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Republic of the Philippines

Division of Rizal
Morong, Rizal
Name: Quarter: FOURTH
Grade: Week: 1-8
Section: Timeframe: May 17 – July 9

WEEK 1-2: Finding the Area of triangles. Parallelograms, and Triangles

This chapter deals with the are of plane figures. When you talk of the number of square tiles used to
cover a bathroom floor, you are talking about the area of the bathroom.
This chapter includes lessons on finding and estimating the area of triangles, parallelograms, and
rectangles. You will have opportunities to visualize the area of these figures which will later lead you to derive
the formula as an easier way to use finding area in square units. Lessons on problem solving and creating
problems are provided for the application of the knowledge and skills you learned.

Area is a count of how many unit squares fit inside a figure. To fully understand this classic definition
of area, we need to picture the unit square. A unit square is a square that is one unit long by one unit wide. It
can be 1'x1', 1 m x 1 m, 1 yd x 1 yd, 1" x 1", ...

A = sum of unit squares 1

Unit square
A rectangle is an equiangular quadrilateral. Opposite sides are congruent and parallel. All internal
angles are right angles.

A =lxw

Let's look at a rectangle that is 4 mm by 6 mm. If we count the number of 1 mm by 1 mm squares that
are inside the rectangle we can easily see there are 24 of these squares. After performing the same task with a
rectangle that has different dimensions, we can see a pattern.

4 mm

6 mm
The total number of squares that rest within a rectangle can be found by multiplying the length of a
rectangle by its width. So, 4mm x 6mm = 24 mm2, hence the formula A = lw. Counting square units fits nicely
with the concept of counting squares.
Example 1: If l = 20 ft and w = 5 ft, then the area would be...
A = lw
A = (20 cm)(5 cm)
A = 100 cm2
Example 2: If l = 11 m and w = 7 m, then the area would be...
A = lw
A = (11 m)(7 m)
A = 77 m2

Learning Task 1
Find the area of a rectangle.
1. If l is the length and w is the width of the rectangle, find the following information when l = 22 units
and w = 13 units:

A = _________ units2

2. If l is the length and w is the width of the rectangle, find the following information when l = 14 units
and w = 5 units:
A = _________ units2

3. If l is the length and w is the width of the rectangle, find the following information when l = 19 units
and w = 4 units:
A = _________ units2

A parallelogram is a quadrilateral (four-sided figure) that has opposite sides that are parallel.

A =bxh

Similar to the rectangle, finding the area of a parallogram requires two known distances. We need to
know its height and the length of the side that is perpendicular to the height, called the base of the
If we start with a typical parallelogram, we can make a few alterations to it in order to calculate its area. If
we cut it along its height, we can remove a portion that is a right triangle. If we move this right triangle to the
opposite side of the figure, it will fit perfectly and create a rectangle.

Since we already know the area of a rectangle (see above) to be A = lw, let us apply it to the newly
altered parallelogram. The base of the original parallogram is now the length of the rectangle. The height of
the parallelogram is now the width of the rectangle. Using the names base and height instead of length and
width, we see that the area of a parallogram is A = bh.
Example 1: If b = 7 in and h = 4 in, then the area would be...
A = bh
A = (7 in)(4 in)
A = 28 in2
Example 2: If b = 12 m and h = 8 m, then the area would be...
A = bh
A = (12 m)(8 m)
A = 96 m2
Learning Task 2
Find the area of a parallelogram.
1. If l is the length and w is the width of the rectangle, find the following information when l = 14 units
and w = 7 units:
A = _________ units2

2. If l is the length and w is the width of the rectangle, find the following information when l = 6 m and w
= 2 m:
A = _________ m2

3. If l is the length and w is the width of the rectangle, find the following information when l = 10 cm and
w = 4 cm:
A = _________ cm2

A triangle is a three-sided polygon. It can be defined by the length of its base and its height. The height
is always perpendicular to the base, exactly like the base and height of a parallelogram. We can find the area of
a triangle by performing three tasks.
First, we duplicate the original triangle. Second, we rotate this duplicate triangle 180 degrees. Third, place
the rotated duplicate triangle next to the original triangle so that they fit snuggly together to form a

We know the area of a parallelogram to be A = bh. In our newly formed diagram, we can use those
same distances to arrive at the exact same area for the two-triangle area. However, if we want to know the area
of one of those triangles instead of the whole parallelogram, we have to divide the area into two equal portions
since the triangles are congruent to each other. Therefore, the area of a triangle is A = ½bh.
Example 1: If b = 6 cm and h = 3 cm, then the area would be...
A = ½bh
A = ½(6 cm)(3 cm)
A = 9 cm2
b Example 2: If b = 14 mi and h = 5 mi, then the area would be...
A = ½bh
A = ½(14 mi)(5 mi)
A = 35 mi2
Learning Task 3
Find the area of a triangle.
1. If l is the length and w is the width of the rectangle, find the following information when l = 4 units and
w = 2 units:
A = _________ units2

2. If l is the length and w is the width of the rectangle, find the following information when l = 6 m and w
= 2 m:
A = _________ m2

b 3
3. If l is the length and w is the width of the rectangle, find the following information when l = 9 cm and
w = 3 cm:
A = _________ cm2

WEEK 3-4: Visualizes the volume of solid figures in different situations using non-standard and
standard units
Non-standard units do not give the same measure of volume for the same container. Balls, marbles, and
beans are used as non-standard units for measuring the volume of the box.
Try to remember the following:
 Volume is the amount of space a solid figure occupies.
 A solid figure is three-dimensional shape.
 Non-standard units can be used to measure volume.
 When a non-standard unit used is small, more units are needed to fill a container. When the non-
standard unit used is bigger, fewer units are needed to fill the container.
 Non-standard units do not give a consistent and accurate measurement of the volume of container.
Learning Task 1
Get boxes like those in the table below. Visualize the volume. Estimate how many marbles will fill each box.
Then find the actual number of marbles that will fill each box. (Use marbles of the same size.)
Box Estimated Numbers of Marbles Actual Number of Marbles

Lets explore and discover! 1 cm Let us study the following solid figures. You
can count the cubes to find the volume of the
This is 1 cubic cm box. box.
1 cm

1 cm

The figure below contains 27 cubes.

Its volume is 27 cubic cm or 27 cm3 The volume of the box above is 4 cubic

If 1 cubic unit is equal to 1 cubic cm, then

the volume is 4 cubic cm or 4 cm3. A cubic
centimeter (cm3) is a standard unit for
measuring volume. A cubic meter (m3) is
4 another one.
How do you find the volume?
You can count the number of cubes to get the volume.

By counting, there are 27 cubes in all.

You can also multiply the number of rows by the number of columns and by the number of layers to find the
V= 3 x 3 x 3 V = 3 rows x 3 columns x 3 layers
= 27 cubic cm3 = 27 cubes
Learning Task 2
Find the volume of each solid figure. Write the answer on the space provied.
Use 1 cube = 1 cubic cm

WEEK 5-6: Interpreting Data Presented in Single Vertical and Horizontal Bar Graphs

Single bar graphs can be vertical or horizontal. Below are examples of vertical and horizontal bar
graphs. They have two axes, the horizontal axis and the vertical axis. A bar graph is used to compare data from
different groups or periods. Data is a collection of gathered information. The graph is about favorite sports.

Study the following questions about the single bar graph.

1. What is the title of the bar graph? Our Favorite Games
2. In the vertical bar graph, what information is placed among the horizontal axis? Games
on the vertical axis? Number of Pupils
3. In the horizontal bar graph, what information is placed among the horizontal axis?
Number of Pupils
the vertical axis? Games

4. What is the favorite of most students? Basketball
5. How many students like softball? 6 students
6. What sport is the second choice? Volleyball
7. How many more students like basketball than soccer? 4 more students
8. What is the total number of students who like soccer, softball, and basketball? 26 students

Learning Task 1
Study the vertical bar graph below. Then, answer the questions that follow. Write the answer on the space


1. What is the title of the bar graph? __________________________

2. What is found in the horizontal axis? __________________________
3. What is found in the vertical axis? __________________________
4. How many kilograms of atis were harvested? __________________________
5. How many kilograms of jackfruit were harvested? __________________________
6. Which fruit was the least harvested in kilograms? __________________________
7. Which fruit was the most harvested in kilograms? __________________________
8. How many kilograms more of atis were harvested than banana? ________________________
9. How many kilograms more of banana were harvested than guyabano? _________________
10. How many kilograms of fruit were harvested in all? __________________________

WEEK 7-8: Constructing Single Vertical and Horizontal Bar Graphs

The data given below is about the "Birthdays of Students by Month." How will you construct a single
horizontal bar graph for the data?
Number of Students Month
9 January
5 February
11 March
3 April
7 May
5 June
You can construct a horizontal bar graph by following the six steps below:
Step 1: Draw the vertical and horizontal axes.
Step 2: Label the horizontal and vertical axes.
Step 3: Find the highest number in the data.
Step 4: Make a sale from 0 to the highest number in the table.
Step 5: Draw a horizontal bar to represent the number of students in each month.
Step 6: Write the title for the bar graph.
Birthdays of Students by Month

A vertical bar graph is draw in a similar manner.

The horizontal bar in Step 5 is replaced by a vertical bar.
Learning Task 1
Construct a vertical bar graph and a horizontal bar graph with the given data. Write your answer on the given
box below.

Test Scores in Math

Number of
5 90
4 85
2 80
1 70

Write your personal insights about the lesson using the prompts below.
I understand that _____________________________________________________.
I realize that __________________________________________________________.
I need to learn more about ____________________________________________.

Check if you are done:

Week 1 Week 5
Week 2 Week 6
Week 3 Week 7
Week 4 Week 8

Parents/ Guardian Signature

(Lagda ng Magulang)

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