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NPM : 202041121040

TAHUN AJARAN 2022/2023
a. Synopsis Mulan
Long time ago in ancient China, there was a beautiful girl named Hua Mulan.
Mulan's father was a retired general whose leg was injured in battle and he was
too old to fight, but he still insisted on teaching Mulan how to use a sword and
ride a horse. However, Mulan's father believed that everyone should know how
to fight, even girls.

One day, there was war news that the emperor had ordered that one person
from each family should join the army to fight. Mulan knew that her father is too
old to fight while her sister was still small. Only Mulan could replace her father to
serve the country. However, at that time the military did not take girls as
soldiers. Mulan was very worried and tried to think of a way out. She decided to
disguise herself as a man and join the army.

When Mulan arrived at the barracks, she trained with the soldiers and worked
hard to adapt to life there. Thus she exceled in martial arts and made great
achievements in strategizing to defeat the enemy. Mulan had been so careful
over the years that no one would ever suspect that she was a girl.

Mulan's tenacity and courage reached the emperor's ears, and he was very
grateful to Mulan, even after Mulan confessed that she was a woman. When the
war ended, the emperor asked Mulan to remain as his adviser, but Mulan knew
that this was the right time for a family reunion. Therefore, the emperor gave
her a horse and a bag of riches as a tribute, and sent soldiers to escort her to her

When they arrived at the house, the Mulan family greeted them with great joy.
They prepared a big party for them to celebrate. Mulan returned to her room,
combed her hair and put on a woman's dress. The story of Mulan disguising as a
man and taking the place of her father spread throughout China, and her filial
piety was highly praised by the people.

b. Reasons why I interested to the problem

I am interested in the background story of Mulan's novel. This story illustrates
that in this era women were supposed to look feminine and had to follow the
customs that prevailed there. But Mulan chose to get rid of the stigma and chose
to disguise herself as a man to replace her father by joining the army. Even
though women's physique is not comparable to men, it turns out that Mulan is
capable of being a reliable soldier.


a. Data Source

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