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The Project

Your Role is a grade 7 student who would like to inspire teenagers through something
that you like to do or your hobby during and after pandemic Situation
Your project is to create a Goal then do three actions, create min. three postings for

each action, in three weeks

At the end of the project, you should share this to three people and that three
people will follow what you do in three postings

Topic: Used oil is bad to our environments
Goal: To inform people the danger of cooking oils and how to treat the oils after
being used
Follow up: To have three people collect the cooking oil after being used
The Actions Posting 1 Posting 2 Posting 3

Week 1: To First Posting: the Second Posting: the Third Posting: They
create three explanation of used explanation about can also hamper the
postings oils can clog the used oils can destroy reproduction rate of
about the sinking tap the soil plants and animals

danger of
used cooking
oil to the land
Week 2: First posting: After Second posting: After Third posting: After
Steps to cooking, if only small cooking, large amount cooking, large
collect oils amount of oil, rub of oil only, collect in amount of oil and
that is safe to with tissue or cloth the bottle and cool it in grease, collect in
environments refrigerate for recycle the container
Week 3: To First Posting: First Second Posting: Third Posting:
ask people to person shows that Second person shows Third person shows
treat used she/he collect the that she/he collect the that she/he collect
cooking oils used cooking oil used cooking oil the used cooking oil
Please complete the table below:
Name: Abhiseka Ragil Anabrang
Topic: Why biking is good for your health
Goal: To encourage people to ride a bike at least once a week
Follow up: To have three people ride a bike during weekends
The Actions Posting 1 Posting 2 Posting 3

Week 1: To give Explanation of why you Explanation about is Explanation how

people reasons need to bike more often biking making you does it makes
why you need (find 1 resource to back healthy/in shape you or doesn’t
to ride a bike me up) make you
Week 2: Riding bike in a small Riding in a medium The same thing
To show area (Track) area (track) but in larger
“demonstration” track
A.K.A Riding
Week 3: To ask The first person riding The Second person The last person
people to ride a bike and telling people riding bike and riding bike and
bike why we need to riding telling people why telling people
bike more often we need to riding why we need to
bike more often can riding bike more
be healthy often how can
you do it with

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