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Are humans the only conscious animal?

My case study explains consciousness in humans and non-human animals. First, it gives
information on the human brain and its properties in different states. This includes things like the
human brain in a vegetative state and the brain in a state of being barely conscious. Then it
explains animal consciousness, like how non-human primates use them as a model for human
consciousness. They also compare primates from different time periods to us as we share many
similarities with them in terms of the brain. It also explains the Phylogenetic origins of
consciousness. Then it lastly goes on to explain about the future and things that may occur in it.
My answer to the research question is no. Humans are not the only conscious animal by far. The
case study helped by confirming this, with many examples of primates. Along with explaining
the origin of it overall. I trust this source because they back up their claims with evidence and it
is a .gov link. That helps contribute to the trustworthiness of the website. This also gives a good
amount of information on primate consciousness.
Boly Melanie, Seth Anel, Wilke Melanie, Ingunmdson Paul, Baars Benard, Laureys Steven,
Edelman David, Tsuchiya Naotsugu, Consciousness in humans and non-human animals: recent
advances and future directions, Published online 2013 Oct 31, Consciousness in humans and non-
human animals: recent advances and future directions (

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