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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region XII
Division of South Cotabato
Lamba, Banga, South Cotabato

Re-Echo Orientation/Training of Parents on Summer Home Assistance in Reading by Parents


Name: ____________________________________________ Score:______

A. True of False
Direction: Write True if the statement is correct and False if the statement is wrong. Write your answer
on the blank provided before the number.

__________1. Parents can leave their children to read with their teachers only.
__________2. Parents should praise not just for correct responses but for their child’s thinking effort.
__________3. Parents create a positive learning environment in teaching reading to their child.
__________4. Parents can be a role model to their child in teaching reading.
__________5. Teaching reading through phonics is very important.

B. Multiple Choice
Direction: Read each item carefully. Identify and encircle the letter of the correct answer.

6. Which among these words is spelled incorrectly?

a. famous b. behinde c. caught d. mine

7. There are how many vowels do we have in the alphabet?

a. 6 b. 4 c. 5 d. 26

8. There are how many consonants in the alphabet?

a. 22 b. 21 C. 25 D. 23

9. What does “Lower Case Letters” mean?

a. round letters c. all capital letters

b. big letters d. small letters
10. What does it mean when we say Upper Case Letter?

a. small letter b. initial letter c. final letter d. capital letter

11. There are how many letters in the alphabet?

a. 26 b. 5 c. 27 d. 9
12. Which among these words is spelled incorrectly?
a. clothes b. threw c. brought d. steck
13. Which pair of words are not rhyming words?

a. fat- mat b. moon – star c. men-pen d. big-pig

14. In what part of two or more words are called rhymes?

a. Middle Parts b. in all Parts c. Beginning d. Ending Parts

15. Which of the following is an example of CVCC?

a. arts b. show c. bun d. card

16. Which word rhymes with jar?

a. car b. rat c. boy d. tree

17. What is the final sound of the word ant?

a. /t/ b. /c/ c. /g/ d. /v/

18. What is the initial sound of the word crab?

a. /t/ b. /c/ c. /b/ d. /r/

19. What does CVC mean?

a. consonant consonant vowel c. consonant vowel consonant

b. consonant vowel vowel d. vowel consonant vowel

20. Which of the following is an example of CVC?

a. ark b. dam c. slit d. elf

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