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Module Overview
The Microsoft Dynamics® AX Sales Management module provides the tools to
analyze and report on sales, quotations, and sales force activities. This lets you
achieve opportunity management, pipeline analysis, and sales forecasts measured
against sales targets. It also provides activity-level analysis.

The main purpose of management statistics is to help executives and salespersons

monitor the sales process. Management statistics present sales statistics as a
graphic overview of actual sales, sales activities, and forecast sales opportunities in
the pipeline.

Management statistics are based on queries. The standard queries are based on
the following information:

• Sales orders
• Customer invoice journal
• Campaign
• Customer invoice lines
• Quotations
• Call list group

However, management statistics can be set up for many more records in the


The objectives are as follows:

• Reflect the sales organization by creating sales units.

• Define sales targets for the sales unit and sales personnel.
• Describe the graphical view that management statistics provides.

Sales and Marketing In Microsoft Dynamics® AX 2012

An experienced software consultant is implementing the Microsoft Dynamics AX
Sales Management module. It is the consultant's responsibility to create and
maintain sales units/teams and sales targets for customers in addition to using the
management statistics available in Microsoft Dynamics AX to monitor the ongoing
sales process. The consultant will monitor the following:

• Sales activities
• Expected turnover
• Defined sales targets
• Amount of activities per quotation
• A complete list of all sales activities
• Turnover for prospects

The Sales Unit

To conduct statistical analysis for sales by department, team, or individual
salesperson, you must group sales personnel into sales units.

A sales unit is a grouping of salespeople defined by an area of sales responsibility

such as the following:

• Geographical area
• Customer size
• Customer type

A sales unit in Microsoft Dynamics AX consists of a manager and a group of

salespeople and can include one or more sales subunits. Frequently, sales units
mirror a company's organization chart, but not always. Sometimes companies use
sales personnel from outside the company, for example, when an outside
consultant is hired to generate sales for large customer accounts. The consultant is
not a salesperson and does not appear in the Sales department's organizational
diagram, but the consultant's sales and revenue are measured for statistical
analysis. The consultant is added to a sales unit with some of the sales personnel
associated with large accounts.

Creating Sales Units

Creating sales units in Microsoft Dynamics AX is part of the setup of management

statistics. Sales personnel are added to sales units. It is easier for management to
set sales targets and monitor sales achievements if they can operate with sales
units on a larger scale.

Module 3: Sales Management
To view sales units, click Sales and Marketing > Setup > Sales management >
Sales unit/team.


• Filter the records displayed in the form by selecting filtering options

in the upper part of the form.
a. Display the three types of sales units - line, matrix, and project -
by selecting the desired organization type from the list in the
Show field.
b. Display only the active sales units by selecting the Show only
active option.
• Change the display from a grid to a tree control display by selecting
the Tree control option. It is easier to work with sales units when
they are displayed as a tree control.


Before you create a new sales unit, decide whether you will create a line, matrix, or
project organization and select the relevant display by filtering the Sales
unit/team form.

Sales and Marketing In Microsoft Dynamics® AX 2012
To create the new sales unit follow these steps:

1. Click Sales and Marketing > Setup > Sales management > Sales
2. Click New to create a new sales unit.
3. In the Sales unit field, type a name for the sales unit.
4. In the Parent ID field, select the appropriate parent sales unit, if
applicable, from the list.
5. In the Description field, type a description of the sales unit.
6. Select the Active option to enable the sales unit.
7. Close the form.

Note: Click the General tab to enter the Organization type. Once the sales
unit is created, use the Show field to view a specific organization type.

Demonstration: Create a Sales Unit/Team

This demonstration shows the process for creating a sales unit/team.

Your company decides to track sales to large customer accounts. Specific

employees will be a part of this Large Customer Accounts sales unit/team. It is
your job to create the Large Customer Accounts sales unit/team.

To create the sales unit/team, follow these steps:

1. Click Sales and Marketing > Setup > Sales management > Sales
2. Click New to create a new sales unit.
3. Type “Large Customers” in the Sales unit and “Large Customer
Accounts” in the Description field.
4. Select the Active option to enable the sales unit.
5. Close the form.

Module 3: Sales Management
Staffing the Sales Unit - Using the Sales Unit Designer

After a sales unit is created, attach the sales personnel to the sales unit and
designate a manager to the sales unit. Do this by opening the Sales unit designer
form by clicking Sales unit designer on the Sales unit/team form (Click Sales
and Marketing > Setup > Sales management > Sales unit/team > Sales unit


The Sales unit designer form consists of two areas, the Sales unit to the left and
the Employee list to the right side. Note that the button area is positioned on the
left side of the form.

The Sales unit area shows the sales unit selected when Sales unit designer was
clicked. The Employee area lists all the employees in Microsoft Dynamics AX.

Attach an Employee to the Sales Unit

To attach an employee to a sales unit, drag the employee from the Employee area
to the Sales unit area. A black line appears in the Sales unit area that displays
where the employee will be inserted.

You cannot drag an employee back to the employee area. If you want to remove
an employee from the sales unit, click Delete on the left.

Designate a Manager

Designate an employee as a manager of the sales unit by selecting the employee

in the Sales unit area and clicking Set manager. A sales unit can only have one
manager. The employee designated as sales unit manager has a different icon
associated with it.

Sales and Marketing In Microsoft Dynamics® AX 2012
Attach Secondary Members

If the employee is already a member of a sales unit, you can still attach the
employee to another sales unit. However, that relation is secondary. You are
prompted by a dialog box stating the employee is already a member of another
sales unit. The dialog box asks whether you want to add the employee as a
secondary member. The employee's primary relation is the first sales unit to which
the employee belongs.

Print the Sales Unit

To print the sales unit use File > Print.

View Overview of the Sales Unit

Use the Setup tab to view data about the sales unit. The fields on the tab are for
information only and cannot be edited.

Demonstration: Staffing the Sales Unit/Team

This demonstration shows the process for staffing the sales unit/team.

Your company decides to track sales to large accounts. Specific employees will be
a part of this Large Accounts sales unit/team. It is your job to staff the Large
Accounts sales unit/team.

To staff the sales unit/team follow these steps:

Note: You must complete the “Demonstration: Create a Sales Unit/Team” in

this lesson prior to starting this demonstration.

1. Click Sales and Marketing > Setup > Sales management > Sales
2. Click the Large Customer Accounts record in the Sales unit/team
3. Click Sales unit designer to open the Sales unit designer form.
4. Drag Daniel Roth, Daniel Durrer, and Arnie Mondloch to the Large
Accounts sales unit. To filter in the employee list, select an employee
and then press CTRL+G on your keyboard. This allows you to filter by
Personnel number, Worker name, and Title.
5. Click Daniel Roth in the Sales unit area of the Sales unit designer
form, and then click the Set sales unit manager icon.
6. Close the Sales unit designer form.

Module 3: Sales Management

Sales Targets
Sales Management requires a set of predefined targets to measure sales
achievements against, sales targets. The Sales and Marketing module lets you
define the sales targets for sales personnel.

The designation of sales targets uses a bottom-up approach, where the sales
target for each salesperson is set up. The sales target for the whole sales unit is the
sum of all members' sales targets. Sales targets are defined for periods defined by
the company. This forms the basis for graphic charts and reporting of actual sales
or quotations compared with sales targets for people or groups. A sales target is a
sales goal for the individual salesperson and for the sales unit in total.

Procedure: Set Up Periods for the Sales Organization

Before setting up sales targets, define the sales periods.

To set up the sales periods, follow these steps:

1. Click Organization administration > Common > Calendars >

Period types.
2. Click New to create a new period type.
3. Type an identifier in the Period type field.
4. Type an appropriate name in the Description field.
5. Select a frequency from the list in the Period frequency field.
6. Close the form.


Sales and Marketing In Microsoft Dynamics® AX 2012
Procedure: Generate Periods

After you set up periods for your organization, use the Generate periods form to
generate periods for a new period type or to create a new interval for an existing
period code.

To generate periods follow these steps:

1. Click Organization administration > Common > Calendars >

Period types.
2. Select a period type.
3. Click Generate periods. The Generate periods form is displayed.
4. Verify that the Update worker periods check box is selected.
5. Enter a date in the Specify start date of the period field. If a period
already exists for this period code, a suggested start date is displayed
that continues from the existing period.

Note: Periods always start at the beginning of a period unit, such as the
start of a week or month.

6. Type a number in the Length of period field. The entry made in this
field creates the entered number of unit periods. For example, an
entry of 12 in this field together with Month as the unit creates 12
7. Click OK to generate the periods or Cancel to go back to the Periods


Module 3: Sales Management
Procedure: View Period Transactions and Split Periods

To view period statuses and split periods follow these steps:

1. Click Organization administration > Common > Calendars >

Period types.
2. Select a period type.
3. Click Periods in the Action Pane.
4. Select a period.
5. Click Period status, and then click the Overview tab to view the end
dates, worker for the period, and the last date that transactions were
posted to the period. The General and Utilization tabs provide more
information about the status of the period.
6. Close the Period status form.
7. Click Split period to split a period. A dialog box appears where the
split date may be entered or selected from a calendar.
8. Click OK to split the period or Cancel to return to the Period
transactions form.

Setting Sales Targets

The values entered in the Sales target form can be considered the sales unit and
the sales personnel key financial indicators. The Sales target form has a tree view
area to the left of the form where you can select the sales unit or salesperson to
view and set sales targets. The right side of the form contains information about
the individual sales personnel.

To set up sales targets follow these steps:

1. Click Sales and Marketing > Periodic > Sales management > Sales
2. In the Sales target form, expand a Sales unit and select an
employee. Highlight a record in the Overview tab, and select File >
New to create a new record.
3. Enter a Date and an Amount.

Sales and Marketing In Microsoft Dynamics® AX 2012
4. Click Period view to display the sales targets and the actual sales per
period for the active employee or sales unit.


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Module 3: Sales Management

Lab 3.1: Creating Sales Units and Targets


Scenario: The Global Trade & Manufacturing Company has a new sales team that
handles special projects for the City Power & Light company. You decide to call
your team Special Projects.

Julie Funderburk, David Johnson, and David Simpson are appointed to the team.
Julie is appointed sales manager for this team but everybody has the same sales
targets for the three month project. Your monthly targets are as follows:

• October - $5,000
• November - $7,500
• December - $17,500

Challenge Yourself

Create the sales unit, add the employees to the unit, designate the manager, and
enter sales targets for the project.

Need a Little Help?

1. Click the Sales unit/team form by following the menu path Sales
and marketing > Setup > Sales management > Sales unit/team.
2. Create the sales unit Special Projects.
3. Add the appropriate employees, and designate the manager.
4. Open the Sales target form by following the menu path Sales and
marketing > Periodic > Sales management > Sales target.
5. Enter the monthly sales targets for 2006.

Step by Step

Step-by-Step Instructions

Create the Sales Unit

1. Click Sales and marketing > Setup > Sales management > Sales
2. Click New to create a new record.
3. In the Sales unit field, type “Special Projects”.
4. In the Description field, type “Team for special projects”.
5. Select the Active option.

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Sales and Marketing In Microsoft Dynamics® AX 2012
6. Click Sales unit designer. Make sure Special Projects is selected when
you do this.
7. Drag Julia Funderburk, David Johnson, and David Simpson to the
Sales unit side of the form.
8. When you drag the workers in step 7, you will receive a dialog box
giving you information about the worker. Click Yes in the dialog box
for each worker.
9. Click Julia Funderburk, and then click the Set sales unit manager
icon in the Sales unit area.
10. Close the form.

Set the Sales Targets

1. Click Sales and marketing > Periodic > Sales management > Sales
2. Double-click the Special Projects sales unit, and then click Julia
3. Click in the white space of the Overview tab, and then click File >
New to create a new record.
4. In the Date field, enter 10/1/2006.
5. In the Amount field, enter 5000.
6. Repeat steps 2 - 5 for the remaining months by using the data in the
7. Double-click the Special Projects sales unit, and then click David
8. Click in the white space of the Overview tab, and then click File >
New to create a new record.
9. In the Date field, enter 10/1/2006.
10. In the Amount field, enter 5000.
11. Repeat steps 7- 10 for the remaining months using the data in the
12. Double-click the Special Projects sales unit, and then click David
13. Click in the white space of the Overview tab, and then click File >
New to create a new record.
14. In the Date field, enter 10/1/2006.
15. In the Amount field, enter 5000.
16. Repeat steps 12- 15 for the remaining months using the data in the
17. Close the form.

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Module 3: Sales Management

Management Statistics
The main purpose of Microsoft Dynamics AX management statistics is to help
executives, sales managers, and sales personnel monitor the ongoing sales
process. However, management statistics is not limited to data that is entered in
the Sales and Marketing module. Management statistics presents data available
from Microsoft Dynamics AX as a graphic overview.

Management statistic records are available only to the person who created the
records. So your management statistics are not available to other users. You only
have access to your management statistic records. This gives you a better
overview of your data analysis work. This also provides for more security because
the data available to users can vary widely across the company.

The Query Administration Form

To generate graphs for management statistics, define the tables and the graphs as

1. Click Sales and Marketing > Setup > Sales management > Query
2. Click Create default data to populate the Query administration
form for the first time. The tables, allowed fields, and allowed
methods are created from the default data. To generate a graph for
data that is not part of the default data, manually create the query
administration record and select the desired table, allowed fields, and
allowed methods.
3. Click Allowed fields to view the fields that are set up for graphing. If
the field that you want to use is not defined, you can add it manually
by clicking New.

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4. Click Allowed methods to view the methods that are set up for
graphing. If the method that you want to use is not defined, you can
add it manually by clicking New.


The Sales representative field name and the Sales unit field name are used for
the query definition on the Management statistics form. For example, suppose
the base table of a graph is the SalesTable and the Sales representative field
name is set to SalesResponsible. When a graph is generated from the
Management statistics form, the data displayed on the graph will only show the
sales orders for which the specified sales representative was responsible.

The Management Statistics Form

The Management statistics form lets the user search criteria for sales and create
a graphical view of the information. To create a graph using sales statistics follow
these steps:

1. Click Sales and marketing > Periodic > Sales management >
Management statistics.
2. Click New to create a new record.
3. Enter the Version.
4. Click the General tab.
5. In the Criteria field group, select the options desired. Note that the
options to the right side of the Criteria field change as different
options are selected.

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Module 3: Sales Management
6. In the Category field, select from the list. Notice that the options in
the Views field change, depending on the category selection.
7. Make your desired selections for the remaining fields: From date, To
Date, X axis, Unit, and Length of period.
8. Create queries for the graph by either importing the default queries
using Functions or by creating your own using Queries.
9. Click Calculate. Leave All and Keep intervals selected. The All check
box indicates that the graph runs against all the default queries. The
Keep intervals check box lets you keep the intervals that you created
at some point in the past. Recalculating the data with Keep intervals
selected recalculates the data and puts the new data in the previously
created intervals.
10. Click Graph. A graph is displayed for the data parameters that you
have specified.

Note: Click Data editor to view the data that will be used for the graph.


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Sales and Marketing In Microsoft Dynamics® AX 2012
Category Selections

The Category in the Management statistics form determines which aspect of

management statistics are displayed as a graph.

Select from the following categories:

• Sales and quotations

• Transaction log
• Prospect
• Products
• Campaign
• Telemarketing
• Custom

Sales and Quotations

After Sales and quotations are selected as the Category, the following Views are

• Order vs. target: Use the Order vs. target view for actual sales
compared with the sales targets. It shows the accumulated amount of
invoiced sales orders and not invoiced sales orders compared to sales
target. The Order vs. target functionality is limited to periods in full
months and based on these queries:
a. Data extracted from the sales target table.
b. Data from the sales table of type invoiced. The actual values are
from the underlying invoice table to make sure that data is fully
c. Data from the sales table which are still open.
The filter depends on the date interval and selections on the
employee or sales unit. The filter is limited to the date and the
employee limitations where the date is the invoice date for query
two and the created date for query three and the employee is
limited on the Sales responsible field. Selection of organizations
is limited on the Sales unit field.
• Possibility vs. target: Use the Possibility vs. target view for a
forecast of the sales opportunities compared to the sales targets. It
shows the accumulated amount of invoiced sales orders, non-
invoiced sales orders, and project revenue compared to sales targets.
It also shows the total of all quotation dollars. The Possibility vs. target
functionality is limited to periods in full months and based on these
a. Data extracted from the sales target table.

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Module 3: Sales Management
b. Data from the sales table of type invoiced. The actual values are
from the underlying invoice table to make sure that data is fully
c. Records from the sales table which are still open.
d. Records from the quotation table which are in process.
The filter depends on the date interval and selections on the
employee or sales unit. The filter is limited to the date and the
employee limitations where the date is the invoice date for query
two and the created date for query three and four and the
employee is limited on the Sales responsible field. Selection of
organizations is limited on the Sales unit field.
• Purchase frequency: Use this graph to monitor purchase frequencies
for customers. The Purchase frequency functionality is based on two
queries: one on the sales order table limited to invoiced orders and
one on the quotation table limited to quotations that are in process.
The filter is limited to date and employee limitations where the date is
the invoice date for query one and the created date for query two.
The employee is limited on the Sales responsible field. Selection of
organizations is limited on the Sales unit field.
• Quotation Status: Use this graph to monitor statuses of sales
• Sales responsible: Use this graph to see the worker responsible for
specific sales in the organization.
• Sales Unit: Use this graph to compare and contrast sales unit

Transaction Log

After Transaction log is selected as the Category, the following Views are

• New transactions: Use the New transactions view for all Sales and
Marketing objects that are created in the selected period.
• Transaction updates: Use the Transaction update view for all Sales
and Marketing objects updated in the selected period.
• All transactions: Use the All transactions view for all Sales and
Marketing objects that are created or updated in the selected period.
• Activity types: Use the Activity types view as an activity-level
report. It shows all Sales and Marketing activities modified for the
selected salesperson or sales unit in the selected period.
• Transaction deletes: Use the Transaction deletes view for all Sales
and Marketing objects deleted in the selected period.

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Sales and Marketing In Microsoft Dynamics® AX 2012

Note: The Transaction log category only works if it is enabled in the

Parameters form.


After Prospect is selected as the Category, the following Views are available:

• Customer top ten: Use this graph to view the top 10 business
relations. The Customer top ten functionality is based on the sales
table (invoiced sales orders) with associated lines and invoice line
journal. It limits the number of found invoiced customers to 10 based
on the 10 highest of the selected data.
• New prospects: Use this graph to view the number of new prospects
obtained in the selected period. You can view only new customers
and vendors or view other prospect types. The other prospects refer
to all other prospects types set up in the Prospects form. The New
prospects functionality is based on three queries with only a count
and average option that is based on the custTable, vendTable, and
• Recently invoiced: Use this graph to monitor the recently invoiced
values in addition to which customer has made a purchase in the
defined period. The Recently invoiced functionality is based on the
invoiced date as presented on the custInvoiceJour table, finding the
10 most recently invoiced sales orders. You can select the type of data
that is required in return.
• Specific customer: Select a business relation in the Customer
account field to see the total invoiced amount for that customer in
the defined period. The Specific customer functionality focuses on the
custInvoiceJour as attached to the SalesTable. The interval is a date
interval. The default returned value is the revenue excluding tax.


After Products is selected as the Category, the following Views are available:

• Item top ten: Use this graph to view the 10 most purchased items in
a defined period. The Item top ten functionality is based on the
CustInvoiceTrans table grouping by ItemId. The results are the 10
most highly rated of requested data.
• Item group top ten: Use this graph to view the top 10 most
purchased item groups in a defined period. The Item group top ten
functionality is based on the CustInvoiceTrans table grouping by item
group and from the resulting recordset returns the 10 most highly
rated requested data.

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Module 3: Sales Management

After Campaigns is selected as the Category, the following Views are available:

• Campaign ROI: Use this graph to view the invoiced sales order
amount minus direct cost for the campaigns in a defined period. The
Campaign ROI functionality depends on an active project license key
and depends completely on the methods supplied by the project
team in relation to income and expense on the different project
income and expense types. The query is based on the campaign table
where a project ID is mandatory. You can return values on hour, cost,
revenue, and items limited by a date interval which incorporates work
in process (WIP).
• Campaign response frequency: Use this graph to view the response
frequency for the campaigns in a defined period. The Campaign
response frequency is based on a query that uses the campaign and
campaign selection tables where two sets of records are extracted: the
total responded and the total number of targets.


After Telemarketing is selected as the Category, the following Views are


• Telemarketing response: Use this graph to monitor the number of

responses for the telemarketing activities in a defined period. The
Telemarketing response functionality is based on two queries on the
smmTMCallListTable: one that contains all targets and another that
contains targets that responded.
• Call list statistics: Use Select on the Queries form to specify the call
list for which you want the details. The graph shows the number of
calls with the different statuses: Number of targets, number of
responses, open calls, number of quotations, and number of sales
orders. The functionality is based on five queries that are based on
the smmTMCallListTable where the status is as follows:
a. All - Number of call list targets
b. Positive responses
c. Not responded
d. Status=call back
e. Status=cancelled
Two other queries are used:
f. Quotation created
g. Call list created

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Sales and Marketing In Microsoft Dynamics® AX 2012
• Sales and quotations value: Select the call list for which you want to
display the sales statistics from the list in the Call List ID field. Each
column in the graph represents a different call status. The Sales and
quotation value functionality is based on two queries: one based on
the quotation table and one on the sales order table. Both focus on
records where there is a value in the Call list Id field and present total
revenue excluding tax.

Buttons on the Management Statistics Form

• Queries: Lets users create queries to run a graph against.

• Data editor: Opens the Date editor form so user can view the data
that is calculated based on the queries.
• Calculate: Retrieves the data for the graph. Do this before you
display the graph. The calculation can be run on all queries available
for the graph or for a specific query.
• Graph: Displays the graph.
• Functions: There are two options for the Functions button, Copy
version and Import default query. Copy version creates a copy of
an existing management statistics record. The Import default query
imports default queries created for a specified category and view.

Procedure: Creating a Query for Management Statistics

The following steps detail how to create a query for management statistics.

1. In the Management statistics form, click Queries. This opens the

Queries form.
2. Click New to create a new record, and enter the query name.

Note: The query name must be entered before you select the primary table

3. Select the primary table for the query.

4. Specify if the return value for the graph is a field or a method in
5. Select the field or method in the Name field. This is the information
that appears on the Y axis.
6. Select how the information that you are graphing on the Y axis will be
grouped in the Return value field, for example, a count of quotation

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Module 3: Sales Management
7. Select the Date field that is used for retrieving records to display in
the graph. If the Created Date field is selected, when the graph runs
the records that the graph displays it will have a created date value
that is in the range entered in the From date and To date fields on
the General tab of the Management statistics form. This is optional.
8. Select how the data is grouped in the X axis field.
9. To additionally define the query, click Select on the Queries form.
This opens the Inquiry form. You can enter additional query
information such as quotations with a due date in a specified date
10. Close the Queries form.


The User Interface

When the Graph button is selected, a graph is displayed that shows the selected
elements. There are several options available for editing with the graphical display
and the graph's layout and appearance. These options are found in the form's
toolbar. Most of these options are familiar Microsoft® Windows® type options.
Some options include the following:

• Chart Select: Changes how the graph is displayed. For example, this
may be a pie graph or bar chart.
• Palette Select: Changes the colors of the graph.
• Rotated view: Rotates the view of the graph.
• Dimensions: Changes dimensions on the graph.
• Cluster: Clusters the data on the graph.

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Demonstration: Creating a Management Statistics Graph

Demonstration - Creating a Management Statistics Graph

This demonstration shows the process for creating a management statistics graph.

It is your job to create a graph displaying sales quotations for sales unit 10.

To create the management statistics graph, follow these steps:

1. Click Sales and marketing > Periodic > Sales management >
Management statistics.
2. Click New to create a new record.
3. In the Version field, type "Prognosis".
4. Click the General tab.
5. Select Sales unit for the Criteria field.
6. Expand the 100 Sales unit.
7. Select 10 for the Sales unit field.
8. Leave the Category as Sales and quotations.
9. Select Other in field X Axis and Quotation status for the Views.
10. Click Functions, and select Import default query and Close the
11. Click Calculate. This opens the Select query for Calculation form.
12. Click OK.
13. Click Date Editor to view the data. This is optional.
14. Click Graph on the Management statistics form. This opens the
Select query for showing on graph form.

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Module 3: Sales Management
15. Click OK. The Graph form opens with graphs that resemble the


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Note that if you hold the pointer over a bar on the graph, it will show the exact
value of the data.


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Module 3: Sales Management

Module Review
Module Review and Takeaways

With the Sales Management module, you can create and maintain sales
organizations in the Microsoft Dynamics AX system. Features in the system enable
users to display a graphical representation of sales information and use tools to
analyze sales statistics. These statistics are very important to managers as they
provide the historical information needed to help the managers make decisions
about future sales efforts.

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Test Your Knowledge

Test your knowledge with the following questions.

1. How many sales units/teams can an employee be the manager of?

( ) None, sales units/teams do not have sales managers

( ) Only one sales unit/team

( ) Two sales units/teams

( ) As many as you want

2. Which of the following statements is true?

( ) To attach an employee to a sales unit/team, drag the employee from

the Employee area to the Sales unit area.

( ) Before you set up periods for your organization, use the Generate
periods form to generate period types.

( ) Creating sales units/teams is not a necessary part of the setup for

management statistics.

( ) If you added an employee to the sales unit/team by mistake, drag the

employee back to the employee area.

3. What set of predefined targets does Sales Management require you to have
to measure sales achievements against?

( ) Sales goals

( ) Sales budgets

( ) Periods

( ) Sales units

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Module 3: Sales Management
4. What is the main purpose of Microsoft Dynamics AX management statistics?

( ) Provide help to sales managers and sales personnel to view activities

related to quotes.

( ) Provide help for executives, sales managers, and sales personnel to

monitor the ongoing sales process.

( ) Provide help to executives, sales managers, and sales personnel to

monitor responses to telemarketing.

( ) Provide help to executives to establish budgets.

5. What overview of sales data does management statistics provide?

( ) Report overview

( ) Comma-delimited (CSV) file

( ) Word document

( ) Graphical overview

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Sales and Marketing In Microsoft Dynamics® AX 2012

Test Your Knowledge Solutions

1. How many sales units/teams can an employee be the manager of?

( ) None, sales units/teams do not have sales managers

(√) Only one sales unit/team

( ) Two sales units/teams

( ) As many as you want

2. Which of the following statements is true?

(√) To attach an employee to a sales unit/team, drag the employee from

the Employee area to the Sales unit area.

( ) Before you set up periods for your organization, use the Generate
periods form to generate period types.

( ) Creating sales units/teams is not a necessary part of the setup for

management statistics.

( ) If you added an employee to the sales unit/team by mistake, drag the

employee back to the employee area.

3. What set of predefined targets does Sales Management require you to have
to measure sales achievements against?

( ) Sales goals

(√) Sales budgets

( ) Periods

( ) Sales units

4. What is the main purpose of Microsoft Dynamics AX management statistics?

( ) Provide help to sales managers and sales personnel to view activities

related to quotes.

(√) Provide help for executives, sales managers, and sales personnel to
monitor the ongoing sales process.

( ) Provide help to executives, sales managers, and sales personnel to

monitor responses to telemarketing.

( ) Provide help to executives to establish budgets.

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Module 3: Sales Management
5. What overview of sales data does management statistics provide?

( ) Report overview

( ) Comma-delimited (CSV) file

( ) Word document

(√) Graphical overview

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Sales and Marketing In Microsoft Dynamics® AX 2012

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