temic thrombolysis is likely to have severe
should be treated aggressively, and intracranial hemorrhagic complications that are not easily cor-
pressure monitoring is recommended. Hypovole- rectible. For institutions that lack cardiopulmonary
mia should be avoided. bypass capabilities, on-table systemic thromboly-
Amniotic fluid embolism is a potentially life- sis is likely to be the best treatment option. Use of
threatening event that occurs in the peripartum advanced mechanical circulatory support (venoar-
period. Although initially it was thought that me- terial ECMO) may provide a reliable temporizing
chanical embolization of amniotic fluid was adjunct while off-loading the right ventricle and
responsible, more recent data suggest the syn- improving gas exchange.
drome results from activation of biochemical
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