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Siddhartha Gautama was born around 563 BCE.

Buddhism is the 4th largest religion

Siddhartha Gautama rejected the caste system

The Eightfold Path

Started Buddhism - Siddhartha Gautama (Buddha)

Found in South & East Asia

Suffering comes in 3 forms

● Sickness

● Old Age

● Death

Anatman= Not a true Sole [energy force(spirit)]

Karma= Deeds and actions [cause and effect]

Dharma= Follow the 8 fold Path [depends on the people’s behavior now]

Samsara= reincarnation

Nirvana= Salvation/emotional State of eternal peace and happiness

8 fold path - Follow the “middle way’’

● Duties to Follow and live by

Follow the EightFold Path to Reach Nirvana

4 Noble Truths

1. Life is full of su ering

2. Su ering is Caused by desire

3. End Su ering by Ending desire

4. End desire by following the 8 Fold Path (Dharma)

8 fold path

● Right understanding

● Right thought

● Right speech

● Right action

● Right livelihood

● Right e ort

● Right mindfulness

● Right concentration

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