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[Vacations at home 집에서 보내는 휴가]

1. most people want to travel during their vacations. tell me why you prefer to stay at home. what
makes a vacation at home enjoyable?

2. while staying at home during your vacation, what activities do you usually enjoy doing? please
describe the activities that you like to do in detail.

3. describe the last time you enjoyed a vacation at home. who did you spend your vacation with? what
did you do? provide all the details.

[language school 어학원]

1. your language school class changed locations. call the school and ask about the new location.

2. you've arrived at your language school class but realize the door is locked and nobody is there. call the
school again and explain the situation. and then find a solution to the problem.

3. you indicated in the surve that you go to a language school. describe your favorite class. tell me in as
much detail as you can.

4. please describe a memorable project you've worked on using technology. why do you find it so
special? provide all the details.

[describe people 인물묘사]

1. describe your favorite teacher. tell me what you like about him or her in detail.

2. compare two friends of yours. how did you meet them? how are they similar or different?


1. what do you like about jogging? how did you first become interested in it? how does jogging make
you feel?

2. tell me about an incident related to jogging. why was the incident so memorable? first, give me the
background of what happened and then describe it in detail.

3. compare two different parks you have been to. how are they similar or different? tell me in as much
detail as you can.
[Movies 영화]

1. talk about a movie you remember best. what was it about? who was in it? how did you feel when
watching it?

2. I'd like to give you a situation and ask you act it out. you are planning to ho to the movies. call the
movie teather and ask about a film you want to watch. also, ask about other services such as parking or

3. I'm, sorry. but there is a problem I need you to resolve. you were planning to see a movie with a
friend but found out that the movie you were planning to watch is sold out. call your friend and offer
two to three alternative to deal with the situation.

[furniture 가구]

1. what is your favorite piece of furniture at home?

2. recall the time when your furniture broke. what happened? how did you fix it?

3. describe some of the differences between the furniture nowadays and in the past.

[bank 은행]

1. have there been any changes to the bank in your country since you were a child? how were in the
past? how are they now? please describe the changes in detail.

2. describe a memorable experience that you've had related to bank transaction. you could have
experienced some difficulties while using un ATM or a credit card. or you could have misunderstood the
bank's operational hours. provide all the detail.

3. have there been any changes to the banks in your country since you were a child? how are they now?
please describe the changes in detail.

[Renting a car 렌트카] packet 5.

1. you're planning to travel in new york. call the car rental service in new york and ask three to four
question to arrange a car for your tour group.

2. i'm sorry, but there's a problem you need to resolve. you've just found out that there's a problem
with your current driver license while renting a car. please suggest a solution.
[travel overseas 해외여행]

1. if you were asked to recommend a foreign country to visit, where would you choose? what makes it
an attractive tourist spot?

2. you indicated that you've traveled overseas. describe the first time you travelled abroad. where was
is? is there anything you learned from that trip? provide all the details.

3. before you travel, what do you usually prepare for your trip? what things do you include in your
luggage? please list a few items you take with you?

[transportation 교통수단]

1. what is public transportation like in your country? tell me which type of public transportation you
prefer to use and why. provide as many detail as possible.

2. there has been a huge progress in the public transportation system to make our lives convenient.
what progress have you been experiencing and how is it affecting the lives of the people living in your

3. when you were young, did you go anywhere with your family? what kind of transportation did you
use? did you experience and difficulties?

[social issue - housing issue & fashion & travelling]

1. describe the housing issues in your country.

2. explain how fashion is different from the past and the present.

3. compare travelling now and in the past.

[shopping 쇼핑]

1. let's talk about your shopping habits. how often do you go shopping? where do you go shopping? why
do you like to shop in that particular place?

2. how did you get to know about your shopping place? did you see an advertisement? what made you
choose that place?
3. who do you usually shop with? what do you usually shop for?

4. have you bought an item and realized that it was defective by time you got back home? what steps
did you follow in order to address the problem? describe your experience in detail.

[Technology 테크놀로지]

1. In school, students often use a variety of technologies. Tell me about the technologies you frequently
use at school.

2. Please describe the technology that you most frequently use in your daily life. what technology do
you rely on the most?

3. Can you tell me about the merits and drawbacks of technology? how has technology changed your

[Recycling 재활용]

1. describe the recycling system in your home country. tell me in as much as you can.

2. Explain the difference between recycling system in the past and present.

[music 음악]

1. you indicated in the survey you enjoy seeing performances. What kind of performances do you like to
see? why do you like them? please explain your reasons in detail.

2. can you tell ma about the last concert you went? whose concert was it? when and where did you see
it? who did you see in with? tell me everything related to this experience.

[Health 건강]

1. how do you define healty? what does a healthy person look like? what qualities do they have?

2. what do you do to stay healthy? describe things that you do for your health in detail.

3. describe someone you know who is a healthy person. how did you meet him or her? what was the
most memorable thing about him or her? were you impressed by the person in any way? if so, explain
[playing instrument 악기연주]

1. you mentioned that you can play a musical instrument. which one do you play? why do you play the
instrument? please explain to me how to play your musical instrument in detail.

2. what made you become interested in playing a musical instrument? when did you first start learning
to play? how did you improve? how well do you play the instrument now?

3. what are the pros and cons of playing your favorite type of instrument? tell me all the details,

[Communities 지역사회]

1. talk about a recent experience you've had with community festivals

2. compare big communities and small communities. what are some of the main features for each of the

3. compare events in big communities and small communities. how are they similar of different?

[industries 산업]

1. what kinds of industries are there in your country?

2. what kinds of industries do young people prefer these days?

[Geography 지형]

1. I'd like to know about the geographic of your country. what makes them different from other
countries? please describe them in as much detail as possible.

2. please describe one area in your country which is geographically unique. what makes it a special?
How is the place different from other places in your country?

1. In the survey, you stated that you go to the language school. where is it located and what does it look
like? describe the language school in detail.

2. tell me about your favorite room. what does it look like? describe the room in detail.
3. In the survey, you stated that you enjoy swimming. tell me about the swimming pool you often go to.
describe it detail.

4. tell me about the house you lived in before and the one that you live in now. how are they different?

5. tell me about your childhood town. how has it been changed over the years?

[unit 2]

1. In the survey, you stated that you go to the school. what does your language teacher look like?
describe that person in detail.

2. tell me about one of your neighbors. what does he/she look like? how's his/her personality? describe
that person in detail.

3. tell me about your favorite writer. why do you like his/her works?

4. tell me about your favorite singer. what does he/she look like? why do you like him/her?

5. in the survey, you stated that you often go swimming. how did you first become interested in
swimming? when was it? tell me in detail.


[unit 2]

1. tell me about your favorite singer. what does he/she look like? why do you like him/her?

2. in the survey, you stated that you often go swimming. how did you first become interested in
swimming? when was it? tell me in detail.

[unit 3 experience]

1. tell me about the most unforgettable experience you had in your neighborhood.

what happened?

2. tell me about the most memorable experience you had at a cafe. what exactly happened? tell me in
[unit 4 role play]

1. here's a situation for you to act out. you want to rent a place to practice singing with your friends.
make a call and ask 3 or 4 questions.

2. you're staying at a hotel for a vacation and want to use the swimming pool. call the manager and ask

[unit 5 role play 2]

1. I'm sorry, but there's a problem you need to resolve. there's a problem with the DVD you
rented. call the store and make a complaint.

2. you're staying at a hotel for a vacation and want to use the swimming pool. call the manager and ask

[unit 5 role play 2]

1. I'm sorry, but there's a problem you need to resolve. there's a problem with the DVD you rented. call
the store and make a complaint.

[6:09:08 PM] mariluz: [unit 6]

1. I'm really good at cooking. ask me 3 or 4 questions.

2. I'm studying portuguese at a laguage school now. ask me 3 or 4 questions.

[unit 7]

1. In the survey you stated that you enjoy swimming. what are the advantages of swimming?

2. In the survey you stated that you enjoy jogging. what are the benefit of jogging?
[unit 8]

1. what do you do to maintain your health? tell me how you keep yourself.

2. how did you first become interested in jogging?

[unit 9]

1. tell me about the house chores each family member is responsible for. how often do you do your
house chores? how do you feel about it?

2. in the survey, you stated that you like to spend your vacation at home. what do you usually do when
you enjoy your vacation at home?

[unit 10]

1. please tell me about your recent concert. when was it and who did you go there with? how was the

2. tell me about the effect of music?

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