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Leonardo Acosta

Dr. Delaney

Business Law

January 30, 2020

What is law?

People do not know a singular and complete definition of what is law because it

does not exist. According to Delaney, everyone has a different definition of law. To

seek for a meaning which approximates the most to what is law, we need to find out the

common characteristics. Those characteristics are rules, enforceable, governing,

relationship, and various actors. No matter the definition of law, you will talk at least

one of those characteristics mentioned before.

We can use rules when we try to define the law. The rules are guidelines, and we

use it to live in a society harmoniously. We divide the rules in categories like rules for

society, family rules, cultural rules, and others. Law and rules are not the same things,

but they are related. The main difference between law and rules is that law has a legal

origin. Governmental institutions create laws. For example, a governmental institution

created a traffic law. In the class, we talk about enforceability, and its meaning is the

authority to provokes compliance. Law enforces a person, either natural or legal, to

comply with the rules. For example, if Elvis got a loan to buy a car and he breaches the

contract, the bank has the authority to take off the car and sell it because Elvis signs a

contract where he gives the power to the bank.

The government is who apply the law because they have the power to provoke

people to comply with the rules. Also, law play an important role in the relationship

between individuals and their society because without law, relationships would not

exist. We build relationships based on respect for the rights of others. The last common
characteristic is the actors. According to Delaney, the law has four actors that are

persons, government, states, and society. Persons would be either natural or legal

persons. The government has three branches that are executive, legislative and judicial.

The executive branch is who enforces the law. The legislative branch is who writes and

makes the law and judicial branch is who applies and interpret laws. State is a country

and international law is which determines the obligations between countries. A society

is a group of people who live together in a community and it would be either town or

global societies.

In conclusion, decades will pass over and law still would not have a specific

definition. We figured out that rules are guidelines. Law enforces people to comply. The

government is who apply the law because they have the power. Relationships are based

on respect others rights. Various actors take place in law which are either natural or

legal person, government, states and society. Those characteristics will help us to have a

deeper understanding of what is law.

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Delaney, A. (2020, January 16) What is law?. Business Law Class. Retrieved from:


Delaney, A. (2020, January 23) What is law?. Business Law Class. Retrieved from:

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