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Reading and

Importance of Poetry
Poetry is so important because it helps us understand
and appreciate the world around us. Poetry’s strength
lies in its ability to shed a “sideways” light on the
world, so the truth sneaks up on you. No question
about it. Poetry teaches us how to live.
What can you see in the pictures?
FEAR by Corey Fauchon
Fear follows us,
Fear stalks us,
Fear controls us,
Fear is all we Think.
FEAR by Corey Fauchon
Fear sleeps with us,
Fear eats with us,
Fear surrounds us,
Fear is everywhere.
FEAR by Corey Fauchon
Fear can be stopped,
Fear can go away,
Fear is only an emotion,
Fear will be stopped.
FEAR by Corey Fauchon
Stopped by Love.
How can we see fear?

What is our reaction to fear?

How do people live with fear?

How do we surpass our fear?

How can love stop fear?

What are the 4 things you do to
fight you fear/s?
Using your outline, make a poem out of it.

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