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ny I Theory Paper Grade 8 2013 A Duration 3 hours Candidates should answer all FIVE questions. Write your answers on this paper - no others will be accepted. Answers must be written clearly and neatly - otherwise marks may be lost. 1 Complete the violin parts in the following extract adapted from a trio sonata by Handel, following the figuring shown under the basso continuo. Allegro Violin 1 Violin 2 continuo (©2013 by The Associated Board ofthe Royal Schools of Music 3 Scanned with CamScanner 2 Complete the given outline of the following passage, adapted from a piano piece by Reger (1873-1916). Note that the left-hand partis in the treble clef throughout. Presto Scanned with CamScanner 3 Compose a complete melody of not less than 12bars using ONE of the following openings and for the given unaccompanied instrument. Continue in the same style and include appropriate performance directions. Write the complete melody on the staves below. ‘TRUMPET (at concert pitch) Moderato Gounod (adapted) ! f A VIOLIN a Allegretto a = a = Ss = M —__ Scanned with CamScanner Allegro moderato Pa Scanned with CamScanner 4 Look at the extract printed opposite, which is from a polonaise by Chopin, and then aX answer the questions below. (a) Identify the chords marked + in bar 5 (bracketed) and bar 14 by writing on the dotted lines below. Use either words or symbols. Indicate the position of each chord, show whether it is major, minor, augmented or diminished, and name the prevailing key in bar 5. Bar 5 Key ® Bar 14 ... (b) Name two similarities and three differences between bar 9 and bar 11. Similarities 1 a 2: 0) o a ® (©) Mark clearly on the score, using the appropriate capital letter for identification, one example of each of the following. Also give the bar number of each of your answers. The first answer is given. In bars 3-10 ‘A syncopation in the left-hand part. Bar B a lower auxiliary note in the right-hand part (circle the note concerned). Bar C an augmented triad in first inversion in the left-hand part (circle the notes concerned). Bar D__ arising chromatic semitone (augmented unison) in the right-hand part (circle the notes concerned). Bar E a false (cross) relation between the right-hand and left-hand parts (circle the notes concerned). Bar @ @ @ (d) Write out in full the right-hand part of bar 3 as you think it should be played. o (e) Answer TRUE or FALSE to the following statement: Inbars 2-9 the largest melodic interval in the right-hand part is a major 6th. 2) Scanned with CamScanner 5 Look at the extract printed opposite and then answer the questions below. &_) (a) Give the meaning of: Z (eg. bar 2, cellos) + (eg. bar 3, third and fourth horns) @ ® (b) @)_ Write out the parts for first, second, third and fourth horns in bar 1 as they would sound at concert pitch and using the given clefs. ee Hors ne © (i) Write out the parts for third and fourth trumpets in bar 3 as they would sound at concert pitch. 3 Trumpets 4 Ec (©) Complete the following statements: @ (i) On the first beat of bar 3, the highest sounding note is played by the first and second flutes, the ind the ... (i) The English name for the Tamburo piccolo is ... @ @ (A) Describe fully the numbered and bracketed harmonic intervals sounding between: 1 double bassoon and lower note of violas, bar 1 2. first bassoon and cor anglais, bar 2 3 third and fourth horns and second clarinet, bar 3 (e) Answer TRUE or FALSE to the following statements: () Although played by different instruments, the rhythm JJ J occurs twice in every bar. (ii) The notes played by the double basses and the double bassoon sound in unison throughout the extract. ® @ (© From the list below, underline the name of the most likely composer of this extract: Debussy Barték Brahms ) Scanned with CamScanner ua eo -— = nope ‘reniein 1 Tonia Scanned with CamScanner Theory Paper Grade8 2013 B ‘te Htgat ‘mae ‘Suthers copes Duration 3 hours ori Candidates should answer all FIVE questions. Write your answers on this paper —no others will be accepted. Answers must be written clearly and neatly - otherwise marks may be lost. 1 Complete the oboe parts in the following extract adapted from a trio sonata by Telemann, cD) following the figuring shown under the basso continuo. Allegro Oboe 1 Oboe 2 Basso continuo nu Scanned with CamScanner 2 Complete the given outline of the following passage, adapted from a piano piece by Gurlitt (1820-1901). Note that the majority of the left-hand part is in the treble clef. eo) Lento oo pp con dolore Scanned with CamScanner 3 Compose a complete melody of not less than 12 bars using ONE of the following openings ™ i and for the given unaccompanied instrument. Continue in the same style and include € appropriate performance directions. Write the complete melody on the staves below. oe Lento e molto cantabile Dvorak (adapted) ~ Scanned with CamScanner Adagio Scanned with CamScanner 4 Look at the extract printed opposite, which is from a piano piece, and then answer the questions below. (a) Identify the chords marked + in bars 10 and 11 by writing on the dotted lines below. Use cither words or symbols. Indicate the position of each chord, show whether it is major, minor, augmented or diminished, and name the prevailing key. Bar 10 Key . Bar 11 ..... Key . (b) Write out in full the right-hand part of bar 20 as you think it should be played. (©) Mark clearly on the score, using the appropriate capital letter for identification, one example of each of the following. Also give the bar number of each of your answers. The first answer is given. In bars 1-8 A aharmonic interval of a compound major 6th between the right-hand part and the lower note of the left-hand part (circle the notes concerned). Bar ....8. B -: adominant 7th chord in first inversion (Vb) in the relative minor key. Bar From bar 9 onwards C grace notes that form a tonic triad in second inversion (circle the notes concerned). Bar D__ a false (cross) relation between the right-hand and left-hand parts (circle the notes concerned). Bar E _acomplete bar where the left-hand part sounds at a higher pitch than the right-hand part. Bar (a) Show the phrase structure of the whole extract by drawing square brackets (71) over the right-hand part. (©) From the list below, underline the name of the most likely composer of this extract. Handel Chopin Haydn Brahms © “ @ @ ® o Scanned with CamScanner NOR AMAL NAY o MOAN 5 Look at the extract printed on pages 17-18, which is from Berg's Seven Early Songs, and then answer the questions below: (a) Give the meaning of: Sebr langsam a + (eg. bar 1, first horn) @ mit Dampfer (e.g. bar 5, trumpet) Gy (b) (i) Write out the parts for homs in bars 1~2 as they would sound at concert pitch and using _ the given clefs. 4 1 Homs —— ® (i) Write out the part for first clarinet in bars 1-3 as it would sound at concert pitch. Clarinet 1 ® (©) Mark clearly on the score, using the appropriate capital letter for identification, one example of each of the following. Also give the bar number(s) of each of your answers. The first answer is given. In bars 1-3 ‘A two successive notes in the voice part that show enharmonic change (circle the notes concerned). Bars B four successive notes in the harp part that form a diminished 7th chord (circle the notes concerned). Bar ® Ca falling chromatic semitone (augmented unison) in the voice part (circle the notes concerned). Bar ® (4) Complete the following statement: Inbar 5 the harpist is instructed to play ‘mit der Gesang (the same as colla voce), which means o (©) Describe fully the numbered and bracketed harmonic intervals sounding between: 1. violas (top note) and second clarinet, bar2 2 2 fourthhom and double bassoon, bar 4 ® (f) Answer TRUE or FALSE to the following statement: ‘The largest melodic interval in the voice part is a minor 6th. @ 16 Scanned with CamScanner _—— _— See one ON econ poco ers pee eee atin asetrnene Fogote Kontratagott Gesang, Violine Viline2 {it Damper | aco SS ee oa v Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner Theory Paper Grade 8 2013 C copes the opyright Duration 3 hours muse Candidates should answer all FIVE questions. Write your answers on this paper —no others will be accepted. Answers must be written clearly and neatly ~ otherwise marks may be lost. 1 Complete the violin parts in the following extract adapted from a trio sonata by Corelli, (| following the figuring shown under the basso continuo. Allegro —._ ae — Violin 1 Violin 2 Basso continuo Scanned with CamScanner te the given outline of the following passage, adapted from a piano piece by (i: 2 Complete i eae tet some ofthe leichand pat iin the obec Allegro ee (©1934 Stainer & Bell Ltd, London, England ‘wor stainercouk Scanned with CamScanner — S—§— Set ee es ™~ cp ccpaniedieirament. Contin in the sane syle aed peace C___) appropriate performance directions. Write the complete melody on the staves below. 3. Compose a complete melody of not less than 12 bars using ONE of the following openings OBOE Assez vite Alkan, P ‘TRUMPET (at concert pitch) Lento _— z 2. <<< —— ss Scanned with CamScanner — ‘Molto moderato >. - PR Ps n4_sempre un poco rtenuto sin’ l fine > Scanned with CamScanner ™ 4. Look atthe extract printed opposite, which is from a piano piece, and then answer the (~~) questions below. (a) Identify the chords marked » in bar 7 (shaded) and bar 19 by writing on the dotted lines below. Use either words or symbols. Indicate the position of each chord, show whether it is major, minor, augmented or diminished, and name the prevailing key in bar 19. Bar7 ) “ Bar 19 .. (b) Write out in full the top line of the right-hand part of bar 21 as you think it should be played. © (©) This extract is the final section of the piece. Name four features from bar 24 onwards that suggest to the listener that the music is coming to an end. a ay ® ® (d) Matk clearly on the score, using the appropriate capital letter for identification, one example of each of the following. Also give the bar number of each of your answers. The first answer is given. In bars 1-12 A. af§([c-V) chord progression in the tonic key. Bar...8.... B a diminished 7th chord in the relative minor key (circle the notes concerned). Bar ® From bar 20 onwards C _anote of anticipation in the left-hand part (circle the note concerned). Bar @ D__abar which is immediately repeated (matk!—D—— over the bar). Bar... ® E _ amelodic interval of a diminished 4th in the left-hand part (circle the notes concerned). Bar... ® (©) From the list below, underline one period during which you think this extract was written. 1600-1700 1700-1800 1800-1900 o Scanned with CamScanner the questions below. 5 Look at the extract printed on pages 25-26, which froma symphony, and then answer (5 (a) Give the meaning of: Allegro vivace ¢ nobilmente. __) sennnnnnnes o eo (b) Using the blank staves at the foot of page 26, write out the parts for first clarinet and horns in bars 8-9 as they would sound at concert pitch. (©) Complete the following statements: o (i) The melodic phrase marked {1 in bars 1-2 of the flute part is also played in unison by th and the 1 the .. @ ‘The same phrase occurs at a lower pitch in bars 3-4, where it is played in unison by the and the (i) There is a plucked harmonic interval of a minor 3rd in bar .. the 8 (iii) There is a harmonic interval of a compound diminished 5th between two different double-reed instruments in bar .. ® (a) Answer TRUE or FALsE to each of the following statements: (i) Inbar 8 the violas repeat the notes played by the first violins in bar 6. (ii) The notes played on the first beat of bar 1 form a diminished 7th chord. ® @ (©) From the list below, underline the name of the most likely composer of this extract and give a reason for your choice. Reason: Beethoven Debussy Elgar Bartok O) 0) mw Scanned with CamScanner Allegro vivace e nobilmente 1 Flutes Oboes Clarinets 1 inBh ‘Double Bassoon Hors nF nm wi Allegro vivace e nobilmente Violin S f—=———_ | uni. Violin Viole Callo Double Bass ‘©Copyright 1911 Novello & Company Limited for France, Spin, Mexico, Colombia and Cote d‘voire ‘All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Secured. Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner iMeaat tomake Snauthorized ops his opyrarh Theory Paper Grade 8 2013 Ss Duration 3 hours Candidates should answer all FIVE questions. Write your answers on this paper ~ no others will be accepted. ‘Answers must be written clearly and neatly - otherwise marks may be lost. 1 Complete the Mute parts in the following extract adapted from a trio sonata by Handel, (15) following the figuring shown under the basso continuo. Andante Flute 1 Flute 2 Basso continuo Scanned with CamScanner 2 Complete the given outline of the following passage, adapted from a piano piece by (75 Grechaninov (1864-1956). Note thatthe first half ofthe lefthand part isin the tebleaiee, Allegro moderato (©1997 Staines & Bel Li, London, England ‘wo staner eo Scanned with CamScanner a ee eT and for the given unaccompanied instrument, Continue in the same style and include 3. Compose a complete melody of not less than 12 bars using ONE of the following openings e_) appropriate performance directions. Write the complete melody on the staves below. i; = = | + - 5 A = pIpe jenn BASSOON, Allegretto out Sete Scanned with CamScanner — Andante con espressione po sempre ben marcato ed espres. la Melodia a tempo ae Scanned with CamScanner 4 Look at the extract printed opposite, which is from a piano piece, and then answer the (3 questions below (a) Give the meaning of sempre ben marcato ed espress. ® (b) Identify the chords marked + (and shaded) in bars 14 and 25 by writing on the dotted lines below. Use either words or symbols. Indicate the position of each chord, show whether it is major, minor, augmented or diminished, and name the prevailing key in bar 25. Bar 14 .. ~ oe Bar 25 .. Key .. © (©) Name two similarities and three differences between bars 1-2 and 19-20. Similarities 1 .... ® 2 a Differences 1 .. ® a o 3 ® (a) Mark clearly on the score, using the appropriate capital letter for identification, one example of each of the following, Aiso give the bar number of each of your answers. The first answer is given. In bars 9-20 A. aplace where the top note of the left-hand part sounds at a higher pitch than the lower note of the right-hand part (circle the notes concerned). Bar ..22... B anupward-resolving appoggiatura in the left-hand part that forms the harmonic interval of a compound diminished 6th with the top note of the right-hand part (circle the note concerned). Bar @ C the chord of a dominant 9th in root position (V’a) in the tonic key (circle the notes concerned). Bar .. @ D__aplace where the right-hand and left-hand parts simultaneously sound a note in unison (circle the notes concemed). Bar....... Q E _anote of anticipation in the left-hand part (circle the note concerned). Bar @ (©) From the list below, underline one period during which you think this extract was written. 1700-1800 1800-1900 11900-2000 a a Scanned with CamScanner 5 Look at the extract printed on pages 33-34, which is from a ballet, and then answer the (7 questions below. } —— () Give the meaning of: Sourdines (bar 2, horns) Cédez trés peu (bar 4) @ oe : a port. (portamento) (e.g. bar 4, second violins) 5 (b) (i) Write out the parts for horns in bars 2-4 as they would sound at concert pitch and using the given clefs. ) . (ii) Using the blank stave at the foot of page 34, write out the part for clarinet in bars 6-7 as it would sound at concert pitch. ® (©) Mark clearly on the score, using the appropriate capital letter for identification, one example of each of the following. Also give the bar number of each of your answers. The first answer is given. From bar 4 onwards A an instruction ina harp part to play a note using a harmonic. Bar B_ aharmonic interval of a minor 3rd between two of the same double-reed instruments (circle the notes concerned). Bar @ C aplace where the lower second violins and upper violas sound a bowed note in unison (circle the notes concerned). Bar ® (d) Describe fully the numbered and bracketed harmonic intervals sounding between: 1 violas and flute, bar 1 a 2 upper note of the cellos and cor anglais, bar 7 @ (©) From the list below, underline the name of the most likely composer of this extract and give two reasons for your choice. Beethoven Bizet Ravel Rossini 0 Reasons: 1 0 a) Scanned with CamScanner Lent auMouvt 7 Chdentets peu & “Sve Pu i Copyright ©1912 fitions Durand / Arima Corp. / Nordice BY. -Altighs served Reproduced by hind permission of MGB Hal aonard se Scanned with CamScanner der Prener ow eh Ss = ee =H elo ~ ; = oe rh a # — e > ” ? re = === - = > Se | = = == 7 ” ) i) bars 6-7 Scanned with CamScanner

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