Preliminary Test - Art Appreciation - 2022 2023

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Name: Score:

15 True/False questions

Definition Term 1 of 59
art from 500-1300 that mainly showed the importance of musical score



Definition Term 2 of 59
art which incorporates design and creative ideals to applied art
communicate a particular message or address a need



Definition Term 3 of 59
the expression or application of human creative skill and Art
imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or
sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their
beauty or emotional power.



Definition Term 4 of 59
English dramatist and poet; considered one of the greatest William Shakespeare
writers in the English Language



Definition Term 5 of 59
painting, sculpture, architecture, music and dance, literature, cave paintings
theater and cinema.



Definition Term 6 of 59
the art or practice of designing and constructing buildings. art galleries



Definition Term 7 of 59
a building where theatrical performances or motion-picture theatre
shows can be presented


Definition Term 8 of 59
to move to music ballet



Definition Term 9 of 59
paintings on cave walls and ceilings, especially those dating cave paintings
from prehistoric times



Definition Term 10 of 59
concerned with beauty or the appreciation of beauty theatre



Definition Term 11 of 59
The ability to make or bring a new concept or idea into creativity
existence; marked by the ability or power to create.



Definition Term 12 of 59
Latin term for humanities Swan Lake



Definition Term 13 of 59
A work of art is man-made and although it may closely Art is not nature
resemble nature, it can never duplicate nature



Definition Term 14 of 59
Ang makapangyarihang ibong nakatira sa puno ng Piedras imagination
Platas na makikita sa Bundok Tabor.



Definition Term 15 of 59
have stories beyond texts humanitas



14 Multiple choice questions

Definition 16 of 59
a Spanish artist, founder of Cubism, which focused on geometric shapes and overlapping planes

Pablo Picasso

sound effects

Performance Art

Jean-Paul Sartre

Definition 17 of 59
Latin term for art





Definition 18 of 59
"Cave Paintings" Great theologian of Western Christianity who blended Aristotle's teachings with those of Christianity.
"Scholasticism." (in 1200s)

Ibong Adarna

Renaissance Art


Thomas Quinas

Definition 19 of 59
More formally known as the Academy Awards, these are awards given annually to meritorious endeavors in the motion picture
industry by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences.





Definition 20 of 59
A dance form featuring a staged presentation of group or solo dancing with music, costumes, and scenery.

visual arts


applied art

Definition 21 of 59
artwork expressing feeling and emotion, the art itself is a mental activity rather than the artwork that is produced

art as expression

Iliad and Odyssey

Art is not nature

William Shakespeare

Definition 22 of 59
a public display of works of art

art galleries

art exhibition


Albert Einstein

Definition 23 of 59
Onstage decoration to help establish the time and place of a play


concert hall


musical score

Definition 24 of 59
Unlike fields of knowledge that involve data, art is known by experiencing. A work of art then cannot be abstracted from actual
doing. In order to know what an artwork is, we have to sense it, see or hear it, and see AND hear it.

Florante at Laura

art as expression

Art is not nature

Art involves experience

Definition 25 of 59
movie or a special material that is used for taking photographs




medieval art

Definition 26 of 59
an English philosopher who is best known for his aesthetics

Robin George Collingwood

Pablo Picasso

Metro Manila Film Festival

Jean-Paul Sartre
Definition 27 of 59
A French existentialist who said that people just "turned up" and that there was no God to help honest people. Also said "man is
condemned to be free" and people had to choose their actions.

Robin George Collingwood

Pablo Picasso

Jean-Paul Sartre

literary arts

Definition 28 of 59
So foul and fair a day I have not seen; William Shakespeare





Definition 29 of 59
a work involving the human body, usually including the artist, in front of an audience

Art is not nature

performing arts

Renaissance Art

Performance Art

15 Matching questions

a form of nondiegetic sound that supports the emotional mood of a scene. 30-44
A. What is the importance of of 59

Art is everywhere; wherever men have lived together, art has

B. concert hall
sprung up among them as language charged with feelings and

C. What are characteristics of


D. Mahabharata and Ramayana

Prince of Tagalog Poets
E. Francisco Balagtas

Humanities include studying and interpreting languages, literature, history, F. Poetry Performance
philosophy, ethics, and arts. It is the exploration of the human mind and its
G. Florante at Laura
various expressions. Social sciences are studied alongside the humanities.
H. musical score

a sound other than speech or music made artificially for use in a play, movie, or
I. sound effects
other broadcast production.
J. Why art is called humanities?

A masterpiece by Francisco Baltazar which he dedicated to his sweetheart, K. performing arts

Maria Asuncion Rivera. It tells the story about the love and determination of a
L. art galleries
duke to his loved one, the princess of Albania.
M. Art is universal

Origin of the term. The word "humanities" is derived from the Renaissance Latin N. Humanities
expression studia humanitatis, or "study of humanitas" (a classical Latin word
meaning—in addition to "humanity"—"culture, refinement, education" and, O. Metro Manila Film Festival
specifically, an "education befitting a cultivated man").
It generally refers to art, literature, music, architecture, dance and the theatre—in
which human subjectivity is emphasized and individual expressiveness is

a large public building designed for the performance of concerts

Through the contributions of Humanities scholars, we learn the norms of

different cultures, like what goes into creation of art, and how our history was
made. Their legacies preserve the great accomplishment of the past, help us to
better understand today's world, and give us ideas on how to rock the future.

Aryan epic poems composed in Sanskrit which include myths, legends,

philosophy, and moral stories.

is an art form where the artist expresses his emotions not by using paint,
charcoal, or camera, but expresses them through words.

an annually held festival to showcase Filipino films to give a chance for people
to watch locally-made films without heavy competition from Hollywood

a place to see artwork that is available for sale, most often by a living artist

Arts, such as theatre, music, opera, and dance, whose medium is an act
performed by a person.

15 Written questions

Definition 45 of 59
The ability to think of things in ways different from how they exist in reality

Definition 46 of 59
Greek epic poems attributed to Homer; defined relations of gods and humans that shaped Greek mythology.

Definition 47 of 59
Ballet by Tchaikovsky

Definition 48 of 59
idea that the goal of society should be to bring about the greatest happiness for the greatest number of people

Definition 49 of 59
the arts created primarily for visual perception, as drawing, graphics, painting, sculpture, and the decorative arts
Definition 50 of 59
a building where you can look at important objects connected with art, history, or science

Definition 51 of 59
learning the language used in production & viewing of art in general; looking closely at works to understand how they are
composed & if there is meaning; then making a decision about whether or not this is meaningful to you. 'Appreciating' something is
an objective experience while 'liking' something is more subjective and possibly involves an emotional reaction to it.

Definition 52 of 59
art which shows figures both religious or non-religious, more realistic, emphasis on nature, three dimensional with perspective,
people are active and show great emotion

Definition 53 of 59
1. Art is universal.

2. Art is not nature.

3. Art involves experience.

Definition 54 of 59
Arts created with written language.

Definition 55 of 59
The items on the stage that the actors use. They give clues about the setting of the play.

Definition 56 of 59
melancholic love song

Definition 57 of 59
"Imagination is more important than knowledge." Physicist born in Germany who formulated the special theory of relativity and the
general theory of relativity.

Definition 58 of 59
It is the primary planning, programming, coordinating, implementing, and regulatory government agency in the development and
promotion of the tourism industry, both domestic and international, in coordination with attached agencies and other government
instrumentalities. It shall instill in the Filipinos the industry's fundamental importance in the generation of employment, investment,
and foreign exchange.

Definition 59 of 59
Filipino revolutionary leader who fought for sovereignty from the Spanish

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