Spectre Outer Rim

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outer Rim
Stat Tiers
The Galaxy is a vast place, with innumerable varied and exotic species of aliens inhabiting it,
alongide humans. Although not a definitive instruction, these are the recommended existing
tiers for representing the multitude of fighters in the Universe. We have included some extras to
represent particularly unusual or iconic characters and aliens.

^ Rebels, Criminal Gangs and Battle Droids: Militia

^ Storm Troopers, Clones, other combat Droids and Veteran rebels: Trained
^ Death Troopers/ Royal guard/ Commandos: Professional
^ Bounty Hunters and other Heroes: Elite

4 5 5 3 4 Mystic (2), Fate (2)
5 6 5 4 5 Mystic (4), Fate (4)
6 6 6 5 6 Mystic (6), Fate (6)

Force powers:
Mystics have the ability to manipulate the world around them. The amount of powers available to each
Tier is equal to their Mystic (x) rating. These can be chosen from the list below. Performed as a Tactical
Action, These powers require a command test to be successful. Any amount may be used per turn,
although each can only be performed once. If the target of these powers is a Mystic, they may counter it
by passing a command test (6 is always a fail). If the test is successful, the power has no effect.

Move: Move equal to your AG in any direction

Deflect shot (when equipped with a Sabre): If defence roll is double a shooting attack roll, you can chose
to deflect the shot back to the shooter. Resolve the attack on the shooter. Master Effect, Auto Deflect.
Influence mind: On a successful command roll, you may take control of a single enemy model within 6”
for one turn
Choke: On a successful command roll, you choke an enemy model within 6”. They must pass a defence
test or roll on the injury table. Master Effect, Lethality 5+
Push: Target within 6” is pushed back D6 inches. Knight effect: D6+2”. Master effects all under an AoE 2”
template, and pushes D6+2
Pull: Target within 6” is pulled D6 inches towards you. Master Effect, pulls into base contact.
Lightning: Dark Master Only
May only be countered by a Master.


6” 4+ 8 Auto Stunned if not killed,
AoE 2” 6” Max Range

Sabre Duels
If your model is armed with one or more Sabres, you may initiate a Dual with an opponent who is also
armed with A Sabre and is in combat with you. When fighting a Sabre Duel, combat works differently.
Each time you make an attack perform the melee as described in the rule book with any modifiers, When
you have your result consult the chart below:
^ Attacker beats Defender by 2: you hit them, roll for Lethality.
^ Attacker beats Defender by 1: Push opponent back 2” and make another melee attack. The Defender
suffers -1 Defence for this attack.
^ Attacker and Defender are Equal: you force the opponent back 1” Combat ends for this turn and
continues next turn.
^ Defender beats Attacker by 1: you are forced back 1”
^ Defender beats Attacker by 2 or more: they make a melee attack back, you suffer -1 Defence for this


- 3+ 8 +2 defence

Double ended Sabres: You roll 2 dice when attacking or defending, both dice must be countered.
Dual wielding Sabres: Roll 2 dice for each attack or defence and chose the highest roll.

Only models with Sabres, or equipped with Force Weapons can defend against a Sabre Attack. If a model
is unequipped with either of these weapons, they do not roll a dice to add to their defence, they may
only use their base defence in combat.

Lethality is only rolled during Sabre Duals, against anyone else the hit is automatically lethal unless
otherwise stated.

To represent the Heroic abilities and survivability of the characters in this ruleset, Heroes may have a
number of ‘Fate’ dice. The number allocated will be noted in their profile as Fate (x).

Fate dice are dice that you keep to the side of the table in reserve. During the course of the game, you
may take one or more of these dice and re-roll a dice of your choice. After using a fate dice, it is discarded
and may not be used again. Multiple fate dice may be used to re-roll, if the first result is not favourable.
Heroic Abilities
Galactic Heroes are able to perform deeds worthy of their name. You may chose to give your hero one or
more of the abilities from this list:

$ Quick Footed: When targeted by a ranged attack, if the Hero passes and Agility Test, the shot misses.
Suppression is suffered as usual. If the Agility Test is Failed, the ranged attack proceeds as normal.
$ Gunslinger: The Hero may always choose to make two aimed shots with his Sidearm each Combat
Phase. These shots may be made against any available target, and are not restricted to being against
a single enemy model.
$ Quick Draw: The Hero may make a single ranged attack with any Sidearm in the tactical actions
phase, rather than in the Combat Phase.
$ Crack Shot: The Hero always counts ranged attacks as being in one lower Ranger Interval (RI 3 counts
as RI 2 for example).
$ Warrior of Legend: If the Hero wins a round of close combat, after choosing to knock out, Kill or
capture the target, he may then make one of the following free actions. Make a ranged attack with
his Sidearm, or a Force Power against the closest visible target. Move up to 2” in any direction. If this
brings him into Close Combat with another model, Combat if fought and if won, one of these options
may be taken again.
$ Lucky: The first Lethal hit is ignored.

Droids are unable to make command or tactical actions, unless otherwise noted. They are also unaffected
by suppression. Droids never roll on the injury table, the only way to destroy them is with a lethal hit.

Injury table
The injury table has been modified to suite the spirit and ‘feel’ of the setting we are trying to replicate.
^ 1-2: Stunned for 1 turn
^ 3-4: Stunned for 1 turn and suffers -1 to movement, defence and agility for remainder of the game.
^ 5: Flesh wound. The model is injured and suffers -2 to movement and agility for the rest of the game.
^ 6: Seriously injured. The model is unconscious until he is revived with a medikit or equivalent ability.
6” 5+ 4 Sidearm
Blaster Pistol
4” 4+ 6 -
Heavy Blaster pistol
8” 5+ 4 Compact, sidearm
Modified Blaster Pistol
12” 4+ 5 Rapid fire
blaster rifle
24” 4+ 5 Rapid fire
Long blaster
30” 1+ 8 Scope, Encumbering
Pulse Rifle
30” 3+ 6 Scope
18” 3+ 6 Automatic, Encumbering
repeating blaster
18” 3+ 7 Encumbering, Sustained
Heavy repeating blaster Fire
24” 2+ 10 Vehicle Mounted
Heavy Blaster
9” 3+ - Flamethrower 9”,
Flamethrower Encumbering
6” 4+ - Flamethrower 6”
Mini Flamethrower
8” - - AoE 2”, Stun
Wrist rocket (stun)
6” 2+ 5 Sustained fire (6 limit)
Sparrow multi-rocket Compact
12” 3+ 5 Encumbering
Energy Bow

New Close Combat Weapon Traits

Force Weapon: Any Close Combat Weapon may be upgraded to a Force Weapon. Force Weapons usually
have a energy field or a specialised electro-plasma enhanced blade. In combat, these weapons are able
to defend against Sabre attacks, and follow the rulesfor sabre Duals when defending against the. In
combat they give a +1 to Melee and +1 defence in combat and have an AP of 6.

Vibro Weapons: Any Close Combat Weapon may be upgraded to a Vibro Weapon. These weapons house
a small generator that vibrates the blade at very high frequency. These weapons cause massive trauma to
unarmoured targets and can penetrate otherwise protective armour. These Weapons give a +1 modifier
to melee attacks and have an AP of 4.

Polearm: Any Close Combat Weapon may be upgraded to a Polearm. These weapons give the advantage
of being able to attack your opponent from a distance, without them being able to attack back. However,
if your opponent gets too close, this long weapon becomes unwieldy and a hindrance. Models equipped
with Polearms may attack opponents in Close Combat that are up to 2” away. However, if they are
engaged in base to base combat, they suffer a -1 to their Melee.
New Equipment
^ Jetpack: Jetpacks allow the user to move rapidly in any direction, and to hover for short periods. A
model equipped with a jetpack can move up to 12” in any direction, as a tactical action. They may
choose to land once the move is finished, or to hover in place. Hovering models are assumed to be
12” above the tabletop and to be in the open for the purposes of cover and line of sight.

^ Warrior Armour: This armour is forged from exotic and extremely durable metal, providing excellent
protection from all but the most powerful attacks. All hits against a model wearing this armour suffer
-1 to their lethality roll and -1 to the Injury roll (a 5, counts as a 4 for example). In Close Combat, when
a model wearing Warrior armour would usually be killed, on a 5+ roll on the Injury table instead.

^ Sabre Resistant armour: This armour is usually layered plate, woven through with powered weave
or generates a magnetic field. In Melee against any Sabre equipped model, the wearer gains +2
Defence. In Close Combat, when a model wearing Warrior armour would usually be killed, use the
sabre lethality instead

^ Energy Shield: Energy shields are rare and valuable items. Usually these are powered by a small
generator and provide a formidable directional defence from ranged attacks. Larger generators are
able to provide defence from any direction. Under sustained or focused firepower, these are able to
be overheated, causing a temporary shutdown before they power back up. Energy fields are able
to absorb limited ranged attacks and will have a value associated with them (3) for example. This
number is the amount of successful ranged hits that can be absorbed before being depleted. All
successful hits have no further effect, until the required number is met. Once this number has been
reached by successful ranged attacks, the energy field shuts down and ranged attacks can be carried
out without penalty from the shield. However, the energy field resets at the start of each turn, so
if only 2 successful ranged attacks were performed against a shield (3) weapon (leaving 1 shield),
this will be reset to (3) at the start of next turn. Light energy shields have a value of (3) and will only
be effective In the front 90 degrees of the model. Heavy energy shields have a value of (5) and will
protect the model from 360 degrees.

^ Alien Steeds: Some fighters prefer to ride alien steeds over speeders or other mechanical transports.
These come in a variety of size and shapes and are usually chosen to suit the environment they are
utalised in. These steeds have their own profile, any model mounted on them will move using the
movement value of the steed. When making ranged attacks against a mounted model, there is a
chance that you will hit the steed, rather than the rider. Whenever you make a ranged attack against
a mounted model, roll a D6 to see which target is hit. For a small steed, 1-3 hits the steed and 4-6 hits
the rider. For a large steed 1-4 hits the steed and 5-6 hits the rider. The steeds roll for defence as usual,
but have their own injury chart, listed below. Riders may make ranged attacks from their mount and
otherwise act without penalty while mounted. In close combat, both the rider and the mount may
attack and defend.
0 4 0 2 3 Resilient
small steed
0 2 0 4 4 Resilient
Large Steed

^ Movement: Small steeds have a movement of 8” and Large Steeds have a movement of 6”. Steeds may
make a combat sprint, which will increase their movement by their AG statistic when moving, but the
rider may not make any ranged attacks that turn. They may attack in Close Combat as usual.
^ Resilient: The steeds are usually chosen for their adaptation to the local climate and are typically hardy
and strong beasts. As such, they count as wearing body armour.

This is the property of Spectre Miniatures ©2022. Do not reproduce or distribute.

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