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St. Joseph Avenue, Administrative Site

Tala, Kalookan City 1427 Metro Manila

General Instructions: This test is good for 1 hour. Make the most of your time. Read all items carefully before writing your answer.
Use only either BLACK INK PEN OR PENCIL. Write your answer neatly and legibly in your answer sheet. Any form of erasure will be
considered a wrong answer.

I. Multiple Choice: b. news editor

1. News published on the first page of the newspaper c. op-ed page
a. significance d. weather news
b. to be objective
c. front page news 9. Like the table of contents of the newspaper; it is a
d. running head slug line indicating an important inside page story
and the page where it is found.
2. Is a commentary opinion written by any of the a. kicker
columnists. It may attack, teach, entertain, or appeal b. cutline
depending upon its purpose. c. syntax
a. Editorial cartoon d. index
b. Letter to the editor
c. Editorial liner 10. First published by University of Santo Tomas in 1890
d. Editorial proper a. El Liliputiense
b. The Varsitarian
3. Importance. c. The Coconut
a. prominence d. El Libertad
b. cartoonist
c. nameplate 11. Text at the top of the page that provides information
d. coherence about the publication. Chapter names and book
titles are often included in the running head. Also
4. A person who takes information from his or her own called a "header."
research, the station's other reporters, and wire a. Editorial liner
services and then turns this material into news copy b. Running head
to be read on the air. c. cutline
a. Chief editor, editor in chief d. news editor
b. News writer
c. subject 12. Supervises the editorial staff of the paper, usually
d. adverbial writes the editorials of the organ after consultation
with the members of the editorial staff.
5. Tells stories, show action and reaction. Provide a a. subordinators
variety of subjects and points of view. b. immediacy
a. Photojournalistic photos c. chief editor
b. Editorial proper d. subordinating conjunctions
c. Credit line
d. Editorial cartoon 13. A person who is responsible for the overall
presentation of a printed material, from text to
6. Is a subordinate headline which is immediately images
placed below it's mother head to give more a. Coordinating conjunctions
information about it b. Credit line
a. deck c. Feature writer
b. ear d. Layout artists or graphic artists
c. kicker
d. fold 14. Is commonly introduced by a date or a place where
the news happens.
7. Is the other term for caption. It is the text describing a. Running head
the cut. This can be placed above, below, and on the b. Dateline news
picture c. Managing editor
a. nameplate d. Editorial liner
b. cutline
c. coherence 15. The thing acted upon by the verb; receives the action
d. overline of the verb and usually comes after it, except in a
passive sentence
8. Placed in the frontpage of news to provide update a. object of a sentence
on the weather or weather predictions for the whole b. sentence patterns
week. Because of its importance to the public, it is c. associate editor
always placed inside the box or placed across the d. editorial liner
head or foot of the newspaper, or as an ear
a. feature writing
St. Joseph Avenue, Administrative Site
Tala, Kalookan City 1427 Metro Manila

16. A word or group of words working as an adverb, 31. Managing editor- Writes and/or edits features,
usually giving information about time, place or covers and represents the publication at industry
manner. events.
a. Editorial cartoon 32. Byline- something unusual.
b. proximity 33. Complement- refers to the name of the writer who
c. adverbial wrote the article.
d. conjunctions 34. Editorial cartoon- Is a caricature emphasizing a
simple point. Usually humorous, it has the function
17. A word that turns a complete sentence into a word of the editorial. It stands by itself and is not a
group that can serve as an adverb or a noun. complement of the editorial page.
EXAMPLE: after, although, as, that, though, because. 35. Subject- who or what the sentence is about.
a. Feature writing 36. Syntax- The arrangement of words and phrases to
b. News editor create well-formed sentences in a language.
c. Credit line 37. Intransitive verb- An action verb that has a direct
d. subordinators object.
38. Letter to the editor - Newsletter size in Elementary
18. A person who draws cartoons. level.
a. News reader 39. Object of a sentence - Comes before the direct
b. conjunction object. Tells to whom, for whom the action of the
c. column rule verb is done. (Claire threw JOSEPH the ball)
d. cartoonist 40. Sentence patterns- The arrangement of independent
and dependent clauses into known sentence
19. (be influenced only by facts and not opinions) constructions—such as simple, compound, complex,
a. El Liliputiense or compound-complex
b. conjunction III. Matching Type:
c. front page news a. Editorial liner
d. to be objective b. News editor
c. Credit line
20. Contains the editorial box containing the logo, d. Editorial cartoon
names of the staff members and position in the staff, e. folio
subscription rate, the publisher, and other pertinent f. be factual
data about the newspaper. g. ear
a. Running head h. box
b. namplate i. headline
c. masthead j. news reader
d. complement k. overline
l. columns
II. Modified TRUE or FALSE. Shade the first bubble m. sports page
if the statement is correct. Shade the second n. complement
bubble if it is not then write on the counterpart o. banner
the correct answer. (2 points each item) p. coherence
q. College Folio
21. Significance - the quality of being worthy of r. Op-ed page
attention; importance. s. kicker
22. Lead - Is the imaginary horizontal line that divides t. running head
the newspaper equally into two parts.
23. Coordinating Conjunctions (FANBOYS) - a word that 41. University of the Philippines publication, first
is placed between two independent clauses to published in 1910
create a compound sentence 42. Is a news placed in the box. It is for the aesthetics of
24. Nameplate - bears the name of the newspaper. It layout; it is also used to suggest the importance of
also includes the volume and issue number; date the news.
published, among others. 43. Someone who reads the news
25. Transitive verb - A verb that does not show action 44. This page contains news about sports events in and
but connects the subject with a word in the out of the country. It also contains people well-
predicate known in sports.
26. Adverb - A word that modifies a verb, an adjective, 45. Refers to the title of the story
or another adverb 46. Is a short statement or quoted saying placed at the
27. Column rule - line used to separate columns of type. end of an editorial column or editorial to drive home
28. Tabloid size (11 x 17), five columns format - Usual a message.
size of a Newspaper in the campus paper 47. Vertical blocks of text in which text flows from the
29. Managing editor- focuses more on topics of general bottom of one column to the top of the next
or human interest such as lifestyle, fashion, or 48. Consists of the page number, date of publication,
culture. and name of the newspaper, usually written on top
30. Direct object- the object that receives the direct of the page. This is also found in the other pages.
action of the verb 49. Is presented with the bigger font which is commonly
placed crossing the horizontal lines of the column
St. Joseph Avenue, Administrative Site
Tala, Kalookan City 1427 Metro Manila

lines. This suggests that the news is the most 77. Journalistic writing covering people, places and
important news of the day. It is also called main events in greater depth and with less timeliness than
headline. an immediate hard news story
50. Is a headline presented in two or more lines. 78. Pertains to the illustration or photo used in the
51. An illustration that comments on current events or newspaper.
personalities. Also known as a political cartoon. 79. Shortened word for logotype, is a cut which contains
52. In charge of the News section of the paper. Reads an identifying word or words, such as the name of
and edits all news stories, and works out the layout the newspaper or of a section.
of the sections. Assigns specific stories to writers. 80. The art of telling a visual story with photographs.
53. Abbreviation for the page opposite the editorial Photojournalists capture life as it happens, with an
page. The page is frequently devoted to opinion emphasis on emotion in motion. Photojournalistic
columns and related illustrations. images are not staged or posed.
54. Something that completes or makes up a whole
55. A principle demanding that the parts of any
composition be arranged so that the meaning of the
whole may be immediately clear and intelligible.
56. It must be verifiable.
57. Creates emphatic effect on part of the reader. This is
the brief title written above the headline which calls
the attention of the reader.
58. If the text is found above the picture.
59. Is a part of the newspaper which is placed on both
sides or one side of the nameplate.
60. Refers to the source of the story or illustration. It is
always found at the end of the article or the

IV. Identification:
61. A word used to join words or groups of words.
62. (n.) nearness, closeness
63. An action word
64. Plans different ways to deliver the magazine to as
many readers in the target audience as possible.
65. Words used to join 'independent clauses' in order to
form a 'compound sentence' (e.g. for, and, nor, but,
yet, and so.).
66. A section of the newspaper reserved for editorials
and various other pieces that contain opinion rather
than objective reporting.
67. Similarity of structure in a pair or series of related
words, phrases, or clauses.
68. This student is in charge of the "soft" news section.
This may include both school and appropriate
community news, such as social events and
interviews. This student will assign articles to feature
reporters and establish deadlines for those articles.
He or she may also do some editing of those articles.
69. Connects an independent clause with one or more
dependent clauses; examples: since, before, unless,
70. Refers to the horizontal division into parts of a
71. An action verb that does not have a direct object.
72. Is the opening paragraph, words or line of a news
73. (n.) the quickness of action or occurrence
(syn.) instancy.
74. Is a letter sent in by the reader giving his personal
views on certain aspects.
75. Individual who coordinates the work of the sections
(or departments) within the newspaper.
76. When a reporter provides his or her opinion to the

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