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20 True/False questions

Definition Term 1 of 80
writing and publishing posts, at any length and time, on a blog graphics
such as Blogger®; typically in a chronological format



Definition Term 2 of 80
oral expression of language parts of interview



Definition Term 3 of 80
A pidgin language that evolves to the point at which it becomes emails
the primary language of the people who speak it



Definition Term 4 of 80
- know the purpose of the presentation
key concepts of media literacy
- know the audience

- gather information

- use a variety of resources

- do not forget to cite sources

- organize the information

- check technical issues

- be creative



Definition Term 5 of 80
A movie, animated graphic, or motion video clip. video



Definition Term 6 of 80
a computer based, interactive experience that incorporates extemporaneous speech
text, graphics, sound, video, and virtual reality.



Definition Term 7 of 80
-Know who you are presenting to, what their background is, and language varieties
what they care about


Definition Term 8 of 80
Interaction between and among individuals from the same diverse cultures
culture or co-culture



Definition Term 9 of 80
The part of the letter that contains the introductory greeting. salutation (in a letter)



Definition Term 10 of 80
resources available online regional dialect



Definition Term 11 of 80
given to expressing divergent or opposite views. argumentative



Definition Term 12 of 80
the way text and objects move on and off a slide during a slide salutation (in a letter)



Definition Term 13 of 80
books designed to teach subject matter textbooks



Definition Term 14 of 80
- contrast
Technical Issues
- use only one design and one color scheme

- avoid clutter

- avoid patterned an textured backgrounds

- use large font size (18 pts)

- don't use fancy fonts

- don't use more than two types of fonts

- avoid too much text

- use no more than 3 or 4 bullets per slide


Definition Term 15 of 80
drawings, pictures, or other illustrations inserted in a document graphics
to either explain data or enhance the appearance of text on a



Definition Term 16 of 80
Communicating in a relaxed manner such as with friends, family, informative communication
or via text message, and the use of personal pronouns and
slang are acceptable



Definition Term 17 of 80
- languages
Registers of Language
- dialects

- registers

- formal

- informal



Definition Term 18 of 80
an image of a real scene captured by a cameral and printed Language Register



Definition Term 19 of 80
communication between persons representing different nations International communication



Definition Term 20 of 80
A letter sent from one business or organization to another or to inquiry letter
an individual.



20 Multiple choice questions

Definition 21 of 80
the interpreting and sharing of meanings with individuals from different races

persuasive communication

interethnic communication

interracial communication

intercultural communication
Definition 22 of 80
the process of speaking with a purpose to a group of people in a relatively formal setting

formal language

Global Communication

Neutral language

public speaking

Definition 23 of 80
A face-to-face or telephone questioning of a respondent to obtain desired information.





Definition 24 of 80
-Provide closure


-See if they have any other questions or complaints

-Establish a plan

Reading from a manuscript

salutation (in a letter)

Conclusion of interview

low context communication

Definition 25 of 80
A presentation format that uses exactly 20 slides, and each slide is only viewed for 20 seconds. This format focuses on timing,
brevity, and practice.

written language

inquiry letter

formal language

Pecha Kucha

Definition 26 of 80
language used in particular prescribed formal circumstances

varieties of language

organizing information

salutation (in a letter)

ceremonial language
Definition 27 of 80
placed three to eight lines below the date line, usually contains the addressee's courtesy title plus full name, job title, business
affiliation, and full geographical address

Before the interview

business letter

inside address

written language

Definition 28 of 80
The search for information and explanation, often focusing on specific questions.

public speaking




Definition 29 of 80
can be the most important part of the interview what is said and done at that time sets the tone for the remainder of the interview

organizing information

Before the interview

opening of an interview

high context communication

Definition 30 of 80
- misuse if facts

- statistical fallacies

- defective testimony

- inappropriate evidence

Language Register

Before the interview

memorized speech

Defective Evidence
Definition 31 of 80
1) Heading: writers complete address, including date
2) Inside address: person's title and organizations address (if writing to an org.)

3) Salutation: if you know the reader's name use it if not use: Dear Sir or Dear Madam

4) Letter:

a. the beginning introduces the request

b. the middle provides details of the request

c. the ending expresses thanks

5) Complementary ending

6) Signature

Registers of Language

Business Letter margins

Business Letter Format

inquiry letter

Definition 32 of 80
A global network connecting millions of computers, making it possible to exchange information.

extemporaneous speech

business letter



Definition 33 of 80
a socially acquired system of sound patterns with meanings agreed on by the members of a group

american sign language

spoken language


written language

Definition 34 of 80
when a speaker commits an entire speech to memory and delivers with no notes in front of him/her

memorized speech

standard language

Neutral language

impromptu speech

Definition 35 of 80
communication advocating a particular side of an issue

persuasive communication

interethnic communication

International communication

intercultural communication
Definition 36 of 80
Formal to informal:
Dear Sir/Madam

Dear Mr Smith

Dear Ms Jones (Mrs is only used for married women who have expressed the desire to be addressed this way)

Dear Professor Jones

Dear John

Dear all

Hello John

Hi Jane

Always put some kind of greeting before a name.

Before the interview

salutations, greetings

Business Letter Format

low context communication

Definition 37 of 80
opening, exploration, closing

visually oriented

Purpose of Presentation

Format of letters

parts of interview

Definition 38 of 80
the closing or the farewell of the letter

complimentary close

public speaking

parts of interview

language varieties

Definition 39 of 80
Language opposite from emotive language as it is literal or even objective in nature.

standard language

regional dialect

ceremonial language

Neutral language
Definition 40 of 80
While this term generally means the written word, in the humanities it has come to mean any cultural product that can be "read" -
meaning not just consumed and comprehended, but investigated. This includes fiction, nonfiction, poetry, political cartoons, fine
art, photography, performances, fashion, cultural trends, and much more.


inside address



20 Matching questions

- custom navigation between slides, to other media and to the internet

A. diverse cultures 41-60 of 80

- can be made into hard copy printouts or transparencies

B. visually oriented
- can be uploaded to the web
C. written language

different forms of a language. differences in dialect, phonology, morphology, etc D. Before the interview

E. low context communication

paragraphs that state the nature of the correspondence
F. Registers of Language

G. body of the letter

the representation of a spoken or gestural language by means of a writing
system H. Dialect

I. key concepts of media

1. define the purpose of the interview

2. decide whom to interview

3. arrange the interview

J. During the interview
4. decide whether to record the interview

K. Special features of
5. prepare your questions
a carefully prepared and rehearsed speech that is presented from a brief set of
L. Different modalities use in
media presentations

- Media are constructions

M. inquiry letter

- media have social and political implications

N. language varieties
- each medium has a unique aesthetic form

- audiences negotiate meaning

O. Defective patterns of
- media have commercial implications reasoning

P. Purpose of Presentation
a particular form of a language that is peculiar to a specific region or social
Q. impromptu speech
R. high context communication

A style of communication in which much of the information is contained in the S. extemporaneous speech
contexts and nonverbal cues rather than expressed explicitly in words.
T. intercultural communication

Different backgrounds due to ethnic, religious, or other differences

- text

- graphics

- photographs

- audio

- animation

- video

communication that occurs in interactions between people who are culturally


A style of communication in which much of the information is conveyed in words

rather than in nonverbal cues and contexts.

report, explain, persuade, motivate

a speech delivered with little or no immediate preparation

Variation in language based on occasion and background

ex: slang, proper

- evidential fallacies

- flawed proofs

- detective arguments

A collection letter that attempts to determine the circumstances that are

preventing payment and asks for payment

1. Dress appropriately and be on time

2. Repeat the purpose of the interview

3. Set up the recorder, if you are using one

4. Keep the interview on track

5. Listen carefully

6. Don't overstay your welcome

to be engaged, stimulated, and/or learns best by what one sees.

20 Written questions

Definition 61 of 80
A mode of delivery in which the speaker first prepares a word-for-word copy of the speech.

Definition 62 of 80
(1978) ACSM Position Stand- stated the amount and type of physical activity needed. "Small amounts of exercise were no better
than being sedentary"

Definition 63 of 80
The use of television, satellites, computers and the internet to connect people and businesses worldwide.
Definition 64 of 80
Top=2 inches

Sides=1 inch

Bottom=1 inch

Definition 65 of 80
It refers to the interaction with individuals of different ethnic origins.

Definition 66 of 80
The form of a language used for official government business, education, and mass communications.

Definition 67 of 80
A Web log, which is a journal or newsletter that is updated frequently and published online.

Definition 68 of 80
- multimedia presentations are visually oriented

- they allow users to use different modalities

Definition 69 of 80
special words or expressions that are used by a particular profession or group and are difficult for others to understand.

Definition 70 of 80
Language that is used for a particular purpose or in a particular social setting ranging from formal to intimate.

Definition 71 of 80
of or relating to the sound that is heard on a recording or broadcast

Definition 72 of 80
communication that builds awareness or deepens understanding of some phenomena

Definition 73 of 80
- pure block

- semi-block

- modified block

Definition 74 of 80
Giving credit to someone or something when what you use is not your own original work.
Definition 75 of 80
a distinct form of a language spoken in a particular geographical area

Definition 76 of 80
Facilitates encoding of information into long-term memory as well

Definition 77 of 80
A form of speech that adopts a simplified grammar and limited vocabulary of a lingua franca, used for communications among
speakers of two different languages.

Definition 78 of 80
messages distributed by electronic means from one computer user to one or more recipients via a network.

Definition 79 of 80
Gives the address of the writer

Definition 80 of 80
the standard language of written communication, formal speeches, and presentations; may not use contractions or slang

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